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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_us_mmref_local_xml AS
2 /*REM $Header: payusw2mmref1xml.pkb 120.3.12020000.1 2012/06/28 16:39:10 appldev ship $
3 REM +======================================================================+
4 REM |                Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                 |
5 REM |                   Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
6 REM |                        All rights reserved.                          |
7 REM +======================================================================+
8 REM Name
9 REM	   pay_us_mmref_local_xml
10 REM File
11 REM           payusw2mmref1xml.pkb
12 REM
13 REM  Purpose
14 REM
15 REM    The purpose of this package is to support the generation of XML for the process
16 REM    Local W-2 Generic MMREF-1. This package includes all the cursors, procedures and functions
17 REM    used to comply with the payroll CORE multi-thtread enhancement architecture.
18 REM
19 REM    Currently this is not meant for any specific locality magnetic tape.
20 REM
21 REM  Notes
22 REM    The generation of each magnetic tape report is a two stage process i.e.
23 REM    1.  Check if the year end pre-processor has been run for all the GREs. If not, then error
24 REM         out without processing further.
25 REM    2.  Create a payroll action for the report. Identify all the assignments to be reported and record
26 REM         an assignment action against the payroll action for each one of them.
27 REM    3.  Run the "Local W-2 Generic MMREF-1 XML" process to use this package.
28 REM
29 REM Change History
30 REM ============================================================================
31 REM 07-NOV-2006   PPANDA     115.0                        Initial Version Created
32 REM 02-JAN-2009   SVANNIAN   115.1                        Changed the action creation cursor to pick up Employees with SD Taxes.
33 REM ============================================================================
34 REM
35 */
36 --
37 -- Global Variables
38 --
39     g_proc_name     varchar2(240);
40     g_debug         boolean;
41     g_document_type varchar2(50);
43   /****************************************************************************
44     Name        : HR_UTILITY_TRACE
45     Description : This procedure prints debug messages.
46   *****************************************************************************/
49   (
50       P_TRC_DATA  varchar2
51   ) AS
53     IF g_debug THEN
54         hr_utility.trace(p_trc_data);
55     END IF;
58 /*
59   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60   --   Name       : bal_db_item
61   --   Purpose    : Given the name of a balance DB item as would be seen in a
62   --                     fast formula it returns the defined_balance_id of the balance it represents.
63   --   Arguments
64   --       INPUT:			p_db_item_name
65   --       RETURNS :		l_defined_balance_id
66   --   Notes
67   --                A defined_balance_id is required by the PLSQL balance function.
68   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 */
70 FUNCTION bal_db_item       (
71                                                 p_db_item_name VARCHAR2
72                                               ) RETURN NUMBER IS
73 	-- Get the defined_balance_id for the specified balance DB item.
74 	CURSOR csr_defined_balance IS
75 	  SELECT TO_NUMBER(UE.creator_id)
76 	    FROM ff_database_items DI,
77 	               ff_user_entities UE
78 	   WHERE DI.user_name			= p_db_item_name
79 	        AND UE.user_entity_id		= DI.user_entity_id
80 	        AND UE.creator_type		= 'B'
81                 AND UE.legislation_code		= 'US';
83 	l_defined_balance_id  pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%TYPE;
85 	hr_utility.set_location
86 	           ('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.bal_db_item - opening cursor', 10);
87         -- Open the cursor
88 	OPEN csr_defined_balance;
89         -- Fetch the value
90 	FETCH  csr_defined_balance
91            INTO  l_defined_balance_id;
92  	IF csr_defined_balance%NOTFOUND THEN
93 		CLOSE csr_defined_balance;
94 		hr_utility.set_location
95 		('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.bal_db_item - no rows found from cursor', 20);
96 		hr_utility.raise_error;
97 	ELSE
98 		hr_utility.set_location
99 		('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.bal_db_item - fetched from cursor', 30);
100 		CLOSE csr_defined_balance;
101 	END IF;
102         -- Return the value to the call
103 	RETURN (l_defined_balance_id);
104 END bal_db_item;
106  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107    -- Name:       get_report_parameters
108    -- Purpose
109    --                 The procedure gets the 'parameter' for which the report is being
110    --                  run i.e., the period, state and business organization.
