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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 105

  'select M.ERROR_MESSAGE ' ||
Line: 110

  'exists (select null ' ||
  '          from FND_FLEX_VALUE_RULE_LINES L ' ||
  '         where 1 = 1 ';
Line: 486

PROCEDURE update_vsc(p_application_id    IN NUMBER,
                     p_responsibility_id IN NUMBER,
                     p_value_set_id      IN NUMBER,
                     p_parent_value      IN VARCHAR2,
                     p_value             IN VARCHAR2,
                     p_error_code        IN VARCHAR2)
     l_enc_err_msg VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
Line: 521

END update_vsc;
Line: 563

PROCEDURE update_fvc(p_value_set_id    IN NUMBER,
                     p_parent_value    IN VARCHAR2,
                     p_value           IN VARCHAR2,
                     p_flexvalue       IN flexvalue)
   -- seperate p_parent_value and p_value to get rid of ambiguity.
   g_cache_key := (p_parent_value || '.' ||
                   p_value_set_id || '.' ||
Line: 596

END update_fvc;
Line: 631

        SELECT segment_name, flex_value_set_id, security_enabled_flag
          FROM fnd_id_flex_segments
          WHERE application_id = keystruct.application_id
          AND id_flex_code = keystruct.id_flex_code
          AND id_flex_num = keystruct.id_flex_num
          AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
          ORDER BY segment_num;
Line: 640

        SELECT end_user_column_name, flex_value_set_id, security_enabled_flag
          FROM fnd_descr_flex_column_usages
          WHERE application_id = descstruct.application_id
          AND descriptive_flexfield_name = descstruct.desc_flex_name
          AND descriptive_flex_context_code = descstruct.desc_flex_context
          AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
          ORDER BY column_seq_num;
Line: 927

      SELECT  g.segment_name, g.application_column_name, c.column_type,
              c.width, g.required_flag, g.security_enabled_flag,
              g.default_type, g.default_value, g.flex_value_set_id,
       FROM fnd_id_flex_segments g, fnd_columns c
      WHERE g.application_id = keystruct.application_id
        AND g.id_flex_code = keystruct.id_flex_code
        AND g.id_flex_num = keystruct.id_flex_num
        AND g.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND c.application_id = t_apid
        AND c.table_id = t_id
        AND c.column_name = g.application_column_name
      ORDER BY g.segment_num;
Line: 944

    IS SELECT g.end_user_column_name, g.application_column_name,
              c.column_type, c.width, g.required_flag,
              g.security_enabled_flag, g.concatenation_description_len,
              g.default_type, g.default_value, g.flex_value_set_id,
       FROM fnd_descr_flex_column_usages g, fnd_columns c
      WHERE g.application_id = descstruct.application_id
        AND g.descriptive_flexfield_name = descstruct.desc_flex_name
        AND g.descriptive_flex_context_code = descstruct.desc_flex_context
        AND g.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND c.application_id = t_apid
        AND c.table_id = t_id
        AND c.column_name = g.application_column_name
      ORDER BY g.column_seq_num;
Line: 1702

          update_fvc(vsinf.vsid, parentval, thisseg, l_flexvalue);
Line: 2076

    SELECT enabled_flag, start_date_active, end_date_active,
           summary_flag, compiled_value_attributes, description
      FROM fnd_flex_values_vl
     WHERE flex_value_set_id = vsid
       AND flex_value = val;
Line: 2083

    SELECT enabled_flag, start_date_active, end_date_active,
           summary_flag, compiled_value_attributes, description
      FROM fnd_flex_values_vl
     WHERE flex_value_set_id = vsid
       AND flex_value = val
       AND parent_flex_value_low = parnt;
Line: 2093

    SELECT enabled_flag, start_date_active, end_date_active,
      summary_flag, compiled_value_attributes,
      flex_value, flex_value_meaning, description
      FROM fnd_flex_values_vl
     WHERE flex_value_set_id = vsid
      AND (((p_is_value = 'V') AND (flex_value_meaning = val)) OR
           ((p_is_value = 'I') AND (flex_value = val)));
Line: 2105

    SELECT enabled_flag, start_date_active, end_date_active,
      summary_flag, compiled_value_attributes,
      flex_value, flex_value_meaning, description
      FROM fnd_flex_values_vl
      WHERE flex_value_set_id = vsid
      AND parent_flex_value_low = parnt
      AND (((p_is_value = 'V') AND (flex_value_meaning = val)) OR
           ((p_is_value = 'I') AND (flex_value = val)));
Line: 2479

