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Line 70: l_select := 'select distinct per.person_id emp_id, estab.organization_id estab_id, per.full_name name, per.employee_number empnum from per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f ass, pay_element_entries_f ent, '||

66: --
67: -- Get a list of employees for this establishment
68: -- and accrual plan, if any
69: -- Build the query dynamically
70: l_select := 'select distinct per.person_id emp_id, estab.organization_id estab_id, per.full_name name, per.employee_number empnum from per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f ass, pay_element_entries_f ent, '||
71: 'pay_accrual_plans acc, hr_all_organization_units estab';
72: l_where := ' where per.person_id = ass.person_id and per.business_group_id = '||p_business_group_id||' and '|| '''' ||l_date_to|| ''''||' between per.effective_start_date '
73: ||'and per.effective_end_date and estab.business_group_id = per.business_group_id and ass.establishment_id = estab.organization_id '
74: ||'and ass.effective_end_date >= '|| '''' ||l_date_from|| ''''||' and ass.effective_start_date <= '|| '''' ||l_date_to|| ''''||' and ass.assignment_id = ent.assignment_id '

Line 346: pay_element_entries_f ent,

342: to_char(ent.effective_start_date, 'dd-Mon-yy') ,
343: 'acc_hdr_enrol_end',
344: decode(ent.effective_end_date, hr_general.end_of_time,null, to_char(ent.effective_end_date, 'dd-Mon-yy'))
345: from pay_accrual_plans acc,
346: pay_element_entries_f ent,
347: per_all_assignments_f asg
348: where acc.accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id
349: and asg.person_id = p_emp_id
350: and ent.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id

Line 353: from pay_element_entries_f

349: and asg.person_id = p_emp_id
350: and ent.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
351: and ent.element_type_id = acc.accrual_plan_element_type_id
352: and ent.effective_start_date = (select max(effective_start_date)
353: from pay_element_entries_f
354: where assignment_id = ent.assignment_id
355: and element_type_id = acc.accrual_plan_element_type_id
356: and effective_start_date <= p_date_to
357: and effective_end_date >= p_date_from);

Line 365: from pay_element_entries_f ent,

361: ------------------------------------------
362: -- Cursor for selecting the greater of enrollment date and hiredate
363: Cursor csr_get_co_start is
364: select greatest(ent.effective_start_date, per.original_date_of_hire) co_start_date
365: from pay_element_entries_f ent,
366: per_all_assignments_f asg,
367: per_all_people_f per,
368: pay_accrual_plans acc
369: where acc.accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id

Line 383: from pay_element_entries_f

379: and effective_end_date >= p_date_from)
380: and ent.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
381: and ent.element_type_id = acc.accrual_plan_element_type_id
382: and ent.effective_start_date = (select max(effective_start_date)
383: from pay_element_entries_f
384: where assignment_id = ent.assignment_id
385: and element_type_id = acc.accrual_plan_element_type_id
386: and effective_start_date <= p_date_to
387: and effective_end_date >= p_date_from);

Line 442: pay_element_entries_f pee,

438: round(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value)*fnd_number.canonical_to_number(ncr.add_or_subtract), 2) adj_hours,
439: hr_general.decode_lookup('ADD_SUBTRACT',ncr.add_or_subtract) add_or_subtract
440: from pay_accrual_plans pap,
441: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr,
442: pay_element_entries_f pee,
443: pay_element_entry_values_f pev,
444: pay_input_values_f iv,
445: pay_element_types_f ele
446: where pap.accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id