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Line 39: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');

35: l_frequency number;
37: BEGIN -- main
38: begin --main 2
39: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
41: hr_utility.trace('The Assignment Id is: '|| p_assignment_id);
42: hr_utility.trace('The Date Earned is: '|| p_date_earned);
43: hr_utility.trace('The PACT_ID is: '|| p_pact_id);

Line 41: hr_utility.trace('The Assignment Id is: '|| p_assignment_id);

37: BEGIN -- main
38: begin --main 2
39: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
41: hr_utility.trace('The Assignment Id is: '|| p_assignment_id);
42: hr_utility.trace('The Date Earned is: '|| p_date_earned);
43: hr_utility.trace('The PACT_ID is: '|| p_pact_id);
45: -- get the period number, payroll id, period start date , period end date,

Line 42: hr_utility.trace('The Date Earned is: '|| p_date_earned);

38: begin --main 2
39: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
41: hr_utility.trace('The Assignment Id is: '|| p_assignment_id);
42: hr_utility.trace('The Date Earned is: '|| p_date_earned);
43: hr_utility.trace('The PACT_ID is: '|| p_pact_id);
45: -- get the period number, payroll id, period start date , period end date,
46: -- date paid and period type

Line 43: hr_utility.trace('The PACT_ID is: '|| p_pact_id);

39: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
41: hr_utility.trace('The Assignment Id is: '|| p_assignment_id);
42: hr_utility.trace('The Date Earned is: '|| p_date_earned);
43: hr_utility.trace('The PACT_ID is: '|| p_pact_id);
45: -- get the period number, payroll id, period start date , period end date,
46: -- date paid and period type
47: begin

Line 59: hr_utility.trace('The Period number is: '|| l_period_number);

55: where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
56: and ptp.time_period_id = ppa.time_period_id
57: and pty.period_type = ptp.period_type;
59: hr_utility.trace('The Period number is: '|| l_period_number);
60: hr_utility.trace('The date paid is: '|| l_date_paid);
62: exception when others then

Line 60: hr_utility.trace('The date paid is: '|| l_date_paid);

56: and ptp.time_period_id = ppa.time_period_id
57: and pty.period_type = ptp.period_type;
59: hr_utility.trace('The Period number is: '|| l_period_number);
60: hr_utility.trace('The date paid is: '|| l_date_paid);
62: exception when others then
64: hr_utility.trace('In exception of start period number'||substr(SQLERRM,1,80));

Line 64: hr_utility.trace('In exception of start period number'||substr(SQLERRM,1,80));

60: hr_utility.trace('The date paid is: '|| l_date_paid);
62: exception when others then
64: hr_utility.trace('In exception of start period number'||substr(SQLERRM,1,80));
65: -- returning 0 now, but will change later on to have a meaningful message here
66: return(0);
67: end;

Line 78: hr_utility.trace('In exception of hire date'||substr(SQLERRM,1,80));

74: where ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
75: and ASS.person_id = SERVICE.person_id
76: and SERVICE.date_start <= l_date_paid;
77: exception when others then
78: hr_utility.trace('In exception of hire date'||substr(SQLERRM,1,80));
79: -- returning 0 now, but will change later on to have a meaningful message here
80: return(0);
82: end;

Line 103: hr_utility.trace('The Period number is: '|| l_period_number);

99: /* Return the difference in the paid period number and the hired period number */
100: l_period_number := l_earned_period_number;
103: hr_utility.trace('The Period number is: '|| l_period_number);
104: exception when others then
105: -- get the difference in number of day between hire date and date paid
106: -- we use trunc to remove the decimal places
107: --** need to confirm for the use of l_start_date or l_end_date

Line 113: hr_utility.trace('Days Since Hired: '|| l_days_since_hired);

109: -- think should use end date instead of start date to take into account the
110: -- current pay period.
112: l_days_since_hired := trunc( l_end_date - l_hire_date );
113: hr_utility.trace('Days Since Hired: '|| l_days_since_hired);
115: -- get the frequency of the payroll
116: IF l_period_type = 'Semi-Month' THEN
117: hr_utility.trace('Period type 1'||l_period_type);

Line 117: hr_utility.trace('Period type 1'||l_period_type);

113: hr_utility.trace('Days Since Hired: '|| l_days_since_hired);
115: -- get the frequency of the payroll
116: IF l_period_type = 'Semi-Month' THEN
117: hr_utility.trace('Period type 1'||l_period_type);
118: l_frequency := 15;
120: ELSIF l_period_type = 'Calendar Month' THEN
121: hr_utility.trace('Period type 2'||l_period_type);

Line 121: hr_utility.trace('Period type 2'||l_period_type);

117: hr_utility.trace('Period type 1'||l_period_type);
118: l_frequency := 15;
120: ELSIF l_period_type = 'Calendar Month' THEN
121: hr_utility.trace('Period type 2'||l_period_type);
122: l_frequency := 30;
123: ELSIF l_period_type = 'Bi-Month' THEN
124: hr_utility.trace('Period type 3'||l_period_type);
125: l_frequency := 60;

Line 124: hr_utility.trace('Period type 3'||l_period_type);

120: ELSIF l_period_type = 'Calendar Month' THEN
121: hr_utility.trace('Period type 2'||l_period_type);
122: l_frequency := 30;
123: ELSIF l_period_type = 'Bi-Month' THEN
124: hr_utility.trace('Period type 3'||l_period_type);
125: l_frequency := 60;
127: ELSE
128: hr_utility.trace('Period type 4'||l_period_type);

Line 128: hr_utility.trace('Period type 4'||l_period_type);

124: hr_utility.trace('Period type 3'||l_period_type);
125: l_frequency := 60;
127: ELSE
128: hr_utility.trace('Period type 4'||l_period_type);
129: l_frequency := trunc(l_end_date - l_start_date) + 1;
130: END IF;
131: hr_utility.trace('Frequency : '||l_frequency);
132: -- find the period number

Line 131: hr_utility.trace('Frequency : '||l_frequency);

127: ELSE
128: hr_utility.trace('Period type 4'||l_period_type);
129: l_frequency := trunc(l_end_date - l_start_date) + 1;
130: END IF;
131: hr_utility.trace('Frequency : '||l_frequency);
132: -- find the period number
133: l_period_number := trunc(l_days_since_hired/l_frequency);
134: end;
135: end if;

Line 136: hr_utility.trace_off;

132: -- find the period number
133: l_period_number := trunc(l_days_since_hired/l_frequency);
134: end;
135: end if;
136: hr_utility.trace_off;
137: return(l_period_number);
138: --
140: END cumulative_period_number; -- main2

Line 144: hr_utility.trace('final exception');

140: END cumulative_period_number; -- main2
142: exception when others then
144: hr_utility.trace('final exception');
145: -- returning 0 now, but will change later on to have a meaningful message here
146: return(0);
147: -- null;
148: END;