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Line 14: -- i) Setup default TP location in HR_LOCATIONS

10: -- setup
11: -- Purpose
12: -- This procedure is called from a concurrent program(can be called from anywhere actually).
13: -- This procedure does the setup required for ITG
14: -- i) Setup default TP location in HR_LOCATIONS
15: -- ii) Setup XMLGateway trading partner definition
16: -- iii) Enable all the ITG triggers
17: -- HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.
18: -- Arguments

Line 17: -- HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.

13: -- This procedure does the setup required for ITG
14: -- i) Setup default TP location in HR_LOCATIONS
15: -- ii) Setup XMLGateway trading partner definition
16: -- iii) Enable all the ITG triggers
17: -- HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.
18: -- Arguments
19: -- x_err_buf => API out result param for concurrent program calls
20: -- x_retcode => API out result param for concurrent program calls
21: -- p_location_code => Should have value 'OIPC Default TP'

Line 29: -- All the input arguments are used in the call to setup_hr_locations

25: -- p_region_2 => Some region 2 (State)
26: -- p_town_or_city => Some city
27: -- p_postal_code => Some postal code
28: -- Notes
29: -- All the input arguments are used in the call to setup_hr_locations
30: -- The concurrent program will be failed in case of any error
31: -- All arguments are moved into the code
32: PROCEDURE setup(
33: x_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

Line 146: -- HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.

142: -- Name
143: -- setup_hr_loc
144: -- Purpose
145: -- This procedure sets up the ITG default trading partner information (OIPC Default TP) in the
146: -- HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.
147: -- Arguments
148: -- x_err_buf => API param for concurrent program calls
149: -- x_retcode => API param for concurrent program calls
150: -- p_location_code => Should have value 'OIPC Default TP'

Line 159: -- with location code 'OIPC Default TP' is created in Hr_Locations table

155: -- p_town_or_city => Some city
156: -- p_postal_code => Some postal code
157: -- Notes
158: -- We really do not care what value go in here so long as a record
159: -- with location code 'OIPC Default TP' is created in Hr_Locations table
160: -- All the params input here are mandatory, to the HR APIs which create a location
161: -- Defaulting is done in the Concurrent Program definition which wraps this call
162: PROCEDURE setup_hr_loc(
163: x_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

Line 174: FROM hr_locations

170: )
171: IS
172: CURSOR check_hrloc_data(p_location_code VARCHAR2) IS
173: SELECT location_id, object_version_number
174: FROM hr_locations
175: WHERE location_code = p_location_code;
176: l_location_id NUMBER;
177: l_obj_ver_num NUMBER;
178: l_record_found BOOLEAN;

Line 217: -- query Hr_locations to get location id for given location code

214: RETURN;
215: END IF;
217: -- query Hr_locations to get location id for given location code
218: -- if record does not exists create a new location
219: -- else update using the location-id as key
220: -- The object_verion_number field is used for optimistic locking in the HR apis

Line 394: -- The given location code should already be present in HR_Locations_all

390: -- x_err_buf => API param for concurrent program calls
391: -- x_retcode => API param for concurrent program calls
392: -- p_location_code => location code for which TP setup is defined
393: -- Notes
394: -- The given location code should already be present in HR_Locations_all
395: PROCEDURE setup_ecx_tp_header(
396: x_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
397: x_retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
398: x_tp_hdr_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,

Line 434: FROM hr_locations_all

430: END IF;
432: SELECT location_id
433: INTO l_loc_id
434: FROM hr_locations_all
435: WHERE location_code = p_location_code;
437: IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1 ) THEN
438: itg_debug_pub.Add('Obtained location id - ' || l_loc_id,1);