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2 /* $Header: FAVADDB.pls 120.64.12020000.5 2013/04/08 09:40:01 gigupta ship $   */
4 g_release                  number  := fa_cache_pkg.fazarel_release;
6 function initialize (
7    -- Transaction Object --
8    px_trans_rec                IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.trans_rec_type,
9    px_dist_trans_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.trans_rec_type,
10    -- Asset Object --
11    px_asset_hdr_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type,
12    px_asset_desc_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_desc_rec_type,
13    px_asset_type_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_type_rec_type,
14    px_asset_cat_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_cat_rec_type,
15    px_asset_hierarchy_rec      IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_hierarchy_rec_type,
16    px_asset_fin_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_fin_rec_type,
17    px_asset_deprn_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_deprn_rec_type,
18    px_asset_dist_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_dist_tbl_type,
19    -- Invoice Object --
20    px_inv_tbl                  IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.inv_tbl_type,
21    x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
22    p_calling_fn                IN     VARCHAR2
23 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) return boolean as
25    l_return_status                boolean;
26    l_distribution_count           number;
28    l_period_rec                   fa_api_types.period_rec_type;
30    -- Category information
31    l_category_chart_id            number;
32    l_num_segs                     number;
33    l_delimiter                    varchar2(1);
34    l_segment_array                FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY;
35    l_concat_string                varchar2(210);
37    init_err                       EXCEPTION;
39 --Bug# 7715087
40    cursor c_get_context_date(c_book_type_code varchar2) is
41    select   greatest(calendar_period_open_date,
42       least(sysdate, calendar_period_close_date))
43    from     fa_deprn_periods
44    where    book_type_code = c_book_type_code
45    and      period_close_date is null;
47    l_trx_date           date;
48 --Bug# 7715087 end
51    --Bug# 8630874 - to default value of group options from category defaults for group type asset.
52    l_recognize_gain_loss          varchar2(30);
53    l_terminal_gain_loss           varchar2(30);
54    l_tracking_method              varchar2(30);
55    l_excess_allocation_option     varchar2(30);
56    l_allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag   varchar2(30);
57    l_recapture_reserve_flag       varchar2(1);
58    l_limit_proceeds_flag          varchar2(1);
59    l_depreciation_option          varchar2(30);
60    l_member_rollup_flag           varchar2(1);
62    cursor c_get_group_defaults(c_book_type_code px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code%type,c_category_id px_asset_cat_rec.category_id%type,c_date_placed_in_service px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service%type) is
63      select
64          nvl(cbd.recognize_gain_loss,'NO'),
65          nvl(cbd.terminal_gain_loss,'YES'),
66          cbd.tracking_method,
67          cbd.excess_allocation_option,
68          cbd.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag,
69          cbd.Recapture_Reserve_Flag,
70          decode(nvl(cbd.recognize_gain_loss,'NO'),'NO',cbd.LIMIT_PROCEEDS_FLAG,NULL),
71          cbd.depreciation_option,
72          cbd.member_rollup_flag
73      FROM
74          fa_categories cat,
75          fa_category_book_defaults cbd,
76          fa_methods mth,
77          fa_deprn_periods dp,
78          fa_deprn_basis_rules dbr
79      WHERE
80          dp.book_type_code = c_book_type_code and
81          dp.period_close_date is null
82      AND
83          cbd.category_id = c_category_id    and
84          cbd.book_type_code = c_book_type_code     and
85          nvl(c_date_placed_in_service,
86                  greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
87                  least(sysdate,
88                  nvl(dp.calendar_period_close_date,sysdate))))
89                                        >= cbd.start_dpis and
90          nvl(c_date_placed_in_service,
91          greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
92          least(sysdate,
93                  nvl(dp.calendar_period_close_date,sysdate))))
94           <= nvl(cbd.end_dpis,greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
95                  least(sysdate, dp.calendar_period_close_date))) and
96          cat.category_id  = c_category_id    and
97          mth.method_code  =  cbd.deprn_method              and
98          decode(mth.rate_source_rule,'PRODUCTION','PROD',
99                                     'FLAT','FLAT',mth.life_in_months)
100          = decode(mth.rate_source_rule,
101                          'PRODUCTION','PROD',
102                          'FLAT','FLAT',cbd.life_in_months)      and
103          mth.deprn_basis_rule_id = dbr.deprn_basis_rule_id(+);
104    --Bug# 8630874 end
106 begin
108    -- For Addition transactions, the period_of_addition flag
109    -- should be 'Y'
110    px_asset_hdr_rec.period_of_addition := 'Y';
111    px_asset_deprn_rec.reval_loss_balance := 0;
113    if (NOT FA_UTIL_PVT.get_period_rec (
114       p_book           => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
115       p_effective_date => NULL,
116       x_period_rec     => l_period_rec
117    , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
118       raise init_err;
119    end if;
122 -- may need to modify for group addition !!!
125    -- Default transaction_subtype if needed.
126    if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null) then
127       px_trans_rec.transaction_subtype := 'AMORTIZED';
128       px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date :=
129          to_date(to_char(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY');
130    elsif ((px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is null) AND
131           (px_trans_rec.transaction_subtype is not null)) then
133       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
134          calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
135          name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
136          token1     => 'VALUE',
137          value1     => px_trans_rec.transaction_subtype,
138          token2     => 'PARAM',
139          value2     => 'TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
141       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
142          calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
143          name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
144          token1     => 'VALUE',
145          value1     => 'NULL',
146          token2     => 'PARAM',
147          value2     => 'AMORTIZATION_START_DATE',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
149        raise init_err;
151    end if;
153    -- Fix for Bug #2515034.  Derive current_units rather than
154    -- accept value from user.
155    l_distribution_count := px_asset_dist_tbl.COUNT;
156    px_asset_desc_rec.current_units := 0;
158    for i in 1..l_distribution_count loop
159       px_asset_desc_rec.current_units := px_asset_desc_rec.current_units +
160          px_asset_dist_tbl(i).units_assigned;
161    end loop;
163    -- For corporate books, default the following info if its null
164    if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
166       if (px_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id is null) then
167          -- Pop the asset_id
168          select fa_additions_s.nextval
169          into   px_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
170          from   dual;
171       end if;
173       -- Get defaults from the category.
174       if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcat (
175          X_cat_id => px_asset_cat_rec.category_id
176       , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
177          raise init_err;
178       end if;
180       -- Set Appropriate values to defaults if user did not provide them.
181       if (px_asset_desc_rec.asset_number = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
182          px_asset_desc_rec.asset_number := NULL;
183       end if;
185       if (px_asset_desc_rec.description = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
186          px_asset_desc_rec.description := NULL;
187       end if;
189       if (px_asset_desc_rec.tag_number = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
190          px_asset_desc_rec.tag_number := NULL;
191       end if;
193       if (px_asset_desc_rec.serial_number = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
194          px_asset_desc_rec.serial_number := NULL;
195       end if;
197       if (px_asset_desc_rec.asset_key_ccid = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
198          px_asset_desc_rec.asset_key_ccid := NULL;
199       end if;
201       if (px_asset_desc_rec.parent_asset_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
202          px_asset_desc_rec.parent_asset_id := NULL;
203       end if;
205       if (px_asset_desc_rec.manufacturer_name = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
206          px_asset_desc_rec.manufacturer_name := NULL;
207       end if;
209       if (px_asset_desc_rec.model_number = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
210          px_asset_desc_rec.model_number := NULL;
211       end if;
213       if (px_asset_desc_rec.warranty_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
214          px_asset_desc_rec.warranty_id := NULL;
215       end if;
217       if (px_asset_desc_rec.lease_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
218          px_asset_desc_rec.lease_id := NULL;
219       end if;
221       if (px_asset_desc_rec.in_use_flag = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
222           px_asset_desc_rec.in_use_flag is null) then
223          px_asset_desc_rec.in_use_flag := 'YES';
224       end if;
226       if (px_asset_desc_rec.inventorial = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
227           px_asset_desc_rec.inventorial is null) then
228          px_asset_desc_rec.inventorial :=
229             fa_cache_pkg.fazcat_record.inventorial;
230       end if;
232       if (px_asset_desc_rec.property_type_code = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
233           px_asset_desc_rec.property_type_code is null) then
234          px_asset_desc_rec.property_type_code :=
235             fa_cache_pkg.fazcat_record.property_type_code;
236       end if;
238       if (px_asset_desc_rec.property_1245_1250_code = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
239           px_asset_desc_rec.property_1245_1250_code is null) then
240          px_asset_desc_rec.property_1245_1250_code :=
241             fa_cache_pkg.fazcat_record.property_1245_1250_code;
242       end if;
244       if (px_asset_desc_rec.owned_leased = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
245           px_asset_desc_rec.owned_leased is null) then
246          px_asset_desc_rec.owned_leased :=
247             fa_cache_pkg.fazcat_record.owned_leased;
248       end if;
250       if (px_asset_desc_rec.new_used = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
251           px_asset_desc_rec.new_used is null) then
252          px_asset_desc_rec.new_used := 'NEW';
253       end if;
255       if (px_asset_desc_rec.unit_adjustment_flag = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
256           px_asset_desc_rec.unit_adjustment_flag is null) then
257          px_asset_desc_rec.unit_adjustment_flag := 'NO';
258       end if;
260       if (px_asset_desc_rec.add_cost_je_flag = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR or
261           px_asset_desc_rec.add_cost_je_flag is null) then
262          px_asset_desc_rec.add_cost_je_flag := 'NO';
263       end if;
265       if (px_asset_desc_rec.status = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
266          px_asset_desc_rec.status := NULL;
267       end if;
269       -- Bug:8240522
270       if (px_asset_fin_rec.contract_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
271          px_asset_fin_rec.contract_id := NULL;
272       end if;
274       if (px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
275          px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id := NULL;
276       end if;
278       if (px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
279          px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name := NULL;
280       end if;
282       if (px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag = NULL) then
283          px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag :=
284             fa_cache_pkg.fazcat_record.capitalize_flag;
285       end if;
287       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
288          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1 := NULL;
289       end if;
291       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
292          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2 := NULL;
293       end if;
295       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
296          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3 := NULL;
297       end if;
299       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
300          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4 := NULL;
301       end if;
303       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
304          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5 := NULL;
305       end if;
307       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
308          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6 := NULL;
309       end if;
311       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
312          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7 := NULL;
313       end if;
315       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
316          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8 := NULL;
317       end if;
319       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
320          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9 := NULL;
321       end if;
323       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
324          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10 := NULL;
325       end if;
327       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
328          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11 := NULL;
329       end if;
331       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
332          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12 := NULL;
333       end if;
335       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
336          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13 := NULL;
337       end if;
339       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
340          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14 := NULL;
341       end if;
343       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
344          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15 := NULL;
345       end if;
347       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
348          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16 := NULL;
349       end if;
351       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
352          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17 := NULL;
353       end if;
355       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
356          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18 := NULL;
357       end if;
359       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
360          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19 := NULL;
361       end if;
363       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20 = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
364          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20 := NULL;
365       end if;
367       if (px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
368          px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category := NULL;
369       end if;
371       if (px_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code is null) then
373          l_return_status := fa_cache_pkg.fazsys(p_log_level_rec);
375          if not (l_return_status) then
376             raise init_err;
377          else
378             l_category_chart_id :=
379                fa_cache_pkg.fazsys_record.category_flex_structure;
380          end if;
382          l_return_status := fa_flex_pvt.get_concat_segs (
383             p_ccid                   => px_asset_cat_rec.category_id,
384             p_application_short_name => 'OFA',
385             p_flex_code              => 'CAT#',
386             p_flex_num               => l_category_chart_id,
387             p_num_segs               => l_num_segs,
388             p_delimiter              => l_delimiter,
389             p_segment_array          => l_segment_array,
390             p_concat_string          => l_concat_string
391          , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
393          if not (l_return_status) then
394             raise init_err;
395          end if;
397          px_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code :=
398             l_concat_string;
400       end if;
401       /*Bug# 9941662 - Added call to globalization hook to get correct context value.
