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2 /* $Header: ADZDPRPB.pls 120.46.12020000.12 2013/05/20 02:28:33 sstomar ship $ */
4  c_package        constant varchar2(80) := 'ad.plsql.ad_zd_prep.';
5  g_apps_ne_schema constant varchar2(30) :='APPS_NE';
6  g_xla_schema     constant varchar2(10) :='XLA';
8  type col_owners is table of number index by varchar2(150);
9  type udt_obj is record (owner  varchar2(30),
10                          type_name varchar2(30) );
11  type evolved_type_src_rec is record
12       ( owner  varchar2(30),
13         type_name varchar2(30),
14         objid  number ,
15         source varchar2(4000)
16       );
18  -- store udt and source udt owner
19  type udt_obj_t is table of udt_obj index by binary_integer;
20  type evolved_type_src_tab is table of evolved_type_src_rec index by binary_integer;
22  -- Package level global variables
23  -- ***********************************************************************
24  g_udt_obj_list udt_obj_t;
25  g_udt_obj_indx pls_integer := 0;
26  -- List of source obj of evolved-types
27  g_evolved_types_src_list evolved_type_src_tab;
28  g_evolved_type_index number;
30  g_obj_list_to_recompile sys.dbms_objects_utils_tnamearr := sys.dbms_objects_utils_tnamearr();
32 --  ************************************************************************
33 --
34 --   Private: Utility or Validation APIs
35 --
36 -- **************************************************************************
38 -- log shortcut
39 procedure log(x_module    varchar2,
40               x_log_type  varchar2,
41               x_message   varchar2 ) is
42 begin
43   ad_zd_log.Message( x_module=>x_module, x_log_type => x_log_type, x_message => x_message );
44 end;
46 --
47 -- execute dynamic SQL statement
48 --   x_sql     - statement to execute
49 --   x_log_mod - calling module (for logging)
50 --   x_ignore  - ignore errors
51 --
52 procedure exec(X_SQL in clob, X_LOG_MOD in varchar2, X_IGNORE in boolean default false)
53 is
54  l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'exec';
55 begin
56    ad_zd.exec(x_sql, x_log_mod, x_ignore);
57 exception
58  when others then
59   -- Ignore DROP TYPE error but log error at STATEMENT level.
60   -- -02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
61   if(sqlcode= -04043 or sqlcode = -02303) then
62     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'ERROR: ->[' || substr(sqlerrm,1,400) || ' ] ');
63   elsif (not x_ignore ) then
64     log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'ERROR: ->['|| substr(sqlerrm,1,400)  || ' ] '  );
65     raise;
66   else
67     log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'ERROR: ->['|| substr(sqlerrm,1,400)  || ' ] '  );
68   end if;
69 end exec;
71 -- Calls ad_zd_parallel_exec.load with same parameters.
72 procedure LOAD(
73   X_PHASE   varchar2,
74   X_SQL     clob)
75 is
76 begin
77   -- SQLs from DB Prep flow can NOT be duplicate, so
78   -- should not be checked for duplicity i.e. x_unique => false.
79   ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(x_phase, x_sql, false);
80 end;
82 --
83 --
84 -- INTERNAL Function to remove hardcoded schema names from the input string
85 --
86 -- it looks for pattern matching "<schema name>.<something>" and if found it removes
87 -- the hard coded schema name from the input string.
88 --
89 function REMOVE_SCHEMA_QUALIFIERS(X_DDL in clob) return clob
90 as
91   L_OUT clob;
92   L_INDEX number;
93   cursor C_EBS_SCHEMA is
94     select trim(oracle_username) oracle_username
95     from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
96     where read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
97     order by 1;
99 begin
101   l_out := x_ddl;
102   for list in c_ebs_schema loop
103     -- Get the first index of ["Schema".] or [Schema.], for example: "APPS".UDT or APPS.UDT
104     -- in the given DDL.