        SELECT application_table_name, value_column_name, value_column_type,
          id_column_name, id_column_type, meaning_column_name,
          meaning_column_type, enabled_column_name, start_date_column_name,
          end_date_column_name, summary_column_name,
          compiled_attribute_column_name, additional_quickpick_columns,
          summary_allowed_flag, additional_where_clause
          FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables
          WHERE flex_value_set_id = p_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 2565

Line: 2645

   l_sql := 'select ' ||
     select_clause(l_tbl_rec.value_column_name, l_tbl_rec.value_column_type,
                   VC_VALUE, p_vs_info.vsformat, p_vs_info.maxsize);
Line: 2649

     select_clause(l_tbl_rec.id_column_name, l_tbl_rec.id_column_type,
                   VC_ID, p_vs_info.vsformat, p_vs_info.maxsize);
Line: 2652

     select_clause(l_tbl_rec.meaning_column_name, l_tbl_rec.meaning_column_type,
                   VC_DESCRIPTION, p_vs_info.vsformat, p_vs_info.maxsize);
Line: 2697

   l_nrecords := x_dsql_select(8, l_results);
Line: 2833

         nfound := x_dsql_select_one(stored_val);
Line: 3500

       update_vsc(user_apid, user_respid, vsinfo.vsid,
                  parentval, val, l_return_code);
Line: 3550

/*      contains a non-null value.  Returns the updated qualifier values   */
/*      array and number of qualifier values found or < 0 if error.        */
/*      No qualifier values for descriptive flexfields.                    */
/*                                                                         */
/*      Note:  Do not order by segment_attribute_type as this causes       */
/*      GL_ACCOUNT/GL_ACCOUNT_TYPE to appear before GL_GLOBAL/DETAIL...    */
/*      instead of after it as is the case in the client code.             */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FUNCTION qualifier_values(ffstruct       IN  FlexStructId,
                          valset_id      IN  NUMBER,
                          cvas           IN  VARCHAR2,
                          nqualifs       IN  NUMBER,
                          fqnames        IN  QualNameArray,
                          sqnames        IN  QualNameArray,
                          sqvals         IN OUT nocopy ValAttribArray) RETURN NUMBER IS

  cva_index           NUMBER;
Line: 3573

    SELECT id_flex_application_id fapid, id_flex_code fcode,
           segment_attribute_type fqname, value_attribute_type sqname
      FROM fnd_flex_validation_qualifiers
     WHERE flex_value_set_id = vs_id
  ORDER BY assignment_date, id_flex_application_id, id_flex_code,
Line: 3696

      SELECT v.segment_attribute_type fq_name,
             v.value_attribute_type sq_name,
             v.application_column_name drv_colname,
             v.default_value dflt_val
        FROM fnd_value_attribute_types v, fnd_segment_attribute_values s
       WHERE v.application_id = s.application_id
         AND v.id_flex_code = s.id_flex_code
         AND v.segment_attribute_type = s.segment_attribute_type
         AND s.application_id = keystruct.application_id
         AND s.id_flex_code = keystruct.id_flex_code
         AND s.id_flex_num = keystruct.id_flex_num
         AND s.application_column_name = colname
         AND s.attribute_value = 'Y';
Line: 3816

      SELECT flex_value_set_id, parent_flex_value_set_id,
        validation_type, format_type, maximum_size,
        alphanumeric_allowed_flag, uppercase_only_flag,
        numeric_mode_enabled_flag, number_precision, minimum_value,
        maximum_value, flex_value_set_name
        INTO l_vsi
        FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
        WHERE flex_value_set_id = value_set_id;
Line: 4201

/*      Creates an "and clause" of a SQL select statement for determining  */
/*      if the value passed in is in between the values in the columns     */
/*      whose names are in mincol and maxcol.  Returns NULL if no          */
/*      statement required for this column                                 */
/*                                                                         */
/*      By isolating all in range clauses to this routine we can ensure    */
/*      uniform range behavior.                                            */
/*                                                                         */
/*      Null handling:  If val is NULL, requires either mincol or maxcol   */
/*      to be null.  If the value contained in mincol (maxcol) is NULL it  */
/*      means there is no lower(upper) limit on the range of val           */
/*                                                                         */
/*      Clause is of the form:                                             */
/*      'and (10 between nvl(to_number(MINCOL), 10)                        */
/*             and nvl(to_number(MAXCOL), 10)) '                           */
/*                                                                         */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PROCEDURE x_inrange_clause(valstr  IN VARCHAR2,
                           valtype IN VARCHAR2,
                           mincol  IN VARCHAR2,
                           maxcol  IN VARCHAR2) IS

  clause      VARCHAR2(500);
Line: 4273

/*      Function to convert a column name into a SQL clause for selecting  */
/*      a value, id, or description from that column into the correct      */
/*      character format for the given value set.                          */
/*                                                                         */
/*      This function does the default to_char() conversion for            */
/*      non-translatable date, time, date-time, or number value sets       */
/*      in order to maintain backward compatibility with old client code.  */
/*      For translatable date, time, and date-time value sets this code    */
/*      converts the data stored in the date column to date storage format */
/*                                                                         */
/*      Does not check for compatibility of column type and value set.     */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

