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Line 878: FROM hr_locations_all hla

874: ,hla.address_line_1 AL1
875: ,hla.address_line_2 AL2
876: ,hla.address_line_3 AL3
877: ,hla.postal_code postal_code
878: FROM hr_locations_all hla
879: ,hr_organization_units hou
880: ,per_all_assignments_f paa
881: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hscl
882: WHERE hscl.segment1 = hou.organization_id

Line 901: FROM hr_locations_all hla,

897: ,hla.region_2 R2
898: ,hla.region_3 R3
899: ,hla.country country
900: ,hla.postal_code postal_code
901: FROM hr_locations_all hla,
902: hr_organization_units hoa
903: WHERE hla.location_id = hoa.location_id
904: AND hoa.organization_id = p_organization_id
905: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN hoa.date_from

Line 972: FROM hr_locations_all

969: /* Cursor to pick up Payroll Location */
970: CURSOR csr_pay_location(p_location_id NUMBER) IS
971: SELECT location_code location
972: FROM hr_locations_all
973: WHERE location_id = p_location_id;
975: /* Cursor to fetch lower limit of gosi base*/
976: CURSOR get_lower_base IS

Line 1005: l_pay_location hr_locations_all.address_line_1%TYPE;

1001: l_position hr_all_positions_f.name%TYPE; -- modified for bug 10255223
1002: l_grade per_grades.name%TYPE;
1003: l_currency hr_organization_information.org_information10%TYPE;
1004: l_organization hr_organization_units.name%TYPE;
1005: l_pay_location hr_locations_all.address_line_1%TYPE;
1006: l_city VARCHAR2(80);
1007: l_country VARCHAR2(80);
1008: l_emp_city VARCHAR2(80);
1009: l_emp_country VARCHAR2(80);