105     l_index := REGEXP_INSTR(l_out,
106                             '[[:space:]]+("?' || list.oracle_username || '"?)[.]', 1,1,0, 'i' );
108     -- Replace all such occurrences with space ' '
109     if(l_index > 0 ) then
110      l_out := REGEXP_REPLACE(l_out,
111                              '[[:space:]]+("?' || list.oracle_username || '"?)[.]',
112                               ' ',
113                               l_index, 0, 'i' );
114     end if;
115   end loop;
117   return l_out;
120 --
121 --
122 -- Utility function to check whether a given type is an EVOLVED type in an schema or not.
123 --
124 function IS_TYPE_EVOLVED(X_OWNER in varchar2, X_NAME in varchar2 )
125    return varchar2
126 is
127  l_obj_cnt pls_integer :=0;
128 begin
130    select count(obj#) into l_obj_cnt
131    from sys.obj$ o
132    where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = x_owner)
133    and o.NAME = x_name
134    and o.type# = 13            --13 =  TYPE,
135    and o.subname is not null;  --only for evloved type
137    if(l_obj_cnt > 0 ) then
138     return 'Y';
139    else
140     return 'N';
141    end if;
146 --
147 -- This function checks if TYPE and OWNER exist in the specified collection
148 --
149 function IS_TYPE_EXISTS_IN_LIST(X_OWNER varchar2,
150                                 X_NAME varchar2 ,
151                                 X_TYPE_LIST in udt_obj_t )
152   return boolean
153 is
154  is_exists boolean := false;
155 begin
156   for idx in 1..x_type_list.count loop
157     if( x_type_list(idx).owner = x_owner and
158         x_type_list(idx).type_name = x_name ) then
159       is_exists := true;
160     end if;
161   end loop;
162   return is_exists;
165 --
166 -- **********************************************************
167 -- Utility function to check whether a given type exists or not in a schema?
168 --
169 --
170 function IS_TYPE_EXISTS(X_OWNER varchar2, X_NAME varchar2 ) return boolean
171 is
172  l_obj_cnt pls_integer :=0;
173 begin
175    select count(obj#) into l_obj_cnt
176    from sys.obj$ o
177    where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = x_owner)
178    and o.NAME = x_name
179    and o.type# = 13;
181    if(l_obj_cnt > 0 ) then
182     return true;
183    else
184     return false;
185    end if;
189 --
190 -- **********************************************************
191 -- Utility function to check whether a given type BODY exists or not ?
192 --
193 --
194 function IS_TYPE_BODY_EXISTS(X_OWNER varchar2, X_NAME varchar2 ) return boolean
195 is
196  l_obj_cnt pls_integer :=0;
197 begin
199    select count(obj#) into l_obj_cnt
200    from sys.obj$ o
201    where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = x_owner)
202    and o.NAME = x_name
203    and o.type# = 14;    -- 14: TYPE BODY
205    if(l_obj_cnt > 0 ) then
206     return true;
207    else
208     return false;
209    end if;
213  --
214  -- Procedure to compile Non editionable apps ( apps_ne ) schema
215  --
216  --
217  procedure compile_ne_schema(x_exec boolean) as
218    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || '.compile_ne_schema';
219  begin
220   if(x_exec) then
221     exec('begin dbms_utility.compile_schema(schema=>'''||g_apps_ne_schema||'''); end;',  l_module);
222   else
223     load(x_phase=> ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_compile_type,
224          x_sql  => 'begin dbms_utility.compile_schema(schema=>'''|| g_apps_ne_schema||'''); end;');
225   end if;
226  end compile_ne_schema;
228  --
229  -- This procedure recompiles TYPES from source schema so that new db version compatible
230  -- hash-code is generated. This is specifically for TYPEs compiled in Pre-11G DB.
231  --
232  -- This API uses the type list prepared from:
233  --     COPY_TYPE
235  --
236  -- Usage:
237  --    Should be called after call of dependent (COPY_TYPE, COPY_EVOLVED_TYPE ) are being
238  --    called.
239  --
240  procedure recompile_types as
241   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || '.recompile_types';
242  begin
243    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
244    --
245    -- Bug 12747238 : If hash-code conforming to 10g db
246    --                then sys.dbms_objects_utils.update_types will not work.
