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Line 140: -- viii. Finally, if there are warnings, 'Please check WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS for warnings during this request'

136: -- v. In case of error only, show the record info like
137: -- 'The above error occurred when processing the record with header HEADER_ID and job JOB_NAME' after the actual error.
138: -- vi. When launching any request inside the worker 'Launching in concurrent request REQUEST_ID'
139: -- vii. At the end, 'Total number of records = TOTAL_NO_REC, Successful records = SUC_NO_REC and Errored records = ERR_NO_REC'.
140: -- viii. Finally, if there are warnings, 'Please check WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS for warnings during this request'
141: -- ix. At the end, 'End PROGRAM_NAME'
142: --
143: -- 5. Every message in FND LOG of level unexpected or error, should have a corresponding message at level
144: -- unexpected or error with all the debug details. Module will have the program name, stmt no etc.

Line 154: TYPE error_msg_tbl_type is table of WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;

150: TYPE param_rec_type is record(paramName VARCHAR2(255), paramValue VARCHAR2(255));
151: TYPE param_tbl_type is table of param_rec_type index by binary_integer;
153: -- PL/SQL table for WIE..
154: TYPE error_msg_tbl_type is table of WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
155: g_error_msg_tbl WSM_log_PVT.error_msg_tbl_type;
158: TYPE token_rec_type IS RECORD

Line 209: -- which will be then written to the WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS table by the interface program by invoking WriteToWIE

205: );
207: -- Global variable indicating interface code.
208: -- When set to 1, the PL/SQL table g_error_msg_tbl will be filled with the messages
209: -- which will be then written to the WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS table by the interface program by invoking WriteToWIE
210: g_write_to_WIE NUMBER := 0;
211: g_header_id NUMBER;
212: g_txn_id NUMBER;