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Line 74: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;

70: p_quantity IN NUMBER := null, -- Fix bug 5440007
71: x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
72: x_errorMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
73: l_logLevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
74: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
75: l_retStatus VARCHAR2(1);
76: l_resTbls wip_infResSched_grp.op_res_rectbl_t;
77: l_repLineID NUMBER;
78: l_assignedUnits num_tbl_t;

Line 108: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

104: l_params(9).paramValue := p_subGrpNum;
105: l_params(10).paramName := 'p_quantity';
106: l_params(10).paramValue := p_quantity;
108: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',
109: p_params => l_params,
110: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
111: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
112: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 122: wip_logger.log('reading job/schedule...', l_retStatus);

118: fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
119: end if;
121: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
122: wip_logger.log('reading job/schedule...', l_retStatus);
123: end if;
124: if(p_midPntMethod is not null) then
125: l_schedMethod := p_midPntMethod;
126: elsif(p_opSeqNum is not null) then

Line 171: wip_logger.log('scheduling job/schedule...', l_retStatus);

167: where repetitive_schedule_id = p_repSchedID;
168: end if;
169: */
170: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
171: wip_logger.log('scheduling job/schedule...', l_retStatus);
172: end if;
174: wip_infResSched_grp.schedule(p_orgID => p_orgID,
175: -- p_repLineID => l_repLineID,

Line 188: wip_logger.log('writing job/schedule...', l_retStatus);

184: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
185: end if;
187: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
188: wip_logger.log('writing job/schedule...', l_retStatus);
189: end if;
191: writeJobSchedule(p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
192: p_repSchedID => p_repSchedID,

Line 209: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

205: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
206: end if;
208: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
209: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',
210: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
211: p_msg => 'success',
212: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
213: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then

Line 214: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);

210: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
211: p_msg => 'success',
212: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
213: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
214: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
215: end if;
216: end if;
217: exception
218: when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then

Line 224: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

220: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
221: wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errorMsg,
222: p_delete_stack => fnd_api.g_false);
223: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
224: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',
225: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
226: p_msg => 'error: ' || x_errorMsg,
227: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
228: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then

Line 229: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);

225: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
226: p_msg => 'error: ' || x_errorMsg,
227: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
228: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
229: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
230: end if;
231: end if;
233: when others then

Line 242: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

238: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
239: wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errorMsg,
240: p_delete_stack => fnd_api.g_false);
241: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
242: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',
243: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
244: p_msg => 'unexp error: ' || x_errorMsg,
245: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
246: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then

Line 247: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);

243: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
244: p_msg => 'unexp error: ' || x_errorMsg,
245: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
246: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
247: wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
248: end if;
249: end if;
250: end schedule;

Line 263: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;

259: x_minSchedSeqNum OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
260: x_maxOpSeqNum OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
261: x_maxSchedSeqNum OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) is
262: l_logLevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
263: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
264: l_retStatus VARCHAR2(1);
265: begin
266: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
267: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_midPntOpSeqNum';

Line 279: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.getMidPointInfo',

275: l_params(5).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
276: l_params(5).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
277: l_params(6).paramName := 'p_orgID';
278: l_params(6).paramValue := p_orgID;
279: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.getMidPointInfo',
280: p_params => l_params,
281: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
282: end if;

Line 289: wip_logger.log('entire job reschedule', l_retStatus);

285: wip_constants.backwards,
286: wip_constants.midpoint)) then
288: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
289: wip_logger.log('entire job reschedule', l_retStatus);
290: end if;
292: select min(operation_seq_num),
293: max(operation_seq_num)

Line 303: wip_logger.log('midpoint forward', l_retStatus);

300: elsif(p_schedMethod = wip_constants.midpoint_forwards) then
302: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
303: wip_logger.log('midpoint forward', l_retStatus);
304: end if;
306: x_minOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;

Line 351: wip_logger.log('midpoint backward', l_retStatus);

347: x_maxSchedSeqNum := null;
348: end if;
350: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
351: wip_logger.log('midpoint backward', l_retStatus);
352: end if;
354: select min(operation_seq_num)
355: into x_minOpSeqNum

Line 369: wip_logger.log('current op', l_retStatus);

365: and operation_seq_num = x_minOpSeqNum;
366: elsif(p_schedMethod = wip_constants.current_op) then
368: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
369: wip_logger.log('current op', l_retStatus);
370: end if;
372: x_minOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;
373: x_maxOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;

