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1 package ben_rt_prfl_cache AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: bertprch.pkh 115.16 2003/02/10 19:31:35 hnarayan ship $*/
3 --
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			 Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation		       |
7 |			    Redwood Shores, California, USA		       |
8 |				All rights reserved.			       |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 --
11 History
12   Version    Date	Who	   What?
13   ---------  ---------	---------- --------------------------------------------
14   115.0      24-Jun-99	bbulusu    Created.
15   115.1      01-Jul-99	lmcdonal   added ttl_prtt and ttl_cvg
16   115.2      16-Aug-99	stee	   Added absence_attendance_type_id and
17 				   abs_attendance_reason_id to loa_rsn cache.
18   115.3      27-Sep-99	GPERRY	   Added missing fields to many derived factors.
19   115.4      04-Oct-99	GPERRY	   Backport of 115.1 with 115.3 fixes.
20   115.5      04-Oct-99	GPERRY	   Leapfrog of 115.3.
21   115.6      06-Oct-99	STEE	   Add new criteria, period of enrollment
22 				   and disabled code.
23   115.7      12 Nov 99	tguy	   added los_fctr_id and age/comp id for
24 				   factors criteria.
25   115.8      11-May-00  dcollins   Performance enhancements, implemented
26                                    exception capturing instead of exists clauses
27                                    added "in out NOCOPY" to all set procs and
28                                    removed extra record assignment statements
29   115.9      19-dec-00  Tmathers   Fixed check_sql errors.
30   115.10     20-Mar-02  vsethi     added dbdrv lines
31   115.11     29-Apr-02  pabodla    Bug 1631182 : support user created
32                                    person type.
33   115.12     05-Jun-02  vsethi     Added code to handle the new rates profile
34   115.13     12-Jun-02  vsethi     Added code to handle the quartile and
35 				   performance rating
36   115.14     27-Jun-02  vsethi     Bug 2436338 Modified the data type of title
37   				   field of g_qual_titl_inst_rec record type to varchar2.
38   115.16     10-feb-03  hnarayan   Added NOCOPY Changes
39   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 */
41 --
42 g_inst_count number;
43 --
44 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- Each of the global record structures below represents a cursor that was part
46 -- of benrtprf.pkb. The id column at the beginning of every structure is
47 -- required for the caching mechanism to work.
48 --
49 -- The "_lookup" structures act as MASTER cache structures.
50 -- The "_instance" structures act as the DETAIL cache structures.
51 -- The "_out" in each case is a global area that the get_cached_data procedure
52 --     uses to to store the DATA BEING RETURNED.
53 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 --
56 --
57 type g_pg_inst_rec is record
58   (id		     number
59   ,person_type_id    number
60   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id   number(15)
61   ,people_group_id   number(15)
62   ,excld_flag	     varchar2(30)
63   ,segment1          varchar2(60)
64   ,segment2          varchar2(60)
65   ,segment3          varchar2(60)
66   ,segment4          varchar2(60)
67   ,segment5          varchar2(60)
68   ,segment6          varchar2(60)
69   ,segment7          varchar2(60)
70   ,segment8          varchar2(60)
71   ,segment9          varchar2(60)
72   ,segment10         varchar2(60)
73   ,segment11         varchar2(60)
74   ,segment12         varchar2(60)
75   ,segment13         varchar2(60)
76   ,segment14         varchar2(60)
77   ,segment15         varchar2(60)
78   ,segment16         varchar2(60)
79   ,segment17         varchar2(60)
80   ,segment18         varchar2(60)
81   ,segment19         varchar2(60)
82   ,segment20         varchar2(60)
83   ,segment21         varchar2(60)
84   ,segment22         varchar2(60)
85   ,segment23         varchar2(60)
86   ,segment24         varchar2(60)
87   ,segment25         varchar2(60)
88   ,segment26         varchar2(60)
89   ,segment27         varchar2(60)
90   ,segment28         varchar2(60)
91   ,segment29         varchar2(60)
92   ,segment30         varchar2(60) );
93 --
94 type g_pg_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pg_inst_rec
95   index by binary_integer;
96 --
97 g_pg_lookup	      ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
98 g_pg_instance	      g_pg_inst_tbl;
99 g_pg_out	      ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pg_inst_tbl;
100 --
101 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
102   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
103   ,p_effective_date    in date
104   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
105   ,p_business_group_id in number
106   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pg_inst_tbl
107   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
108 --
109 -- RULE
110 --
111 type g_rl_inst_rec is record
112   (id		    number
113   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
114   ,formula_id	    number(15)
115   );
116 --
117 type g_rl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_rl_inst_rec
118   index by binary_integer;
119 --
120 g_rl_lookup	      ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
121 g_rl_instance	      g_rl_inst_tbl;
122 g_rl_out	      ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_rl_inst_tbl;
123 --
124 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
125   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
126   ,p_effective_date    in date
127   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
128   ,p_business_group_id in number
129   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_rl_inst_tbl
130   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
131 --
132 -- TOBACCO
133 --
134 type g_tbco_inst_rec is record
135   (id		    number
136   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
137   ,uses_tbco_flag   varchar2(30)
138   ,excld_flag	    varchar2(30)
139   );
140 --
141 type g_tbco_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_tbco_inst_rec
142   index by binary_integer;
143 --
144 g_tbco_lookup		ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
145 g_tbco_instance 	g_tbco_inst_tbl;
146 g_tbco_out		g_tbco_inst_tbl;
147 --
148 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
149   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
150   ,p_effective_date    in date
151   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
152   ,p_business_group_id in number
153   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_tbco_inst_tbl
154   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
155 --
156 -- GENDER
157 --
158 type g_gndr_inst_rec is record
159   (id		    number
160   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
161   ,gndr_cd	    varchar2(30)
162   ,excld_flag	    varchar2(30)
163   );
164 --
165 type g_gndr_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_gndr_inst_rec
166   index by binary_integer;
167 --
168 g_gndr_lookup		ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
169 g_gndr_instance 	g_gndr_inst_tbl;
170 g_gndr_out		g_gndr_inst_tbl;
171 --
172 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
173   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
174   ,p_effective_date    in date
175   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
176   ,p_business_group_id in number
177   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_gndr_inst_tbl
178   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
