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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 51

   select pvpp.partner_id, pvpp.PARTNER_GROUP_ID , person_hzp.PERSON_FIRST_NAME, person_hzp.person_last_name, hzoc.org_contact_id, org_hzp.party_name
   where HZR.party_id = cv_person_rel_party_id
   and HZR.directional_flag = 'F'
   and hzr.relationship_code = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
   and HZR.subject_table_name ='HZ_PARTIES'
   and HZR.object_table_name ='HZ_PARTIES'
   and hzr.start_date <= SYSDATE
   and (hzr.end_date is null or hzr.end_date > SYSDATE)
   and hzr.status = 'A'
   and hzr.subject_id = person_hzp.party_id
   and person_hzp.status = 'A'
   and hzr.object_id = pvpp.partner_party_id
   and pvpp.status = 'A'
   and pvpp.partner_group_id is not null
   and hzoc.PARTY_RELATIONSHIP_ID = hzr.relationship_id
   and hzr.object_id = org_hzp.party_id;
Line: 72

   select resource_id, resource_number, user_id, object_version_number
   from jtf_rs_resource_extns
   where source_id = cv_person_rel_party_id
   and category='PARTY'
   and start_date_active <= sysdate
   and (end_date_active is null or end_date_active >= sysdate);
Line: 81

   select role_relate_id
   from jtf_rs_role_relations rr, jtf_rs_roles_b rrb
   where role_resource_id = cv_resource_id
   and role_resource_type = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
   and rr.start_date_active <= sysdate
   and (rr.end_date_active is null or rr.end_date_active >=sysdate)
   and rrb.role_id = rr.role_id
   and rrb.role_code= 'PARTNER_CONTACT_MEMBER'
   and (rr.delete_flag is null or rr.delete_flag='N')
   and (rr.active_flag is null or rr.active_flag = 'Y')
   and  (rrb.active_flag = 'Y');
Line: 94

   select group_member_id
   from jtf_rs_group_members
   where group_id = cv_partner_group_id
   and resource_id = cv_resource_id
   and (delete_flag is null or delete_flag = 'N');
Line: 101

   select role_relate_id
   from jtf_rs_role_relations rr, jtf_rs_roles_b rrb
   where role_resource_id = cv_group_member_id
   and role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
   and rr.start_date_active <= sysdate
   and (rr.end_date_active is null or rr.end_date_active >=sysdate)
   and rrb.role_id = rr.role_id
   and rrb.role_code= 'PARTNER_CONTACT_MEMBER'
   and (rr.delete_flag is null or rr.delete_flag='N')
   and (rr.active_flag is null or rr.active_flag = 'Y')
   and  (rrb.active_flag = 'Y');
Line: 182

        jtf_rs_resource_pub.update_resource (
	P_API_VERSION             => p_api_version_number,
	P_INIT_MSG_LIST           => fnd_api.g_false,
	P_COMMIT                  => fnd_api.g_false,
	P_RESOURCE_ID             => l_resource_id,
	P_RESOURCE_NUMBER         => l_resource_number,
	P_USER_ID                 => p_partner_user_rec.user_ID,
	P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM      => l_object_version_number,
	P_USER_NAME		  => p_partner_user_rec.user_name,
	X_RETURN_STATUS           => x_return_status,
	X_MSG_COUNT               => x_msg_count,
	X_MSG_DATA                => x_msg_data
Line: 457

    select  jtfperm.permission_name
    from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
    where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
    and  jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
    and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
    and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
    and jtfperm.permission_name  in (G_PARTNER_PERMISSION, G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION)
    and jtfp1.principal_name IN
       (select principal_name
        from  jtf_um_usertype_role jtur
        where  jtur.usertype_id = l_user_type_id
        and  (jtur.effective_end_date is null or jtur.effective_end_date > sysdate)
        union all
        select jtsr.principal_name
        from jtf_um_usertype_subscrip jtus, jtf_um_subscription_role jtsr
        where  jtus.usertype_id = l_user_type_id
        and (jtus.effective_end_date is null or jtus.effective_end_date > sysdate)
	--and jtus.subscription_flag = 'IMPLICIT'
        and jtus.subscription_flag in ('IMPLICIT', 'DELEGATION_SELFSERVICE')
        and jtus.subscription_id = jtsr.subscription_id
        and (jtsr.effective_end_date is null or jtsr.effective_end_date > sysdate)
    group by jtfperm.permission_name;
Line: 676

