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1 PACKAGE hr_descr_flex_context_info
2 /* $Header: hrdfcinf.pkh 115.2 2002/12/10 08:51:49 hjonnala ship $ */
4   --
5   -- Global Types
6   --
7   TYPE t_segment IS RECORD
8     (column_name                    fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.application_column_name%TYPE
9     ,sequence                       fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.column_seq_num%TYPE
10     ,additional_column1_title       VARCHAR2(2000)
11     ,additional_column1_width       VARCHAR2(2000)
12     ,additional_column2_title       VARCHAR2(2000)
13     ,additional_column2_width       VARCHAR2(2000)
14     ,additional_column3_title       VARCHAR2(2000)
15     ,additional_column3_width       VARCHAR2(2000)
16     ,alphanumeric_allowed_flag      fnd_flex_value_sets.alphanumeric_allowed_flag%TYPE
17     ,concatenation_description_len  fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.concatenation_description_len%TYPE
18     ,default_type                   fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.default_type%TYPE
19     ,default_value                  fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.default_value%TYPE
20     ,display_flag                   fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.display_flag%TYPE
21     ,display_size                   fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.display_size%TYPE
22     ,enabled_flag                   fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.enabled_flag%TYPE
23     ,end_user_column_name           fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.end_user_column_name%TYPE
24     ,flex_value_set_id              fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_id%TYPE
25     ,flex_value_set_name            fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_name%TYPE
26     ,format_type                    fnd_flex_value_sets.format_type%TYPE
27     ,form_above_prompt              fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_tl.form_above_prompt%TYPE
28     ,form_left_prompt               fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_tl.form_left_prompt%TYPE
29     ,identification_sql             VARCHAR2(32767)
30     ,id_column_type                 VARCHAR2(1)
31     ,has_meaning                    BOOLEAN
32     ,longlist_flag                  fnd_flex_value_sets.longlist_flag%TYPE
33     ,maximum_description_len        fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.maximum_description_len%TYPE
34     ,maximum_size                   fnd_flex_value_sets.maximum_size%TYPE
35     ,maximum_value                  fnd_flex_value_sets.maximum_value%TYPE
36     ,minimum_value                  fnd_flex_value_sets.minimum_value%TYPE
37     ,number_precision               fnd_flex_value_sets.number_precision%TYPE
38     ,numeric_mode_enabled_flag      fnd_flex_value_sets.numeric_mode_enabled_flag%TYPE
39     ,required_flag                  fnd_descr_flex_column_usages.required_flag%TYPE
40     ,uppercase_only_flag            fnd_flex_value_sets.uppercase_only_flag%TYPE
41     ,validation_sql                 VARCHAR2(32767)
42     ,validation_type                fnd_flex_value_sets.validation_type%TYPE
43     );
44   TYPE t_segments IS TABLE OF t_segment;
45   TYPE t_segments_pst IS TABLE OF t_segment INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
46 --
47 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 -- |--------------------------------< segments >-------------------------------|
49 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- {Start of Comments}
51 --
52 -- Description
53 --   This function returns a table containing the details of columns for a
54 --   descriptive flexfield context. There will be a row in the returned table
55 --   structure for all columns available for the descriptive flexfield, even
56 --   though it may not be used for the specified context.
57 --
58 -- Prerequisites
59 --   None.
60 --
61 -- In Parameters
62 --   p_application_id               Y    number   Application identifier
63 --   p_descriptive_flexfield_name   Y    varchar2 Descriptive flexfield name
64 --   p_descr_flex_context_code      Y    varchar2 Descriptive flexfield context
65 --   p_effective_date               Y    date     Effective date
66 --
67 -- Post Success
68 --   A table containg the columns for the descriptive flexfield structure is
69 --   returned.
70 --
71 -- Post Failure
72 --   An error is raised.
73 --
74 -- Access Status
75 --   Internal Development Use Only
76 --
77 -- {End of Comments}
78 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 FUNCTION segments
80   (p_application_id               IN     fnd_descr_flex_contexts.application_id%TYPE
81   ,p_descriptive_flexfield_name   IN     fnd_descr_flex_contexts.descriptive_flexfield_name%TYPE
82   ,p_descr_flex_context_code      IN     fnd_descr_flex_contexts.descriptive_flex_context_code%TYPE
83   ,p_effective_date               IN     DATE
84   )
85 RETURN t_segments;
86 --
87 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 -- |------------------------------< segments_pst >-----------------------------|
89 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 -- {Start of Comments}
91 --
92 -- Description
93 --   This function returns a table containing the details of columns for a
94 --   descriptive flexfield context. There will be a row in the returned table
95 --   structure for all columns available for the descriptive flexfield, even
96 --   though it may not be used for the specified context.
97 --   A PL/SQL table is returned so it may be correctly retrieved by procedures
98 --   within a Forms Application. Forms 6 cannot retrieve nested tables from
99 --   server-side packages.
100 --
101 -- Prerequisites
102 --   None.
103 --
104 -- In Parameters
105 --   p_application_short_name       Y    varchar2 Application short name
106 --   p_descriptive_flexfield_name   Y    varchar2 Descriptive flexfield name
107 --   p_descr_flex_context_code      Y    varchar2 Descriptive flexfield context
108 --   p_effective_date               Y    date     Effective date
109 --
110 -- Post Success
111 --   A table containg the columns for the descriptive flexfield structure is
112 --   returned.
113 --
114 -- Post Failure
115 --   An error is raised.
116 --
117 -- Access Status
118 --   Internal Development Use Only
119 --
120 -- {End of Comments}
121 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 FUNCTION segments_pst
123   (p_application_short_name       IN     fnd_application.application_short_name%TYPE
124   ,p_descriptive_flexfield_name   IN     fnd_descr_flex_contexts.descriptive_flexfield_name%TYPE
125   ,p_descr_flex_context_code      IN     fnd_descr_flex_contexts.descriptive_flex_context_code%TYPE
126   ,p_effective_date               IN     DATE
127   )
128 RETURN t_segments_pst;
129 --
130 END hr_descr_flex_context_info;