179 --
181 --
182 type g_dsbld_inst_rec is record
183   (id		   number
184   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id number(15)
185   ,dsbld_cd	   varchar2(30)
186   ,excld_flag	   varchar2(30)
187   );
188 --
189 type g_dsbld_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dsbld_inst_rec
190   index by binary_integer;
191 --
192 g_dsbld_lookup		 ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
193 g_dsbld_instance	 g_dsbld_inst_tbl;
194 g_dsbld_out		 g_dsbld_inst_tbl;
195 --
196 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
197   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
198   ,p_effective_date    in date
199   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
200   ,p_business_group_id in number
201   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dsbld_inst_tbl
202   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
203 --
205 --
206 type g_brgng_inst_rec is record
207   (id		    number
208   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
209   ,brgng_unit_cd    varchar2(30)
210   ,excld_flag	    varchar2(30)
211   );
212 --
213 type g_brgng_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_brgng_inst_rec
214   index by binary_integer;
215 --
216 g_brgng_lookup		 ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
217 g_brgng_instance	 g_brgng_inst_tbl;
218 g_brgng_out		 g_brgng_inst_tbl;
219 --
220 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
221   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
222   ,p_effective_date    in date
223   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
224   ,p_business_group_id in number
225   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_brgng_inst_tbl
226   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
227 --
229 --
230 type g_bnfgrp_inst_rec is record
231   (id		    number
232   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
233   ,benfts_grp_id     number(15)
234   ,excld_flag	    varchar2(30)
235   );
236 --
237 type g_bnfgrp_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_bnfgrp_inst_rec
238   index by binary_integer;
239 --
240 g_bnfgrp_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
241 g_bnfgrp_instance	  g_bnfgrp_inst_tbl;
242 g_bnfgrp_out		  g_bnfgrp_inst_tbl;
243 --
244 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
245   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
246   ,p_effective_date    in date
247   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
248   ,p_business_group_id in number
249   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_bnfgrp_inst_tbl
250   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
251 --
253 --
254 type g_eestat_inst_rec is record
255   (id			     number
256   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
257   ,assignment_status_type_id number(15)
258   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
259   );
260 --
261 type g_eestat_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_eestat_inst_rec
262   index by binary_integer;
263 --
264 g_eestat_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
265 g_eestat_instance	  g_eestat_inst_tbl;
266 g_eestat_out		  g_eestat_inst_tbl;
267 --
268 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
269   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
270   ,p_effective_date    in date
271   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
272   ,p_business_group_id in number
273   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_eestat_inst_tbl
274   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
275 --
276 --
278 --
279 type g_ftpt_inst_rec is record
280   (id			     number
281   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
282   ,fl_tm_pt_tm_cd	     varchar2(30)
283   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
284   );
285 --
286 type g_ftpt_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ftpt_inst_rec
287   index by binary_integer;
288 --
289 g_ftpt_lookup		ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
290 g_ftpt_instance 	g_ftpt_inst_tbl;
291 g_ftpt_out		g_ftpt_inst_tbl;
292 --
293 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
294   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
295   ,p_effective_date    in date
296   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
297   ,p_business_group_id in number
298   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ftpt_inst_tbl
299   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
300 --
301 -- GRADE
302 --
303 type g_grd_inst_rec is record
304   (id			     number
305   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
306   ,grade_id		     number(15)
307   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
308   );
309 --
310 type g_grd_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_grd_inst_rec
311   index by binary_integer;
312 --
313 g_grd_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
314 g_grd_instance	       g_grd_inst_tbl;
315 g_grd_out	       g_grd_inst_tbl;
316 --
317 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
318   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
319   ,p_effective_date    in date
320   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
321   ,p_business_group_id in number
322   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_grd_inst_tbl
323   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
324 --
326 --
327 type g_pctft_inst_rec is record
328   (id			     number
329   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
330   ,mn_pct_val		     number
331   ,mx_pct_val		     number
332   ,no_mn_pct_val_flag	     varchar2(30)
333   ,no_mx_pct_val_flag	     varchar2(30)
334   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
335   );
336 --
337 type g_pctft_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pctft_inst_rec
338   index by binary_integer;
339 --
340 g_pctft_lookup		 ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
341 g_pctft_instance	 g_pctft_inst_tbl;
342 g_pctft_out		 g_pctft_inst_tbl;
343 --
344 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
345   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
346   ,p_effective_date    in date
347   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
348   ,p_business_group_id in number
349   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pctft_inst_tbl
350   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
351 --
353 --
354 type g_hrswkd_inst_rec is record
355   (id			     number
356   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
357   ,mn_hrs_num		     ben_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr.mn_hrs_num%type
358   ,mx_hrs_num		     ben_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr.mx_hrs_num%type
359   ,no_mn_hrs_wkd_flag	     varchar2(30)
360   ,no_mx_hrs_wkd_flag	     varchar2(30)
361   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
362   );
363 --
364 type g_hrswkd_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_hrswkd_inst_rec
365   index by binary_integer;
366 --
367 g_hrswkd_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
368 g_hrswkd_instance	  g_hrswkd_inst_tbl;
369 g_hrswkd_out		  g_hrswkd_inst_tbl;
370 --
371 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
372   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
373   ,p_effective_date    in date
374   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
375   ,p_business_group_id in number
376   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_hrswkd_inst_tbl
377   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