111    -- Arguments
112    --   p_year_start		Start Date of the period for which the report
113    --					has been requested
114    --   p_year_end		End date of the period
115    --   p_business_group_id	Business group for which the report is being run
116    --   p_state_abbrev		Two digit state abbreviation (or 'FED' for federal
117    --					report)
118    --   p_state_code		State code (NULL for federal)
119    --   p_report_type		W2_LOCAL_XML
120    --
121    --   p_locality_code		This parameter will have the jurisdiction
122    --
123    -- Notes
124  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
125         PROCEDURE get_report_parameters
126 	(	p_pactid    			IN		NUMBER,
127 		p_year_start			IN OUT	NOCOPY DATE,
128 		p_year_end			IN OUT	NOCOPY DATE,
129 		p_state_abbrev			IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
130 		p_state_code			IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
131 		p_report_type			IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
132 		p_business_group_id	IN OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
133 		p_locality_code         IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
134 	) IS
135 		l_state_code				varchar2(200);
136 	BEGIN
137 		hr_utility.set_location
138 				('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_report_parameters', 10);
139 		hr_utility.trace('Payroll_Action_Id '|| to_char(p_pactid));
140 		SELECT  ppa.start_date,
141 		   	        ppa.effective_date,
142 		  	        ppa.business_group_id,
143 				 pay_us_get_item_data_pkg.GET_CPROG_PARAMETER_VALUE(ppa.payroll_action_id,
144 																	'TRANSFER_STATE'),
145 		  	        ppa.report_type,
146                                 pay_us_get_item_data_pkg.GET_CPROG_PARAMETER_VALUE(ppa.payroll_action_id,
147 																	'LC')
148 		  INTO  p_year_start,
149                              p_year_end,
150 			     p_business_group_id,
151 			     p_state_abbrev,
152 			     p_report_type,
153                              p_locality_code
154                  FROM  pay_payroll_actions	ppa
155 	       WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id =  p_pactid;
156 	       --
157                 select state_code into l_state_code
158 		 from pay_us_states pus
159 		where pus.state_abbrev = p_state_abbrev;
161 		p_state_code := l_state_code;
163 	       /*
164 		if p_locality_code = 'NULL' then
165 		   p_locality_code := l_state_code||'000-0000';
166 		end if;
167                 */
168 		hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_report_parameters', 15);
169 		hr_utility.trace('Parameter Values ');
170 		hr_utility.trace('Year Start			'|| to_char(p_year_start,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
171 		hr_utility.trace('Year End			'|| to_char(p_year_end,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
172 		hr_utility.trace('Business Group Id	'|| to_char(p_business_group_id));
173 		hr_utility.trace('p_state_abbrev		'|| p_state_abbrev);
174 		hr_utility.trace('p_state_code		'|| p_state_code);
175 		hr_utility.trace('p_report_type		'|| p_report_type);
176 		hr_utility.trace('p_locality_code		'|| p_locality_code);
177 		hr_utility.set_location
178                               ('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_report_parameters', 40);
179         EXCEPTION
181 		hr_utility.trace('get_report_parameters procedure Raised Exception  ');
182 		hr_utility.trace('ERROR '||substr(SQLERRM,1,40));
183 		hr_utility.trace(substr(SQLERRM,41,90));
184 	END get_report_parameters;
186         -------------------------------------------------------------------------
187         --  Name     :  get_balance_value
188         --
189         --Purpose
190         --  Get the value of the specified balance item
191         --Arguments
192         --  p_balance_name 			Name of the balnce
193         --  p_tax_unit_id			GRE name for the context
194         --  p_state_code			State for context
195         --  p_assignment_id			Assignment for whom the balance is to be
196         --					        retrieved
197         --  p_effective_date			effective_date
198         --Note
199         --  This procedure set is a wrapper for setting the GRE/Jurisdiction context
200         --  needed by the pay_balance_pkg.get_value to get the actual balance
201         -------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 	FUNCTION get_balance_value (
203 		            p_balance_name	VARCHAR2,
204 		            p_tax_unit_id	NUMBER,
205 		            p_state_abbrev	VARCHAR2,
206 		            p_assignment_id	NUMBER,
207 		            p_effective_date	DATE
209 		l_jurisdiction_code		VARCHAR2(20);
210 	BEGIN
211 	  hr_utility.set_location
212 		('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_balance_value', 10);
213 	  pay_balance_pkg.set_context('TAX_UNIT_ID', p_tax_unit_id);
214 	  IF p_state_abbrev <> 'FED' THEN
215 			SELECT jurisdiction_code
216 			    INTO l_jurisdiction_code
217 			  FROM pay_state_rules
218 		       WHERE state_code = p_state_abbrev;
219      			hr_utility.set_location
220 			              ('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_balance_value', 15);
221 			pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE', l_jurisdiction_code);
222 	  END IF;
223 	  hr_utility.trace(p_balance_name);
224 	  hr_utility.trace('Context');
225 	  hr_utility.trace('Tax Unit Id:	'|| p_tax_unit_id);
226 	  hr_utility.trace('Jurisdiction:	'|| l_jurisdiction_code);
227 	  hr_utility.set_location
228 	                      ('pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_balance_value', 20);
229 	  RETURN pay_balance_pkg.get_value(bal_db_item(p_balance_name),
230 			                                            p_assignment_id,
231 								    p_effective_date);
232 	END get_balance_value;
234   /****************************************************************************
235     Name        : RANGE_CURSOR
236     Description : This procedure prepares range of persons to be processed for process
237                         Local YearEnd Interface Extract. This procedure defines a SQL statement
238                         to fetch all the people to be included in the generic XML extract. This SQL
239 			statement is  used to define the 'chunks' for multi-threaded operation
240   Arguments
241       p_pactid	payroll action id for the report
242       p_sqlstr	the SQL statement to fetch the people