FUNCTION select_clause(colname     IN  VARCHAR2,
                       coltype     IN  VARCHAR2,
                       v_component IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
                       vs_fmt      IN  VARCHAR2,
                       vs_len      IN  NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS

  clause      VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 4317

END select_clause;
Line: 4321

/*      value into a table column of the given type, or for inserting that */
/*      value to a value stored in a table column of the given type.       */
/*                                                                         */
/*      If the table column is a number assume the value input is a number */
/*      and just use the text of the number.  If the table column is       */
/*      CHAR or VARCHAR2, then substitute all single quotes in the value   */
/*      with double quotes and surround the value with single quotes.      */
/*      If table column is DATE, do to_date() conversion using the format  */
/*      appropriate for the value set.                                     */
/*                                                                         */
/*      To maintin backward compatibility with existing client code must   */
/*      build in the BUG that if value set format type is old-fashioned    */
/*      date, time or date-time (D, T or t), then default to_date()        */
/*      conversions are done.  This means non-validated Date-time values   */
/*      cannot be inserted into the combinations table.                    */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

PROCEDURE x_compare_clause(coltype     IN  VARCHAR2,
                           colname     IN  VARCHAR2,
                           char_val    IN  VARCHAR2,
                           v_component IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
                           vs_fmt      IN  VARCHAR2,
                           vs_len      IN  NUMBER)
     datefmt VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 4460

/*      Uses dynamic SQL to select up to one varchar2 valued column from   */
/*      a table using the select statement passed in.  Returns 0, NULL     */
/*      if no rows found, or 1 and the column value if 1 row found, or     */
/*      2 and the column value of the first row found if more than 1 row   */
/*      matches selection criteria, or < 0 if other errors.                */
/*      Invalid rowid exception mapped back to no data found.              */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FUNCTION x_dsql_select_one(returned_column OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS
cursornum     INTEGER;
Line: 4470

selected_col  VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 4482

  selected_col := NULL;
Line: 4491

  dbms_sql.define_column(cursornum, 1, selected_col, 2000);
Line: 4494

    dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, 1, selected_col);
Line: 4495

    returned_column := selected_col;
Line: 4497

       add_debug('(DSQL returned ' || selected_col || ')');
Line: 4503

    FND_MESSAGE.set_token('MSG', 'x_dsql_select_one() could not fetch rows');
Line: 4517

    dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, 1, selected_col);
Line: 4518

    returned_column := selected_col;
Line: 4533

END x_dsql_select_one;
Line: 4536

/*      Uses dynamic SQL to select n_selected_cols of VARCHAR2 type from   */
/*      a table using the select statement passed in.  Returns number      */
/*      of rows found, or sets error and returns < 0 if error.             */
/*      Invalid rowid exception mapped back to no data found.              */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FUNCTION x_dsql_select(n_selected_cols  IN  NUMBER,
                       returned_columns OUT nocopy StringArray) RETURN NUMBER
     cursornum        INTEGER;
Line: 4546

     selected_cols    StringArray;
Line: 4565

   for i in 1..n_selected_cols loop
      --    The following prevents NO-DATA-FOUND exception...
      selected_cols(i) := NULL;
Line: 4568

      dbms_sql.define_column(cursornum, i, selected_cols(i), 2000);
Line: 4575

      for i in 1..n_selected_cols loop
         dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, i, selected_cols(i));
Line: 4578

            add_debug(' ''' || selected_cols(i) || '''');
Line: 4587

      FND_MESSAGE.set_token('MSG', 'x_dsql_select() could not fetch rows');
Line: 4590

   returned_columns := selected_cols;
Line: 4604

    for i in 1..n_selected_cols loop
      dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, i, selected_cols(i));
Line: 4607

         add_debug(' ''' || selected_cols(i) || '''');
Line: 4615

    returned_columns := selected_cols;
Line: 4626

END x_dsql_select;
Line: 5195

Line: 5327