378 --
379 -- Period of Enrollment
380 --
381 type g_poe_inst_rec is record
382   (id			     number
383   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
384   ,mn_poe_num		     ben_poe_rt_f.mn_poe_num%type
385   ,mx_poe_num		     ben_poe_rt_f.mx_poe_num%type
386   ,no_mn_poe_flag	     varchar2(30)
387   ,no_mx_poe_flag	     varchar2(30)
388   ,rndg_cd		     ben_poe_rt_f.rndg_cd%type
389   ,rndg_rl		     ben_poe_rt_f.rndg_rl%type
390   ,poe_nnmntry_uom	     ben_poe_rt_f.poe_nnmntry_uom%type
391   ,cbr_dsblty_apls_flag      varchar2(30)
392   );
393 --
394 type g_poe_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_poe_inst_rec
395   index by binary_integer;
396 --
397 g_poe_lookup		  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
398 g_poe_instance		  g_poe_inst_tbl;
399 g_poe_out		  g_poe_inst_tbl;
400 --
401 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
402   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
403   ,p_effective_date    in date
404   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
405   ,p_business_group_id in number
406   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_poe_inst_tbl
407   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
408 --
410 --
411 type g_lbrmmbr_inst_rec is record
412   (id			     number
413   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
414   ,lbr_mmbr_flag	     varchar2(30)
415   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
416   );
417 --
418 type g_lbrmmbr_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lbrmmbr_inst_rec
419   index by binary_integer;
420 --
421 g_lbrmmbr_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
422 g_lbrmmbr_instance	   g_lbrmmbr_inst_tbl;
423 g_lbrmmbr_out		   g_lbrmmbr_inst_tbl;
424 --
425 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
426   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
427   ,p_effective_date    in date
428   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
429   ,p_business_group_id in number
430   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lbrmmbr_inst_tbl
431   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
432 --
434 --
435 type g_lglenty_inst_rec is record
436   (id			     number
437   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
438   ,organization_id	     number(15)
439   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
440   );
441 --
442 type g_lglenty_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lglenty_inst_rec
443   index by binary_integer;
444 --
445 g_lglenty_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
446 g_lglenty_instance	   g_lglenty_inst_tbl;
447 g_lglenty_out		   g_lglenty_inst_tbl;
448 --
449 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
450   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
451   ,p_effective_date    in date
452   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
453   ,p_business_group_id in number
454   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lglenty_inst_tbl
455   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
456 --
458 --
459 type g_loa_inst_rec is record
460   (id			      number
461   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	      number(15)
462   ,absence_attendance_type_id number(15)
463   ,abs_attendance_reason_id   number(15)
464   ,excld_flag		      varchar2(30)
465   );
466 --
467 type g_loa_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_loa_inst_rec
468   index by binary_integer;
469 --
470 g_loa_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
471 g_loa_instance	       g_loa_inst_tbl;
472 g_loa_out	       g_loa_inst_tbl;
473 --
474 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
475   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
476   ,p_effective_date    in date
477   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
478   ,p_business_group_id in number
479   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_loa_inst_tbl
480   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
481 --
483 --
484 type g_org_inst_rec is record
485   (id			     number
486   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
487   ,organization_id	     number(15)
488   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
489   );
490 --
491 type g_org_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_org_inst_rec
492   index by binary_integer;
493 --
494 g_org_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
495 g_org_instance	       g_org_inst_tbl;
496 g_org_out	       g_org_inst_tbl;
497 --
498 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
499   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
500   ,p_effective_date    in date
501   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
502   ,p_business_group_id in number
503   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_org_inst_tbl
504   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
505 --
507 --
508 type g_pertyp_inst_rec is record
509   (id			     number
510   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
511   --,per_typ_cd		     varchar2(30)
512   ,person_type_id            number(15)
513   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
514   );
515 --
516 type g_pertyp_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pertyp_inst_rec
517   index by binary_integer;
518 --
519 g_pertyp_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
520 g_pertyp_instance	  g_pertyp_inst_tbl;
521 g_pertyp_out		  g_pertyp_inst_tbl;
522 --
523 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
524   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
525   ,p_effective_date    in date
526   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
527   ,p_business_group_id in number
528   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pertyp_inst_tbl
529   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
530 --
531 -- ZIP RANGE
532 --
533 type g_ziprng_inst_rec is record
534   (id			     number
535   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
536   ,from_value		     varchar2(30)
537   ,to_value		     varchar2(30)
538   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
539   );
540 --
541 type g_ziprng_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ziprng_inst_rec
542   index by binary_integer;
543 --
544 g_ziprng_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
545 g_ziprng_instance	  g_ziprng_inst_tbl;
546 g_ziprng_out		  g_ziprng_inst_tbl;
547 --
548 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
549   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
550   ,p_effective_date    in date
551   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
552   ,p_business_group_id in number
553   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ziprng_inst_tbl
554   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
555 --
556 -- PAYROLL
557 --
558 type g_pyrl_inst_rec is record
559   (id			     number
560   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
561   ,payroll_id		     number(15)
562   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
563   );
564 --
565 type g_pyrl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pyrl_inst_rec
566   index by binary_integer;
567 --
568 g_pyrl_lookup		ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
569 g_pyrl_instance 	g_pyrl_inst_tbl;
570 g_pyrl_out		g_pyrl_inst_tbl;
571 --
572 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
573   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
574   ,p_effective_date    in date
575   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
