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1 PACKAGE inv_reservation_validate_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: INVRSV1S.pls 120.1 2007/12/17 13:14:05 ckrishna ship $ */
4 -- Procedure
5 --   validate_input_parameters
6 -- Description
7 --   is valid if all of the following are satisfied
8 --     1. if p_rsv_action_name is CREATE, or UPDATE, or TRANSFER, or DELETE
9 --        validate_organization, validate_item, validate_demand_source,
10 --        validate_supply_source, validate_quantity with the p_orig_rsv_rec
11 --        (the original reservation record) return success
12 --     2. if p_rsv_action_name is UPDATE, or TRANSFER
13 --        validate_organization, validate_item, validate_demand_source,
14 --        validate_supply_source, validate_quantity with the p_to_rsv_rec
15 --        (the new reservation record) return success
16 PROCEDURE validate_input_parameters
17  (
18     x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
19   , p_orig_rsv_rec       IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
20   , p_to_rsv_rec         IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
21   , p_orig_serial_array  IN  inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type
22   , p_to_serial_array    IN  inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type
23   , p_rsv_action_name         IN  VARCHAR2
24   , x_orig_item_cache_index   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
25   , x_orig_org_cache_index    OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
26   , x_orig_demand_cache_index OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
27   , x_orig_supply_cache_index OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
28   , x_orig_sub_cache_index    OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
29   , x_to_item_cache_index     OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
30   , x_to_org_cache_index      OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
31   , x_to_demand_cache_index   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
32   , x_to_supply_cache_index   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
33   , x_to_sub_cache_index      OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
34   , p_substitute_flag    IN  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE /* Bug 6044651 */
35  );
37 /*** {{ R12 Enhanced reservations code changes ***/
38 -- Procedure
39 --   validate_serials
40 -- Description
41 --   1. validate the supply and demand source for serial reservation
42 --      returns error if the supply is not INV or demand is not
43 --      CMRO, SO or INV.
44 --   2. validate if the reservation record is detailed for serial
45 --      reservation
46 --   3. validate the serial controls with the (org, item, rev, lot, sub, loc)
47 --      controls on the reservation record.
48 --      returns error if they don't match.
49 PROCEDURE validate_serials
50  (
51     x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
52   , p_orig_rsv_rec        IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
53   , p_to_rsv_rec          IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
54   , p_orig_serial_array   IN  inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type
55   , p_to_serial_array     IN  inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type
56   , p_rsv_action_name     IN  VARCHAR2
57  );
58 /*** End R12 }} ***/
60 END inv_reservation_validate_pvt;