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Line 856: rcv_supply rs

852: CURSOR shp_hdr_rcv_txns(x_lpn_id NUMBER, x_shipment_line_id NUMBER) IS
853: SELECT rt.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id,
854: rt.transaction_id transaction_id
855: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
856: rcv_supply rs
857: WHERE rs.lpn_id = x_lpn_id AND
858: rt.transaction_id=rs.supply_source_id AND
859: rt.transaction_type='RECEIVE' AND
860: rt.shipment_line_id = x_shipment_line_id;

Line 923: ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ' ||

919: --
920: if p_rma_id is not null and p_rma_id > 0 then
921: shls_query :=
922: ' select distinct rs.shipment_line_id ' ||
923: ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ' ||
924: ' where rsh.receipt_source_code = ''CUSTOMER'' ' ||
925: ' and rs.oe_order_header_id = :1 ' ||
926: ' and rs.to_organization_id = :2 ' ||
927: ' and rs.item_id = :3 ' ||

Line 946: ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ' ||

942: --
943: elsif p_int_ship_id is not null and p_int_ship_id > 0 then
944: shls_query :=
945: ' select distinct rs.shipment_line_id ' ||
946: ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ' ||
947: ' where rsh.receipt_source_code <> ''VENDOR'' ' ||
948: ' and rs.shipment_header_id = :1 ' ||
949: ' and rs.to_organization_id = :2 ' ||
950: ' and rs.item_id = :3 ' ||

Line 969: ' from rcv_supply rs, ' ||

965: --
966: elsif p_receipt_num is not null then
967: shls_query :=
968: ' select distinct rsl.shipment_line_id ' ||
969: ' from rcv_supply rs, ' ||
970: ' rcv_transactions rt, ' ||
971: ' rcv_shipment_headers rsh, ' ||
972: ' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ' ||
973: ' where rsh.receipt_num = :1 ' ||

Line 995: ' FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, po_headers ph ' ||

991: -- because inspection_status_code of rt remains at not_inspected' even for skipped
992: -- shipment lines.pdube Fri May 15 02:20:44 PDT 2009
993: /*shls_query :=
994: ' SELECT distinct rs.shipment_line_id ' ||
995: ' FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, po_headers ph ' ||
996: ' WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id ' ||
997: ' AND rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id ' ||
998: ' AND ph.segment1 = :1 ' ||
999: ' AND rs.to_organization_id = :2 ' ||

Line 1009: ' FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt,qa_skiplot_rcv_results qsrr , PO_HEADERS_TRX_V ph '||

1005: -- bug 9652549 CLM changes
1006: --
1007: shls_query :=
1008: ' SELECT distinct rs.shipment_line_id ' ||
1009: ' FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt,qa_skiplot_rcv_results qsrr , PO_HEADERS_TRX_V ph '||
1010: ' WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id ' ||
1011: ' AND rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id ' ||
1012: ' AND ph.segment1 = :1 ' ||
1013: ' AND rs.to_organization_id = :2 ' ||