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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

   31-Aug-2005 rmakhija   115.2          added not exist clause in insert_retro_
                                         comp_usages procedure to ensure the
                                         process is re-runable
   06-Sep-2005 rmakhija   115.3          Fixed delete from pay_leg_field_info
   18-OCT-2006 rmakhija   115.5 5609218  Added ADV_RETRO_COMPONENT_USAGE leg
                                         field info again
   19-OCT-2006 rmakhija   115.6 5609218  Reversed changes done in previous ver
                                         because the leg field info is not
                                         needed to enable the button,
                                         ADVANCED_RETRO leg rule shd enable it

 gv_package_name       VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 51

 PROCEDURE insert_retro_comp_usages
                  (p_business_group_id    in        number,
                   p_legislation_code     in        varchar2,
                   p_retro_component_id   in        number,
                   p_creator_id           in        number,
                   p_retro_comp_usage_id out nocopy number)

   ln_retro_component_usage_id NUMBER;
Line: 63

   lv_procedure_name := '.insert_retro_comp_usages';
Line: 66

   select pay_retro_component_usages_s.nextval
     into ln_retro_component_usage_id
     from dual;
Line: 70

   insert into pay_retro_component_usages
   (retro_component_usage_id, retro_component_id, creator_id, creator_type,
    default_component, reprocess_type, business_group_id, legislation_code,
    creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
    last_update_login, object_version_number)
    SELECT ln_retro_component_usage_id, p_retro_component_id, p_creator_id,
    'ET', 'Y', 'R', p_business_group_id, p_legislation_code,
    sysdate, 2, sysdate, 2, 2, 1
    FROM dual
    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pay_retro_component_usages
    WHERE retro_component_id = p_retro_component_id
    AND creator_id = p_creator_id
    AND creator_type = 'ET');
Line: 93

 END insert_retro_comp_usages;
Line: 96

 PROCEDURE insert_element_span_usages
                  (p_business_group_id     in number,
                   p_retro_element_type_id in number,
                   p_legislation_code      in varchar2,
                   p_time_span_id          in number,
                   p_retro_comp_usage_id   in  number)

   lv_procedure_name           VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 107

   lv_procedure_name := '.insert_element_span_usages';
Line: 115

   insert into pay_element_span_usages
   (element_span_usage_id, business_group_id, time_span_id,
    retro_component_usage_id, retro_element_type_id,
    creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
    last_update_login, object_version_number)
   SELECT pay_element_span_usages_s.nextval,
           p_business_group_id, p_time_span_id,
           p_retro_comp_usage_id, p_retro_element_type_id,
           sysdate, 2, sysdate, 2, 2, 1
   FROM dual
   WHERE not exists ( SELECT 1 FROM pay_element_span_usages pesu
                       WHERE pesu.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
                       AND   pesu.legislation_code IS NULL
                       AND   pesu.time_span_id = p_time_span_id
                       AND   retro_component_usage_id = p_retro_comp_usage_id);
Line: 139

 END insert_element_span_usages;
Line: 155

      select pet.classification_id, pet.element_name, pet.legislation_code, pet.business_group_id, pec.classification_name
        from pay_element_types_f pet, pay_element_classifications pec
       where pet.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
       and   pet.classification_id = pec.classification_id;
Line: 161

     select legislation_code
     from per_business_groups
     where business_group_id = cp_business_group_id;
Line: 168

     select petr.element_set_id
       from pay_element_type_rules petr
      where petr.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
     union all
     select pes.element_set_id
       from pay_ele_classification_rules pecr,
            pay_element_types_f pet,
            pay_element_sets pes
      where pet.classification_id = pecr.classification_id
        and pes.element_set_id = pecr.element_set_id
        and (pes.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id
             or pet.legislation_code = cp_legislation_code)
        and pet.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and pecr.classification_id = cp_classification_id
     select petr.element_set_id
       from pay_element_type_rules petr
      where petr.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E';
Line: 190

     select 1
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa
      where ppa.action_type = 'L'
        and ppa.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id;
Line: 197

     select 'Y'
       from pay_legislation_rules
      where legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
        and rule_type = cp_rule_type;
Line: 248

   ltt_rule_type(1) := 'RETRO_DELETE';
Line: 267

       delete  pay_legislation_rules
       where legislation_code = lv_legislation_code
       and  rule_type =  ltt_rule_type(i);
Line: 273

    INSERT INTO pay_legislation_rules(legislation_code,rule_type,rule_mode)
    VALUES( lv_legislation_code,ltt_rule_type(i),ltt_rule_mode(i));
Line: 343

     select business_group_id, legislation_code, classification_id,
            nvl(retro_summ_ele_id, pet.element_type_id),
       from pay_element_types_f pet
      where pet.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
    order by pet.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 351

     select legislation_code
     from per_business_groups
     where business_group_id = cp_business_group_id;
Line: 358

     select petr.element_set_id
       from pay_element_type_rules petr
      where petr.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
     union all
     select pes.element_set_id
       from pay_ele_classification_rules pecr,
            pay_element_types_f pet,
            pay_element_sets pes
      where pet.classification_id = pecr.classification_id
        and pes.element_set_id = pecr.element_set_id
        and (pes.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id
             or pet.legislation_code = cp_legislation_code)
        and pet.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and pecr.classification_id = cp_classification_id
     select petr.element_set_id
       from pay_element_type_rules petr
      where petr.element_type_id = cp_element_type_id
        and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E';
Line: 381

     select hoi.organization_id
       from hr_organization_information hoi,
            hr_organization_information hoi2
     where hoi.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
       and hoi.org_information1 = 'HR_BG'
       and hoi.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
       and hoi2.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
       and hoi2.org_information9 = cp_legislation_code
       and exists (select 1 from pay_payroll_actions ppa
                    where ppa.business_group_id = hoi.organization_id
                      and ppa.action_type = 'L'
                      and ppa.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
Line: 396

     select retro_component_id, pts.time_span_id
       from pay_retro_components prc,
            pay_time_spans pts
      where pts.creator_id = prc.retro_component_id
        and prc.legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
       and prc.short_name = 'UK_Enh_Retro';
Line: 463

                  (p_business_group_id   => null
                  ,p_legislation_code    => ln_legislation_code
                  ,p_retro_component_id  => gn_retro_component_id
                  ,p_creator_id          => p_element_type_id
                  ,p_retro_comp_usage_id => ln_retro_comp_usage_id);
Line: 493

               (p_business_group_id   => ln_business_group_id
               ,p_retro_element_type_id => ln_retro_element_type_id
               ,p_legislation_code    => ln_legislation_code
               ,p_time_span_id        => gn_time_span_id
               ,p_retro_comp_usage_id => ln_retro_comp_usage_id);
Line: 513

                  (p_business_group_id   => ln_ele_business_group_id
                  ,p_legislation_code    => null
                  ,p_retro_component_id  => gn_retro_component_id
                  ,p_creator_id          => p_element_type_id
                  ,p_retro_comp_usage_id => ln_retro_comp_usage_id);
Line: 520

                  (p_business_group_id   => ln_ele_business_group_id
                  ,p_retro_element_type_id => ln_retro_element_type_id
                  ,p_legislation_code    => null
                  ,p_time_span_id        => gn_time_span_id
                  ,p_retro_comp_usage_id => ln_retro_comp_usage_id);