247    -- Solution is: recompile all such UDTs then it will have 11g db compatible hash-code.
248    --
249    if(g_obj_list_to_recompile is not null and
250       g_obj_list_to_recompile.count > 0 ) then
251      log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Recompiling Types');
252      sys.dbms_objects_utils.recompile_types(names=> g_obj_list_to_recompile);
253    end if;
254    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
255  end recompile_types;
258  --
259  -- This procedure populates g_obj_list_to_recompile
260  --
261  procedure put_obj_to_recompile(x_owner varchar2, x_type_name varchar2 )
262  is
263   l_type_names  sys.dbms_objects_utils_tname;
264  begin
266    l_type_names := sys.dbms_objects_utils_tname(x_owner, x_type_name);
267    g_obj_list_to_recompile.extend;
268    g_obj_list_to_recompile(g_obj_list_to_recompile.last):= l_type_names;
270  end put_obj_to_recompile;
272 --  **********************************************************************************
273 --
274 --            E-business Suite Database Preparation APIs for Editionning .
275 --
276 --
277 -- ***********************************************************************************
279 --
280 -- Create patch service and logon trigger
281 --
283 is
284   l_module       varchar2(80) := c_package || 'create_patch_service';
285   l_exists       number;
287 begin
288   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
290  -- Since service name is case-insensitive, even sqlplus accepts that.
291  -- so check service as case-insensitive
292   select count(service_id) into l_exists
293   from   dba_services
294   where upper(name)=upper(c_patch_service);
296   if l_exists = 0 then
297     log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Creating ' || c_patch_service || ' database service');
298     dbms_service.create_service(c_patch_service, c_patch_service);
299   end if;
301   -- start patch service if needed
302   select count(service_id) into l_exists
303   from   sys.v_$active_services
304   where name=c_patch_service;
306   if l_exists = 0 then
307     log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Starting ' || c_patch_service || ' database service');
308     dbms_service.start_service(c_patch_service);
309   end if;
310    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
314 --
315 -- Migrates XML schema from E-business Suite users and known or seeded Oracle
316 -- XML schemas from SYSTEM to APPS_NE database user.
317 --
318 procedure MOVE_XML_SCHEMAS
319 is
320   L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package|| 'move_xml_schemas';
321   L_SCHEMA_OWNER varchar2(30);
322   L_SCHEMA_URL   varchar2(30);
323   L_FOUND        boolean := false;
324   L_COUNT_PRE    number;
325   L_COUNT_POST   number;
327   cursor C_XML_SCHEMAS is
328     /*
329     --TODO: Waiting for George's reply on it.
330     --
331     -- adding DISTINCT as two tabls might refer same xml schema
332     select distinct xmls.owner, xmls.schema_url
333     from   dba_dependencies dep,
334            dba_xml_schemas  xmls
335     where  dep.type='TABLE'
336     and    dep.owner in
337              (select oracle_username
338               from   fnd_oracle_userid fu
339               where  fu.read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C') )
340     and    dep.referenced_type = 'XML SCHEMA'
341     and    dep.referenced_name = xmls.int_objname
342     -- XML schema owner either is SYSTEM or any e-biz user
343     and    ((xmls.owner = 'SYSTEM') or
344              xmls.owner in
345                (select oracle_username
346                 from   fnd_oracle_userid fu
347                 where  fu.read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')));
348     */
349     select owner, schema_url
350     from  dba_xml_schemas
351     where (
352            /* oracle seeded xml schemas in SYSTEM user */
353            (schema_url in (
354                'http://isetup.oracle.com/2006/diffresultdata.xsd'  ,
355                'http://isetup.oracle.com/2006/selectionsets.xsd' ,
356                'http://isetup.oracle.com/2006/reporterdata.xsd'  )
357             and owner='SYSTEM'
358            )
359           or
360            owner in
361            (
362             select oracle_username
363             from   fnd_oracle_userid fu
364             where  fu.read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
365            )
366           );
368 begin
370   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
372   -- Clear off rows from xdb table
373   delete from sys.xdb$moveSchemaTab;
374   commit;
376   for xml_schema in c_xml_schemas loop
377     insert into  sys.xdb$moveSchemaTab(schema_url, schemaownerfrom, schemaownerto, schema)
378     values(xml_schema.schema_url, xml_schema.owner, g_apps_ne_schema, null);
380     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Inserted XML schema into sys.xdb$moveSchemaTab ('||
381                                 xml_schema.schema_url || ',' || xml_schema.owner ||
382                                 ',' || g_apps_ne_schema ||', null)' );
384     -- re-using same var to check if any XML SCHEMA needs to be migrated?
