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2 /* $Header: PATSKPKS.pls 120.3 2009/07/21 14:10:13 anuragar noship $ */
4   PROCEDURE Mark_CO_Status(p_ci_id         IN NUMBER
5                           ,p_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
6                           ,p_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
7                           ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) ;
9   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10     -- This procedure is being invoked on Change Order workflow to verify if any of the used task is
11     -- already approved.
12     -- Input parameters
13     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
14     --  p_ci_id                  NUMBER          YES       Change document Id
15     -- Out parameters
16     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
17     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
18     --                                                     Valid values are:
19     --                                                       S (API completed successfully),
20     --                                                       E (business rule violation error) and
21     --                                                       U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
22     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
23     --                                                    table. Calling programs should use this as the
24     --                                                    basis to fetch all the stored messages.
25     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
26     --                                                    one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
27     --                                                    left blank.
28   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29   PROCEDURE Check_UsedTask_Status
30                           (p_ci_id         IN NUMBER
31                           ,p_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
32                           ,p_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
33                           ,p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
35   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36     -- This Function is called from Task Workflow package to verify if the submitted task is a child task
37     -- Input parameters
38     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
39     --  p_project_id             NUMBER          YES       Identification of the project
40     --  p_proj_element           NUMBER          YES       Task Id
41     --  p_parent_struc_ver       NUMBER          YES       Parent task structure version id
42     -- Out parameters
43     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
44     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
45     --                                                     Valid values are:
46     --                                                       S (API completed successfully),
47     --                                                       E (business rule violation error) and
48     --                                                       U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
49     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
50     --                                                    table. Calling programs should use this as the
51     --                                                    basis to fetch all the stored messages.
52     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
53     --                                                    one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
54     --                                                    left blank.
55   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56   FUNCTION Is_Child_Task
57                          (p_project_id       IN NUMBER
58                          ,p_proj_element     IN NUMBER
59                          ,p_parent_struc_ver IN NUMBER
60                          ,p_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
61                          ,p_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
62                          ,p_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
64   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65     -- This Function is called from Task Workflow package to verify if the parent task is already approved or not
66     -- Input parameters
67     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
68     --  p_project_id             NUMBER          YES       Identification of the project
69     --  p_proj_element           NUMBER          YES       Task Id
70     -- Out parameters
71     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
72     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
73     --                                                     Valid values are:
74     --                                                       S (API completed successfully),
75     --                                                       E (business rule violation error) and
76     --                                                       U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
77     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
78     --                                                    table. Calling programs should use this as the
79     --                                                    basis to fetch all the stored messages.
80     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
81     --                                                    one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
82     --                                                    left blank.
83   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84   FUNCTION Is_Parent_Task_Approved
85                          (p_project_id      IN NUMBER
86                          ,p_parent_task_id  IN NUMBER
87                          ,p_task_id         IN NUMBER
88                          ,p_parent_struc_ver IN NUMBER
89                          ,p_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
90                          ,p_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
91                          ,p_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
93   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94     -- This procedure is being invoked on Tasks Submission for approval.
95     -- Input parameters
96     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
97     --  p_project_id             NUMBER          YES       Identification of the project
98     --  p_task_id                NUMBER          YES       Task Identifier
99     --  p_ref_task_id            NUMBER          YES       Reference Task Identifier (NOT USED)
100     --  p_parent_struc_ver       NUMBER          YES       Parent task structure version id
101     --  p_approver_user_id       NUMBER          YES       Approver user Id
102     --  p_ci_id                  NUMBER          YES       Change document Id
103     -- Out parameters
104     -- Parameters                Type           Required  Description
105     --  p_return_status          VARCHAR2       YES       The return status of the APIs.
106     --                                                     Valid values are:
107     --                                                       S (API completed successfully),
111     --                                                    table. Calling programs should use this as the
108     --                                                       E (business rule violation error) and
109     --                                                       U(Unexpected error, such as an Oracle error.
110     --  p_msg_count              NUMBER         YES       Holds the number of messages in the global message
112     --                                                    basis to fetch all the stored messages.
113     --  p_msg_data               VARCHAR2       YES       Holds the message code, if the API returned only
114     --                                                    one error/warning message Otherwise the column is
115     --                                                    left blank.
116   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
118   PROCEDURE Submit_Task
119                         (p_project_id           IN NUMBER
120                         ,p_task_id              IN NUMBER
121                         ,p_ref_task_id          IN NUMBER
122                         ,p_parent_struc_ver     IN NUMBER
123                         ,p_approver_user_id     IN NUMBER
124                         ,p_ci_id                IN NUMBER
125                         ,p_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
126                         ,p_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
127                         ,p_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);