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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

  l_update_process varchar2(5);
Line: 51

         select application_id, responsibility_id
	   from fnd_responsibility
	  where responsibility_key='SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR';
Line: 56

         select user_id
	   from fnd_user
	  where user_name = 'SYSADMIN';
Line: 60

  cursor csr_get_update_details is
         select upgrade_definition_id,
           from pay_upgrade_definitions
	  where short_name = p_update_name;
Line: 79

         select cr.phase_code dev_phase,
		cr.status_code dev_status,
		cr.request_id request_id
           from fnd_concurrent_programs cp,
	        fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
		fnd_application a
          where a.application_short_name = p_app_shortname
            and a.application_id = cp.application_id
	    and cp.concurrent_program_name = 'PAY_GEN_UPG'
            and cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id
            and cr.argument7 = to_char(p_business_group_id)
            and cr.argument12 = 'UPG_DEF_NAME='||p_update_name
	 order by cr.request_date desc;
Line: 101

  execute immediate l_sql_stmt using out l_update_process;
Line: 103

  if l_update_process = 'TRUE' then
    ** The update is required so submit a request for the SYSADMIN user using
    ** the System Administrator responsibility.

    /* Get the required IDs...
    open csr_get_user_details;
Line: 119

    /* Get some details of the update being submitted to determine
    ** the correct submission mechanism.
    open csr_get_update_details;
Line: 123

    fetch csr_get_update_details into l_upg_def_id, l_upg_lvl,
Line: 125

    if csr_get_update_details%NOTFOUND then
      hr_utility.set_message(800, 'PER_51775_UPD_NAME_NOT_FOUND');
Line: 129

    close csr_get_update_details;
Line: 139

      /* The update_name passed holds the name of the concurrent program
      ** to be submitted.
      ** First look to see if a request for this CP is waiting to run.  If so
      ** then don't submit another one.
      l_return := fnd_concurrent.get_request_status(
			request_id => l_request_id,
			appl_shortname => p_app_shortname,
			program => p_update_name,
			phase => l_phase,
			status => l_status,
			dev_phase => l_dev_phase,
			dev_status => l_dev_status,
			message => l_message);
Line: 175

   			   program => p_update_name,
   			   argument1 => p_argument1,
   			   argument2 => p_argument2,
   			   argument3 => p_argument3,
   			   argument4 => p_argument4,
   			   argument5 => p_argument5,
   			   argument6 => p_argument6,
   			   argument7 => p_argument7,
   			   argument8 => p_argument8,
   			   argument9 => p_argument9,
   			   argument10 => p_argument10);
Line: 200

   	/* The update is defined as a PYUGEN based update.  Submit PYUGEN
   	** passing the name of the update.
	** Check to see if a duplicate process is already running...
	open csr_get_conc_req_status;
Line: 228

   	       argument11  => p_update_name,			   -- Short Name
   	       argument12  => 'UPG_DEF_NAME='||p_update_name	   -- Upgrade Name
Line: 248

    /* The update is not required for this customer.  Set the status to
    ** indicate this.  This is acheived by first setting the status to
    ** processing and then to complete due to validation within the GUP
    ** infrastructure code.
    ** Only do this if the process is not already at a Complete status.
    if isUpdateComplete(p_app_shortname,
                        p_update_name) = 'FALSE' then

Line: 262

Line: 277

function isUpdateComplete
   (p_app_shortname      varchar2
   ,p_function_name      varchar2
   ,p_business_group_id  number
   ,p_update_name        varchar2) return varchar2 is

l_status varchar2(20);
Line: 289

	    p_short_name => p_update_name,
	    p_status     => l_status,
	    p_raise_error => FALSE
Line: 307

end isUpdateComplete;
Line: 313

procedure setUpdateProcessing
   (p_update_name        varchar2,
    p_business_group_id  number default null,
    p_legislation_code   varchar2 default null) is

  cursor csr_get_update_details is
         select upgrade_definition_id,
           from pay_upgrade_definitions
	  where short_name = p_update_name;
Line: 330

  /* Get some details of the update being submitted to determine
  ** the correct submission mechanism.
  open csr_get_update_details;
Line: 334

  fetch csr_get_update_details into l_upg_def_id, l_upg_lvl;
Line: 335

  close csr_get_update_details;
Line: 344

end setUpdateProcessing;
Line: 350

procedure setUpdateComplete
   (p_update_name        varchar2,
    p_business_group_id  number default null,
    p_legislation_code   varchar2 default null) is

  cursor csr_get_update_details is
         select upgrade_definition_id,
           from pay_upgrade_definitions
	  where short_name = p_update_name;
Line: 367

  /* Get some details of the update being submitted to determine
  ** the correct submission mechanism.
  open csr_get_update_details;
Line: 371

  fetch csr_get_update_details into l_upg_def_id, l_upg_lvl;
Line: 372

  close csr_get_update_details;
Line: 381

end setUpdateComplete;