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1 Package pqh_cre_bus AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pqcrerhi.pkh 120.0 2005/10/06 14:52 srajakum noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |----------------------< set_security_group_id >--------------------------|
6 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- {Start Of Comments}
8 --
9 --  Description:
10 --    Sets the security_group_id in CLIENT_INFO for the appropriate business
11 --    group context.
12 --    It is only valid to call this procedure when the primary key
13 --    is within a buisiness group context.
14 --
15 --  Prerequisites:
16 --    The primary key identified by p_criteria_rate_element_id
17 --     already exists.
18 --
19 --  In Arguments:
20 --    p_criteria_rate_element_id
21 --
22 --
23 --  Post Success:
24 --    The security_group_id will be set in CLIENT_INFO.
25 --
26 --  Post Failure:
27 --    An error is raised if the value does not exist.
28 --    An error is also raised when the primary key data is outside
29 --    of a buisiness group context.
30 --
31 --  Access Status:
32 --    Internal Development Use Only.
33 --
34 -- {End Of Comments}
35 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 procedure set_security_group_id
37   (p_criteria_rate_element_id             in number
38   ,p_associated_column1                   in varchar2 default null
39   );
40 --
41 --
42 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 -- |---------------------< return_legislation_code >-------------------------|
44 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- {Start Of Comments}
46 --
47 --  Description:
48 --    Return the legislation code for a specific primary key value
49 --
50 --  Prerequisites:
51 --    The primary key identified by p_criteria_rate_element_id
52 --     already exists.
53 --
54 --  In Arguments:
55 --    p_criteria_rate_element_id
56 --
57 --
58 --  Post Success:
59 --    The business group's legislation code will be returned.
60 --
61 --  Post Failure:
62 --    An error is raised if the value does not exist.
63 --
64 --  Access Status:
65 --    Internal Development Use Only.
66 --
67 -- {End Of Comments}
68 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 FUNCTION return_legislation_code
70   (p_criteria_rate_element_id             in     number
71   ) RETURN varchar2;
72 --
73 --
74 --
75 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 -- |---------------------< chk_criteria_rate_defn_id >-------------------------|
77 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 --
80 Procedure chk_criteria_rate_defn_id (p_criteria_rate_element_id          in number,
81                             p_criteria_rate_defn_id          in number,
82                             p_object_version_number in number);
83 --
84 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- |---------------------< chk_element_type_id >-------------------------|
86 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 --
89 Procedure chk_element_type_id (p_criteria_rate_element_id          in number,
90                             p_element_type_id          in number,
91                             p_object_version_number in number);
92 --
93 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- |---------------------< chk_input_value_id >-------------------------|
95 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 --
98 Procedure chk_input_value_id (p_criteria_rate_element_id          in number,
99                             p_input_value_id          in number,
100                             p_object_version_number in number);
101 --
102 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 -- |---------------------< chk_business_group_id >-------------------------|
104 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 --
107 Procedure chk_business_group_id (p_criteria_rate_element_id          in number,
108                             p_business_group_id          in number,
109                             p_object_version_number in number);
111 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 -- |---------------------------< insert_validate >----------------------------|
116 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- {Start of comments}
118 --
119 -- Description:
120 --   This procedure controls the execution of all insert business rules
121 --   validation.
122 --
123 -- Prerequisites:
124 --   This private procedure is called from ins procedure.
125 --
126 -- In Parameters:
127 --   A Pl/Sql record structure.
128 --
129 -- Post Success:
130 --   Processing continues.
131 --
132 -- Post Failure:
133 --   If a business rules fails the error will not be handled by this procedure
134 --   unless explicity coded.
135 --
136 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
137 --   For insert, your business rules should be executed from this procedure
138 --   and should ideally (unless really necessary) just be straight procedure
139 --   or function calls. Try and avoid using conditional branching logic.
140 --
141 -- Access Status:
142 --   Internal Row Handler Use Only.
143 --
144 -- {End of comments}
145 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 Procedure insert_validate
147   (p_rec                          in pqh_cre_shd.g_rec_type
148   );
149 --
150 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 -- |---------------------------< update_validate >----------------------------|
152 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 -- {Start Of Comments}
154 --
155 -- Description:
156 --   This procedure controls the execution of all update business rules
157 --   validation.
158 --
159 -- Prerequisites:
160 --   This private procedure is called from upd procedure.
161 --
162 -- In Parameters:
163 --   A Pl/Sql record structure.
164 --
165 -- Post Success:
166 --   Processing continues.
167 --
168 -- Post Failure:
169 --   If a business rules fails the error will not be handled by this procedure
170 --   unless explicity coded.
171 --
172 -- Access Status:
173 --   Internal Row Handler Use Only.
174 --
175 -- {End Of Comments}
176 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 Procedure update_validate
178   (p_rec                          in pqh_cre_shd.g_rec_type
179   );
180 --
181 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 -- |---------------------------< delete_validate >----------------------------|
183 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 -- {Start Of Comments}
185 --
186 -- Description:
187 --   This procedure controls the execution of all delete business rules
188 --   validation.
189 --
190 -- Prerequisites:
191 --   This private procedure is called from del procedure.
192 --
193 -- In Parameters:
194 --   A Pl/Sql record structure.
195 --
196 -- Post Success:
197 --   Processing continues.
198 --
199 -- Post Failure:
200 --   If a business rules fails the error will not be handled by this procedure
201 --   unless explicity coded.
202 --
203 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
204 --   For delete, your business rules should be executed from this procedure
205 --   and should ideally (unless really necessary) just be straight procedure
206 --   or function calls. Try and avoid using conditional branching logic.
207 --
208 -- Access Status:
209 --   Internal Row Handler Use Only.
210 --
211 -- {End Of Comments}
212 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 Procedure delete_validate
214   (p_rec              in pqh_cre_shd.g_rec_type
215   );
216 --
217 end pqh_cre_bus;