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Line 9770: l_debug_info := 'Getting from inl_corr_matches_v the current value for transaction.';

9766: AND d.invoice_id = l.invoice_id
9767: AND d.invoice_line_number = l.line_number
9768: ;
9770: l_debug_info := 'Getting from inl_corr_matches_v the current value for transaction.';
9771: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Statement(
9772: p_module_name => g_module_name,
9773: p_procedure_name => l_program_name,
9774: p_debug_info => l_debug_info

Line 9787: -- select based on inl_corr_matches_v

9783: p_debug_info => l_debug_info) ;
9785: IF l_line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' THEN
9786: IF x_existing_match_info_flag = 'Y' THEN -- RESUBMIT A CORRECTION
9787: -- select based on inl_corr_matches_v
9788: SELECT
9789: mat1.matched_curr_code ,
9790: mat1.matched_curr_conversion_rate,
9791: mat1.matched_curr_conversion_type,

Line 9883: inl_corr_matches_v mP -- 1 get the parent

9879: l_mat_uom_code_P ,
9880: l_mat_amt_P ,
9881: l_mat_par_mat_id_P
9882: FROM
9883: inl_corr_matches_v mP -- 1 get the parent
9884: WHERE mP.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
9885: AND mP.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
9886: AND mP.match_id
9887: =(

Line 9889: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P

9885: AND mP.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
9886: AND mP.match_id
9887: =(
9888: SELECT MAX(m1P.match_id)
9889: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P
9890: WHERE m1P.from_parent_table_name = mP.from_parent_table_name
9891: AND m1P.from_parent_table_id = mP.from_parent_table_id
9892: )
9893: AND (mP.correction_match_id IS NULL

Line 9897: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P

9893: AND (mP.correction_match_id IS NULL
9894: OR mP.correction_match_id
9895: =(
9896: SELECT MAX(m1P.correction_match_id)
9897: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P
9898: WHERE m1P.from_parent_table_name = mP.from_parent_table_name
9899: AND m1P.from_parent_table_id = mP.from_parent_table_id
9900: ))
9901: ;

Line 9953: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m

9949: l_mat_qty_P ,
9950: l_mat_uom_code_P ,
9951: l_mat_amt_P ,
9952: l_mat_par_mat_id_P
9953: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m
9954: WHERE m.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
9955: AND m.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
9956: AND m.match_id =
9957: (

Line 9959: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

9955: AND m.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
9956: AND m.match_id =
9957: (
9958: SELECT MAX(m1.match_id)
9959: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
9960: WHERE m1.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
9961: AND m1.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
9962: )
9963: ;

Line 11509: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

11505: IS
11506: SELECT m1.match_id,
11507: m1.matched_qty ,
11508: m1.matched_uom_code
11509: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
11510: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
11511: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
11512: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
11513: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'N'

Line 11518: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2

11514: -- In case of resubmit the same actual value more than once, the
11515: -- new line is created as existing_match_info_flag = 'Y'.
11516: -- For checking purposes, it will consider only the latest record
11517: AND m1.match_id IN (SELECT MAX(m2.match_id)
11518: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2
11519: WHERE m2.to_parent_table_name = m1.to_parent_table_name
11520: AND m2.to_parent_table_id = m1.to_parent_table_id
11521: AND m2.from_parent_table_name = m1.from_parent_table_name
11522: AND m2.from_parent_table_id = m1.from_parent_table_id

Line 11657: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

11653: m1.match_id
11654: INTO l_unproc_actual_qty,
11655: l_unproc_uom_code,
11656: l_unproc_match_id
11657: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
11658: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
11659: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
11660: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
11661: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'Y'

Line 11666: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2

11662: AND m1.adj_already_generated_flag = 'N'
11663: -- For checking purposes, it will consider only
11664: -- the latest and not processed record
11665: AND m1.match_id IN (SELECT MAX(m2.match_id)
11666: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2
11667: WHERE m2.to_parent_table_name = m1.to_parent_table_name
11668: AND m2.to_parent_table_id = m1.to_parent_table_id
11669: AND m2.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
11670: AND m2.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'Y'

Line 11741: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

11737: ,0)
11738: )
11739: )
11740: INTO l_unproc_actual_qty
11741: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
11742: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
11743: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
11744: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
11745: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'N'