402         Bug# 10180243 - Need to call only when called from mass additions interface */
403       if px_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute_category_code is not null and
404          px_trans_rec.calling_interface = 'FAMAPT'then
405          l_return_status := JG_GLOBE_FLEX_VAL.reassign_context_code(px_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute_category_code);
406          if not (l_return_status) then
407             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize'
408                               ,name       => 'FA_NOT_VALID_GDF'
409                               ,token1     => 'ASSET_NUMBER',
410                                value1     => px_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
411                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
412             raise init_err;
413          end if;
414       end if;
415 -- Removing condition due to bug 5211950
416 /*      if (px_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.context is null) then
417           px_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.context :=
418              px_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code;
419       end if;
420 */
421    else -- tax book
423       -- Default cost/dpis in Tax to cost in corp if needed.
424       if (px_asset_fin_rec.cost is null or
425           px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is null) then
427          select nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost, cost),
428                 nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service, date_placed_in_service)
429          into   px_asset_fin_rec.cost,
430                 px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
431          from   fa_books bks
432          where  book_type_code =
433                 fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.distribution_source_book
434          and    asset_id = px_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
435          and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
436       end if;
438       -- load the shared structs
439       if not FA_UTIL_PVT.get_asset_desc_rec
440        (p_asset_hdr_rec         => px_asset_hdr_rec,
441         px_asset_desc_rec       => px_asset_desc_rec
442        , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
443          raise init_err;
444       end if;
446       if not FA_UTIL_PVT.get_asset_cat_rec
447        (p_asset_hdr_rec         => px_asset_hdr_rec,
448         px_asset_cat_rec        => px_asset_cat_rec,
449         p_date_effective        => null
450        , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
451          raise init_err;
452       end if;
454       if not FA_UTIL_PVT.get_asset_type_rec
455        (p_asset_hdr_rec         => px_asset_hdr_rec,
456         px_asset_type_rec       => px_asset_type_rec,
457          p_date_effective        => null
458         , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
459          raise init_err;
460       end if;
463       -- remove and items in the distribution table as they are
464       -- irrelevant to tax
465       px_asset_dist_tbl.delete;
467    end if; -- corp or tax
470    -- Determine defaults for transaction_date_entered and
471    -- date_placed_in_service - dpis is populated abiove for tax
474    if ((px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered is null) and
475        (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is null)) then
477       if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
478          -- Default to last day of the period
479          px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service :=
480             l_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date;
481       end if;
483       px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered :=
484          px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service;
486    elsif ((px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered is null) and
487           (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is not null)) then
489       px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered :=
490          px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service;
492    elsif ((px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered is not null) and
493           (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is null)) then
495       px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service :=
496          px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered;
498    elsif (px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered <>
499             px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service) then
501       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
502          calling_fn => NULL,
503          name       => 'FA_WHATIF_ASSET_CHK_TRX_DATE',
504          token1     => 'ASSET_ID',
505          value1     => to_char(px_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id),
506                    p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
508       raise init_err;
509    end if;
511    -- BUG# 3549470
512    -- remove time stamp if provided
514    px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered :=
515       to_date(to_char(px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY');
517    px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service :=
518       to_date(to_char(px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY');
520    -- Derive the transaction type - needs to be done after the
521    -- asset type is derived for tax assets
523    if (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CIP') then
524       px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := 'CIP ADDITION';
525    elsif (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
526       px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := 'GROUP ADDITION';
527    else
528      px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := 'ADDITION';
529    end if;
531    if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
532       -- Set the default values for the distribution trans rec if corp book
533       px_dist_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := 'TRANSFER IN';
535       px_dist_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered :=
536          px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered;
538       px_dist_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id := NULL;
540       px_dist_trans_rec.mass_reference_id := px_trans_rec.mass_reference_id;
542       px_dist_trans_rec.transaction_subtype := NULL;
544       px_dist_trans_rec.transaction_key := NULL;
546       px_dist_trans_rec.amortization_start_date := NULL;
548       px_dist_trans_rec.who_info := px_trans_rec.who_info;
549       --9413081
550       px_dist_trans_rec.event_id := NULL;
551    end if;
553    -- Default values in inv_rec
554    for i in 1 .. px_inv_tbl.COUNT loop
555        if (px_inv_tbl(i).deleted_flag is NULL) then
556           px_inv_tbl(i).deleted_flag := 'NO';
557        end if;
558    end loop;
560    -- *****************************
561    -- begin changes for group deprn
562    -- *****************************
563    if (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
564       px_asset_fin_rec.cost := 0;
565    end if;
569    -- following section is for setting various defaults from the category
570    -- if needed - this code used to reside in the calculation engine
571    -- but has grown complex and easier to place it here.
573    if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd (X_book   => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
574                                 X_cat_id => px_asset_cat_rec.category_id,
575                                 X_jdpis  => to_number(to_char(px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service, 'J')),
576                                 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
577       raise init_err;
578    end if;
580    -- for period of addition, if deprn info is not populated, then first
581    -- default from the parent rules (if applicable) or from the category
583    if (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code is null) then
585       px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code   := fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.deprn_method;
586       px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months      := fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.life_in_months;
587       px_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate          := fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.basic_rate;
588       px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate       := fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.adjusted_rate;
590       -- BUG# 2417520 - mass additions can send in prod capacity only, so allow this
591       px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity,
592                                                   fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.production_capacity);
594       -- BUG# 3066139 - need to default UOP as well
595       px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure,
596                                               fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.unit_of_measure);
598       if (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.subcomponent_life_rule, 'NULL') <> 'NULL' and
599           nvl(px_asset_desc_rec.parent_asset_id, -99) <> -99) then
601          if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_subcomp_life
602                   (p_trans_rec                => px_trans_rec,
603                    p_asset_hdr_rec            => px_asset_hdr_rec,
604                    p_asset_cat_rec            => px_asset_cat_rec,
605                    p_asset_desc_rec           => px_asset_desc_rec,
606                    p_period_rec               => l_period_rec,
607                    px_asset_fin_rec           => px_asset_fin_rec,
608                    p_calling_fn               => 'fa_ddition_pvt.initialize'
609                   , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
610             raise init_err;
611          end if;
612       end if;
613    end if;
617    /*Bug# 7715087 -to default amortization start date for energy if not provided.
618      Initialize the cache first*/
619    if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt
620                  (X_method => px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
621                   X_life   => px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
622       raise init_err;
623    end if;
624    if( fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = 'PRODUCTION'
625         AND fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') then
626       open  c_get_context_date(px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);
627       fetch c_get_context_date into l_trx_date ;
628       close c_get_context_date;
629       if( px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is null ) then
630           px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date := to_date(to_char(l_trx_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY');
631           px_trans_rec.transaction_subtype := 'AMORTIZED';
632       end if;
633    end if;
634    --Bug# 7715087 end
635    /*bug#15897249 starts*/
636    if( fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule = 'NBV'
637        AND fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'YEAR END BALANCE WITH POSITIVE REDUCTION AMOUNT'
638        AND px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP'
639        AND px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method = 'CALCULATE'
640        AND px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag = 'Y'
641        AND px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_proceeds_from_basis is null
642        ) then
643       px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_proceeds_from_basis := 'Y';
644    end if;
645    /*bug#15897249 ends */
647    if (px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule is null) then
648        px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule  :=
649          fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.bonus_rule;
650    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
651       px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule  := NULL;
652    end if;
654    if (px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name is null) then
655       px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name  :=
656          fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.ceiling_name;
657    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
658       px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name  := NULL;
659    end if;
661    -- this is where we would allow for multi-tier group
662    -- associations if we ever offer it and in the if
663    -- condition surrounding the load_miss call below
664    if px_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> 'GROUP' then
665       if (px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id is null) then
666          --Call validate disabled_flag to confirm default group is not disabled
667          if NOT FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT.validate_group_info
668                   (p_group_asset_id => fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.group_asset_id,
669                    p_book_type_code => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
670                    p_calling_fn     => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
671             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
672                                     name       => 'FA_DISABLED_DEFAULT_GROUP',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
673             raise init_err;
674          end if;
675          --HH do this check for conditional group defaulting
676          if (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> 'CIP') OR
677             ((px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CIP') AND
678             (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.allow_cip_member_flag = 'Y')) then
679            px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id  := fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.group_asset_id;
680          else
681            px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id  := NULL;
682           /* fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
683                                    name       => 'FA_CIP_MEMBER_NOT_ALLOWED',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
684            raise init_err; */
685          end if; --end HH -- conditional group defaulting
686       elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) then
687          px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id := NULL;
688       end if;  --group asset_id null
689    else
690       px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id := null;
691    end if;  --<>Group
693    -- percent salvage  - this is where we should derive
694    -- the various copy options (NO/YES/PER) for tax books
695    -- during mass copy and autocopy.  we will try to
696    -- determine user intent first by looking at the
697    -- type then by looking at the values
699    if (px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type is null) then
700       if (px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value is null and
701           px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value is null) then
702          if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'TAX' and
703              px_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id is not null and
704              fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.copy_salvage_value_flag = 'YES') then
705             -- get the primary corp book value from source transaction
706             -- using this and then converting in case mrc is anabled on tax
707             -- books but not on corp
709             if (px_asset_fin_rec.cost <> 0) then
710                select nvl(salvage_value, 0)
711                  into px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
712                  from fa_books
713                 where transaction_header_id_in = px_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id;
714             else
715                px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value := 0;
716             end if;
717          else  -- corp, manual tax, or no copy salvage
718             px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value  :=
719                fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.percent_salvage_value;
720          end if;
721       end if;
723       if (px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value is null) then
724          if (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
725             px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type  := 'PCT';
726             px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value :=  0;
727          else
728             px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type := 'AMT';
729          end if;
730       else
731          px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type := 'PCT';
732       end if;
734    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type = 'PCT' and
735           px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value is null) then
736       px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value := nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.percent_salvage_value, 0);
737    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type = 'AMT' and
738           px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value is null) then
739       px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value := 0;
740    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type <> 'PCT' and
741           px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type <> 'AMT' and
742           px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type <> 'SUM') then
743       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
744          calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
745          name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
746          token1     => 'VALUE',
747          value1     => px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type,
748          token2     => 'PARAM',
749          value2     => 'SALVAGE_TYPE',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);      raise init_err;
750    end if;
752    -- note that if after the following logic the deprn_limit type
753    -- is not NONE and the amount and percentage remain null, we will error
754    -- but this is caught inside the calculation engine.
