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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

procedure update_child(p_child_cer_id in number,p_master_cer_id in number)
 update ben_copy_entity_results
    set gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_master_cer_id
       ,parent_entity_result_id = p_master_cer_id
  where copy_entity_result_id = p_child_cer_id;
Line: 20

end update_child;
Line: 34

    update ben_copy_entity_results
       set information101 = information1
          ,information1   = null
          ,information263 = null
     where copy_entity_result_id = p_cerTab(i);
Line: 45

    update ben_copy_entity_results
       set information101 = information1
          ,information1   = null
          ,information263 = null
     where copy_entity_result_id = p_cer_id;
Line: 68

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where copy_entity_result_id  = p_copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 74

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 82

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 122

select information1, copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is not null
order by information1 ;
Line: 132

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 140

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 189

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 197

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 205

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 221

        update ben_copy_entity_results
          set gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_gs_per_id
             ,parent_entity_result_id    = p_per_id
             ,Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id = p_gm_ser_id
        where copy_entity_result_id      = l_elp_cerid;
Line: 232

Line: 238

Line: 251

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
  where copy_entity_result_id = p_copy_entity_result_id ;
Line: 257

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null;
Line: 266

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null;
Line: 294

    delete from ben_copy_entity_results
    where  copy_entity_result_id = tab_cer(i);
Line: 311

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null
   and information101 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 319

select 'Y'
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 402

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 410

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 418

select *
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 441

Line: 447

Line: 484

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null
   and nvl(p_eligy_prfl_id,information101) = information101
   and nvl(p_copy_entity_result_id,copy_entity_result_id) = copy_entity_result_id ;
Line: 494

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null;
Line: 503

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where parent_entity_result_id = p_parent_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information1 is null;
Line: 531

    delete from ben_copy_entity_results
    where  copy_entity_result_id = tab_cer(i);
Line: 938

Select Table_Alias
From ben_Copy_Entity_Results
Where Copy_Entity_Result_id in
(Select EPA.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id
  From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Elp,
       Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Cep,
       Ben_Copy_Entity_Results EPA
 Where Elp.Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_id = P_Parent_Cer_Id
   and Elp.Table_Alias = 'ELP'
   and Cep.Copy_Entity_Result_id = Elp.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id
   and Cep.Table_Alias = 'CEP'
   and Cep.Information263 = P_Prfl_Id
   and Epa.Copy_Entity_Result_id = Cep.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_Id);
Line: 974

Select Information1
From ben_Copy_Entity_Results
Where Copy_Entity_Result_id = P_Copy_Entity_Result_Id;
Line: 989

      L_Dml_operation := 'INSERT';
Line: 991

      L_Dml_operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 997

      L_Dml_operation := 'DELETE';
Line: 1009

select null
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'ELP'
and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 1033

select copy_entity_result_id
from ben_copy_entity_results
where copy_entity_txn_id =p_copy_entity_txn_id
and table_alias = 'ELP'
and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id
and dml_operation <> 'REUSE';
Line: 1051

procedure update_crit_records_in_staging(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number)


Line: 1058

end update_crit_records_in_staging;
Line: 1060

procedure update_crit_records_in_staging(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number)
Cursor csr_eligy_prfl_cer
select copy_entity_result_id eligy_prfl_cer_id
from ben_copy_entity_results
where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
and table_alias = 'ELP'
and information1 is not null;
Line: 1071

select copy_entity_result_id crit_cer_id
from ben_copy_entity_results
where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
and parent_entity_result_id =p_eligy_prfl_cer_id
and gs_parent_entity_result_id is null;
Line: 1082

 update ben_copy_entity_results
 set gs_parent_entity_result_id = i.eligy_prfl_cer_id,
 GS_MIRROR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID = i.eligy_prfl_cer_id
 where copy_entity_result_id = j.crit_cer_id;
Line: 1090

end update_crit_records_in_staging;
Line: 1144

 Select Nvl(Information9,'PQH_GSP_TASK_LIST')
   from Pqh_Copy_Entity_Attribs
  where Copy_Entity_Txn_Id =  p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id;
Line: 1149