243   *****************************************************************************/
245 PROCEDURE range_cursor ( 	p_pactid	IN	NUMBER,
246                                                 p_sqlstr	OUT	nocopy VARCHAR2
247                                             )
248 IS
249 	p_year_start			DATE;
250 	p_year_end			DATE;
251 	p_business_group_id		NUMBER;
252 	p_state_abbrev			VARCHAR2(200);
253 	p_state_code			VARCHAR2(200);
254 	p_report_type			VARCHAR2(200);
255         p_locality_code                 VARCHAR2(200);
257        -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'LOCALXML');
258 	hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.range_cursor', 10);
260 	get_report_parameters( p_pactid,
261 		                            p_year_start,
262 		                            p_year_end,
263 		                            p_state_abbrev,
264 		                            p_state_code,
265 		                            p_report_type,
266 		                            p_business_group_id,
267                                             p_locality_code
268 	);
269 	hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.range_cursor', 20);
272 	IF p_report_type = 'W2_MAG_XML' THEN
273 			p_sqlstr := '
274                             SELECT DISTINCT
275                                            to_number(paa.serial_number)
276                               FROM ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
277                                          ff_archive_items fai,
278                                          ff_database_items fdi,
279                                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
280                                          pay_payroll_actions ppa,
281                                          per_all_assignments_f  paf,
282                                          pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
283 					 pay_us_states         pus
284                              WHERE  ppa1.payroll_action_id		= :payroll_action_id
285 			           AND ppa.business_group_id+0	= ppa1.business_group_id
286                                    AND ppa1.effective_date		= ppa.effective_date
287                                    AND ppa.report_type			= ''YREND''
288                                    AND ppa.payroll_action_id		= paa.payroll_action_id
289                                    AND paf.assignment_id			= paa.assignment_id
290                                    AND paf.assignment_type		= ''E''
291                                    AND fdi.user_name			= ''A_STATE_ABBREV''
292                                    AND fdi.user_entity_id			= fai.user_entity_id
293                                    AND fai.archive_item_id		= faic.archive_item_id
294                                    AND fai.context1				= paa.assignment_action_id
295 				   AND pus.STATE_ABBREV		= pay_us_get_item_data_pkg.GET_CPROG_PARAMETER_VALUE(ppa1.payroll_action_id,
296 																			''TRANSFER_STATE'')
297                                    AND fai.value				= pus.STATE_ABBREV
298                                    AND paf.effective_start_date		<= ppa.effective_date
299                                    AND paf.effective_end_date		>= ppa.start_date
300                                    AND paa.action_status			= ''C''
301                                    AND nvl(hr_us_w2_rep.get_w2_arch_bal( paa.assignment_action_id,
302                                                                                                   ''A_W2_STATE_WAGES'',
303                                                                                                    paa.tax_unit_id,
304                                                                                                    faic.context , 2), 0) > 0
305 				   AND EXISTS ( /*+ INDEX(pustif PAY_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F_N1) */
306                                                        SELECT ''x''
307                                                           FROM pay_us_state_tax_info_f pustif
308                                                        WHERE substr(faic.context,1,2) = pustif.state_code
309                                                              AND ppa.effective_date between pustif.effective_start_date
310                                                              AND pustif.effective_end_date
311                                                              AND pustif.sit_exists = ''Y'')
312                                   AND NOT EXISTS (
313                                                       SELECT ''x''
314                                                          FROM hr_organization_information hoi
315                                                       WHERE hoi.organization_id = paa.tax_unit_id
316                                                            AND hoi.org_information_context = ''1099R Magnetic Report Rules''
317                                                                )
318                              ORDER BY to_number(paa.serial_number)';
319 			     hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.range_cursor',	40);
320 	END IF;
321         hr_utility.trace( substr(p_sqlstr,1,	50));
322         hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.range_cursor',	50);
323 END range_cursor;
324 --
326 /****************************************************************************
327     Name         : CREATE_ASSIGNMENT_ACT
328     Description : This procedure creates assignment actions for the payroll action associated
329                         process <Local YearEnd Interface Extract>
331                         The procedure processes assignments in 'chunks' to facilitate  multi-threaded
332 			operation. The chunk is defined by the size and the starting and ending person id.
333 			An interlock is also created against the year-end pre-processor assignment action
334 			to prevent rolling back of the archiver.
336  *****************************************************************************/
338 PROCEDURE create_assignment_act(
339 								p_pactid 	IN NUMBER,
340 								p_stperson 	IN NUMBER,
341 								p_endperson IN NUMBER,
342 								p_chunk 	IN NUMBER
343 							  )
344 IS
345 	-- Cursor to get the assignments for Local YearEnd Interface Extract. Gets only those employees
346 	-- which have wages for the specified state.This cursor excludes the 1099R GREs.
