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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 296

  select db.defined_balance_id
  from   pay_defined_balances  db,
         pay_balance_types     bt,
         pay_balance_dimensions bdim
  where  bt.balance_name = p_balance_name
  and    bt.legislation_code = 'FR'
  and    bdim.dimension_name = p_dimension_name
  and    bdim.legislation_code = 'FR'
  and    db.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
  and    db.balance_dimension_id = bdim.balance_dimension_id;
Line: 380

    select decode(et.element_name
                 ,'FR_SEIZURE',50)                                     PRIORITY
                     ,'Monthly Payment',rrv.result_value))      MONTHLY_PAYMENT
          ,max(decode(iv.name,'Amount',rrv.result_value))                AMOUNT
                     ,'Processing Order',rrv.result_value))    PROCESSING_ORDER
          ,et.element_name                                         ELEMENT_NAME
          ,rr.source_id                                               SOURCE_ID
          ,rr.run_result_id                                       RUN_RESULT_ID
    from   pay_element_types_f      et
          ,pay_run_results          rr
          ,pay_run_result_values    rrv
          ,pay_input_values_f       iv
    where et.element_name        in ('FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE'
    and   et.legislation_code     = 'FR'
    and   et.business_group_id   is null
    and   p_date_earned     between et.effective_start_date
                                and et.effective_end_date
    and   et.element_type_id      = rr.element_type_id
    and   rr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
    and   rr.run_result_id        = rrv.run_result_id
    and   rrv.input_value_id      = iv.input_value_id
    and   iv.element_type_id      = et.element_type_id
    and   p_date_earned     between iv.effective_start_date
                                and iv.effective_end_date
    and   iv.name                in ('Monthly Payment'
                                    ,'Processing Order')
    and   rr.status              in ('P','PA')
    group by decode(et.element_name
    order by 1, 4;
Line: 433

  /* BUG 2481752 Cursor updated to reflect a fix by the PHQ team */
    Cursor csr_no_of_dpndts is
    select count(*)
      , per_all_assignments_f  a
      , pay_assignment_actions aa
    where PCR.person_id = a.person_id
    and    a.assignment_id = aa.assignment_id
    and    aa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
    and    p_date_earned
          between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
    and  ( pcr.date_start is NULL OR p_date_earned BETWEEN
		pcr.date_start AND NVL(pcr.date_end, p_date_earned) )
    and  (pcr.date_start IS NOT NULL OR
		EXISTS (SELECT person_id
		  	FROM per_all_people_f
			WHERE person_id = pcr.contact_person_id
			AND p_date_earned BETWEEN
			effective_start_date AND effective_end_date));
Line: 467

      select  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst.value)   rate,
              fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst2.value)  high_value,
              fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst3.value)  low_value
      from    pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst
             ,pay_user_columns                   c
             ,pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst2
             ,pay_user_columns                   c2
             ,pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst3
             ,pay_user_columns                   c3
             ,pay_user_tables                    tab
             ,pay_user_rows_f                    r
      where   tab.user_table_name              = 'FR_COURT_ORDER_BANDS'
      and     tab.user_key_units               = 'N'
      and     c.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
      and     c.legislation_code               = 'FR'
      and     c.user_column_name               = 'DEDUCTION_RATE'
      and     cinst.user_column_id             = c.user_column_id
      and     l_effective_date between cinst.effective_start_date and cinst.effective_end_date
      and     cinst.legislation_code           = 'FR'
      and     c2.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
      and     c2.legislation_code               = 'FR'
      and     c2.user_column_name               = 'Upper Bound'
      and     cinst2.user_column_id             = c2.user_column_id
      and     l_effective_date between cinst2.effective_start_date and cinst2.effective_end_date
      and     cinst2.legislation_code           = 'FR'
      and     c3.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
      and     c3.legislation_code               = 'FR'
      and     c3.user_column_name               = 'Lower Bound'
      and     cinst3.user_column_id             = c3.user_column_id
      and     l_effective_date between cinst3.effective_start_date and cinst3.effective_end_date
      and     cinst3.legislation_code           = 'FR'
      and     r.user_table_id = tab.user_table_id
      and     r.user_row_id = cinst.user_row_id
      and     r.user_row_id = cinst2.user_row_id
      and     r.user_row_id = cinst3.user_row_id;
Line: 505

      select  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(R.row_low_range_or_name) low_value
             ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number(R.row_high_range)        high_value
             ,cinst.value                                             rate
      from    pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst
             ,pay_user_columns                   c
             ,pay_user_rows_f                    r
             ,pay_user_tables                    tab
      where   tab.user_table_name              = 'FR_COURT_ORDER_BANDS'
      and     c.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
      and     c.legislation_code               = 'FR'
      and     c.user_column_name               = 'DEDUCTION_RATE'
      and     cinst.user_column_id             = c.user_column_id
      and     r.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
      and     l_effective_date between r.effective_start_date and r.effective_end_date
      and     r.legislation_code               = 'FR'
      and     tab.user_key_units               = 'N'
      and     cinst.user_row_id                = r.user_row_id
      and     l_effective_date between cinst.effective_start_date and cinst.effective_end_date
      and     cinst.legislation_code           = 'FR';
Line: 530

    select effective_date
    into   l_effective_date
    from   fnd_sessions
    where  session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 552

          Then determine how much of the net pay fits into each band selected but don't
          mess the bottom value of zero
        if r.low_value = 0 then
           l_low_value := 0;
Line: 678

           l_sql_string := l_sql_string||' select '||court_order(l_index).outstanding_balance||' balance'
                                       ||','||l_index ||' l_index'
                                       ||' from dual';