756    if (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type is null) then
757       if (px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null and
758           px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit is null) then
759          if (fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.use_deprn_limits_flag = 'YES') then
760             px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit :=
761                fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.allowed_deprn_limit;
762             px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount :=
763                fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.special_deprn_limit_amount;
764          end if;
765       end if;
767       if (px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit is not null) then
768          px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type := 'PCT';
769       elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is not null) then
770          px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type := 'AMT';
771       else
772          px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type := 'NONE';
773       end if;
775    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type = 'PCT' and
776           px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit is null) then
777       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit:=
778          fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.allowed_deprn_limit;
779       if (px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit is null) then
780          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
781             calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
782             name       => '***FA_MUST_SPECIFY_LIMIT***',
783                    p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
784          raise init_err;
785       end if;
786    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type = 'AMT' and
787           px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null) then
788       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount:=
789          fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.special_deprn_limit_amount;
790       if (px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null) then
791          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
792             calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
793             name       => '***FA_MUST_SPECIFY_LIMIT***',
794                    p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
795          raise init_err;
796       end if;
797    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type = 'NONE') then
798       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit        := null;
799       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := null;
800    elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type <> 'PCT' and
801           px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type <> 'AMT' and
802           px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type <> 'SUM' and
803           px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type <> 'NONE') then
804       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
805          calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
806          name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
807          token1     => 'VALUE',
808          value1     => px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type,
809          token2     => 'PARAM',
810          value2     => 'DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
811       raise init_err;
812    end if;
814    -- end category defaulting
816    -- begin group defaulting
817    if (px_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
819       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
820                fa_debug_pkg.add('add',
821                      'entering group flag defaulting',
822                      'X', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
823                fa_debug_pkg.add('add',
824                      'px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option',
825                       px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
826       end if;
828       --Bug# 8630874 Group option defaulting from category group default
829       open c_get_group_defaults(px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,px_asset_cat_rec.category_id,px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service);
830       fetch c_get_group_defaults into  l_recognize_gain_loss,
831                                  l_terminal_gain_loss,
832                                  l_tracking_method,
833                                  l_excess_allocation_option,
834                                  l_allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag,
835                                  l_recapture_reserve_flag,
836                                  l_limit_proceeds_flag,
837                                  l_depreciation_option,
838                                  l_member_rollup_flag;
840       if (px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss is null) then
841          px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss := l_recognize_gain_loss;
842       end if;
844       if (px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method is null) then
845          px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method := l_tracking_method;
846       end if;
848       if (px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag is null) then
849          px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := l_allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
850       end if;
851       if (px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss is null) then
852          px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss := l_terminal_gain_loss;
853       end if;
855       if (px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option is null) then
856          px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option := l_excess_allocation_option;
857       end if;
859       if (px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag is null) then
860          px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag := l_recapture_reserve_flag;
861       end if;
863       if (px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag is null) then
864          px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag := l_limit_proceeds_flag;
865       end if;
867       if (px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option is null) then
868          px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option := l_depreciation_option;
869       end if;
871       if (not (l_recognize_gain_loss = 'NO') or (l_terminal_gain_loss <> 'YES')) and
872          px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag is null then
873          px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag := l_member_rollup_flag;
874       end if;
875       --Bug8630874 end
877       if (px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option is null) then
878          px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option :=
879             fa_std_types.FA_OVER_DEPR_NO;
880       end if;
882       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
883                fa_debug_pkg.add('add',
884                      'px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option',
885                       px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
886       end if;
888       if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt
889                  (X_method => px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
890                   X_life   => px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
891          raise init_err;
892       end if;
894       if (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.allow_reduction_rate_flag, 'N') = 'N') then
895          px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate := to_number(null);
896          px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag := null;
897          px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag := null;
898          px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag := null;
899       else
900          if (px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate is null) then
901             px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate := 0;
902          end if;
904          if (px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag is null) then
905             px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag := 'N';
906          end if;
908          if (px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag is null) then
909             px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag := 'N';
910          end if;
912          if (px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag is null) then
913             px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag := 'N';
914          end if;
916       end if;
918       --
919       -- Bug5032617:  Following if is just to ensure to prevent
920       -- wrong combination of group setup values. (for API)
921       -- If member_rollup_flag is given and Y, then set
922       -- retirement option accordingly if they are null.
923       --
924       if (px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag = 'Y') then
925          if (px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss is null) then
926             px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss := 'YES';
927          end if;
928          if (px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss is null) then
929             px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss := 'YES';
930          end if;
931       end if;
933       if (px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss is null) then
934          px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss := 'NO';
935          px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag := 'N';
936          px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss  := 'YES';
937       else
938          if (px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag is null) then
939             px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag := 'N';
940          end if;
941          if (px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss is null) then
942             px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss := 'YES';
943          end if;
944       end if;
946       --
947       -- Bug5032617:  Following if is just to ensure to prevent
948       -- wrong combination of group setup values. (for API)
949       --
950       /*bug#15897249 modified if statement */
951       if ((px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss = 'NO') or
952           (px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss <> 'YES')) and
953           ((px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag = 'Y' and
954             nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name,'ZZ') <> 'YEAR END BALANCE WITH POSITIVE REDUCTION AMOUNT')
955           ) then
956          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
957                calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
958                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
959                token1     => 'VALUE',
960                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss,
961                token2     => 'PARAM',
962                value2     => 'RECOGNIZE_GAIN_LOSS',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
963          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
964                calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
965                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
966                token1     => 'VALUE',
967                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss,
968                token2     => 'PARAM',
969                value2     => 'TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
970          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
971                calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
972                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
973                token1     => 'VALUE',
974                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag,
975                token2     => 'PARAM',
976                value2     => 'MEMBER_ROLLUP_FLAG',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
978          raise init_err;
979       end if;
981       if (px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag is null) then
982          px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag := 'N';
983       end if;
985       if (px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method is null or
986           px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
987          px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method            := null;
988          px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := null;
989          px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := null;
990          px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option   := null;
991          px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option        := null;
992          px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag         := null;
993       else
994          if (px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method = 'ALLOCATE') then
995             if (px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag is null) then
996                px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := 'N';
997             end if;
998             if (px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag is null) then
999                px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := 'N';
1000             end if;
1001             if (px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option is null) then
1002                px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option := 'REDUCE';
1003             end if;
1004             px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option      := null;
1005             px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag       := null;
1006          elsif (px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method = 'CALCULATE') then
1007             px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag   := null;
1008             px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag   := null;
1009             px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option := null;
1011             if (px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option is null) then
1012                px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option := 'GROUP';
1013             end if;
1014             if (px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag is null) then
1015                px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag := 'N';
1016             end if;
1017          end if;
1018       end if;
1020    end if;
1021    -- end group defaulting
1023    return TRUE;
1025 exception
1026    when init_err then
1027       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1028              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1029       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1030       return FALSE;
1032    when others then
1033       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(
1034              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1035       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1036       return FALSE;
1038 end initialize;
1040 function insert_asset (
1041    p_trans_rec              IN OUT NOCOPY fa_api_types.trans_rec_type,
1042    p_dist_trans_rec         IN     fa_api_types.trans_rec_type,
1043    p_asset_hdr_rec          IN     fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type,
1044    p_asset_desc_rec         IN     fa_api_types.asset_desc_rec_type,
1045    p_asset_type_rec         IN     fa_api_types.asset_type_rec_type,
1046    p_asset_cat_rec          IN     fa_api_types.asset_cat_rec_type,
1047    p_asset_hierarchy_rec    IN     fa_api_types.asset_hierarchy_rec_type,
1048    p_asset_fin_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY fa_api_types.asset_fin_rec_type,
1049    p_asset_deprn_rec        IN     fa_api_types.asset_deprn_rec_type,
1050    px_asset_dist_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY fa_api_types.asset_dist_tbl_type,
1051    p_inv_trans_rec          IN     fa_api_types.inv_trans_rec_type,
1052    p_primary_cost           IN     NUMBER,
1053    p_exchange_rate          IN     NUMBER,
1054    x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1055    p_mrc_sob_type_code      IN     VARCHAR2,
1056    p_period_rec             IN     fa_api_types.period_rec_type,
1057    p_calling_fn             IN     VARCHAR2
1058 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) return boolean as
1060    l_rowid                        ROWID;
1061    l_asset_id                     NUMBER(15);
1062    l_asset_number                 VARCHAR2(15);
1064    l_transaction_header_id        NUMBER(15);
1065    l_trans_in_header_id           NUMBER(15);
1066    l_return_status                BOOLEAN;
1068    l_date_effective               DATE;
1070    l_distribution_id              NUMBER(15);
1071    l_distribution_count           NUMBER := 0;
1073    l_deprn_run_date               DATE;
1074    l_period_counter               NUMBER(15);
1075    l_bonus_rate                   NUMBER;
1077    -- For merging primary/mrc and amort nbv logic
1078    l_status                       BOOLEAN;
1079    l_deprn_exp                    NUMBER;
1080    l_bonus_deprn_exp              NUMBER;
1081    l_impairment_exp               NUMBER;
1082    l_ann_adj_deprn_exp            NUMBER;
1083    l_ann_adj_bonus_deprn_exp      NUMBER;
1085    l_clearing                     NUMBER := 0;
1086    l_ds_rowid                     ROWID;
1088    l_new_adjusted_cost            NUMBER := p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost;
1089    l_new_adjusted_capacity        NUMBER := p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity;
1090    l_rate_adjustment_factor       NUMBER := 1;
1091    l_reval_amortization_basis     NUMBER
1092         := p_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis;
1093    l_formula_factor               NUMBER := p_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor;
1095    deprn_override_flag_default    varchar2(1);
1097    l_period_rec                   fa_api_types.period_rec_type;
1098    l_capitalized_flag             VARCHAR2(1);
1099    l_fully_reserved_flag          VARCHAR2(1);
1100    l_fully_retired_flag           VARCHAR2(1);
1101    l_life_complete_flag           VARCHAR2(1);
1103    mrc_check_error                EXCEPTION;
1104    general_error                  EXCEPTION;
1106    l_asset_fin_rec_null           FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
1108    --bug3548724
1109    l_asset_deprn_rec_adj          fa_api_types.asset_deprn_rec_type;
1112    -- Bug:5930979:Japan Tax Reform Project
1113    l_method_type                  NUMBER := 0;
1114    l_success                      INTEGER;
1115    l_rate_in_use                  NUMBER;
1116    l_revised_count                NUMBER := 0;
1118 l_original_Rate NUMBER;
1119 l_Revised_Rate NUMBER;
1120 l_Guaranteed_Rate NUMBER;
1121 l_is_revised_rate NUMBER;
1123    -- sla
1124    l_adj fa_adjust_type_pkg.fa_adj_row_struct;
1127    TYPE num_tbl IS TABLE OF number;
1129    l_payables_cost_tbl     num_tbl;
1130    l_payables_ccid_tbl     num_tbl;
1131    l_source_line_id_tbl    num_tbl;
1132    l_asset_invoice_id_tbl  num_tbl;
1134    --Secondary Changes
1135     l_secondary_trans_rec             FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type;
1136     l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec         FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type;
1137     l_secondary_sob_id                 number;
1139    cursor c_invoices
1140             (p_asset_id               number,
1141              p_invoice_transaction_id number) is
1142    select source_line_id,
1143           asset_invoice_id,
1144           payables_cost,
1145           nvl(payables_code_combination_id, 0)
1146      from fa_asset_invoices
1147     where asset_id = p_asset_id
1148       and invoice_transaction_id_in = p_invoice_transaction_id
1149       and nvl(payables_cost, 0) <> 0;
1152    cursor c_mc_invoices
1153             (p_asset_id               number,
1154              p_invoice_transaction_id number) is
1155   select source_line_id,
1156           asset_invoice_id,
1157           payables_cost,
1158           nvl(payables_code_combination_id, 0)
1159      from fa_mc_asset_invoices
1160     where asset_id = p_asset_id
1161       and invoice_transaction_id_in = p_invoice_transaction_id
1162       and nvl(payables_cost, 0) <> 0
1163       and set_of_books_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id;
1165    /*Bug 16463079 */
1166    cursor c_mc_invoices_sec
1167           (p_asset_id               number,
1168            p_invoice_transaction_id number) is
1169    select mai.source_line_id,
1170           mai.asset_invoice_id,
1171           mai.payables_cost,
1172           nvl(mai.payables_code_combination_id, 0)
1173      from fa_mc_asset_invoices mai,
1174           gl_ledgers gltr,
1175           fa_mc_book_controls mcbc,
1176           gl_ledgers glcr
1177     where mai.asset_id = p_asset_id
1178       and mai.invoice_transaction_id_in = p_invoice_transaction_id
1179       and nvl(mai.payables_cost, 0) <> 0
1180       and mai.set_of_books_id = glcr.ledger_id
1181       and gltr.ledger_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id
1182       and gltr.currency_code = glcr.currency_code
1183       and gltr.chart_of_accounts_id = glcr.chart_of_accounts_id
1184       and gltr.ledger_id <> glcr.ledger_id
1185       and mcbc.book_type_code = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.distribution_source_book
1186       and glcr.ledger_id = mcbc.set_of_books_id;
1187 begin
1189    l_period_counter := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter;
1191    l_rowid := NULL;
1192    l_transaction_header_id := p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
1193    l_trans_in_header_id := p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
1194    l_date_effective := p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date;
1195    l_deprn_run_date := p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date;
1197    deprn_override_flag_default:= fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE;
1199    if (p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R') then
1201      if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
1203        -- Insert into fa_additions.
