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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

    SELECT count(reporting_code_char_value)
    INTO   l_cnt_reporting_code
    FROM   zx_reporting_codes_b
    WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code;
Line: 44

      SELECT reporting_type_id
      BULK COLLECT INTO   l_reporting_type_id
      FROM   zx_reporting_types_b
      WHERE  reporting_type_code = 'KR_BUSINESS_LOCATIONS';
Line: 52

        SELECT zx_reporting_codes_b_s.nextval
        INTO   l_reporting_code_id
        FROM   dual;
Line: 57

        X_ROWID                        => l_rowid                      ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_ID            => l_reporting_code_id          ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_CHAR_VALUE    => p_location_code              ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_NUM_VALUE     => NULL                         ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_DATE_VALUE    => NULL                         ,
        X_REPORTING_TYPE_ID            => l_reporting_type_id(i)       ,
        X_EXCEPTION_CODE               => NULL                         ,
        X_EFFECTIVE_FROM               => sysdate                      ,
        X_EFFECTIVE_TO                 => NULL                         ,
        X_RECORD_TYPE_CODE             => 'USER_DEFINED'               ,
        X_REQUEST_ID                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id   ,
        X_PROGRAM_LOGIN_ID             => fnd_global.conc_login_id     ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_NAME          => p_location_code              ,
        X_CREATION_DATE                => sysdate                      ,
        X_CREATED_BY                   => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE             => sysdate                      ,
        X_LAST_UPDATED_BY              => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN            => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id      ,
        X_PROGRAM_ID                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id   ,
        X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => 1);
Line: 87

** HISTORY   :
**   23-NOV-2005  Yoshimichi Konishi  Created.
** eBTax reporting codes created from HR location through synchronization hook
** call is used by user when user associates reporting codes with eBTax tax rate
** codes. Therefore when user updates HR location code, eBTax synch program will
** check if there is an associated tax rate code exists for the location being
** updated. If there is an associated tax rate code, eBTax hook shows user an
** error message and it will not allow user to update location_code. User needs
** to create a new location in this situation.
** [ CASE 1 ]
** When user updates location_code with a new code that does not exist in eBTax
** reporting code table and the former location_code being updated is not
** associated with tax rate code, eBTax synch hook creates a new reporting code
** and deletes the Reporting Code of the former Location Code
** i.e.
** LOC_A  -> LOC_B
** LOC_A is not associated with rates.
** LOC_B does not exist in reporting code
** [ CASE 2 ]
** When user updates location_code with the new code which does not exist in
** eBTax reporting code table and the location_code being updated is associated
** with tax rate code, eBTax synch hook shows user an error message and user
** will not be able to update location_code.
** i.e.
** LOC_A  -> LOC_B
** LOC_A is associated with rates.
** LOC_B does not exist in reporting code
** [ CASE 3]
** When user updates location_code with a code that already exists in eBTax
** reporting code table and the former location_code being updated is not
** associated with tax rate code, eBTax synch hook deletes former location_code
** being updated.
** i.e.
** LOC_A  -> LOC_B
** LOC_A is not associated with rates.
** LOC_B exists in reporting code
** [ CASE 4 ]
** When user updates location_code with a code that already exists in eBTax
** reporting code table and the former location_code being updated is associated
** with tax rate code, eBTax synch hook shows users an error message and user
** will not be able to update location_code.
** i.e.
** LOC_A  -> LOC_B
** LOC_A is associated with rates.
** LOC_B exists in reporting code
PROCEDURE update_kr_biz_location (p_location_code   IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_location_code_o IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_country         IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_location_id     IN NUMBER)
  TYPE num15_tbl_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(15);
Line: 166

  SELECT style
  INTO   l_address_style
  FROM   hr_locations_all
  WHERE  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 178

    SELECT reporting_type_id
    BULK COLLECT INTO   l_reporting_type_id
    FROM   zx_reporting_types_b
    WHERE  reporting_type_code = 'KR_BUSINESS_LOCATIONS';
Line: 187