576   ,p_business_group_id in number
577   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pyrl_inst_tbl
578   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
579 --
580 -- PAY BASIS
581 --
582 type g_py_bss_inst_rec is record
583   (id			     number
584   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
585   ,pay_basis_id 	     number(15)
586   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
587   );
588 --
589 type g_py_bss_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_py_bss_inst_rec
590   index by binary_integer;
591 --
592 g_py_bss_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
593 g_py_bss_instance	  g_py_bss_inst_tbl;
594 g_py_bss_out		  g_py_bss_inst_tbl;
595 --
596 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
597   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
598   ,p_effective_date    in date
599   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
600   ,p_business_group_id in number
601   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_py_bss_inst_tbl
602   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
603 --
605 --
606 type g_scdhrs_inst_rec is record
607   (id			     number
608   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
609   ,hrs_num		     number(22,3)
610   ,freq_cd		     varchar2(30)
611   ,max_hrs_num		number(22,3)
612   ,schedd_hrs_rl		number(15)
613   ,determination_cd		varchar2(30)
614   ,determination_rl		number(15)
615   ,rounding_cd				varchar2(30)
616   ,rounding_rl				number(15)
617   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
618   );
619 --
620 type g_scdhrs_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_scdhrs_inst_rec
621   index by binary_integer;
622 --
623 g_scdhrs_lookup 	  ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
624 g_scdhrs_instance	  g_scdhrs_inst_tbl;
625 g_scdhrs_out		  g_scdhrs_inst_tbl;
626 --
627 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
628   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
629   ,p_effective_date    in date
630   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
631   ,p_business_group_id in number
632   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_scdhrs_inst_tbl
633   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
634 --
636 --
637 type g_wkloc_inst_rec is record
638   (id			     number
639   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
640   ,location_id		     number(15)
641   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
642   );
643 --
644 type g_wkloc_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_wkloc_inst_rec
645   index by binary_integer;
646 --
647 g_wkloc_lookup		 ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
648 g_wkloc_instance	 g_wkloc_inst_tbl;
649 g_wkloc_out		 g_wkloc_inst_tbl;
650 --
651 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
652   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
653   ,p_effective_date    in date
654   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
655   ,p_business_group_id in number
656   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_wkloc_inst_tbl
657   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
658 --
660 --
661 type g_svcarea_inst_rec is record
662   (id			     number
663   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
664   ,from_value		     varchar2(30)
665   ,to_value		     varchar2(30)
666   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
667   );
668 --
669 type g_svcarea_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_svcarea_inst_rec
670   index by binary_integer;
671 --
672 g_svcarea_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
673 g_svcarea_instance	   g_svcarea_inst_tbl;
674 g_svcarea_out		   g_svcarea_inst_tbl;
675 --
676 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
677   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
678   ,p_effective_date    in date
679   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
680   ,p_business_group_id in number
681   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_svcarea_inst_tbl
682   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
683 --
685 --
686 type g_hrlyslrd_inst_rec is record
687   (id			     number
688   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
689   ,hrly_slrd_cd 	     varchar2(30)
690   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
691   );
692 --
693 type g_hrlyslrd_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_hrlyslrd_inst_rec
694   index by binary_integer;
695 --
696 g_hrlyslrd_lookup	    ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
697 g_hrlyslrd_instance	    g_hrlyslrd_inst_tbl;
698 g_hrlyslrd_out		    g_hrlyslrd_inst_tbl;
699 --
700 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
701   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
702   ,p_effective_date    in date
703   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
704   ,p_business_group_id in number
705   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_hrlyslrd_inst_tbl
706   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
707 --
708 -- AGE
709 --
710 type g_age_inst_rec is record
711   (id			     number
712   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
713   ,mn_age_num		     number
714   ,mx_age_num		     number
715   ,no_mn_age_flag	     varchar2(30)
716   ,no_mx_age_flag	     varchar2(30)
717   ,age_fctr_id		     number(15)
718   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
719   );
720 --
721 type g_age_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_age_inst_rec
722   index by binary_integer;
723 --
724 g_age_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
725 g_age_instance	       g_age_inst_tbl;
726 g_age_out	       g_age_inst_tbl;
727 --
728 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
729   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
730   ,p_effective_date    in date
731   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
732   ,p_business_group_id in number
733   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_age_inst_tbl
734   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
735 --
737 --
738 type g_complvl_inst_rec is record
739   (id			     number
740   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
741   ,mn_comp_val		     number
742   ,mx_comp_val		     number
743   ,no_mn_comp_flag	     varchar2(30)
744   ,no_mx_comp_flag	     varchar2(30)
745   ,comp_lvl_fctr_id	     number(15)
746   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
747   );
748 --
749 type g_complvl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_complvl_inst_rec
750   index by binary_integer;
751 --
752 g_complvl_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
753 g_complvl_instance	   g_complvl_inst_tbl;
754 g_complvl_out		   g_complvl_inst_tbl;
755 --
756 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
757   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
758   ,p_effective_date    in date
759   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
760   ,p_business_group_id in number
761   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_complvl_inst_tbl
762   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
763 --
764 -- LOS
765 --
766 type g_los_inst_rec is record
767   (id			     number
768   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
769   ,mn_los_num		     number
770   ,mx_los_num		     number
771   ,no_mn_los_num_apls_flag   varchar2(30)
772   ,no_mx_los_num_apls_flag   varchar2(30)
773   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