Line 383: wip_logger.log('current sub grp', l_retStatus);

379: and operation_seq_num = p_midPntOpSeqNum;
380: elsif(p_schedMethod = wip_constants.current_sub_grp) then
382: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
383: wip_logger.log('current sub grp', l_retStatus);
384: end if;
386: x_minOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;
387: x_maxOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;

Line 399: wip_logger.log('current op res', l_retStatus);

395: and substitute_group_num = p_subGrpNum;
396: else --current op resource
398: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
399: wip_logger.log('current op res', l_retStatus);
400: end if;
402: x_minOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;
403: x_maxOpSeqNum := p_midPntOpSeqNum;

Line 422: wip_logger.log('min op seq' || x_minOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);

418: x_maxSchedSeqNum := x_minSchedSeqNum;
419: end if;
421: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
422: wip_logger.log('min op seq' || x_minOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
423: wip_logger.log('min sched seq' || x_minSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
424: wip_logger.log('max op seq' || x_maxOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
426: end if;

Line 423: wip_logger.log('min sched seq' || x_minSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);

419: end if;
421: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
422: wip_logger.log('min op seq' || x_minOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
423: wip_logger.log('min sched seq' || x_minSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
424: wip_logger.log('max op seq' || x_maxOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
426: end if;

Line 424: wip_logger.log('max op seq' || x_maxOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);

421: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
422: wip_logger.log('min op seq' || x_minOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
423: wip_logger.log('min sched seq' || x_minSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
424: wip_logger.log('max op seq' || x_maxOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
426: end if;
428: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

Line 425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);

421: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
422: wip_logger.log('min op seq' || x_minOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
423: wip_logger.log('min sched seq' || x_minSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
424: wip_logger.log('max op seq' || x_maxOpSeqNum, l_retStatus);
425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
426: end if;
428: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
429: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

Line 429: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',

425: wip_logger.log('max sched seq' || x_maxSchedSeqNum, l_retStatus);
426: end if;
428: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
429: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule',
430: p_procReturnStatus => 'N/A',
431: p_msg => 'success',
432: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
433: end if;

Line 452: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;

448: x_resTbls out nocopy wip_infResSched_grp.op_res_rectbl_t,
449: x_assignedUnits out nocopy num_tbl_t,
450: x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2) is
451: l_loglevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
452: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
453: l_retStatus VARCHAR2(1);
454: l_hrUOM VARCHAR2(3);
455: l_hrVal NUMBER;
456: l_uomClass VARCHAR2(10);

Line 556: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',

552: l_params(7).paramValue := p_maxSchedSeqNum;
553: l_params(8).ParamName := 'P_quantity';
554: l_params(8).ParamValue := p_quantity;
556: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',
557: p_params => l_params,
558: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
559: end if;
560: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

Line 703: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',

699: open c_resInsts;
700: close c_resInsts;
702: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
703: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',
704: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
705: p_msg => 'success',
706: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
707: end if;

Line 713: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',

709: /*Fix bug 8914181 (FP 8894732)*/
710: when wip_constants.records_locked then
711: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
712: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
713: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',
714: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
715: p_msg => 'records were locked',
716: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
717: end if;

Line 726: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',

722: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt',
723: p_procedure_name => 'readJobSchedule',
724: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
725: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
726: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.readJobSchedule',
727: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
728: p_msg => 'unexp error: ' || SQLERRM,
729: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
730: end if;

Line 767: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;

763: l_maxResEndDate DATE;
764: l_jobStartDate DATE;
765: l_jobCplDate DATE;
766: l_logLevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
767: l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
768: l_retStatus VARCHAR2(1);
769: l_jobdate_align NUMBER := null;
770: begin
771: savepoint wipiscdb100;

Line 795: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',

791: for i in 1..p_assignedUnits.count loop
792: l_params(9+i).paramName := 'p_assignedUnits(' || i || ')';
793: l_params(9+i).paramValue := p_assignedUnits(i);
794: end loop;
795: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',
796: p_params => l_params,
797: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
798: end if;
799: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

Line 819: wip_logger.log('wrote resources', l_retStatus);

815: and operation_seq_num = x_resTbls.opSeqNum(i)
816: and resource_seq_num = x_resTbls.resSeqNum(i);
818: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
819: wip_logger.log('wrote resources', l_retStatus);
820: end if;
823: forall i in 1..x_resTbls.resID.count