347 	--
348           CURSOR c_local (	c_state_code    VARCHAR2,
349 					c_locality_code VARCHAR2)
350           IS
351           SELECT
352                   to_number(paa.serial_number),
353                   paf.assignment_id,
354                   paa.tax_unit_id,
355                   paf.effective_end_date,
356                   paa.assignment_action_id,
357                   sum(fai1.value)
358             FROM
359                   pay_assignment_actions		paa,	  -- YREND PAA
360                   pay_payroll_actions		ppa,	  -- YREND PPA
361                   per_all_assignments_f		paf,
362                   pay_payroll_actions			ppa1,
363                   ff_contexts				fc1 ,   --for city context
364                   ff_archive_items			fai1,   -- city
365                   ff_archive_item_contexts		faic1, -- city_context
366                   ff_database_items			fdi1    --database_items for City_withheld
367                   --,pay_us_city_tax_info_f	puctif
368             WHERE   ppa1.payroll_action_id		= p_pactid
369                  AND   ppa.business_group_id+0	= ppa1.business_group_id
370                  AND   ppa1.effective_date		= ppa.effective_date
371                  AND   ppa.report_type			= 'YREND'
372                  AND   ppa.payroll_action_id		= paa.payroll_action_id
373                  AND   paf.assignment_id			= paa.assignment_id
374                  AND   paf.assignment_type		= 'E'
375                  AND   fc1.context_name			= 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
376                  AND   faic1.context_id			= fc1.context_id
377                  AND   fdi1.user_name			= 'A_CITY_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
378                  AND   fdi1.user_entity_id		= fai1.user_entity_id
379                  AND   fai1.context1			= paa.assignment_action_id
380                  AND   fai1.archive_item_id		= faic1.archive_item_id
381 		 AND   ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))	like c_state_code||'%'
382                  AND   (c_locality_code IS NULL OR
383 		              ( c_locality_code IS NOT NULL
384 			        AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' from pay_us_city_tax_info_f puctif
385                                                          WHERE substr(puctif.jurisdiction_code,1,2)||'-000-'||
386 					                            substr(puctif.jurisdiction_code,8,4)
387 					                             =    substr(ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context)),1,2)||'-000-'||
388 									   substr(ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context)),8,4)
389                                                            AND  puctif.jurisdiction_code	like substr(c_locality_code,1,2)||'%'||
390 					                                                                      substr(c_locality_code,8,4)||'%'
391                                                            AND puctif.effective_start_date	<    ppa.effective_date
392 					                   AND puctif.effective_end_date	>=   ppa.effective_date
393                                                         )
394                                 )
395                               )
396 		 AND paf.effective_start_date	<= ppa.effective_date
397                  AND paf.effective_end_date	>= ppa.start_date
398                  AND paa.action_status		= 'C'
399                  AND paa.serial_number		BETWEEN p_stperson AND p_endperson
400                  AND paf.person_id			BETWEEN p_stperson AND p_endperson
401                  AND NOT EXISTS
402                           (
403                             SELECT  'x'
404                                FROM  hr_organization_information hoi
405                             WHERE  hoi.organization_id			=  paa.tax_unit_id
406                                   AND hoi.org_information_context	= '1099R Magnetic Report Rules'
407                            )
408                  AND rtrim(ltrim(fai1.value))  <> '0'
409 		 GROUP BY paa.serial_number,
410                                      paf.assignment_id,
411                                      paa.tax_unit_id,
412                                      paf.effective_end_date,
413                                      paa.assignment_action_id
414    union all
415                SELECT
416                   to_number(paa.serial_number),
417                   paf.assignment_id,
418                   paa.tax_unit_id,
419                   paf.effective_end_date,
420                   paa.assignment_action_id,
421                   sum(fai1.value)
422             FROM
423                   pay_assignment_actions		paa,	  -- YREND PAA
424                   pay_payroll_actions		ppa,	  -- YREND PPA
425                   per_all_assignments_f		paf,
426                   pay_payroll_actions			ppa1,
427                   ff_contexts				fc1 ,   --for city context
428                   ff_archive_items			fai1,   -- city
429                   ff_archive_item_contexts		faic1, -- city_context
430                   ff_database_items			fdi1
432             WHERE   ppa1.payroll_action_id		= p_pactid
433                  AND   ppa.business_group_id+0	= ppa1.business_group_id
434                  AND   ppa1.effective_date		= ppa.effective_date
435                  AND   ppa.report_type			= 'YREND'
436                  AND   ppa.payroll_action_id		= paa.payroll_action_id
437                  AND   paf.assignment_id			= paa.assignment_id
438                  AND   paf.assignment_type		= 'E'
439                  AND   fc1.context_name			= 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
440                  AND   faic1.context_id			= fc1.context_id
441                  AND   fdi1.user_name			= 'A_SCHOOL_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
442                  AND   fdi1.user_entity_id		= fai1.user_entity_id
443                  AND   fai1.context1			= paa.assignment_action_id
444                  AND   fai1.archive_item_id		= faic1.archive_item_id