774   ,los_fctr_id		     number
775   );
776 --
777 type g_los_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_los_inst_rec
778   index by binary_integer;
779 --
780 g_los_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
781 g_los_instance	       g_los_inst_tbl;
782 g_los_out	       g_los_inst_tbl;
783 --
784 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
785   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
786   ,p_effective_date    in date
787   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
788   ,p_business_group_id in number
789   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_los_inst_tbl
790   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
791 --
793 --
794 type g_age_los_inst_rec is record
795   (id			     number
796   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
797   ,cmbnd_min_val	     number
798   ,cmbnd_max_val	     number
799   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
800   ,cmbn_age_los_fctr_id      number
801   );
802 --
803 type g_age_los_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_age_los_inst_rec
804   index by binary_integer;
805 --
806 g_age_los_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
807 g_age_los_instance	   g_age_los_inst_tbl;
808 g_age_los_out		   g_age_los_inst_tbl;
809 --
810 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
811   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
812   ,p_effective_date    in date
813   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
814   ,p_business_group_id in number
815   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_age_los_inst_tbl
816   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
818 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
820 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
821 type g_ttl_prtt_inst_rec is record
822   (id		    number
823   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
824   ,mn_prtt_num	    number
825   ,mx_prtt_num	    number
826   );
827 --
828 type g_ttl_prtt_inst_tbl is table of
829    ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ttl_prtt_inst_rec  index by binary_integer;
830 --
831 g_ttl_prtt_lookup	    ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
832 g_ttl_prtt_instance	    g_ttl_prtt_inst_tbl;
833 g_ttl_prtt_out		    g_ttl_prtt_inst_tbl;
834 --
835 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
836   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
837   ,p_effective_date    in date
838   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
839   ,p_business_group_id in number
840   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ttl_prtt_inst_tbl
841   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
845 type g_ttl_cvg_inst_rec is record
846   (id		    number
847   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id  number(15)
848   ,mn_cvg_vol_amt   number
849   ,mx_cvg_vol_amt   number
850   );
851 --
852 type g_ttl_cvg_inst_tbl is table of
853    ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ttl_cvg_inst_rec  index by binary_integer;
854 --
855 g_ttl_cvg_lookup	   ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
856 g_ttl_cvg_instance	   g_ttl_cvg_inst_tbl;
857 g_ttl_cvg_out		   g_ttl_cvg_inst_tbl;
858 --
859 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
860   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
861   ,p_effective_date    in date
862   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
863   ,p_business_group_id in number
864   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_ttl_cvg_inst_tbl
865   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
868 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
869 -- JOB
870 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
871 type g_job_inst_rec is record
872   (id			     number
873   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
874   ,job_id		     number(15)
875   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
876   );
877 --
878 type g_job_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_job_inst_rec
879   index by binary_integer;
880 --
881 g_job_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
882 g_job_instance	       g_job_inst_tbl;
883 g_job_out	       g_job_inst_tbl;
884 --
885 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
886   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
887   ,p_effective_date    in date
888   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
889   ,p_business_group_id in number
890   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_job_inst_tbl
891   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
895 -- OMR - Opted for Medicare
896 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
897 type g_optd_mdcr_inst_rec is record
898   (id			     number
899   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
900   ,optd_mdcr_flag	     varchar2(30)
901   );
902 --
903 type g_optd_mdcr_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_optd_mdcr_inst_rec
904   index by binary_integer;
905 --
906 g_optd_mdcr_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
907 g_optd_mdcr_instance	g_optd_mdcr_inst_tbl;
908 g_optd_mdcr_out	       	g_optd_mdcr_inst_tbl;
909 --
910 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
911   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
912   ,p_effective_date    in date
913   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
914   ,p_business_group_id in number
915   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_optd_mdcr_inst_tbl
916   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
919 -- LRR - Leaving Reason
920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
921 type g_lvg_rsn_inst_rec is record
922   (id			     number
923   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
924   ,lvg_rsn_cd		     varchar(30)
925   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
926   );
927 --
928 type g_lvg_rsn_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lvg_rsn_inst_rec
929   index by binary_integer;
930 --
931 g_lvg_rsn_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
932 g_lvg_rsn_instance	g_lvg_rsn_inst_tbl;
933 g_lvg_rsn_out	       	g_lvg_rsn_inst_tbl;
934 --
935 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
936   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
937   ,p_effective_date    in date
938   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
939   ,p_business_group_id in number
940   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_lvg_rsn_inst_tbl
941   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
945 -- CQR	Cobra Qualified Beneficiary
946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
947 type g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_rec is record
948   (id			     number
949   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
950   ,ptip_id		     number(15)
951   ,pgm_id		     number(15)
952   ,quald_bnf_flag	     varchar(30)
953   );
954 --
955 type g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_rec
956   index by binary_integer;
957 --
958 g_cbr_qual_bnf_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
959 g_cbr_qual_bnf_instance	       g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_tbl;
960 g_cbr_qual_bnf_out	       g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_tbl;
961 --
962 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
963   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
964   ,p_effective_date    in date
965   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