1204        l_rowid := NULL;
1205        l_asset_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
1206        l_asset_number := upper(p_asset_desc_rec.asset_number);
1208        -- for bug no. 3643781. made the serial number case sensitive.
1210        fa_additions_pkg.insert_row (
1211          X_Rowid                => l_rowid,
1212          X_Asset_Id             => l_asset_id,
1213          X_Asset_Number         => l_asset_number,
1214          X_Asset_Key_Ccid       => p_asset_desc_rec.asset_key_ccid,
1215          X_Current_Units        => p_asset_desc_rec.current_units,
1216          X_Asset_Type           => upper(p_asset_type_rec.asset_type),
1217          X_Tag_Number           => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.tag_number),
1218          X_Description          => p_asset_desc_rec.description,
1219          X_Asset_Category_Id    => p_asset_cat_rec.category_id,
1220          X_Parent_Asset_Id      => p_asset_desc_rec.parent_asset_id,
1221          X_Manufacturer_Name    => p_asset_desc_rec.manufacturer_name,
1222          X_Serial_Number        => p_asset_desc_rec.serial_number,
1223          X_Model_Number         => p_asset_desc_rec.model_number,
1224          X_Property_Type_Code   => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.property_type_code),
1225          X_Property_1245_1250_Code
1226                                 =>
1227               p_asset_desc_rec.property_1245_1250_code,
1228          X_In_Use_Flag          => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.in_use_flag),
1229          X_Owned_Leased         => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.owned_leased),
1230          X_New_Used             => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.new_used),
1231          X_Unit_Adjustment_Flag => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.unit_adjustment_flag),
1232          X_Add_Cost_Je_Flag     => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.add_cost_je_flag),
1233          X_attribute1           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute1,
1234          X_attribute2           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute2,
1235          X_attribute3           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute3,
1236          X_attribute4           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute4,
1237          X_attribute5           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute5,
1238          X_attribute6           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute6,
1239          X_attribute7           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute7,
1240          X_attribute8           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute8,
1241          X_attribute9           => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute9,
1242          X_attribute10          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute10,
1243          X_attribute11          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute11,
1244          X_attribute12          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute12,
1245          X_attribute13          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute13,
1246          X_attribute14          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute14,
1247          X_attribute15          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute15,
1248          X_attribute16          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute16,
1249          X_attribute17          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute17,
1250          X_attribute18          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute18,
1251          X_attribute19          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute19,
1252          X_attribute20          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute20,
1253          X_attribute21          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute21,
1254          X_attribute22          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute22,
1255          X_attribute23          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute23,
1256          X_attribute24          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute24,
1257          X_attribute25          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute25,
1258          X_attribute26          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute26,
1259          X_attribute27          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute27,
1260          X_attribute28          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute28,
1261          X_attribute29          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute29,
1262          X_attribute30          => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute30,
1263          X_attribute_Category_Code
1264                                 =>
1265               p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code,
1266          X_gf_attribute1        =>
1267               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute1,
1268          X_gf_attribute2        =>
1269               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute2,
1270          X_gf_attribute3        =>
1271               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute3,
1272          X_gf_attribute4        =>
1273               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute4,
1274          X_gf_attribute5        =>
1275               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute5,
1276          X_gf_attribute6        =>
1277               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute6,
1278          X_gf_attribute7        =>
1279               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute7,
1280          X_gf_attribute8        =>
1281               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute8,
1282          X_gf_attribute9        =>
1283               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute9,
1284          X_gf_attribute10       =>
1285               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute10,
1286          X_gf_attribute11       =>
1287               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute11,
1288          X_gf_attribute12       =>
1289               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute12,
1290          X_gf_attribute13       =>
1291               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute13,
1292          X_gf_attribute14       =>
1293               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute14,
1294          X_gf_attribute15       =>
1295               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute15,
1296          X_gf_attribute16       =>
1297               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute16,
1298          X_gf_attribute17       =>
1299               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute17,
1300          X_gf_attribute18       =>
1301               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute18,
1302          X_gf_attribute19       =>
1303               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute19,
1304          X_gf_attribute20       =>
1305               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute20,
1306          X_gf_attribute_Category_Code
1307                                 =>
1308               p_asset_desc_rec.global_desc_flex.attribute_category_code,
1309          X_Context              => p_asset_cat_rec.desc_flex.context,
1310          X_Lease_Id             => p_asset_desc_rec.lease_id,
1311          X_Inventorial          => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.inventorial),
1312          X_Commitment           => p_asset_desc_rec.commitment,
1313          X_Investment_Law       => p_asset_desc_rec.investment_law,
1314          X_Status               => upper(p_asset_desc_rec.status),
1315          X_Last_Update_Date     => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1316          X_Last_Updated_By      => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1317          X_Created_By           => p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by,
1318          X_Creation_Date        => p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
1319          X_Last_Update_Login    => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1320          X_Calling_Fn           => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1321        , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1323        -- Should only update the lease desc flex if modified.
1324        -- Probably need to change later to use table handler.
1325        if (p_asset_desc_rec.lease_id is not null) and
1326           (p_trans_rec.mass_reference_id is null) then -- Bug 7445419
1328           UPDATE fa_leases
1329           SET
1330               last_update_date  = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1331               last_updated_by   = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1332               last_update_login = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1333               attribute1        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute1,
1334               attribute2        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute2,
1335               attribute3        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute3,
1336               attribute4        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute4,
1337               attribute5        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute5,
1338               attribute6        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute6,
1339               attribute7        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute7,
1340               attribute8        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute8,
1341               attribute9        = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute9,
1342               attribute10       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute10,
1343               attribute11       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute11,
1344               attribute12       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute12,
1345               attribute13       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute13,
1346               attribute14       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute14,
1347               attribute15       = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute15,
1348               attribute_category_code
1349                                 =
1350                    p_asset_desc_rec.lease_desc_flex.attribute_category_code
1351           WHERE lease_id = p_asset_desc_rec.lease_id;
1352        end if;
1354        -- Add warranty if applicable.
1355        -- Should probably use table handler.
1356        if (p_asset_desc_rec.warranty_id is not null) then
1357           INSERT INTO fa_add_warranties (
1358              warranty_id,
1359              asset_id,
1360              date_effective,
1361              last_update_date,
1362              last_updated_by,
1363              created_by,
1364              creation_date,
1365              last_update_login
1366           ) VALUES (
1367              p_asset_desc_rec.warranty_id,
1368              p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1369              l_date_effective,
1370              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1371              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1372              p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by,
1373              p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
1374              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
1375           );
1376        end if;
1377       end if;  -- end corporate
1379       -- SLA UPTAKE
1380       -- assign an event for the transaction
1381       -- at this point key info asset/book/trx info is known from initialize
1382       -- call and the above code (i.e. trx_type, etc)
1383       if not FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.create_transaction_event
1384               (p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
1385                p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
1386                px_trans_rec             => p_trans_rec,
1387                p_event_status           => NULL,
1388                p_calling_fn             => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
1389                p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec) then
1390          raise general_error;
1391       end if;
1392        /*=================================================================
1393         Secondary Changes Start
1394         If primary and secondary sob_id is different then we need to
1395         create event for secondary ledger*/
1396      l_secondary_sob_id := FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.get_secondary_sob_id(p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);
1398          if(l_secondary_sob_id is not null)then
1399                 l_secondary_trans_rec := p_trans_rec;
1400                 l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec := p_asset_hdr_rec;
1401                 l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id := l_secondary_sob_id;
1402                 if not fa_xla_events_pvt.create_transaction_event
1403                            (p_asset_hdr_rec => l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec,
1404                             p_asset_type_rec=> p_asset_type_rec,
1405                             px_trans_rec    => l_secondary_trans_rec,
1406                             p_event_status  => NULL,
1407                             p_calling_fn    => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1408                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
1409                      raise general_error;
1410                 end if;
1411          end if;
1412       /*Secondary Changes End
1413         ==================================================================*/
1414       -- Insert into fa_transaction_headers.
1415       l_rowid := NULL;
1417       fa_transaction_headers_pkg.insert_row (
1418         X_Rowid                    => l_rowid,
1419         X_Transaction_header_Id    => l_transaction_header_id,
1420         X_Book_Type_Code           => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1421         X_Asset_Id                 => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1422         X_Transaction_Type_Code    => p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code,
1423         X_Transaction_Date_Entered => p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
1424         X_Date_Effective           => l_date_effective,
1425         X_Last_Update_Date         => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1426         X_Last_Updated_By          => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1427         X_Transaction_Name         => p_trans_rec.transaction_name,
1428         X_Invoice_Transaction_Id   => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id,
1429         X_Source_Transaction_Header_Id
1430                                    => p_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id,
1431         X_Mass_Reference_Id        => p_trans_rec.mass_reference_id,
1432         X_Last_Update_Login        => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1433         X_Transaction_Subtype      => p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype,
1434         X_attribute1               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute1,
1435         X_attribute2               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute2,
1436         X_attribute3               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute3,
1437         X_attribute4               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute4,
1438         X_attribute5               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute5,
1439         X_attribute6               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute6,
1440         X_attribute7               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute7,
1441         X_attribute8               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute8,
1442         X_attribute9               => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute9,
1443         X_attribute10              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute10,
1444         X_attribute11              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute11,
1445         X_attribute12              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute12,
1446         X_attribute13              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute13,
1447         X_attribute14              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute14,
1448         X_attribute15              => p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute15,
1449         X_attribute_Category_Code  =>
1450              p_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code,
1451         X_Transaction_Key          => p_trans_rec.transaction_key,
1452         X_Amortization_Start_Date  => p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
1453         X_Calling_Interface        => p_trans_rec.calling_interface,
1454         X_Mass_Transaction_ID      => p_trans_rec.mass_transaction_id,
1455         X_Trx_Reference_Id         => p_trans_rec.trx_reference_id,
1456         X_Event_Id                 => p_trans_rec.event_id,
1457         X_Return_Status            => l_return_status,
1458         X_Calling_Fn               => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1459       ,  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1461       if not (l_return_status) then
1462          raise general_error;
1463       end if;
1465       l_rowid := NULL;
1467       if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
1469           fa_transaction_headers_pkg.insert_row (
1470            X_Rowid                 => l_rowid,
1471            X_Transaction_Header_Id => l_trans_in_header_id,
1472            X_Book_Type_Code        => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1473            X_Asset_Id              => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1474            X_Transaction_Type_Code => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_type_code,
1475            X_Transaction_Date_Entered
1476                                    => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
1477            X_Date_Effective        => l_date_effective,
1478            X_Last_Update_Date      =>
1479               p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1480            X_Last_Updated_By       => p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1481            X_Transaction_Name      => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_name,
1482            X_Invoice_Transaction_Id
1483                                    => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id,
1484            X_Source_Transaction_Header_Id
1485                                    =>
1486               p_dist_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id,
1487            X_Mass_Reference_Id     => p_dist_trans_rec.mass_reference_id,
1488            X_Last_Update_Login     =>
1489               p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1490            X_Transaction_Subtype   => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_subtype,
1491            X_attribute1            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute1,
1492            X_attribute2            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute2,
1493            X_attribute3            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute3,
1494            X_attribute4            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute4,
1495            X_attribute5            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute5,
1496            X_attribute6            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute6,
1497            X_attribute7            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute7,
1498            X_attribute8            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute8,
1499            X_attribute9            => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute9,
1500            X_attribute10           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute10,
1501            X_attribute11           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute11,
1502            X_attribute12           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute12,
1503            X_attribute13           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute13,
1504            X_attribute14           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute14,
1505            X_attribute15           => p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute15,
1506            X_attribute_Category_Code
1507                                    =>
1508                 p_dist_trans_rec.desc_flex.attribute_category_code,
1509            X_Transaction_Key       => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_key,
1510            X_Amortization_Start_Date
1511                                    => p_dist_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
1512            X_Calling_Interface     => p_dist_trans_rec.calling_interface,
1513            X_Mass_Transaction_ID   => p_trans_rec.mass_transaction_id,
1514            X_Trx_Reference_Id      => p_trans_rec.trx_reference_id,
1515            X_Event_Id              => p_dist_trans_rec.event_id, --9413081
1516            X_Return_Status         => l_return_status,
1517            X_Calling_Fn            => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1518       ,  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1520       if not (l_return_status) then
1521          raise general_error;
1522       end if;
1523     end if;  -- end corporate
1524    end if;  -- end primary book
1526    -- Insert into fa_books.