445 		 AND   ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))	like c_state_code||'%'
446                  AND   (c_locality_code IS NULL OR
447 		              ( c_locality_code IS NOT NULL
448 			        AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' from PAY_US_CITY_SCHOOL_DSTS puctif
449                                                 WHERE
450                                                 puctif.state_code = c_state_code
451                                                 and puctif.state_code ||'-'||
452 					                            puctif.county_code || '-'|| puctif.city_code = c_locality_code
453 					                            and c_state_code || '-'|| puctif.school_dst_code = ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))
455                                                  )
456                                 )
457                               )
458 		 AND paf.effective_start_date	<= ppa.effective_date
459                  AND paf.effective_end_date	>= ppa.start_date
460                  AND paa.action_status		= 'C'
461                  AND paa.serial_number		BETWEEN p_stperson AND p_endperson
462                  AND paf.person_id			BETWEEN p_stperson AND p_endperson
463                  AND NOT EXISTS
464                           (
465                             SELECT  'x'
466                                FROM  hr_organization_information hoi
467                             WHERE  hoi.organization_id			=  paa.tax_unit_id
468                                   AND hoi.org_information_context	= '1099R Magnetic Report Rules'
469                            )
470                  AND rtrim(ltrim(fai1.value))  <> '0'
471 		 GROUP BY paa.serial_number,
472                                      paf.assignment_id,
473                                      paa.tax_unit_id,
474                                      paf.effective_end_date,
475                                      paa.assignment_action_id
476                  ORDER BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
477         --
479 	--
480 	l_year_start			DATE;
481 	l_year_end			DATE;
482 	l_effective_end_date		DATE;
483 	l_state_abbrev 			VARCHAR2(3);
484 	l_state_code 			VARCHAR2(2);
485 	l_report_type			VARCHAR2(30);
486 	l_business_group_id		NUMBER;
487 	l_person_id			NUMBER;
488 	l_prev_person_id		NUMBER;
489 	l_assignment_id			NUMBER;
490 	l_assignment_action_id	NUMBER;
491 	l_value				NUMBER;
492 	l_tax_unit_id			NUMBER;
493 	l_prev_tax_unit_id		NUMBER;
494 	lockingactid			NUMBER;
495 	l_group_by_gre			BOOLEAN;
496 	l_w2_box17 			NUMBER;		--City or Locality Wages
497         l_gre_id				NUMBER;
498         l_error_flag			VARCHAR2(10);
499         l_locality_code			VARCHAR2(200);
500 --
502 	-- Set the local variable to correct Value
503         l_gre_id := -1;
504         l_error_flag := 'N';
506 	-- Get the report parameters. These define the report being run.
507 	hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 10);
508 	get_report_parameters(	p_pactid,
509 						l_year_start,
510 						l_year_end,
511 						l_state_abbrev,
512 						l_state_code,
513 						l_report_type,
514 						l_business_group_id,
515 				                l_locality_code
516 					);
517 	IF l_locality_code = 'NULL' THEN
518 		l_locality_code := NULL;
519 	END IF;
521 	--Currently all reports group by GRE
522 	l_group_by_gre := TRUE;
523 	--Open the appropriate cursor
524 	hr_utility.set_location( 'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act',	20);
525 	hr_utility.trace('LOCALITY_CODE  : '|| l_locality_code);
526 	IF l_report_type = 'W2_MAG_XML' THEN
527 		OPEN c_local(l_state_code,
528                                        l_locality_code);
529 	END IF;
530 	LOOP
531 		FETCH c_local  INTO	l_person_id,
532 							l_assignment_id,
533 							l_tax_unit_id,
534 							l_effective_end_date,
535 							l_assignment_action_id,
536 							l_w2_box17;
537 		hr_utility.set_location(
538 				'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 40);
539 		EXIT WHEN c_local%NOTFOUND;
540 		--Based on the groupin criteria, check if the record is the same
541 		--as the previous record.
542 		--Grouping by GRE requires a unique person/GRE combination for
543 		--each record.
544 		IF ( (l_group_by_gre AND
545 			l_person_id   = l_prev_person_id AND
546 			l_tax_unit_id = l_prev_tax_unit_id
547 		       )
548 		      OR
549 			( NOT l_group_by_gre AND
550 			  l_person_id   = l_prev_person_id
551 			)
552 	 	    ) THEN
553 		    --{
554 			--Do Nothing
555 			hr_utility.set_location(
556 				'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 50);
557 			NULL;
558 		    --}
559 		ELSE
560 		--{
561   			--Create the assignment action for the record
562 			hr_utility.trace('Assignment Fetched  - ');
563 			hr_utility.trace('Assignment Id		: '|| to_char(l_assignment_id));
564 			hr_utility.trace('Person Id			: '|| to_char(l_person_id));
565 			hr_utility.trace('tax unit id			: '|| to_char(l_tax_unit_id));
566 			hr_utility.trace('Effective End Date	: '|| to_char(l_effective_end_date));
567 			IF  (l_report_type = 'W2_MAG_XML') then
568 				SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
569 				    INTO lockingactid
570 				   FROM dual;
571 				hr_utility.set_location(
572 					'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 60);
573 				hr_nonrun_asact.insact(	lockingactid,
574 									l_assignment_id,
575 									p_pactid,
576 									p_chunk,
577 									l_tax_unit_id);
578 				hr_utility.set_location(
579 					'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 70);
580 				hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,
581 							          l_assignment_action_id);
582 				hr_utility.set_location(
583 					'pay_us_mmref_local_xml.create_assignement_act', 80);
584 				hr_utility.trace('Interlock Created  - ');
585 				hr_utility.trace('Locking Action : '|| to_char(lockingactid));
586 				hr_utility.trace('Locked Action :  '|| to_char(l_assignment_action_id));
587 				--Store the current person/GRE for comparision during the
588 				--next iteration.