385     l_found := true;
386   end loop;
388   if( l_found ) then
389     -- reset
390     l_found := false;
392     -- Pre-migration invalid count only in current edition
393     select count(1) into l_count_pre
394     from dba_invalid_objects;
396     log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Move xml schema: Invoke sys.xdb_migrateschema.moveSchemas ');
398     sys.xdb_migrateschema.moveSchemas;
399     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Done with sys.xdb_migrateschema.moveSchemas');
401     -- Post migration invalid count only in current edition
402     select count(1) into l_count_post
403     from dba_invalid_objects;
405     -- Check if xml schemas are still owned by source user?
406     open c_xml_schemas;
407     fetch c_xml_schemas into l_schema_owner, l_schema_url;
408     l_found := c_xml_schemas%found;
409     close c_xml_schemas;
411     if(l_found or (l_count_post > l_count_pre) ) then
412       ad_zd.error(l_module, 'XML SCHEMAS not migrated to target user successfully ' ||
413                             'or migration process introduced some new Invalid-objects');
414     end if;
416     -- Clean up DB table; in case of error, we want to preserve it for debugging.
417     delete from sys.xdb$moveSchemaTab;
418     commit;
420   end if;
421   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
422 exception
423   when others then
424     ad_zd.error(l_module, substr(sqlerrm, 1, 255));
430  --
431  -- procedure to stop an AQ.
432  --
433  procedure STOP_QUEUE(X_QUEUE_NAME varchar2) as
434    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'stop_queue';
435  begin
436    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| x_queue_name);
437    exec('begin dbms_aqadm.stop_queue('''|| x_queue_name|| '''); end;', l_module);
438    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
439  end stop_queue;
442  -- procedure to start an AQ.
443  procedure START_QUEUE(X_QUEUE_NAME in varchar2) as
444   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'start_queue';
445  begin
446    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_queue_name);
447    exec('begin dbms_aqadm.start_queue('''|| x_queue_name||'''); end;', l_module);
448    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
449  end start_queue;
452  -- procedure to drop an AQ.
453  procedure DROP_QUEUE (X_QUEUE_NAME in varchar2) as
454   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'drop_queue';
455  begin
456    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_queue_name);
457    exec('begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue('''|| x_queue_name||'''); end;', l_module);
458    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
459  end drop_queue;
462  --
463  -- Stops and then drops specified queue
464  --
465  procedure DROP_QUEUES(X_OWNER varchar2, X_QUEUE_NAME varchar2)
466  as
467    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'drop_queues';
468  begin
469    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_owner || '.'||  x_queue_name);
470    stop_queue('"'||x_owner ||'"."' || x_queue_name ||'"' );
471    drop_queue('"'||x_owner ||'"."' || x_queue_name || '"');
472    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
473  end DROP_QUEUES;
475  --
476  -- Drops all temporary queue which had been left over due to
477  -- some bug which was fixed via patch: 8284764:R12.XLA.A or 9131790:R12.XLA.B
478  -- The AQs still exist after the patch applied so dropping them.