 Select Table_Route_id, Substr(Display_name,1,30)
   -- from Pqh_Table_Route bug5763511
   from Pqh_Table_Route_vl
  Where table_alias = p_table_alias;
Line: 1155

 Select object_version_Number
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  where Copy_Entity_Result_id = l_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id;
Line: 1160

 Select DML_OPERATION,copy_entity_result_id
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  where Information1 = p_elp_id
  and table_alias = 'ELP'
  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1167

 Select Information1, Copy_Entity_Result_Id, Object_version_NUmber, DML_OPERATION
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  where Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id
    and GS_MIRROR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID     = P_Mirror_result_Id
    and Table_alias        = 'EPA'
    and Nvl(Dml_operation,'XX') <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1175

 Select Cep.Copy_Entity_Result_id, Cep.Object_version_Number,
        Elp.Copy_Entity_Result_id, Elp.Object_Version_Number
   From BEN_Copy_Entity_Results CEP,
        Ben_Copy_Entity_Results ELP
  Where Elp.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id
    and elp.Table_alias = 'ELP'
    and elp.Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id = P_gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id
    and Elp.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id = Cep.Copy_Entity_Result_id
    and Cep.Information263 = P_Prfl_Id
    and Nvl(Cep.Dml_Operation,'XX') <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1187

  Select Plan.Copy_Entity_Result_Id
    From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Plan
   where PLan.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id = P_Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id
     and Plan.table_Alias = 'PLN'
     and plan.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1194

 Select Count(*)
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Prtn,
        Ben_Copy_Entity_Results PrtnElig
  where Prtn.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id                  =  p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id
    and Prtn.GS_Mirror_Src_ENTITY_RESULT_ID      =  P_Parent_Entity_Result_Id
    and Prtn.Table_alias                         =  'EPA'
    and PrtnElig.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id              =  Prtn.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
    and Prtnelig.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id  =  Prtn.Copy_Entity_Result_Id
    and PrtnElig.INFORMATION263                  <> P_Prfl_Id;
Line: 1205

 Select Count(*)
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  where Information1 = p_elp_id
   and table_alias = 'ELP'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1212

/* The Following Condition is used to Delete Ben_prtn_Elig_F
   if the Reference type is changed */

/* L_Ref_Level refers to the Old reference level ..
   P_ref_Level Implies the reference level the user tries to Change.
   As such reference level is applicable on ly Plan and Plan In program */

/* Initialize Multi Message Detection */

Line: 1258

   hr_utility.set_location('Insert EPA '  || l_InsYN ,30);
Line: 1297

   hr_utility.set_location('Delete Epa  '  || L_DelYN ,60);
Line: 1309

           (P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID        => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
            P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_Prtn_Elig_Prfl_ovn,
            P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => P_Effective_Date);
Line: 1314

           (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                 => P_Effective_Date,
            P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID             => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
            P_DML_OPERATION                  => 'DELETE',
            P_INFORMATION323 	    	     => NULL,
            P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
            P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => l_Prtn_Elig_Prfl_ovn);
Line: 1330

        (P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID        => l_DelPrtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
         P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_DelPrtn_ovn,
         P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => P_Effective_Date);
Line: 1335

       (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                 => P_Effective_Date,
        P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID             => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
        P_DML_OPERATION                  => 'DELETE',
        P_INFORMATION323 		 => NULL,
        P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => l_DelPrtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
        P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => l_DelPrtn_ovn);
Line: 1357

        (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE              => P_Effective_Date,
         P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID          => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
         P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID       => l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
         P_DML_OPeration               => 'UPDATE',
         P_INFORMATION323              => NULL,
         P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       => l_Prtn_ovn);
Line: 1385

    hr_utility.set_location('DML Operation is INSERT so this ELP is created now', 79);
Line: 1392

   update ben_copy_entity_results
   set gs_parent_entity_result_id = P_gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id
      ,parent_entity_result_id = P_gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id
   where copy_entity_result_id = l_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id;
Line: 1397

    hr_utility.set_location('DML Operation is not INSERT so this ELP is from PUI', 79);
Line: 1418