589 				l_prev_person_id 	:= l_person_id;
590 				l_prev_tax_unit_id 	:= l_tax_unit_id;
591 			END IF;
592                   ENd IF;
593 	END LOOP;
594         IF l_report_type = 'W2_MAG_XML' THEN
595 		CLOSE c_local;
596 	END IF;
598         IF l_error_flag = 'Y' THEN
599               hr_utility.trace('Error Flag was set to Y');
600               hr_utility.raise_error;
601         END IF;
603 END create_assignment_act;
604 --
605 -- Follwing Procedure is used for Submitter Record
606 --
607 PROCEDURE transmitter_record_start IS
608 	l_final_xml_string		VARCHAR2(32000);
609        EOL					VARCHAR2(10);
610 	p_payroll_action_id 		NUMBER;
611 	p_tax_unit_id			NUMBER;
612 	p_jurisdiction_code		VARCHAR2(200);
613 	p_state_code			NUMBER;
614 	p_state_abbreviation		VARCHAR2(200);
615 	p_locality_code			VARCHAR2(200);
616 	status				VARCHAR2(200);
617 	p_date_earned			DATE;
618 	p_reporting_year		VARCHAR2(200);
619         p_final_xml_string		VARCHAR2(32767);
621 --{
622         -- Fetch All parameters value set by Transmitter Cursor and Conc. Program
623 	p_tax_unit_id		:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TR_TAX_UNIT_ID');
624 	p_payroll_action_id	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID');
625 	p_date_earned	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TR_DATE_EARNED');
626         p_reporting_year	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR');
627        --
628        -- Following Procedure Call will form the RA Record Structure in XML format
629        --
630        pay_us_w2_generic_extract.populate_arch_transmitter(
631 							 p_payroll_action_id
632 							,p_tax_unit_id
633 							,p_date_earned
634 							,p_reporting_year
635 							,p_jurisdiction_code
636 							,p_state_code
637 							,p_state_abbreviation
638 							,p_locality_code
639 							,status
640 							,p_final_xml_string);
641 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('end_of_file l_final_xml_string = '
642                                                  || p_final_xml_string);
643 	WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(p_final_xml_string);
644 --}
645 END transmitter_record_start;
647 PROCEDURE transmitter_record_end is
648      l_final_xml				CLOB;
649      l_final_xml_string			VARCHAR2(32000);
650      l_is_temp_final_xml		VARCHAR2(2);
652   BEGIN
653 	l_final_xml_string := '</TRANSMITTER>';
654 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('end_of_file l_final_xml_string = '
655                                                  || l_final_xml_string);
656 	WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(l_final_xml_string);
657 --	pay_core_files.write_to_magtape_lob(l_final_xml_string);
658   END;
660 --
661 -- Follwing Procedure is used for Employer Record
662 --
663 PROCEDURE local_w2_xml_employer_start
664 IS
665 	l_final_xml_string		VARCHAR2(32000);
666         EOL					VARCHAR2(10);
667 	p_payroll_action_id 		NUMBER;
668 	p_tax_unit_id			NUMBER;
669 	p_jurisdiction_code		VARCHAR2(200);
670 	p_state_code			NUMBER;
671 	p_state_abbreviation		VARCHAR2(200);
672 	p_locality_code			VARCHAR2(200);
673 	status				VARCHAR2(200);
674 	p_date_earned			DATE;
675 	p_reporting_year		VARCHAR2(200);
676         p_final_xml_string		VARCHAR2(32767);
678 --{
679         -- Fetch All parameters value set by Transmitter Cursor and Conc. Program
680 	p_tax_unit_id		:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TR_TAX_UNIT_ID');
681 	p_payroll_action_id	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID');
682 	p_date_earned		:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TR_DATE_EARNED');
683         p_reporting_year	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR');
684        --
685        -- Following Procedure Call will form the RE Record Structure in XML format
686        --
687        pay_us_w2_generic_extract.populate_arch_employer(
688 							 p_payroll_action_id
689 							,p_tax_unit_id
690 							,p_date_earned
691 							,p_reporting_year
692 							,p_jurisdiction_code
693 							,p_state_code
694 							,p_state_abbreviation
695 							,p_locality_code
696 							,status
697 							,p_final_xml_string);
698 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('end_of_file l_final_xml_string = '
699                                                  || p_final_xml_string);
700 	WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(p_final_xml_string);
701 --}
702 END local_w2_xml_employer_start;
704 PROCEDURE local_w2_xml_employer_end is
705      l_final_xml				CLOB;
706      l_final_xml_string			VARCHAR2(32000);
707      l_is_temp_final_xml		VARCHAR2(2);
709   BEGIN
710 	l_final_xml_string := '</EMPLOYER>';
711 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('end_of_file l_final_xml_string = '
712                                                  || l_final_xml_string);
713 	WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(l_final_xml_string);
714 --	pay_core_files.write_to_magtape_lob(l_final_xml_string);
715   END  local_w2_xml_employer_end;
717 --
718 -- Follwing Procedure is used for Employer Record
719 --
720 PROCEDURE local_w2_xml_employee_build
721 IS
722 	l_final_xml_string			VARCHAR2(32000);
723         EOL						VARCHAR2(10);
724 	p_payroll_action_id 			NUMBER;
725 	p_ye_assignment_action_id	NUMBER;
726 	p_assignment_action_id		NUMBER;
727 	p_assignment_id			NUMBER;
728 	p_tax_unit_id				NUMBER;
729 	p_jurisdiction_code			VARCHAR2(200);
730 	p_state_code				NUMBER;
731 	p_state_abbreviation			VARCHAR2(200);
732 	p_locality_code			VARCHAR2(200);
733 	status					VARCHAR2(200);
734 	p_date_earned				DATE;
735 	p_reporting_year			VARCHAR2(200);
736         p_final_xml_string			VARCHAR2(32767);
738 	CURSOR c_get_params IS
739          SELECT paa1.assignment_action_id,	-- archiver asg action Id
740 	                paa1.tax_unit_id,			-- archiver Tax Unit Id
741 			paa1.payroll_action_id,		-- archiver payroll action id
742 			ppa.payroll_action_id,		-- Main Payroll Action Id
743 			paa.assignment_action_id,	 	-- Main Asg Action Id
744 			paa.assignment_id,
745 			ppa.effective_date,			-- Date Earned
746 			pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_parameter('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR',
747 			                                                                 ppa.legislative_parameters),