1527    l_rowid := NULL;
1528    ---Added by Satish Byreddy In order to cater the Japan tax Reforms Migration Requirements
1530    IF p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete IS NULL AND p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved IS NOT NULL THEN
1531      p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete := p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved;
1532    END IF;
1534   -- End OF Additions
1536    fa_books_pkg.insert_row (
1537      X_Rowid                          => l_rowid,
1538      X_Book_Type_Code                 => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1539      X_Asset_Id                       => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1540      X_Date_Placed_In_Service         => p_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service,
1541      X_Date_Effective                 => l_date_effective,
1542      X_Deprn_Start_Date               => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date,
1543      X_Deprn_Method_Code              => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
1544      X_Life_In_Months                 => p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months,
1545      X_Rate_Adjustment_Factor         => p_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
1546      X_Adjusted_Cost                  => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
1547      X_Cost                           => p_asset_fin_rec.cost,
1548      X_Original_Cost                  => p_asset_fin_rec.original_cost,
1549      X_Salvage_Value                  => p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value,
1550      X_Prorate_Convention_Code        => p_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code,
1551      X_Prorate_Date                   => p_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date,
1552      X_Cost_Change_Flag               => p_asset_fin_rec.cost_change_flag,
1553      X_Adjustment_Required_Status     => p_asset_fin_rec.adjustment_required_status,
1554      X_Capitalize_Flag                => p_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag,
1555      X_Retirement_Pending_Flag        => p_asset_fin_rec.retirement_pending_flag,
1556      X_Depreciate_Flag                => p_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag,
1557      X_Disabled_Flag                  => p_asset_fin_rec.disabled_flag,--HH
1558      X_Last_Update_Date               => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1559      X_Last_Updated_By                => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1560      X_Date_Ineffective               => NULL,
1561      X_Transaction_Header_Id_In       => p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
1562      X_Transaction_Header_Id_Out      => NULL,
1563      X_Itc_Amount_Id                  => p_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id,
1564      X_Itc_Amount                     => p_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount,
1565      X_Retirement_Id                  => p_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id,
1566      X_Tax_Request_Id                 => p_asset_fin_rec.tax_request_id,
1567      X_Itc_Basis                      => p_asset_fin_rec.itc_basis,
1568      X_Basic_Rate                     => p_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate,
1569      X_Adjusted_Rate                  => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate,
1570      X_Bonus_Rule                     => p_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule,
1571      X_Ceiling_Name                   => p_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name,
1572      X_Recoverable_Cost               => p_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost,
1573      X_Last_Update_Login              => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1574      X_Adjusted_Capacity              => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
1575      X_Fully_Rsvd_Revals_Counter      => p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized,
1576      X_PC_Fully_Reserved              => p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved,
1577      X_Period_Counter_Fully_Retired   => p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired,
1578      X_Production_Capacity            => p_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity,
1579      X_Reval_Amortization_Basis       => p_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
1580      X_Reval_Ceiling                  => p_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling,
1581      X_Unit_Of_Measure                => p_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure,
1582      X_Unrevalued_Cost                => p_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost,
1583      X_Annual_Deprn_Rounding_Flag     => p_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag,
1584      X_Percent_Salvage_Value          => p_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value,
1585      X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit            => p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit,
1586      X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit_Amount     => p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
1587      X_Period_Counter_Life_Complete   => p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete,
1588      X_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost      => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost,
1589      X_Short_Fiscal_Year_Flag         => p_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag,
1590      X_Conversion_Date                => p_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date,
1591      X_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date          => p_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date,
1592      X_Remaining_Life1                => p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1,
1593      X_Remaining_Life2                => p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2,
1594      X_Old_Adj_Cost                   => p_asset_fin_rec.old_adjusted_cost,
1595      X_Formula_Factor                 => p_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor,
1596      X_gf_attribute1                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1,
1597      X_gf_attribute2                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2,
1598      X_gf_attribute3                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3,
1599      X_gf_attribute4                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4,
1600      X_gf_attribute5                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5,
1601      X_gf_attribute6                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6,
1602      X_gf_attribute7                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7,
1603      X_gf_attribute8                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8,
1604      X_gf_attribute9                  => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9,
1605      X_gf_attribute10                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10,
1606      X_gf_attribute11                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11,
1607      X_gf_attribute12                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12,
1608      X_gf_attribute13                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13,
1609      X_gf_attribute14                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14,
1610      X_gf_attribute15                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15,
1611      X_gf_attribute16                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16,
1612      X_gf_attribute17                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17,
1613      X_gf_attribute18                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18,
1614      X_gf_attribute19                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19,
1615      X_gf_attribute20                 => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20,
1616      X_global_attribute_category      => p_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category,
1617      X_group_asset_id                 => p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id,
1618      X_salvage_type                   => p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type,
1619      X_deprn_limit_type               => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type,
1620      X_over_depreciate_option         => p_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option,
1621      X_super_group_id                 => p_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id,
1622      X_reduction_rate                 => p_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate,
1623      X_reduce_addition_flag           => p_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag,
1624      X_reduce_adjustment_flag         => p_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag,
1625      X_reduce_retirement_flag         => p_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag,
1626      X_recognize_gain_loss            => p_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss,
1627      X_recapture_reserve_flag         => p_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag,
1628      X_limit_proceeds_flag            => p_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag,
1629      X_terminal_gain_loss             => p_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss,
1630      X_exclude_proceeds_from_basis    => p_asset_fin_rec.exclude_proceeds_from_basis,
1631      X_retirement_deprn_option        => p_asset_fin_rec.retirement_deprn_option,
1632      X_tracking_method                => p_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method,
1633      X_allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag     => p_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag,
1634      X_allocate_to_fully_ret_flag     => p_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag,
1635      X_exclude_fully_rsv_flag         => p_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag,
1636      X_excess_allocation_option       => p_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option,
1637      X_depreciation_option            => p_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option,
1638      X_member_rollup_flag             => p_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag,
1639      X_ytd_proceeds                   => p_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds,
1640      X_ltd_proceeds                   => p_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds,
1641      X_eofy_reserve                   => p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve,
1642      X_terminal_gain_loss_amount      => p_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount,
1643      X_ltd_cost_of_removal            => p_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal,
1644      X_cip_cost                       => p_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost,
1645      X_contract_id                    => p_asset_fin_rec.contract_id, -- Bug:8240522
1646      X_cash_generating_unit_id        => p_asset_fin_rec.cash_generating_unit_id,
1647      X_mrc_sob_type_code              => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
1648      X_set_of_books_id                => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
1649      X_Return_Status                  => l_return_status,
1650      X_Calling_Fn                     => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'  ,
1651      X_nbv_at_switch                  => p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch             ,   -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy Start
1652      X_prior_deprn_limit_type         => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_type  ,
1653      X_prior_deprn_limit_amount       => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_amount,
1654      X_prior_deprn_limit              => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit       ,
1655      X_period_counter_fully_rsrved    => p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved       ,
1656      X_extended_depreciation_period   => p_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period         ,
1657      X_prior_deprn_method             => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_method      ,
1658      X_prior_life_in_months           => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_life_in_months    ,
1659      X_prior_basic_rate               => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_basic_rate        ,
1660      X_prior_adjusted_rate            => p_asset_fin_rec.prior_adjusted_rate ,
1661      X_extended_deprn_flag            => p_asset_fin_rec.extended_deprn_flag
1662      -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy End
1663 ,  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1665    if not (l_return_status) then
1666       raise general_error;
1667    end if;
1669    if ( p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R') then
1670       if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'CORPORATE') then
1672         -- Insert into fa_asset_history.
1673         l_rowid := NULL;
1675         fa_asset_history_pkg.insert_row (
1676          X_Rowid                  => l_rowid,
1677          X_Asset_Id               => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1678          X_Category_Id            => p_asset_cat_rec.category_id,
1679          X_Asset_Type             => upper(p_asset_type_rec.asset_type),
1680          X_Units                  => p_asset_desc_rec.current_units,
1681          X_Date_Effective         => l_date_effective,
1682          X_Transaction_Header_Id_In
1683                       => p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
1684          X_Transaction_Header_Id_Out
1685                       => NULL,
1686          X_Last_Update_Date       => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1687          X_Last_Updated_By        => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1688          X_Last_Update_Login      => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1689          X_Return_Status          => l_return_status,
1690          X_Calling_Fn             => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1691         , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1693         if not (l_return_status) then
1694            raise general_error;
1695         end if;
1697         -- Insert into fa_distributions.