966   ,p_business_group_id in number
967   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_cbr_qual_bnf_inst_tbl
968   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
971 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
972 -- CPP	Continuing Participation Profile
973 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
974 type g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_rec is record
975   (id			     number
976   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
977   ,pymt_must_be_rcvd_uom     varchar2(30)
978   ,pymt_must_be_rcvd_num     number(15)
979   ,pymt_must_be_rcvd_rl      number(15)
980   );
981 --
982 type g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_rec
983   index by binary_integer;
984 --
985 g_cntng_prtn_prfl_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
986 g_cntng_prtn_prfl_instance	g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_tbl;
987 g_cntng_prtn_prfl_out	      	g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_tbl;
988 --
989 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
990   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
991   ,p_effective_date    in date
992   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
993   ,p_business_group_id in number
994   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_cntng_prtn_prfl_inst_tbl
995   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 -- PSR 	Position
1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1002 type g_pstn_inst_rec is record
1003   (id			     number
1004   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1005   ,position_id		     number(15)
1006   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1007   );
1008 --
1009 type g_pstn_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pstn_inst_rec
1010   index by binary_integer;
1011 --
1012 g_pstn_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1013 g_pstn_instance	       g_pstn_inst_tbl;
1014 g_pstn_out	       g_pstn_inst_tbl;
1015 --
1016 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1017   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1018   ,p_effective_date    in date
1019   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1020   ,p_business_group_id in number
1021   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_pstn_inst_tbl
1022   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1025 -- CTY	Competency
1026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1027 type g_comptncy_inst_rec is record
1028   (id			     number
1029   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1030   ,competence_id	     number(15)
1031   ,rating_level_id	     number(15)
1032   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1033   );
1034 --
1035 type g_comptncy_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_comptncy_inst_rec
1036   index by binary_integer;
1037 --
1038 g_comptncy_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1039 g_comptncy_instance	g_comptncy_inst_tbl;
1040 g_comptncy_out	       	g_comptncy_inst_tbl;
1041 --
1042 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1043   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1044   ,p_effective_date    in date
1045   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1046   ,p_business_group_id in number
1047   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_comptncy_inst_tbl
1048   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1051 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1052 -- QTR Qualification Title
1053 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1054 type g_qual_titl_inst_rec is record
1055   (id			     number
1056   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1057   ,qualification_type_id     number(15)
1058   ,title	     	     varchar2(120)
1059   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1060   );
1061 --
1062 type g_qual_titl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_qual_titl_inst_rec
1063   index by binary_integer;
1064 --
1065 g_qual_titl_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1066 g_qual_titl_instance	g_qual_titl_inst_tbl;
1067 g_qual_titl_out	       	g_qual_titl_inst_tbl;
1068 --
1069 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1070   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1071   ,p_effective_date    in date
1072   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1073   ,p_business_group_id in number
1074   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_qual_titl_inst_tbl
1075   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1077 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1078 -- DCR 	Covered by Other Plan
1079 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_rec is record
1081   (id			     number
1082   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1083   ,pl_id	     	     number(15)
1084   ,cvg_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1085   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1086   );
1087 --
1088 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_rec
1089   index by binary_integer;
1090 --
1091 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1092 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_instance	g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_tbl;
1093 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_out	       	g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_tbl;
1094 --
1095 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1096   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1097   ,p_effective_date    in date
1098   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1099   ,p_business_group_id in number
1100   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pl_inst_tbl
1101   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1105 -- DCP 	Covered by Other Plan in Program
1106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1107 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_rec is record
1108   (id			     number
1109   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1110   ,plip_id	     	     number(15)
1111   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1112   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1113   );
1114 --
1115 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_rec
1116   index by binary_integer;
1117 --
1118 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1119 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_instance	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_tbl;
1120 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_out	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_tbl;
1121 --
1122 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1123   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1124   ,p_effective_date    in date
1125   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1126   ,p_business_group_id in number
1127   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_plip_inst_tbl
1128   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1132 -- DCO 	Covered by Other Plan Type in Program
1133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1134 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_rec is record
1135   (id			     number
1136   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1137   ,ptip_id	     	     number(15)
1138   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1139   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1140   ,only_pls_subj_cobra_flag  varchar2(30)
1141   );
1142 --
1143 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_rec