/* This Insert Links the Ben Object with the Eligibility Profiles (CEP) */
    hr_utility.set_location('Inserting EPA .. L_Prtn_Mirror_result_Id ' || L_Prtn_Mirror_result_Id , 80);
Line: 1430

    P_DML_OPERATION               => 'INSERT',
    p_INFORMATION1		  => l_Prtn_Elig_Id,
    P_INFORMATION2		  => P_Effective_Date,
    P_INFORMATION4                => P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
    p_Information5		  => P_Name,
    P_INFORMATION256              => L_PLIP_ID,
    P_INFORMATION258              => L_OIPL_ID,
    P_INFORMATION260              => L_PGM_ID,
    P_INFORMATION261              => L_PL_ID,
--  P_INFORMATION265              => 1,
    P_GS_MR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID  => L_Prtn_Mirror_result_Id,
    P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID       => l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
    P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       => l_Prtn_Elig_Ovn);
Line: 1455

    hr_utility.set_location('Inserting CEP ..l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id ' || l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id , 90);
Line: 1457

  (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                 => P_Effective_Date,
   P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID             => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
   P_RESULT_TYPE_CD                 => 'DISPLAY',
   P_NUMBER_OF_COPIES               => 1,
   P_TABLE_NAME                     => l_Table_name,
   P_TABLE_ALIAS                    => 'CEP',
   P_TABLE_ROUTE_ID                 => l_table_Route_Id,
   P_STATUS                         => 'VALID',
   P_DML_OPERATION                  => Get_Dml_Operation(l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,'U'),
   P_INFORMATION2                   => P_EFFECTIVE_DATE,
   P_INFORMATION4                   => P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
   p_Information5		    => P_Name,
   p_Information13                  => P_Compute_Score_Flag,    -- Added for Rank Support
   P_Information12		    => P_Req_opt,
   P_Information15                  => P_Ref_level,
   P_INFORMATION229                 => l_PRTN_ELIG_ID,
   P_INFORMATION263                 => p_Prfl_Id,
-- P_INFORMATION265                 => 1,
   P_INFORMATION323 		    => NULL,
   P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
   P_GS_MR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID     => l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
   P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => l_Prtn_Elig_Prfl_Ovn);
Line: 1495

  P_DML_OPERATION                  => 'INSERT',
  P_INFORMATION1                   => l_PRTN_ELIG_PRFL_ID,
  P_INFORMATION2                   => P_EFFECTIVE_DATE,
  P_INFORMATION4                   => P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
  p_Information5		   => P_Name,
  p_Information13                  => P_Compute_Score_Flag,    -- Added for Rank Support
  P_Information12		   => P_Req_opt,
  P_Information15                  => P_Ref_level,
  P_INFORMATION229                 => l_PRTN_ELIG_ID,
  P_INFORMATION263                 => p_Prfl_Id,
--P_INFORMATION265                 => 1,
  P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
  P_GS_MR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID     => l_Prtn_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
  P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => l_Prtn_Elig_Prfl_Ovn);
Line: 1512

    (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE              => P_Effective_Date,
     P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID          => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
     P_Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id  => P_Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id,
     P_GS_MR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID  => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
     P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID       => l_Elp_Cer_Id,
     P_INFORMATION323              => NULL,
     P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       => l_Elp_ovn);
Line: 1527

hr_utility.set_location('Txn Mode is I so going for update', 100);
Line: 1529

/* this update is used to Link the ELP with the BEN Object */
   Open ovn;
Line: 1534

  (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE             => P_Effective_Date,
   P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID          => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
   P_Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id  => P_Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id,
   P_GS_MR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID  => l_PrtnPrfl_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
   P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID       => l_Copy_Entity_Rslt_Id,
   P_INFORMATION323              => NULL,
   P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       => l_ovn);
Line: 1543

hr_utility.set_location('Updated gs_paernt successfully', 100);
Line: 1569

Procedure Delete_Eligibility
(P_Copy_Entity_txn_id    IN  Number
,P_Copy_Entity_result_id IN  NUmber) Is