1698         l_distribution_count := px_asset_dist_tbl.COUNT;
1700         for i in 1..l_distribution_count loop
1701            l_rowid := NULL;
1702            l_distribution_id := NULL;
1704            fa_distribution_history_pkg.insert_row (
1705               X_Rowid                => l_rowid,
1706               X_Distribution_Id      => l_distribution_id,
1707               X_Book_Type_Code       => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1708               X_Asset_Id             => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1709               X_Units_Assigned       => px_asset_dist_tbl(i).units_assigned,
1710               X_Date_Effective       => l_date_effective,
1711               X_Code_Combination_Id  => px_asset_dist_tbl(i).expense_ccid,
1712               X_Location_Id          => px_asset_dist_tbl(i).location_ccid,
1713               X_Transaction_Header_Id_In
1714                                      => p_dist_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
1715               X_Last_Update_Date     =>
1716                  p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1717               X_Last_Updated_By      =>
1718                  p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1719               X_Date_Ineffective     => NULL,
1720               X_Assigned_To          => px_asset_dist_tbl(i).assigned_to,
1721               X_Transaction_Header_Id_Out
1722                                      => NULL,
1723               X_Transaction_Units    => NULL,
1724               X_Retirement_Id        => p_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id,
1725               X_Last_Update_Login    =>
1726                  p_dist_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1727               X_Calling_Fn           => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1728            , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1730            px_asset_dist_tbl(i).distribution_id := l_distribution_id;
1732         end loop;
1733       end if;  -- end corporate
1734    end if;  -- end primary book
1736    l_ds_rowid := NULL;
1738    -- Insert into fa_deprn_summary
1739    fa_deprn_summary_pkg.insert_row (
1740      X_Rowid               => l_ds_rowid,
1741      X_Book_Type_Code      => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1742      X_Asset_Id            => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1743      X_Deprn_Run_Date      => l_deprn_run_date,
1744      X_Deprn_Amount        => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount,0),
1745      X_Ytd_Deprn           => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,0),
1746      X_Deprn_Reserve       => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,0),
1747      X_Deprn_Source_Code   => 'BOOKS',
1748      X_Adjusted_Cost       => nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,0),
1749      X_Bonus_Rate          => l_bonus_rate,
1750      X_Ltd_Production      => p_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production,
1751      X_Period_Counter      => l_period_counter,
1752      X_Production          => p_asset_deprn_rec.production,
1753      X_Reval_Amortization  => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization,
1754      X_Reval_Amortization_Basis
1755                            => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
1756      X_Reval_Deprn_Expense => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense,
1757      X_Reval_Reserve       => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve,
1758      X_Reval_loss_balance  => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_loss_balance,
1759      X_Ytd_Production      => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production,
1760      X_Ytd_Reval_Deprn_Expense
1761                            => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn,
1762      X_Bonus_Deprn_Amount  => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount,
1763      X_Bonus_Ytd_Deprn     => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn,
1764      X_Bonus_Deprn_Reserve => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve,
1765      X_Impairment_Amount   => p_asset_deprn_rec.impairment_amount,
1766      X_Ytd_Impairment      => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_impairment,
1767      X_impairment_reserve  => p_asset_deprn_rec.impairment_reserve,
1768      X_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
1769      X_set_of_books_id     => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
1770      X_Calling_Fn          => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
1771    , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1773    -- Insert into fa_deprn_detail
1774    -- br: changed to use faxindd which automatically handles multi-dist
1775    l_status := FA_INS_DETAIL_PKG.FAXINDD (
1776           X_book_type_code     => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1777           X_asset_id           => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1778           X_mrc_sob_type_code  => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
1779           X_set_of_books_id    => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id
1780    , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1782    if not (l_status) then
1783       raise general_error;
1784    end if;
1787    -- BUG# 2115343 need to reset the cache to the active book after faxindd
1789    l_status := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc (
1790       X_book => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1791    , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1793    if not (l_status) then
1794       raise general_error;
1795    end if;
1797    -- Insert into fa_books_summary if polish rule
1798    if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt
1799           (X_method => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
1800            X_life   => p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
1801       raise general_error;
1802    end if;
1804    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> 'GROUP') then
1805       l_rowid := NULL;
1807       if (NOT FA_UTIL_PVT.get_period_rec (
1808          p_book           => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1809          p_effective_date => NULL,
1810          x_period_rec     => l_period_rec
1811       , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
1812          raise general_error;
1813       end if;
1815       if (p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized is null) then
1816          l_capitalized_flag := 'N';
1817       else
1818          l_capitalized_flag := 'Y';
1819       end if;
1821       if (p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved is null) then
1822          l_fully_reserved_flag := 'N';
1823       else
1824          l_fully_reserved_flag := 'Y';
1825       end if;
1827       if (p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired is null) then
1828          l_fully_retired_flag := 'N';
1829       else
1830          l_fully_retired_flag := 'Y';
1831       end if;
1833       if (p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete is null) then
1834          l_life_complete_flag := 'N';
1835       else
1836          l_life_complete_flag := 'Y';
1837       end if;
1839       -- Insert into current period DEPRN row
1840       fa_books_summary_pkg.insert_row (
1841         X_Rowid                       => l_rowid,
1842         X_Book_Type_Code              => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1843         X_Asset_Id                    => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1844         X_Period_Counter              => l_period_counter + 1,
1845         X_Calendar_Period_Open_Date   =>
1846            l_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date,
1847         X_Calendar_Period_Close_Date  =>
1848            l_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date,
1849         X_Reset_Adjusted_Cost_Flag    => 'Y',
1850         X_Change_In_Cost              => 0,
1851         X_Change_In_Additions_Cost    => 0,
1852         X_Change_In_Adjustments_Cost  => 0,
1853         X_Change_In_Retirements_Cost  => 0,
1854         X_Change_In_Group_Rec_Cost    => 0,
1855         X_Change_In_CIP_Cost          => 0,
1856         X_Cost                        => p_asset_fin_rec.cost,
1857         X_CIP_Cost                    => p_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost,
1858         X_Salvage_Type                => p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type,
1859         X_Percent_Salvage_Value       => p_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value,
1860         X_Salvage_Value               => p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value,
1861         X_Member_Salvage_Value        => 0,
1862         X_Recoverable_Cost            => p_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost,
1863         X_Deprn_Limit_Type            => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type,
1864         X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit         => p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit,
1865         X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit_Amount  =>
1866            p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
1867         X_Member_Deprn_Limit_Amount   => 0,
1868         X_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost   =>
1869            p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost,
1870         X_Adjusted_Cost               => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
1871         X_Depreciate_Flag             => p_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag,
1872         X_Disabled_Flag               => p_asset_fin_rec.disabled_flag,
1873         X_Date_Placed_In_Service      => p_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service,
1874         X_Deprn_Method_Code           => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
1875         X_Life_In_Months              => p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months,
1876         X_Rate_Adjustment_Factor      => p_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
1877         X_Adjusted_Rate               => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate,
1878         X_Bonus_Rule                  => p_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule,
1879         X_Adjusted_Capacity           => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
1880         X_Production_Capacity         => p_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity,
1881         X_Unit_Of_Measure             => p_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure,
1882         X_Remaining_Life1             => p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1,
1883         X_Remaining_Life2             => p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2,
1884         X_Formula_Factor              => p_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor,
1885         X_Unrevalued_Cost             => p_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost,
1886         X_Reval_Amortization_Basis    =>
1887            p_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
1888         X_Reval_Ceiling               => p_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling,
1889         X_Ceiling_Name                => p_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name,
1890         X_Eofy_Adj_Cost               => nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_adj_cost, 0),
1891         X_Eofy_Formula_Factor         =>
1892            nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_formula_factor, 1),
1893         X_Eofy_Reserve                => nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve, 0),
1894         X_Eop_Adj_Cost                => nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.eop_adj_cost, 0),
1895         X_Eop_Formula_Factor          =>
1896            nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.eop_formula_factor, 1),
1897         X_Short_Fiscal_Year_Flag      => p_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag,
1898         X_Group_Asset_ID              => p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id,
1899         X_Super_Group_ID              => p_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id,
1900         X_Over_Depreciate_Option      => p_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option,
1901         X_Fully_Rsvd_Revals_Counter   =>
1902            p_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized,
1903         X_Capitalized_Flag            => l_capitalized_flag,
1904         X_Fully_Reserved_Flag         => l_fully_reserved_flag,
1905         X_Fully_Retired_Flag          => l_fully_retired_flag,
1906         X_Life_Complete_Flag          => l_life_complete_flag,
1907         X_Terminal_Gain_Loss_Amount   =>
1908            nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount, 0),
1909         X_Terminal_Gain_Loss_Flag     =>
1910            nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_flag, 'N'),
1911         X_Deprn_Amount                => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount,0),
1912         X_Ytd_Deprn                   => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,0),
1913         X_Deprn_Reserve               => nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,0),
1914         X_Bonus_Deprn_Amount          => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount,
1915         X_Bonus_Ytd_Deprn             => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn,
1916         X_Bonus_Deprn_Reserve         => p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve,
1917         X_Bonus_Rate                  => l_bonus_rate,
1918         X_Impairment_Amount           => p_asset_deprn_rec.impairment_amount,
1919         X_Ytd_Impairment              => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_impairment,
1920         X_impairment_reserve              => p_asset_deprn_rec.impairment_reserve,
1921         X_Ltd_Production              => p_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production,
1922         X_Ytd_Production              => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production,
1923         X_Production                  => p_asset_deprn_rec.production,
1924         X_Reval_Amortization          => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization,
1925         X_Reval_Deprn_Expense         => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense,
1926         X_Reval_Reserve               => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve,
1927         X_Ytd_Reval_Deprn_Expense     => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn,
1928         X_Deprn_Override_Flag         => deprn_override_flag_default,
1929         X_System_Deprn_Amount         => 0,
1930         X_System_Bonus_Deprn_Amount   => 0,
1931         X_Ytd_Proceeds_Of_Sale        => p_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds,
1932         X_Ltd_Proceeds_Of_Sale        => p_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds,
1933         X_Ytd_Cost_Of_Removal         => 0,
1934         X_Ltd_Cost_Of_Removal         =>
1935            nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal, 0),
1936         X_Deprn_Adjustment_Amount     => 0,
1937         X_Expense_Adjustment_Amount   => 0,
1938         X_Unplanned_Amount            => 0,
1939         X_Reserve_Adjustment_Amount   => 0,
1940         X_Last_Update_Date            => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
1941         X_Last_Updated_By             => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
1942         X_Created_By                  => p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by,
1943         X_Creation_Date               => p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
1944         X_Last_Update_Login           => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
1945         X_Change_In_Eofy_Reserve      => 0,
1946         X_Switch_Code                 => NULL, -- derived at depreciation
1947         X_mrc_sob_type_code           => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
1948         X_set_of_books_id             => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
1949         X_Return_Status               => l_return_status,
1950         X_Calling_Fn                  => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1952       if not (l_return_status) then
1953          raise general_error;
1954       end if;
1955    end if;
1957    -- br: moved this from the main code so that primary and reporting
1958    --     books are processed
1960    -- br: moved this from the main code so that primary and reporting
1961    --     books are processed
1963    -- SLA Uptake, do catchup if applicable...
1964    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1965       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'trx_subtype',
1966 p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype
1967             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1968       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'asset_type',
1969 p_asset_type_rec.asset_type
1970             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1971       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'group asset id',
1972 p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id
1973             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1974       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'annaul round flag',
1975 p_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
1976             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1977       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
1978 'p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered', p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
1979             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1980       fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
1981 'p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date', p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date
1982             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1984    end if;
1986    -- Bug no 4704128 spooyath
1987    -- added nvl checking for p_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
1988    -- its value is null for assets added with DPIS not in current fiscal year
1990    -- Bug 4739563  call the catchup logic only when the addition is a
1991    -- backdated one
1992    -- added the check on p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered and
1993    -- p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date
1995    --bug7228041 Added the 'OR' condition in following IF condition.