    SELECT count(reporting_code_char_value)
    INTO   l_cnt_rep_codes
    FROM   zx_reporting_codes_b
    WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code
    AND    reporting_type_id = l_reporting_type_id(k);
Line: 196

      SELECT count(reporting_code_char_value)
      INTO   l_cnt_assoc_rep_codes
      FROM   zx_report_codes_assoc
      WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o
      AND    reporting_type_id = l_reporting_type_id(k);
Line: 204

        SELECT zx_reporting_codes_b_s.nextval
        INTO   l_reporting_code_id
        FROM   dual;
Line: 208

        X_ROWID                        => l_rowid                      ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_ID            => l_reporting_code_id          ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_CHAR_VALUE    => p_location_code              ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_NUM_VALUE     => NULL                         ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_DATE_VALUE    => NULL                         ,
        X_REPORTING_TYPE_ID            => l_reporting_type_id(k)          ,
        X_EXCEPTION_CODE               => NULL                         ,
        X_EFFECTIVE_FROM               => sysdate                      ,
        X_EFFECTIVE_TO                 => NULL                         ,
        X_RECORD_TYPE_CODE             => 'USER_DEFINED'               ,
        X_REQUEST_ID                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id   ,
        X_PROGRAM_LOGIN_ID             => fnd_global.conc_login_id     ,
        X_REPORTING_CODE_NAME          => p_location_code              ,
        X_CREATION_DATE                => sysdate                      ,
        X_CREATED_BY                   => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE             => sysdate                      ,
        X_LAST_UPDATED_BY              => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN            => fnd_global.user_id           ,
        X_PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id      ,
        X_PROGRAM_ID                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id   ,
        X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => 1);
Line: 231

        SELECT reporting_code_id
        FROM   zx_reporting_codes_b
        WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o  --NOTE
        AND    reporting_type_id = l_reporting_type_id(k);
Line: 239

          DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_tl
          WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(i);
Line: 243

          DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_b
          WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(j);
Line: 253

      SELECT count(reporting_code_char_value)
      INTO   l_cnt_assoc_rep_codes
      FROM   zx_report_codes_assoc
      WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o
      AND    reporting_type_id = l_reporting_type_id(k);
Line: 261

        SELECT reporting_code_id
        FROM   zx_reporting_codes_b
        WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o
        AND    reporting_type_id = l_reporting_type_id(k);
Line: 269

          DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_tl
          WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(i);
Line: 273

          DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_b
          WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(j);
Line: 286

END update_kr_biz_location;
Line: 290

** HISTORY   :
**   23-NOV-2005  Yoshimichi Konishi  Created.
** Same as updating location_code, eBTax synch hook will check if the location
** being deleted is associated with eBTax tax rate codes. If it is associated
** then eBTax synch hook does not allow user to delete the location. If it is
** not associated, the hook will delete the corresponding Reporting Code.
PROCEDURE delete_kr_biz_location (p_location_code_o IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_style_o         IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_country_o       IN VARCHAR2)
  TYPE num15_tbl_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(15);
Line: 317

    SELECT count(reporting_code_char_value)
    INTO   l_cnt_assoc_rep_codes
    FROM   zx_report_codes_assoc
    WHERE  reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o
    AND    reporting_type_id in (SELECT reporting_type_id
                                FROM   zx_reporting_types_b
                                WHERE  reporting_type_code = 'KR_BUSINESS_LOCATIONS');
Line: 326

      SELECT reporting_code_id
      FROM  zx_reporting_codes_b
      WHERE reporting_code_char_value = p_location_code_o;
Line: 334

        DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_tl
        WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(i);
Line: 338

        DELETE FROM zx_reporting_codes_b
        WHERE  reporting_code_id = l_reporting_code_id_tbl(j);
Line: 346

END delete_kr_biz_location;