1144   index by binary_integer;
1145 --
1146 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1147 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_instance	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1148 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_out	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1149 --
1150 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1151   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1152   ,p_effective_date    in date
1153   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1154   ,p_business_group_id in number
1155   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_ptip_inst_tbl
1156   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1161 -- DOP 	Covered by Other Program
1162 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1163 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_rec is record
1164   (id			     number
1165   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1166   ,pgm_id	     	     number(15)
1167   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1168   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1169   ,only_pls_subj_cobra_flag  varchar2(30)
1170   );
1171 --
1172 type g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_rec
1173   index by binary_integer;
1174 --
1175 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_lookup	       ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1176 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_instance	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_tbl;
1177 g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_out	       g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_tbl;
1178 --
1179 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1180   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1181   ,p_effective_date    in date
1182   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1183   ,p_business_group_id in number
1184   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_cvrd_othr_pgm_inst_tbl
1185   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1189 -- PAP 	Eligible for Another Plan
1190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1191 type g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_rec is record
1192   (id			     number
1193   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1194   ,pl_id	     	     number(15)
1195   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1196   );
1197 --
1198 type g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_rec
1199   index by binary_integer;
1200 --
1201 g_prtt_anthr_pl_lookup	       	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1202 g_prtt_anthr_pl_instance	g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_tbl;
1203 g_prtt_anthr_pl_out	       	g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_tbl;
1204 --
1205 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1206   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1207   ,p_effective_date    in date
1208   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1209   ,p_business_group_id in number
1210   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_prtt_anthr_pl_inst_tbl
1211   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1215 -- OPR 	Eligible for Another Plan Type in Program
1216 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1217 type g_othr_ptip_inst_rec is record
1218   (id			     number
1219   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1220   ,ptip_id	     	     number(15)
1221   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1222   ,only_pls_subj_cobra_flag  varchar2(30)
1223   );
1224 --
1225 type g_othr_ptip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_othr_ptip_inst_rec
1226   index by binary_integer;
1227 --
1228 g_othr_ptip_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1229 g_othr_ptip_instance	g_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1230 g_othr_ptip_out	       	g_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1231 --
1232 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1233   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1234   ,p_effective_date    in date
1235   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1236   ,p_business_group_id in number
1237   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_othr_ptip_inst_tbl
1238   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1242 -- ENL Enrolled Another Plan
1243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1244 type g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_rec is record
1245   (id			     number
1246   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1247   ,pl_id	     	     number(15)
1248   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1249   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1250   );
1251 --
1252 type g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_rec
1253   index by binary_integer;
1254 --
1255 g_enrld_anthr_pl_lookup		ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1256 g_enrld_anthr_pl_instance	g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_tbl;
1257 g_enrld_anthr_pl_out	       	g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_tbl;
1258 --
1259 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1260   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1261   ,p_effective_date    in date
1262   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1263   ,p_business_group_id in number
1264   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_pl_inst_tbl
1265   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1269 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1270 -- EAO Enrolled Another Option in Plan
1271 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1272 type g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_rec is record
1273   (id			     number
1274   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1275   ,oipl_id	     	     number(15)
1276   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1277   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1278   );
1279 --
1280 type g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_rec
1281   index by binary_integer;
1282 --
1283 g_enrld_anthr_oipl_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1284 g_enrld_anthr_oipl_instance	g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_tbl;
1285 g_enrld_anthr_oipl_out	        g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_tbl;
1286 --
1287 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1288   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1289   ,p_effective_date    in date
1290   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1291   ,p_business_group_id in number
1292   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_oipl_inst_tbl
1293   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1297 -- EAR Enrolled Another Plan in Program
1298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1299 type g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_rec is record
1300   (id			     number
1301   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1302   ,plip_id	     	     number(15)
1303   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1304   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1305   );
1306 --
1307 type g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_rec
1308   index by binary_integer;
1309 --
1310 g_enrld_anthr_plip_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1311 g_enrld_anthr_plip_instance	g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_tbl;
