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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

   SELECT  us.user_name, (
           select decode(count(*), 0, 'CSI_END_USER', 'CSI_NORMAL_USER')
           from   fnd_user_resp_groups fg, fnd_responsibility fr
           where  fg.user_id = us.user_id
           and    (fg.end_date is null or fg.end_date > sysdate)
           and    fr.responsibility_id = fg.responsibility_id
           and    fr.responsibility_key = 'ORACLE_SUPPORT'
           and    rownum = 1 ) user_type
   FROM    fnd_user us
   WHERE   (us.end_date is null or us.end_date > sysdate)
   AND     EXISTS (select /*+ no_unnest */ null
                   from   jtf_auth_principals_b p,
                          jtf_auth_principal_maps pr
                   where  p.principal_name = us.user_name
                   and    p.is_user_flag = 1
                   and    p.jtf_auth_principal_id = pr.jtf_auth_principal_id
                   and    exists (select /*+ no_unnest */ null
                                  from   jtf_auth_principals_b r
                                  where  pr.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = r.jtf_auth_principal_id
                                  and    r.is_user_flag = 0
                                  and    r.principal_name like 'IBU%')
                   and    not exists (select /*+ no_unnest */ null
                                      from   jtf_auth_principals_b r
                                      where  pr.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = r.jtf_auth_principal_id
                                      and r.is_user_flag = 0
                                      and r.principal_name like 'CSI%'));
Line: 40

      SELECT nvl(freeze_flag,'N')
      INTO   l_freeze_flag
      FROM   csi_install_parameters;