1996    --so that correct catch-up is calculated in case of 'START OF YEAR prorate convention
1998    -- R12 conditional handling
1999    if (G_release <> 11 and
2000        (nvl(p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype, 'EXPENSED') <> 'AMORTIZED') and
2001        (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED') and
2002        (p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id is null) and
2003        (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag,'ADD') <> 'RES') and
2004        ((p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered < p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date)
2005        or (p_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date < p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date))) then
2007       if not FA_EXP_PVT.faxexp
2008                         (px_trans_rec          => p_trans_rec,
2009                          p_asset_hdr_rec       => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2010                          p_asset_desc_rec      => p_asset_desc_rec,
2011                          p_asset_cat_rec       => p_asset_cat_rec,
2012                          p_asset_type_rec      => p_asset_type_rec,
2013                          p_asset_fin_rec_old   => l_asset_fin_rec_null,
2014                          px_asset_fin_rec_new  => p_asset_fin_rec,
2015                          p_asset_deprn_rec     => p_asset_deprn_rec,
2016                          p_period_rec          => p_period_rec,
2017                          p_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2018                          p_running_mode        => fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL,
2019                          p_used_by_revaluation => null,
2020                          x_deprn_exp           => l_deprn_exp,
2021                          x_bonus_deprn_exp     => l_bonus_deprn_exp,
2022                          x_impairment_exp      => l_impairment_exp,
2023                          x_ann_adj_deprn_exp   => l_ann_adj_deprn_exp,
2024                          x_ann_adj_bonus_deprn_exp   => l_ann_adj_bonus_deprn_exp,
2025                          p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec) then
2026                         raise general_error;
2027       end if;
2029       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2030          fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'l_deprn_exp after faxexp',
2031                           l_deprn_exp, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2032          fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'l_bonus_deprn_exp after faxexp',
2033                            l_bonus_deprn_exp, p_log_level_rec =>
2034 p_log_level_rec);
2035          fa_debug_pkg.add('fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset', 'Calling fa_books_pkg.update_row',
2036                            'after calling faxexp', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2037       end if;
2039       --
2040       -- Bug4439895:  Reflect post catch-up info to fa_books
2041       --
2042       fa_books_pkg.update_row
2043            (X_asset_id                  => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2044             X_book_type_code            => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2045             X_rate_adjustment_factor    => p_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
2046             X_reval_amortization_basis  => p_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
2047             X_adjusted_cost             => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
2048             X_adjusted_capacity         => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
2049             X_formula_factor            => p_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor,
2050             X_eofy_reserve              => p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve,
2051             X_mrc_sob_type_code         => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2052             X_set_of_books_id           => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
2053             X_calling_fn                => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2054             p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec);
2056       -- Bug:5701095
2057       FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY_PKG.Update_Row (
2058           X_Rowid                    => l_ds_rowid,
2059           X_Book_Type_Code           => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2060           X_Asset_Id                 => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2061           X_Deprn_Run_Date           => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2062           X_Deprn_Amount             => p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount,
2063           X_Ytd_Deprn                => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
2064           X_Deprn_Reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
2065           X_Deprn_Source_Code        => 'BOOKS',
2066           X_Adjusted_Cost            => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
2067           X_Bonus_Rate               => NULL,
2068           X_Ltd_Production           => NULL,
2069           X_Period_Counter           => l_period_counter,
2070           X_Production               => NULL,
2071           X_Reval_Amortization       => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization,
2072           X_Reval_Amortization_Basis => l_reval_amortization_basis,
2073           X_Reval_Deprn_Expense      => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense,
2074           X_Reval_Reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve,
2075           X_Ytd_Production           => NULL,
2076           X_Ytd_Reval_Deprn_Expense  => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn,
2077           X_mrc_sob_type_code        => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2078           X_set_of_books_id          => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
2079           X_Calling_Fn               => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2080           p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec);
2082    elsif ((p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype = 'AMORTIZED') and
2083        (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED') and
2084        ((p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id is null) or
2085         (p_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id is not null and
2086          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method, 'OTHER') = 'CALCULATE'))) then
2087       --bug3548724
2088       l_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve := p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
2089       l_asset_deprn_rec_adj.ytd_deprn := p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn; -- Bug 9231768
2091       if not FA_AMORT_PVT.faxama
2092                (px_trans_rec          => p_trans_rec,
2093                 p_asset_hdr_rec       => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2094                 p_asset_desc_rec      => p_asset_desc_rec,
2095                 p_asset_cat_rec       => p_asset_cat_rec,
2096                 p_asset_type_rec      => p_asset_type_rec,
2097                 p_asset_fin_rec_old   => p_asset_fin_rec,
2098                 px_asset_fin_rec_new  => p_asset_fin_rec,
2099                 p_asset_deprn_rec     => p_asset_deprn_rec,
2100                 p_asset_deprn_rec_adj => l_asset_deprn_rec_adj, --bug3548724
2101                 p_period_rec          => p_period_rec,
2102                 p_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2103                 p_running_mode        => fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL,
2104                 p_used_by_revaluation => null,
2105                 x_deprn_exp           => l_deprn_exp,
2106                 x_bonus_deprn_exp     => l_bonus_deprn_exp,
2107                 x_impairment_exp      => l_impairment_exp
2108                 , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then raise general_error;
2109       end if;
2111       if not (l_status) then
2112          raise general_error;
2113       end if;
2115       -- R12 conditional handling
2116       -- SLA: removing original faxiat call from here as we now call for all
2118       if (G_release = 11) then
2119          -- insert all the amounts
2120          if not FA_INS_ADJ_PVT.faxiat
2121                      (p_trans_rec       => p_trans_rec,
2122                       p_asset_hdr_rec   => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2123                       p_asset_desc_rec  => p_asset_desc_rec,
2124                       p_asset_cat_rec   => p_asset_cat_rec,
2125                       p_asset_type_rec  => p_asset_type_rec,
2126                       p_cost            => 0,
2127                       p_clearing        => 0,
2128                       p_deprn_expense   => l_deprn_exp,
2129                       p_bonus_expense   => l_bonus_deprn_exp,
2130                       p_impair_expense  => l_impairment_exp,
2131                       p_ann_adj_amt     => 0,
2132                       p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2133                       p_calling_fn      => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
2134                      , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then raise general_error;
2135          end if;
2137       end if;
2139       fa_books_pkg.update_row
2140            (X_asset_id                  => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2141             X_book_type_code            => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2142             X_rate_adjustment_factor    => p_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
2143             X_reval_amortization_basis  => p_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
2144             X_adjusted_cost             => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
2145             X_adjusted_capacity         => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
2146             X_formula_factor            => p_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor,
2147             X_eofy_reserve              => p_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve,
2148             X_mrc_sob_type_code         => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2149             X_set_of_books_id           => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
2150             X_calling_fn                => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2152       -- now update the primary or reporting amounts accordingly
2153       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R') then
2155          delete from fa_adjustments
2156           where asset_id        = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2157             and book_type_code  = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2158             and adjustment_type in ('COST', 'COST CLEARING');
2160       else
2162          delete from fa_mc_adjustments
2163           where asset_id        = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2164             and book_type_code  = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2165             and adjustment_type in ('COST', 'COST CLEARING')
2166             and set_of_books_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id;
2168       end if;
2170       FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY_PKG.Update_Row (
2171           X_Rowid                    => l_ds_rowid,
2172           X_Book_Type_Code           => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2173           X_Asset_Id                 => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2174           X_Deprn_Run_Date           => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2175           X_Deprn_Amount             => p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount,
2176           X_Ytd_Deprn                => p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
2177           X_Deprn_Reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
2178           X_Deprn_Source_Code        => 'BOOKS',
2179           X_Adjusted_Cost            => p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
2180           X_Bonus_Rate               => NULL,
2181           X_Ltd_Production           => NULL,
2182           X_Period_Counter           => l_period_counter,
2183           X_Production               => NULL,
2184           X_Reval_Amortization       => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization,
2185           X_Reval_Amortization_Basis => l_reval_amortization_basis,
2186           X_Reval_Deprn_Expense      => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense,
2187           X_Reval_Reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve,
2188           X_Ytd_Production           => NULL,
2189           X_Ytd_Reval_Deprn_Expense  => p_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn,
2190           X_mrc_sob_type_code        => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2191           X_set_of_books_id          => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
2192           X_Calling_Fn               => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset'
2193        ,  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2194    end if;  -- end amort nbv
2196    -- R12 conditonal handling
2197    if (G_release <> 11) then
2199    if (p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id is not null) then
2201       l_adj.transaction_header_id    := p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
2202       l_adj.asset_id                 := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
2203       l_adj.book_type_code           := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
2204       l_adj.period_counter_created   := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter + 1;
2205       l_adj.period_counter_adjusted  := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter + 1;
2206       l_adj.current_units            := p_asset_desc_rec.current_units ;
2207       l_adj.selection_mode           := FA_ADJUST_TYPE_PKG.FA_AJ_ACTIVE;
2208       l_adj.selection_thid           := 0;
2209       l_adj.selection_retid          := 0;
2210       l_adj.leveling_flag            := TRUE;
2211       l_adj.last_update_date         := p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date;
2213       l_adj.flush_adj_flag           := FALSE;
2214       l_adj.gen_ccid_flag            := FALSE;
2215       l_adj.annualized_adjustment    := 0;
2216       l_adj.distribution_id          := 0;
2218       l_adj.adjustment_type          := 'COST CLEARING';
2219       l_adj.source_type_code         := p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code;
2221       if l_adj.source_type_code = 'CIP ADJUSTMENT' then
2222          l_adj.account_type     := 'CIP_CLEARING_ACCT';
2223       else
2224          l_adj.account_type     := 'ASSET_CLEARING_ACCT';
2225       end if;
2227       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R') then
2229          OPEN c_invoices(p_asset_id               => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2230                          p_invoice_transaction_id => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id);
2231          FETCH c_invoices bulk collect
2232           into l_source_line_id_tbl,
2233                l_asset_invoice_id_tbl,
2234                l_payables_cost_tbl,
2235                l_payables_ccid_tbl;
2236           close c_invoices;
2238          for i in 1..l_payables_cost_tbl.count loop
2240              -- SLA changes
2241              l_adj.source_line_id      := l_source_line_id_tbl(i);
2242              l_adj.code_combination_id := l_payables_ccid_tbl(i);
2243              l_adj.asset_invoice_id    := l_asset_invoice_id_tbl(i);
2245              if l_payables_cost_tbl(i) > 0 then
2246                 l_adj.debit_credit_flag   := 'CR';
2247                 l_adj.adjustment_amount   := l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2248              else
2249                 l_adj.debit_credit_flag   := 'DR';
2250                 l_adj.adjustment_amount   := -l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2251              end if;
2253              l_adj.mrc_sob_type_code := 'P';
2254              l_adj.set_of_books_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id;
2256              if not FA_INS_ADJUST_PKG.faxinaj
2257                       (l_adj,
2258                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2259                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
2260                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
2261                        p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec) then
2262                 raise general_error;
2263              end if;
2265             l_clearing := l_clearing + l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2266          end loop;
2268       else
2270          open c_mc_invoices(p_asset_id               => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2271                             p_invoice_transaction_id => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id);
2273          FETCH c_mc_invoices bulk collect
2274           into l_source_line_id_tbl,
2275                l_asset_invoice_id_tbl,
2276                l_payables_cost_tbl,
2277                l_payables_ccid_tbl;
2278           close c_mc_invoices;
2279          /*Bug 16463079 */
2280          if fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'TAX' and  l_payables_cost_tbl.count = 0 then
2281             open c_mc_invoices_sec(p_asset_id => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2282                                    p_invoice_transaction_id => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id);
2283             FETCH c_mc_invoices_sec bulk collect
2284              into l_source_line_id_tbl,
2285                   l_asset_invoice_id_tbl,
2286                   l_payables_cost_tbl,
2287                   l_payables_ccid_tbl;
2288             close c_mc_invoices_sec;
2289          end if;
2290          for i in 1..l_payables_cost_tbl.count loop
2292              -- SLA changes
2293              l_adj.source_line_id      := l_source_line_id_tbl(i);
2294              l_adj.code_combination_id := l_payables_ccid_tbl(i);
2295              l_adj.asset_invoice_id    := l_asset_invoice_id_tbl(i);
2297              if l_payables_cost_tbl(i) > 0 then
2298                 l_adj.debit_credit_flag   := 'CR';
2299                 l_adj.adjustment_amount   := l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2300              else
2301                 l_adj.debit_credit_flag   := 'DR';
2302                 l_adj.adjustment_amount   := -l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2303              end if;
2305              l_adj.mrc_sob_type_code := 'R';
2306              l_adj.set_of_books_id   := p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id;
2308              if not FA_INS_ADJUST_PKG.faxinaj
2309                       (l_adj,
2310                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2311                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
2312                        p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
2313                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
2314                 raise general_error;
2315              end if;
2317              l_clearing := l_clearing + l_payables_cost_tbl(i);
2319           end loop;
2321        end if;
2323     end if;
2325     -- flush them
2326     l_adj.transaction_header_id := 0;
2327     l_adj.flush_adj_flag        := TRUE;
2328     l_adj.leveling_flag         := TRUE;
2330     if not FA_INS_ADJUST_PKG.faxinaj
2331             (l_adj,
2332              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2333              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
2334              p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
2335              p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec) then
2336        raise general_error;
2337     end if;
2339     -- need to reset this after each flush
2340     l_adj.transaction_header_id  := p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
2343     -- insert all the amounts
2344     -- SLA: include catchup/amort nbv/cost and clearing now
2346     if not FA_INS_ADJ_PVT.faxiat
2347               (p_trans_rec       => p_trans_rec,
2348                p_asset_hdr_rec   => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2349                p_asset_desc_rec  => p_asset_desc_rec,
2350                p_asset_cat_rec   => p_asset_cat_rec,
2351                p_asset_type_rec  => p_asset_type_rec,
2352                p_cost            => p_asset_fin_rec.cost,
2353                p_clearing        => p_asset_fin_rec.cost - l_clearing,
2354                p_deprn_expense   => l_deprn_exp,
2355                p_bonus_expense   => l_bonus_deprn_exp,
2356                p_ann_adj_amt     => l_ann_adj_deprn_exp, --0,
2357                p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2358                p_calling_fn      => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2359                p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec) then raise general_error;
2360     end if;
2362     end if;
2364     -- Bug:5930979:Japan Tax Reform Project (Start)
2365     -- Modified below code for Japan enhancement 6606548 (Backdated Asset Addition for JP-250DB methods)
2366     if nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.guarantee_rate_method_flag,'NO') = 'YES' then
2368        p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch,0);  -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy Start
2370        -- deprn reserve not entered and nbv_at_switch entered
2371        if (p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve = 0 and p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch <> 0) then
2372             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2373                                    name       => 'FA_ADD_SWITCH_NBV_WITHOUT_RSV',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);  -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy End
2374             raise general_error;
2375        end if;
2377        FA_CDE_PKG.faxgfr (X_Book_Type_Code         => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2378                            X_Asset_Id               => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2379                            X_Short_Fiscal_Year_Flag => p_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag,
2380                            X_Conversion_Date        => p_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date,
2381                            X_Prorate_Date           => p_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date,
2382                            X_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date  => p_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date,
2383                            C_Prorate_Date           => NULL,
2384                            C_Conversion_Date        => NULL,
2385                            C_Orig_Deprn_Start_Date  => NULL,
2386                            X_Method_Code            => p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
2387                            X_Life_In_Months         => p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months,
2388                            X_Fiscal_Year            => -99,
2389                            X_Current_Period         => l_period_rec.period_counter,
2390                            X_calling_interface      => 'ADDITION',
2391                            X_Rate                   => l_rate_in_use,
2392                            X_Method_Type            => l_method_type,
2393                            X_Success                => l_success, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2395        if (l_success <= 0) then
2396          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2397          raise general_error;
2398        end if;
2401        -- Fix for Bug #6334489.  Do not allow addition of asset with
2402        -- revised rate.
