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Line 1283: -- from rcv_fte_transactions_v for the input p_shipment_line_id

1280: -- COMMENT : This procedure is defined to obtain the cumulative received and
1281: -- returned quantities for a rcv shipment line.
1282: -- In this procedure we get the quantity for each transaction type
1283: -- from rcv_fte_transactions_v for the input p_shipment_line_id
1284: -- and then sum up the received correction quantities, to the
1285: -- received quantities and sum up the returned correction quantities
1286: -- to the returned quantities passing the final received quantity
1287: -- and the returned quantity for a shipment_line_id in rcv_fte_lines_v

Line 1310: from rcv_fte_transactions_v

1306: --{
1307: --
1308: cursor l_max_txn_id_csr (p_shipment_line_id IN NUMBER) is
1309: select max(transaction_id)
1310: from rcv_fte_transactions_v
1311: where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
1312: --
1313: l_max_txn_id NUMBER;
1314: --

Line 1325: from rcv_fte_transactions_v

1321: secondary_quantity,
1322: secondary_uom_code,
1323: DECODE(transaction_type,'MATCH','RECEIPT','UNORDERED','RECEIPT','MATCHED','RECEIPT', 'RECEIVE','RECEIPT', transaction_type) transaction_type,
1324: DECODE(parent_transaction_type, 'MATCH','RECEIPT','UNORDERED','RECEIPT','MATCHED','RECEIPT', 'RECEIVE','RECEIPT', parent_transaction_type) parent_transaction_type
1325: from rcv_fte_transactions_v
1326: where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
1327: order by nvl(parent_transaction_id, transaction_id), transaction_id;
1329: -- The order by is very important in the above cursor.