       select  jtfperm.permission_name
    from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
    where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
    and  jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
    and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
    and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
    and jtfperm.permission_name  in (G_PARTNER_PERMISSION, G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION)
    and jtfp1.principal_name IN
       (select principal_name
        from  jtf_um_usertype_role jtur
        where  jtur.usertype_id = l_user_type_id
        and  (jtur.effective_end_date is null or jtur.effective_end_date > sysdate)
        union all
        select jtsr.principal_name
        from jtf_um_usertype_subscrip jtus, jtf_um_subscription_role jtsr
        where  jtus.usertype_id = l_user_type_id
        and (jtus.effective_end_date is null or jtus.effective_end_date > sysdate)
	--and jtus.subscription_flag = 'IMPLICIT'
        and jtus.subscription_flag in ('IMPLICIT', 'DELEGATION_SELFSERVICE')
        and jtus.subscription_id = jtsr.subscription_id
        and (jtsr.effective_end_date is null or jtsr.effective_end_date > sysdate)
    group by jtfperm.permission_name;
Line: 879

      select  jtfperm.permission_name  , jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id
      from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
      where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
      and  jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
      and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name  in (G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
      and jtfp1.principal_name IN (Select  * from table (CAST(l_role_name AS JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000)));
Line: 890

   Select jtfperm.permission_name
   FROM   jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm, jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_domains_b jtfd,  jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp,
          jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
	    where jtfp1.principal_name = l_user_name
	    and jtfp1.is_user_flag=1
	    and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id
	    and jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id =  jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id
	    and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
	    and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
	    and jtfperm.permission_name  in ( G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
	    and jtfd.jtf_auth_domain_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_domain_id
	    and jtfd.domain_name='CRM_DOMAIN'
	    and jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id NOT IN (Select  * from table (CAST(l_role_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE)))
     group by jtfperm.permission_name;
Line: 906

   Select fndu.user_id
   from fnd_user fndu
   where fndu.user_name = l_user_name;
Line: 1099

  PROCEDURE delete_role
     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER
    ,p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2           := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2           := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_role_name                  IN   JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000
    ,x_return_status              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
    ,x_msg_count                  OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
    ,x_msg_data                   OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2

   l_api_version_number        CONSTANT  NUMBER       := 1.0;
Line: 1112

   l_api_name                  CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_role';
Line: 1117

      select  jtfperm.permission_name  , jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id
      from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
      where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
      and  jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
      and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name  in (G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
      and jtfp1.principal_name IN (Select  * from table (CAST(cv_role_name AS JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000)));
Line: 1129

      select /*+ cardinality( t 10 ) */ jtfp2.principal_name, fndu.user_id
      from jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm, jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp2,jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1,
           fnd_user fndu, jtf_rs_resource_extns jtfre,  (Select  column_value from table
(CAST(cv_role_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE))) t
      where jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = t.column_value
      and   jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
      and   jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id
      and jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfp2.is_user_flag=1
      and jtfp2.principal_name =  fndu.user_name
      and fndu.user_id = jtfre.user_id
      and jtfre.category  = 'PARTY';
Line: 1145

   select /*+ cardinality( t 10 ) */  jtfperm.permission_name, jtfp3.principal_name
   from  jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp3,  jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm, jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm2, (Select  column_value from table (CAST(cv_user_name AS JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000))) t
   where jtfp3.principal_name = t.column_value
    and jtfp3.is_user_flag = 1 and jtfp3.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm2.jtf_auth_principal_id
    and jtfpm2.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = jtfrp.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPAL_ID
    and jtfpm2.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id NOT IN (Select  * from table (CAST(cv_role_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE)))
    and jtfrp.JTF_AUTH_PERMISSION_ID = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
    and jtfperm.permission_name IN  (G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
    and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
    group by jtfperm.permission_name, jtfp3.principal_name
    order by jtfp3.principal_name;
Line: 1176