1312 g_enrld_anthr_plip_out	        g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_tbl;
1313 --
1314 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1315   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1316   ,p_effective_date    in date
1317   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1318   ,p_business_group_id in number
1319   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_plip_inst_tbl
1320   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1323 -- ENT Enrolled Another Plan Type in Program
1324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1325 type g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_rec is record
1326   (id			     number
1327   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1328   ,ptip_id	     	     number(15)
1329   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1330   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1331   ,only_pls_subj_cobra_flag  varchar2(30)
1332   );
1333 --
1334 type g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_rec
1335   index by binary_integer;
1336 --
1337 g_enrld_anthr_ptip_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1338 g_enrld_anthr_ptip_instance	g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1339 g_enrld_anthr_ptip_out		g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1340 --
1341 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1342   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1343   ,p_effective_date    in date
1344   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1345   ,p_business_group_id in number
1346   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_ptip_inst_tbl
1347   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1351 -- EAG Enrolled Another Program
1352 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1353 type g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_rec is record
1354   (id			     number
1355   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1356   ,pgm_id	     	     number(15)
1357   ,enrl_det_dt_cd	     varchar2(30)
1358   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1359   );
1360 --
1361 type g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_rec
1362   index by binary_integer;
1363 --
1364 g_enrld_anthr_pgm_lookup	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1365 g_enrld_anthr_pgm_instance	g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_tbl;
1366 g_enrld_anthr_pgm_out   	g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_tbl;
1367 --
1368 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1369   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1370   ,p_effective_date    in date
1371   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1372   ,p_business_group_id in number
1373   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_enrld_anthr_pgm_inst_tbl
1374   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1377 -- DOT Dependent eligible for another plan type in program
1378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1379 type g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_rec is record
1380   (id			     number
1381   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1382   ,ptip_id	     	     number(15)
1383   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1384   );
1385 --
1386 type g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_rec
1387   index by binary_integer;
1388 --
1389 g_dpnt_othr_ptip_lookup	       	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1390 g_dpnt_othr_ptip_instance	g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1391 g_dpnt_othr_ptip_out	       	g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_tbl;
1392 --
1393 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1394   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1395   ,p_effective_date    in date
1396   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1397   ,p_business_group_id in number
1398   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_dpnt_othr_ptip_inst_tbl
1399   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1402 -- NOC 	No Other Coverage
1403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1404 type g_no_othr_cvg_inst_rec is record
1405   (id			     number
1406   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1407   ,coord_ben_no_cvg_flag     varchar2(30)
1408   );
1409 --
1410 type g_no_othr_cvg_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_no_othr_cvg_inst_rec
1411   index by binary_integer;
1412 --
1413 g_no_othr_cvg_lookup	       	ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1414 g_no_othr_cvg_instance		g_no_othr_cvg_inst_tbl;
1415 g_no_othr_cvg_out	       	g_no_othr_cvg_inst_tbl;
1416 --
1417 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1418   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1419   ,p_effective_date    in date
1420   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1421   ,p_business_group_id in number
1422   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_no_othr_cvg_inst_tbl
1423   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1426 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1427 -- Quartile in Grade
1428 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1429 type g_qua_in_gr_inst_rec is record
1430   (id			     number
1431   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1432   ,quar_in_grade_cd	     varchar2(30)
1433   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1434   );
1435 --
1436 type g_qua_in_gr_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_qua_in_gr_inst_rec
1437   index by binary_integer;
1438 --
1439 g_qua_in_gr_lookup     ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1440 g_qua_in_gr_instance   g_qua_in_gr_inst_tbl;
1441 g_qua_in_gr_out	       g_qua_in_gr_inst_tbl;
1442 --
1443 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1444   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1445   ,p_effective_date    in date
1446   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1447   ,p_business_group_id in number
1448   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_qua_in_gr_inst_tbl
1449   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1452 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1453 -- Performance Rating
1454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1455 type g_perf_rtng_inst_rec is record
1456   (id			     number
1457   ,vrbl_rt_prfl_id	     number(15)
1458   ,perf_rtng_cd		     varchar2(30)
1459   ,event_type	             varchar2(30)
1460   ,excld_flag		     varchar2(30)
1461   );
1462 --
1463 type g_perf_rtng_inst_tbl is table of ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_perf_rtng_inst_rec
1464   index by binary_integer;
1465 --
1466 g_perf_rtng_lookup     ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
1467 g_perf_rtng_instance   g_perf_rtng_inst_tbl;
1468 g_perf_rtng_out	       g_perf_rtng_inst_tbl;
1469 --
1470 procedure get_rt_prfl_cache
1471   (p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id   in number
1472   ,p_effective_date    in date
1473   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt    in date
1474   ,p_business_group_id in number
1475   ,p_inst_set	       in out NOCOPY ben_rt_prfl_cache.g_perf_rtng_inst_tbl
1476   ,p_inst_count        out nocopy number);
1478 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1480 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1481 procedure clear_down_cache;
1482 --
1483 END ben_rt_prfl_cache;