2403        select count(*)
2404        into   l_revised_count
2405        from   fa_methods mt,
2406               fa_formulas f
2407        where  mt.method_code = p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code
2408        and    mt.life_in_months = p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months
2409        and    mt.method_id = f.method_id
2410        and    f.revised_rate = l_rate_in_use;
2412        -- revised rate with nbv_at_switch not entered                        -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy Start
2414    -- Fix for Bug #7109596 .  The NBV_AT_SWITCH can be ZERO ( = 0) for Zero value Assets. Hence Commenting the below Piece of Code
2416    /*    if (l_revised_count > 0) and (p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch = 0) then
2417             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2418                                     name       => 'FA_ADD_REVISED_WITHOUT_SWITCH',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2419             raise general_error;
2421        els*/
2422        ----End of the Comment for the Bug 7109596
2423        -- original rate with nbv_at_switch entered
2424        if (l_revised_count = 0) and (p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch <> 0) then
2425             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2426                                     name       => 'FA_ADD_SWITCH_NBV_ORIGINAL_RAT',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2427             raise general_error;
2428        end if;                                                              -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy  End
2430        if (l_revised_count > 0) and               -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy Start
2431           (p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve > 0) then
2433            UPDATE FA_BOOKS
2434            SET adjusted_cost = p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch
2435            WHERE book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2436            AND asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2437            AND date_ineffective is null;
2440            SET adjusted_cost = p_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch
2441            WHERE book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2442            AND asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2443            AND DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE = 'BOOKS';
2445             /*fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize',
2446                                     name       => 'FA_ADDITION_REVISED_RATE',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2447             raise general_error; */
2448        end if;                                    -- Changes made as per the ER No.s 6606548 and 6606552 by Sbyreddy End
2450       BEGIN
2451         SELECT FF.original_rate
2452              , FF.revised_rate
2453              , FF.guarantee_rate
2454         INTO   l_original_Rate
2455              , l_Revised_Rate
2456              , l_Guaranteed_Rate
2457         FROM   FA_FORMULAS FF
2458              , FA_METHODS FM
2460         AND    FM.METHOD_CODE = p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code;
2461       EXCEPTION
2462         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2463              l_original_Rate := 0;
2464              l_Revised_Rate := 0;
2465              l_Guaranteed_Rate := 0;
2466              l_is_revised_rate := 0;
2467       END;
2469        /* Bug 7626457 Modified the below IF condition to correcly calculate the state of Asset */
2470        /* Bug 16197219 changed to cost from original cost */
2471        IF (TRUNC(p_asset_fin_rec.cost * l_Guaranteed_Rate)) >
2472           (TRUNC((p_asset_fin_rec.cost - (p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
2473                                                    p_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn))* l_original_Rate)) THEN
2474          l_rate_in_use := l_Revised_Rate;
2475        END IF;
2477        UPDATE FA_BOOKS
2478        SET rate_in_use = l_rate_in_use
2479        WHERE book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2480        AND asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2481        AND date_ineffective is null;
2482     end if;
2483     -- Bug:5930979:Japan Tax Reform Project (End)
2485     if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2487        -- insert the books_rates record
2488        mc_fa_utilities_pkg.insert_books_rates (
2489           p_set_of_books_id        => p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id,
2490           p_asset_id               => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
2491           p_book_type_code         => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
2492           p_transaction_header_id  => p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
2493           p_invoice_transaction_id => p_inv_trans_rec.invoice_transaction_id,
2494           p_exchange_date          => p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
2495           p_cost                   => p_primary_cost,
2496           p_exchange_rate          => p_exchange_rate,
2497           p_avg_exchange_rate      => p_exchange_rate,
2498           p_last_updated_by        => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by,
2499           p_last_update_date       => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
2500           p_last_update_login      => p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login,
2501           p_complete               => 'Y',
2502           p_trigger                => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',
2503           p_currency_code          => to_char(p_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id),
2504           p_log_level_rec          => p_log_level_rec
2505        );
2506     end if;
2508     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2509     return TRUE;
2512     when mrc_check_error then
2513          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
2514              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2515          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2516          return FALSE;
2518     when general_error then
2519          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
2520              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2521          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2522          return FALSE;
2524     when others then
2525          fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(
2526              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2527          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2528          return FALSE;
2530 end insert_asset;
2531 -- Bug 13022905
2532 function initialize_jp (
2533    -- Transaction Object --
2534    px_trans_rec                IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.trans_rec_type,
2535    px_asset_hdr_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type,
2536    px_asset_fin_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_fin_rec_type,
2537    px_asset_deprn_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY  fa_api_types.asset_deprn_rec_type,
2538    p_calling_fn                IN     VARCHAR2
2539 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) return boolean as
2541 -- Bug# 7698326 start
2542    l_fiscal_year                       number;
2543    l_number_per_fiscal_year            number;
2544    l_period_num                        number;
2545    l_period_counter_extd   number;
2546    ln_limit_amt            number;
2548    cursor lcu_period_info(p_book_type_code in varchar2,
2549                           p_period         in varchar2 )   is
2550        select ffy.fiscal_year
2551              ,fcp.period_num
2552              ,fct.number_per_fiscal_year
2553        from fa_fiscal_year      ffy
2554            ,fa_book_controls    fbc
2555            ,fa_calendar_periods fcp
2556            ,fa_calendar_types   fct
2557        where ffy.fiscal_year_name = fbc.fiscal_year_name
2558        and ffy.fiscal_year_name   = fct.fiscal_year_name
2559        and fbc.book_type_code     = p_book_type_code
2560        and fcp.calendar_type      = fct.calendar_type
2561        and fct.calendar_type      = fbc.deprn_calendar
2562        and fcp.start_date        >= ffy.start_date
2563        and fcp.end_date          <= ffy.end_date
2564        and upper(fcp.period_name) = upper(p_period);
2566 --Bug#7698326 End
2567 Begin
2568    l_fiscal_year := null;
2569    l_period_num  := null;
2570    l_number_per_fiscal_year := null;
2571    if px_asset_fin_rec.period_full_reserve is not null AND
2572       px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved is null then
2573       open lcu_period_info(p_book_type_code  => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2574                           ,p_period          => px_asset_fin_rec.period_full_reserve
2575                            );
2576       fetch lcu_period_info
2577       into l_fiscal_year,
2578            l_period_num,
2579            l_number_per_fiscal_year;
2580       if lcu_period_info%found then
2581          px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved := ( NVL(l_fiscal_year,0)* NVL(l_number_per_fiscal_year,0) ) + NVL(l_period_num,0);
2582       else
2583          px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved := null;
2584       end if;
2585       close lcu_period_info;
2586    end if;
2587    l_fiscal_year := null;
2588    l_period_num  := null;
2589    l_number_per_fiscal_year := null;
2590    l_period_counter_extd := null;
2592    if px_asset_fin_rec.period_extd_deprn is not null AND
2593       px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period is null then
2594       open lcu_period_info(p_book_type_code  => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2595                           ,p_period          => px_asset_fin_rec.period_extd_deprn
2596                            );
2597       fetch lcu_period_info
2598       into l_fiscal_year,
2599            l_period_num,
2600            l_number_per_fiscal_year;
2601       if lcu_period_info%found then
2602          px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period := ( NVL(l_fiscal_year,0)*NVL(l_number_per_fiscal_year,0) ) + NVL(l_period_num,0);
2603       else
2604          px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period := null;
2605       end if;
2606       close lcu_period_info;
2607    end if;
2608    if px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null AND
2609       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit IS NOT NULL then
2610       px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost,0) - nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost,0)* NVL(px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit,0);
2611 /* Bug 8590070*/
2612       FA_ROUND_PKG.fa_ceil
2613                       (X_amount => px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
2614                        X_book   => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2615                        );
2616    end if;
2617    /*Bug 8590070
2618      px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved := l_period_counter_rsv;
2619      px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete  := l_period_counter_rsv;
2620      px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period  := l_period_counter_extd;*/
2621      px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete  := px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved;
2623 -- End of Japan profile option value
2625 -- if px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code like 'JP%250DB%' then
2626 -- JP_TAX_2012
2627    if nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.guarantee_rate_method_flag,'NO') = 'YES' then
2628       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_type        := null;
2629       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_amount      := null;
2630       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit             := null;
2631       px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period  := null;
2632       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_method            := null;
2633       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_life_in_months          := null;
2634       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_basic_rate              := null;
2635       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_adjusted_rate           := null;
2636       px_asset_fin_rec.period_full_reserve           := null;
2637       px_asset_fin_rec.period_extd_deprn             := null;
2638    elsif px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code = 'JP-STL-EXTND' then
2639       ln_limit_amt := null;
2640       px_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch := null;
2641       -- bug#9118540
2642       if (px_asset_fin_rec.extended_deprn_flag is null) then
2643          px_asset_fin_rec.extended_deprn_flag := 'Y';
2644       end if;
2645       if px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_type  = 'AMT' then
2646          px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit        := null;
2647       elsif  px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_type  = 'PCT' then
2648          ln_limit_amt := (px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit)*nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost,0);
2649          ln_limit_amt := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost,0) - ln_limit_amt;
2650          -- Bug 8520695
2651          if ln_limit_amt <> 0 then
2652             FA_ROUND_PKG.fa_ceil
2653                         (X_amount => ln_limit_amt,
2654                          X_book   => px_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2655                          );
2656          end if;
2657          -- End Bug 8520695
2658          px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_amount := ln_limit_amt;
2659       else
2660          px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_amount := null;
2661          px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit        := null;
2662       end if;
2663    else
2664       /*Bug 8590070
2665       if px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code <> 'JP-STL-EXTND' then
2666          IF nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.cost,0) - NVL(px_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,0) - NVL(px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount,0)  = 0 THEN
2667             px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved := px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved;
2668             px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete  := px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved;
2669          ELSE
2670             px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved := NULL;
2671             px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete  := NULL;
2672          END IF;
2673       end if;*/
2674       px_asset_fin_rec.nbv_at_switch                 := null;
2675       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_type        := null;
2676       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit_amount      := null;
2677       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_limit             := null;
2678       px_asset_fin_rec.extended_depreciation_period  := null;
2679       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_deprn_method            := null;
2680       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_life_in_months          := null;
2681       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_basic_rate              := null;
2682       px_asset_fin_rec.prior_adjusted_rate           := null;
2683       px_asset_fin_rec.period_full_reserve           := null;
2684       px_asset_fin_rec.period_extd_deprn             := null;
2685       px_asset_fin_rec.extended_deprn_flag           := null;
2686    end if;
2687    return TRUE;
2688   -- Bug#7698326 End
2689   exception
2690    when others then
2691       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(
2692              calling_fn => 'fa_addition_pvt.initialize_jp',  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2693       return FALSE;
2695 end initialize_jp;