L_Cep_Cer_Id  Ben_Copy_Entity_Results.Copy_Entity_Result_Id%TYPE;
Line: 1582

Select Copy_Entity_Result_Id, Object_Version_Number
  from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
 where Copy_Entity_txn_Id    = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
 Start With  Copy_Entity_Result_Id = P_Copy_Entity_Result_Id
Connect By Gs_Parent_Entity_Result_Id = Prior Copy_Entity_Result_Id;
Line: 1589

 Select Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id, INFORMATION1
   From Ben_Copy_Entity_results
  Where Copy_Entity_Result_Id = P_Copy_Entity_result_id;
Line: 1594

 Select Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  Where Copy_Entity_Result_Id = L_Cep_Cer_Id;
Line: 1599

 Select Object_Version_Number
   From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  Where Copy_Entity_Result_Id = P_Cer_id;
Line: 1621

 Select Count(*) into L_Cnt
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Prtn,
        Ben_Copy_Entity_Results PrtnElig
  where Prtn.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id                  =  p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id
    and Prtn.Copy_ENTITY_RESULT_ID               =  L_Epa_Cer_Id
    and Prtn.Table_alias                         =  'EPA'
    and PrtnElig.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id              =  Prtn.Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
    and Prtnelig.Gs_Mirror_Src_Entity_Result_id  =  Prtn.Copy_Entity_Result_Id
    and PrtnElig.INFORMATION263                  <> L_EligPrfl_ID
    and PrtnElig.Dml_Operation                   <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1636

      (P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID        => L_Epa_Cer_Id,
       P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => L_Epa_Ovn,
       P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => Trunc(Sysdate));
Line: 1641

     (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                 => Trunc(Sysdate),
      P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID             => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
      P_DML_OPERATION                  => 'DELETE',
      P_INFORMATION323 		       => NULL,
      P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => L_Epa_Cer_Id,
      P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => L_Epa_Ovn);
Line: 1655

   (P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID        => L_Cep_Cer_Id,
    P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => L_Cep_Ovn,
    P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => Trunc(Sysdate));
Line: 1660

  (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                 => Trunc(Sysdate),
   P_COPY_ENTITY_TXN_ID             => p_Copy_Entity_txn_Id,
   P_DML_OPERATION                  => 'DELETE',
   P_INFORMATION323 		    => NULL,
   P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID          => L_Cep_Cer_Id,
   P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER          => L_Cep_Ovn);
Line: 1671

   (P_COPY_ENTITY_RESULT_ID        => Del_Elp_rec.Copy_Entity_result_id,
    P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => Del_Elp_rec.Object_version_number,
    P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => Trunc(Sysdate));
Line: 1692

select null
from ben_copy_entity_results
where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
and table_alias = 'ELP'
and information1 = p_eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 1745

    update ben_copy_entity_results a
            set future_data_exists ='Y'
            where a.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and a.future_data_exists is null
            and a.information3 < to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
            and exists
            ( select 'Y' from ben_copy_entity_results b
              where b.copy_entity_txn_id = a.copy_entity_txn_id
              and b.table_alias = a.table_alias
              and b.information1 = a.information1
              and b.information2 = a.information3+1);
Line: 1756

    hr_utility.set_location('Updated bcer records for future_data_exists flag',25);
Line: 1769

 update ben_copy_entity_results
    set table_alias = table_alias||'-DUP'
  where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and information1 is null
    and table_alias in ('ELP'
,'AGF','CLA','CLF','HWF','LSF','PFF','SVA','RZR','BNG','EGL' );
Line: 1784

hr_utility.set_location('Total-'||l_rows||'-table aliases updated',10);
Line: 1795

 update ben_copy_entity_results
    set table_alias = replace(table_alias,'-DUP',null)
  where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and information1 is null;
Line: 1801

hr_utility.set_location('Total-'||l_rows||'-table aliases updated',10);
Line: 1813

select information101, copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where table_alias in ('AGF','CLA','CLF','HWF','LSF','PFF','SVA','RZR','BNG','EGL' )
   and copy_entity_txn_id  = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and (information1 is null or information1 = information101)
   and information101 is not null
order by information101,information1 ;
Line: 1834

    update ben_copy_entity_results
       set information1 = information101
     where copy_entity_result_id = rec_drv_fctr.copy_entity_result_id;