748 			pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_parameter('LC',ppa.legislative_parameters),
749 			pay_us_mmref_local_xml.get_parameter('TRANSFER_STATE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
750          FROM pay_assignment_actions	paa,
751 		     pay_payroll_actions		ppa,
752 		     pay_action_interlocks		pai,
753 		     pay_assignment_actions	paa1,
754 		     pay_payroll_actions		ppa1
755          where ppa.payroll_action_id	 = paa.payroll_action_id
756          and ppa.payroll_action_id	 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
757          and paa.assignment_action_id	 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ACT_ID')
758          and pai.locking_action_id		 = paa.assignment_action_id
759 	 and pai.locked_action_id          = paa1.assignment_action_id
760          and paa1.payroll_action_id	 = ppa1.payroll_action_id
761          and ppa1.report_type		 = 'YREND'
762          and ppa1.action_type		 = 'X'
763          and ppa1.action_status		 = 'C'
764          and ppa1.effective_date		 = ppa.effective_date;
766 	l_year_start			DATE;
767 	l_year_end			DATE;
768 	l_business_group_id		NUMBER;
769 	l_state_abbrev			VARCHAR2(200);
770 	l_state_code			VARCHAR2(200);
771 	l_report_type			VARCHAR2(200);
772         l_locality_code                 VARCHAR2(200);
773 	l_main_payroll_action_id	NUMBER;
775 --{
776         -- Fetch All parameters value set by Transmitter Cursor and Conc. Program
777 	 HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Constructing XML for Employee ->');
778          HR_UTILITY_TRACE('EE ASGN ID  :'||to_char(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ACT_ID')));
779          OPEN c_get_params;
780          FETCH c_get_params INTO p_ye_assignment_action_id,
781 							p_tax_unit_id,
782 							p_payroll_action_id,
783 							l_main_payroll_action_id,
784 							p_assignment_action_id,
785 							p_assignment_id,
786 							p_date_earned,
787 							p_reporting_year,
788 							p_locality_code,
789 							p_state_abbreviation;
790          CLOSE c_get_params;
791 /*
792 	p_tax_unit_id		      := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('YE_TAX_UNIT_ID');
793 	p_payroll_action_id	      := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID');
794 	p_assignment_action_id  :=
795 						pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ACT_ID');
796 	p_ye_assignment_action_id :=
797 						pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('YE_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID');
798 	p_assignment_id	 := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('EE_ASSIGNMENT_ID');
799 	p_date_earned		 := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('EE_DATE_EARNED');
800         p_reporting_year	 := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR');
801 	p_locality_code       := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_LOCALITY_CODE');
802 	p_jurisdiction_code := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('EE_LOCALITY_JD_CODE');
803 */
804 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Prameter Used for Employee level XML');
805         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_tax_unit_id YE			:'||to_char(p_tax_unit_id));
806         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_payroll_action_id YE		:'||to_char(p_payroll_action_id));
807 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_payroll_action_id			:'||to_char(l_main_payroll_action_id));
808         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_ye_assignment_action_id	:'||to_char(p_ye_assignment_action_id));
809         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_assignment_action_id		:'||to_char(p_assignment_action_id));
810         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_assignment_id				:'||to_char(p_assignment_id));
811         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_date_earned				:'||to_char(p_date_earned,'DD-MON-YYYY'));
812         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_reporting_year			:'||p_reporting_year);
813         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_locality_code				:'||p_locality_code);
814 --        HR_UTILITY_TRACE('p_jurisdiction_code			:'||p_jurisdiction_code);
816 	get_report_parameters( l_main_payroll_action_id,
817 		                            l_year_start,
818 		                            l_year_end,
819 		                            l_state_abbrev,
820 		                            l_state_code,
821 		                            l_report_type,
822 		                            l_business_group_id,
823                                             l_locality_code
824 	);
826         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Year Start 			:'||to_char(l_year_start,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
827         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Year End			:'||to_char(l_year_end,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
828 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('State Abbreviation	:'||l_state_abbrev);
829         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('State Code			:'||l_state_code);
830         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Report Type		:'||l_report_type);
831         HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Locality Code		:'||l_locality_code);
833        --
834        -- Following Procedure Call will form the RE Record Structure in XML format
835        --
836        pay_us_w2_generic_extract.populate_arch_employee(
837 							 p_payroll_action_id
838 							,p_ye_assignment_action_id
839 							,p_tax_unit_id
840 							,p_assignment_id
841 							,p_date_earned
842 							,p_reporting_year
843 							,p_jurisdiction_code
844 							,l_state_code
845 							,l_state_abbrev
846 							,l_locality_code
847 							,status
848 							,p_final_xml_string
849 							);
851 	--HR_UTILITY_TRACE('end_of_file p_final_xml_string = '
852         --                                         || p_final_xml_string);
853 	WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(p_final_xml_string);
854 --}
857 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE('Error Encountered in local_w2_xml_employee_build');
858 	HR_UTILITY_TRACE(sqlerrm);
859 END local_w2_xml_employee_build;
861   /****************************************************************************