Line 836: wip_logger.log('wrote resource instances', l_retStatus);

832: and operation_seq_num = x_resTbls.opSeqNum(i)
833: and resource_seq_num = x_resTbls.resSeqNum(i);
835: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
836: wip_logger.log('wrote resource instances', l_retStatus);
837: end if;
839: delete wip_operation_resource_usage
840: where (organization_id, wip_entity_id, operation_seq_num, resource_seq_num) in

Line 907: wip_logger.log('wrote resource usages', l_retStatus);

903: l_sysdate);
904: end if;
905: end loop;
906: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
907: wip_logger.log('wrote resource usages', l_retStatus);
908: end if;
910: insert into wip_operation_resource_usage
911: (wip_entity_id,

Line 980: wip_logger.log('wrote ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' resource instance usages', l_retStatus);

976: and woru.resource_seq_num = wor.resource_seq_num;
979: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
980: wip_logger.log('wrote ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' resource instance usages', l_retStatus);
981: end if;
983: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
984: wip_logger.log('about to start op processing', l_retStatus);

Line 984: wip_logger.log('about to start op processing', l_retStatus);

980: wip_logger.log('wrote ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' resource instance usages', l_retStatus);
981: end if;
983: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
984: wip_logger.log('about to start op processing', l_retStatus);
985: end if;
986: --base operation dates off of op resource dates
987: select wo.operation_seq_num,
988: min(wor.start_date),

Line 1021: wip_logger.log('about to start op processing', l_retStatus);

1017: and wip_constants.sched_yes = wor.scheduled_flag (+)
1018: group by wo.operation_seq_num;
1020: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1021: wip_logger.log('about to start op processing', l_retStatus);
1022: end if;
1024: for i in 1..l_opTbls.opSeqNum.count loop
1025: if(l_opTbls.startDate(i) is null) then

Line 1085: wip_logger.log('about to write ops', l_retStatus);

1081: end if;
1082: end loop;
1084: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1085: wip_logger.log('about to write ops', l_retStatus);
1086: end if;
1088: if(l_startOpIdx is not null) then
1089: forall i in l_startOpIdx..l_endOpIdx

Line 1106: wip_logger.log('wrote ops', l_retStatus);

1102: where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
1103: and organization_id = p_orgID
1104: and operation_seq_num = l_opTbls.opSeqNum(i);
1105: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1106: wip_logger.log('wrote ops', l_retStatus);
1107: end if;
1109: --update mtl requirement dates if job has routing
1110: forall i in l_startOpIdx..l_endOpIdx

Line 1140: wip_logger.log('wrote material requirements', l_retStatus);

1136: and operation_seq_num = 1;
1137: end if;
1139: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1140: wip_logger.log('wrote material requirements', l_retStatus);
1141: end if;
1143: --now update job dates
1144: --must select from table to get resource dates b/c of partial job scheduling

Line 1152: wip_logger.log('min res date:' || to_char(l_minResStartDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);

1148: where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
1149: and organization_id = p_orgID;
1151: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1152: wip_logger.log('min res date:' || to_char(l_minResStartDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);
1153: wip_logger.log('max res date:' || to_char(l_maxResEndDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);
1154: end if;
1155: --if there are no resources, set the local variables to p_anchorDate
1156: --so below update is correct.

Line 1153: wip_logger.log('max res date:' || to_char(l_maxResEndDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);

1149: and organization_id = p_orgID;
1151: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
1152: wip_logger.log('min res date:' || to_char(l_minResStartDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);
1153: wip_logger.log('max res date:' || to_char(l_maxResEndDate, g_logDateFmt), l_retStatus);
1154: end if;
1155: --if there are no resources, set the local variables to p_anchorDate
1156: --so below update is correct.
1157: l_jobdate_align := nvl(fnd_profile.value('WIP:ALIGN_JOB_DATE'),1);

Line 1181: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',

1177: where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
1178: and organization_id = p_orgID;
1180: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1181: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',
1182: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1183: p_msg => 'success',
1184: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
1185: end if;

Line 1194: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',

1190: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt',
1191: p_procedure_name => 'writeJobSchedule',
1192: p_error_text => SQLERRM);
1193: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
1194: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.writeJobSchedule',
1195: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1196: p_msg => 'unexp error: ' || SQLERRM,
1197: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
1198: end if;