      SAVEPOINT delete_role;
Line: 1343

          ROLLBACK TO delete_role;
Line: 1353

          ROLLBACK TO delete_role;
Line: 1363

         ROLLBACK TO delete_role;
Line: 1374

 END delete_role;
Line: 1395

      select jtfperm.permission_name
      from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
      where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0 and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1 and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name IN ( G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
      and jtfp1.principal_name in (Select  * from table (CAST(l_role_name AS JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000)))
      group by jtfperm.permission_name;
Line: 1404

      select  fndu.user_id
      from    fnd_user fndu
      where   fndu.user_name = l_user_name;
Line: 1409

      select  jtfperm.permission_name
      from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm,
      jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
      where jtfp1.principal_name = l_user_name
      and jtfp1.is_user_flag = 1
      and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfpm.JTF_AUTH_PARENT_PRINCIPAL_ID =  jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
      and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name  in (G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
      group by jtfperm.permission_name;
Line: 1423

      select 'X' from dual
      where exists
      (select 'X' from jtf_rs_resource_extns
      where user_id = l_user_id and category='PARTY');
Line: 1620

PROCEDURE update_role
     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER
    ,p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2           := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2           := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_assigned_perms             IN   JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000
    ,p_unassigned_perms           IN   JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000
    ,p_role_name                  IN   VARCHAR2
    ,x_return_status              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
    ,x_msg_count                  OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
    ,x_msg_data                   OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
   l_api_version_number        CONSTANT  NUMBER       := 1.0;
Line: 1634

   l_api_name                  CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_role';
Line: 1639

     select /*+ cardinality( t 10 ) */ jtfperm.permission_name, jtfp3.principal_name
     from  jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp3, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm, jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm2, (Select  column_value from table (CAST(cv_user_name AS JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_1000))) t
     where jtfp3.principal_name = t.column_value
	     and jtfp3.is_user_flag = 1
	     and jtfp3.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm2.jtf_auth_principal_id
	     and jtfpm2.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = jtfrp.JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPAL_ID
	     and jtfrp.JTF_AUTH_PERMISSION_ID = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
		 and jtfperm.permission_name IN  (G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
	     and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
	     and jtfpm2.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id <> cv_role_id
	     group by jtfperm.permission_name, jtfp3.principal_name
	     order by jtfp3.principal_name;
Line: 1654

      select jtfp2.principal_name, fndu.user_id
      from jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm, jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp2,jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1,
           fnd_user fndu, jtf_rs_resource_extns jtfre
      where jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = cv_role_id
      and   jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
      and   jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id
      and jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfp2.is_user_flag=1
      and jtfp2.principal_name =  fndu.user_name
      and fndu.user_id = jtfre.user_id
      and jtfre.category  = 'PARTY';
Line: 1668

      select jtfperm.permission_name, jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id
      from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
      where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0 and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1 and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name IN ( G_PRIMARY_PERMISSION, G_PARTNER_PERMISSION)
      and jtfp1.principal_name = l_role_name;
Line: 1700