862     Name        : PRINT_BLOB
863     Description : This procedure prints contents of BLOB passed as parameter.
864   *****************************************************************************/
867   BEGIN
868     IF g_debug THEN
869         pay_ac_utility.print_lob(p_blob);
870     END IF;
874   /****************************************************************************
875     Name        : WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB
876     Description : This procedure appends passed BLOB parameter to
877                   pay_mag_tape.g_blob_value
878   *****************************************************************************/
881   BEGIN
882     IF  dbms_lob.getLength (p_blob) IS NOT NULL THEN
883         pay_core_files.write_to_magtape_lob (p_blob);
884     END IF;
888   /****************************************************************************
889     Name        : WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB
890     Description : This procedure appends passed varchar2 parameter to
891                   pay_mag_tape.g_blob_value
892   *****************************************************************************/
894   PROCEDURE WRITE_TO_MAGTAPE_LOB(p_data varchar2) IS
895   BEGIN
896         pay_core_files.write_to_magtape_lob (p_data);
900 ------------------------------ get_parameter -------------------------------
901 function get_parameter(name in varchar2,
902 				  parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2
903 is
904 	start_ptr number;
905 	end_ptr   number;
906 	token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
907 	par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
908 begin
909 --
910      token_val := name||'=';
911 --
912      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
913      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
915 --
916      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
917      if end_ptr = 0 then
918         end_ptr := length(parameter_list)+1;
919      end if;
920 --
921      /* Did we find the token */
922      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
923        par_value := NULL;
924      else
925        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
926      end if;
927 --
928      return par_value;
929 --
930 end get_parameter;
931  PROCEDURE local_non_pa_emp_data(p_pactid IN varchar2 ,
932                         p_assignment_id in varchar2 ,
933                         on_visa in out nocopy varchar2 ,
934                         non_pa_res in out nocopy varchar2 ,
935                         p_reporting_year in varchar2) IS
937   l_year number ;
938   p_person_id number ;
939   l_non_pa_res varchar2(5);
940   l_on_visa varchar2(5);
941  -- l_year_start := '01-JAN-' ||p_reporting_year ;
942  -- l_year_end := '31-DEC-' || p_reporting_year ;
944   cursor c_get_person_id (p_assignment_id in number) is
945   select person_id from per_all_assignments_f
946   where assignment_id = p_assignment_id ;
948   cursor c_get_non_pa_emp_det( p_person_id in number ) is
949   select 'Y' from dual
950   where not exists
951   ( select person_id from per_addresses
952   where person_id = p_person_id
953   and region_2  = 'PA'
954   and primary_flag = 'Y'
955   and l_year between  to_number(to_char(trunc(date_from,'yyyy'),'yyyy')) and  to_number(nvl(to_char(trunc(date_to,'yyyy'),'yyyy') , '4712')));
958   cursor c_get_visa_details( p_person_id in number ) is
959   select 'Y' from per_people_extra_info
960   where person_id = p_person_id
961   and information_type  = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS'
962   and pei_information_category = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS' ;
964   BEGIN
965   -- l_non_pa_res := non_pa_res ;
966   l_year := to_number(p_reporting_year) ;
968   open c_get_person_id(p_assignment_id) ;
969   fetch c_get_person_id into p_person_id ;
970  -- exit when c_get_person_id%notfound ;
971   close c_get_person_id ;
973   open c_get_non_pa_emp_det(p_person_id) ;
974   fetch c_get_non_pa_emp_det into l_non_pa_res ;
975   close c_get_non_pa_emp_det ;
977   open c_get_visa_details(p_person_id) ;
978   fetch c_get_visa_details into l_on_visa ;
979   close c_get_visa_details ;
981   non_pa_res := l_non_pa_res ;
982   on_visa := l_on_visa ;
985   END local_non_pa_emp_data;
987 --    hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'USLOCALW2');
988     g_proc_name := 'PAY_US_MMREF_LOCAL_XML.';
989     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
990     g_document_type := 'LOCAL_W2_XML';
992 END pay_us_mmref_local_xml;