      SAVEPOINT update_role;
Line: 1944

          ROLLBACK TO update_role;
Line: 1954

          ROLLBACK TO update_role;
Line: 1964

         ROLLBACK TO update_role;
Line: 1975

 END update_role;
Line: 1982

    select 1 from dual where exists
      select /*+ use_nl (hzr res) */ pvpp.partner_id, hzr.party_id, hzr.subject_id ,pvpp.partner_party_id
      from jtf_rs_resource_extns RES, hz_relationships hzr, pv_partner_profiles pvpp
      where RES.category = 'PARTY' and RES.source_id = 6310
      and RES.start_date_active <= SYSDATE
      and (RES.end_date_active is null or RES.end_date_active > SYSDATE)
      and RES.source_id = hzr.party_id and hzr.directional_flag = 'F'
      and hzr.relationship_code = 'EMPLOYEE_OF' and HZR.subject_table_name ='HZ_PARTIES'
      and HZR.object_table_name ='HZ_PARTIES' and hzr.start_date <= SYSDATE
      and (hzr.end_date is null or hzr.end_date > sysdate)
      and hzr.object_id = pvpp.partner_party_id
      and pvpp.status = 'A' and exists
        select 1 from jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm,jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_domains_b jtfd,
	   jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp2,jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
        where jtfp1.principal_name = RES.user_name and jtfp1.is_user_flag=1
        and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id and jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id
        and jtfp2.is_user_flag=0 and jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
        and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1 and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
        and jtfperm.permission_name = G_PARTNER_PERMISSION
        and jtfd.jtf_auth_domain_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_domain_id
        and jtfd.domain_name='CRM_DOMAIN'
Line: 2065

    	select usr.user_id, usr.user_name, usr.customer_id, jureg.usertype_id
	from fnd_user usr, jtf_um_usertype_reg jureg
    	where jureg.usertype_reg_id=c_reg_id
    	and usr.user_id = jureg.user_id;
Line: 2072

	select 1 from dual
	where exists
	( select  jtfperm.permission_name
   	  from jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp, jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
   	  where jtfp1.is_user_flag = 0
   	  and  jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
   	  and  jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
   	  and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
   	  and jtfperm.permission_name  = 'PV_PARTNER_USER'
   	  and jtfp1.principal_name IN
      	  (select principal_name
       	  from  jtf_um_usertype_role jtur
       	  where  jtur.usertype_id = c_usertype_id
       	  and  (jtur.effective_end_date is null or jtur.effective_end_date > sysdate)
      	  union all
       	  select jtsr.principal_name
       	  from jtf_um_usertype_subscrip jtus, jtf_um_subscription_role jtsr
       	  where  jtus.usertype_id = c_usertype_id
       	  and (jtus.effective_end_date is null or jtus.effective_end_date > sysdate)
       	  --and jtus.subscription_flag = 'IMPLICIT'
       	  and jtus.subscription_flag in ('IMPLICIT', 'DELEGATION_SELFSERVICE')
          and jtus.subscription_id = jtsr.subscription_id
       	  and (jtsr.effective_end_date is null or jtsr.effective_end_date > sysdate)
Line: 2248

PROCEDURE update_elig_prgm_4_new_ptnr(
    p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level           IN   NUMBER		   := FND_API.g_valid_level_full
   ,x_return_status              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count                  OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data                   OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
   ,p_partner_id                 IN   NUMBER
   ,p_member_type                IN   VARCHAR2     := null
   CURSOR c_get_program_info IS
      SELECT prg.program_id, prereq_process_rule_id
      FROM pv_partner_program_b prg
      WHERE prg.program_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
          AND prg.program_level_code = 'MEMBERSHIP'
          AND NVL(prg.allow_enrl_until_date, SYSDATE +1) >= SYSDATE
          AND prg.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2269

      SELECT change_from_program_id
      FROM pv_pg_enrl_change_rules rule
      WHERE rule.change_to_program_id = c_program_id
            AND rule.change_direction_code = 'PREREQUISITE'
            AND rule.ACTIVE_FLAG = 'Y';
Line: 2278

      SELECT 1
      FROM dual
      WHERE not exists(
         SELECT 1
         FROM pv_pg_memberships memb
         WHERE memb.program_id = c_program_id
            AND memb.partner_id = c_partner_id
            AND memb.START_DATE <= SYSDATE
Line: 2291

      FROM dual;
Line: 2294

  l_api_name                      CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_elig_prgm_4_new_ptnr';
Line: 2346

               l_stmt_str := 'INSERT
                              INTO   pv_pg_elig_programs
                                        LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ,
Line: 2426

               l_stmt_str := 'INSERT
                              INTO   pv_pg_elig_programs
                                        LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ,
Line: 2522

END update_elig_prgm_4_new_ptnr;