479  --
480  procedure DROP_TEMP_QUEUES is
482    cursor c_queues is
483      select aq.owner ,  aq.name
484      from   dba_queues aq
485      where  aq.owner = g_xla_schema
486      and    (aq.name  like 'XLA_%_DOC_Q' or aq.name  like 'XLA_%_COMP_Q');
488  begin
490    for queue in c_queues loop
491      load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_drop_unused_object,
492           x_sql   => 'begin ad_zd_prep.drop_queues('
493                      || '''' || queue.owner || ''', '''
494                      || queue.name || '''); end; ');
495   end loop;
499  --   Update table references to  APPS_NE type
500  procedure FIX_TYPES(X_SOURCE_SCHEMA  varchar2,
501                      X_TARGET_SCHEMA  varchar2)
502  is
503    L_MODULE     varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_types';
505    cursor C_TYPES is
506      with p(referenced_owner, referenced_name) as
507      (
508         select referenced_owner, referenced_name
509         from dba_dependencies d
510         where d.type = 'TABLE'
511         and   d.name = upper (name)
512         and   d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
513         and   d.referenced_name = upper(d.referenced_name)
514         and   (
515                -- either referenced owner is registred SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userids owner
516                d.referenced_owner in
517                ( select oracle_username
518                  from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
519                  where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
520                )
521               or
522                exists
523                ( select 1
524                  from  dba_dependencies
525                  where owner = d.referenced_owner
526                  and   name = d.referenced_name
527                  and   type = d.referenced_type
528                  and   referenced_type = 'TYPE'
529                  and   referenced_owner in
530                        (
531                          select oracle_username
532                          from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
533                          where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
534                        )
535                )
536              )
537         /* filter out XDB types */
538         and not exists ( select null
539                          from  xdb.xdb$element e
540                          where e.xmldata.property.sqltype = d.referenced_name )
541         and not exists (select null
542                         from  xdb.xdb$element e
543                         where e.xmldata.property.sqlcolltype = d.referenced_name)
544      union all
545        select d.referenced_owner referenced_owner,
546               d.referenced_name referenced_name
547        from  dba_dependencies d,
548              p
549        where d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
550        and   d.referenced_name = upper (d.referenced_name )
551        and   d.name = p.referenced_name
552        and   d.owner = p.referenced_owner
553        and   d.referenced_owner in
554              ( select oracle_username
555                from system.fnd_oracle_userid
556                where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
557               )
558      )
559      cycle referenced_owner, referenced_name set cyclemarker to 'Y' default 'N'
560      select distinct referenced_owner, referenced_name
561      from p where cyclemarker = 'N';
564  begin
565    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_source_schema||', '||x_target_schema);
567    for l_type in c_types loop
568      if ((l_type.referenced_owner = x_source_schema ) and
569          (is_type_exists(x_target_schema, l_type.referenced_name)= false)) then
571        log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'User Defined Type ' || x_target_schema || '.' || l_type.referenced_name ||
572                               ' does not exist');
574        -- Raise critical error code 20978 from defined unexpected errors (in ADZDPEXS.pls ) instead
575        -- of defining a new one: -20978 /* Cannot drop a type with table dependents */
576        -- so that parallel worker won't execute subsequent jobs.
577        raise_application_error(-20978, 'User Defined Type ' || x_target_schema || '.' || l_type.referenced_name ||
578                                        ' does not exist');
579      end if;
580    end loop;
582    log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Update TYPE reference from '||x_source_schema||' to '||x_target_schema);
583    -- Without any specific TYPE
584    sys.dbms_objects_utils.update_types
585        ( schema1      => x_source_schema,
586          schema2      => x_target_schema,
587          typename     => null,
588          check_update => true ) ;
590    --NOTE: Not adding a CHECK here to make sure that none of the table are now dependent
591    --      on x_source_schema types, reason being: since  sys.dbms_objects_utils.update_types
592    --      checkes if all TYPES from source schema are created in target scheam but if source
593    --      schema is SYSTEM then it does not fall true, so data-dictionary updates still would be
594    --      half-way, so let that validation be handled withih FIX_TYPE API.
596    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
597  end FIX_TYPES;
600  -- Convert Editioned Type to equivalent Non-Editioned Type synonym
601  --   Update table references to NE type if needed
602  --   Convert dependant types, if needed
603  --   Drop type, replace with synonym to NE type
604  procedure FIX_TYPE(X_TYPE_OWNER varchar2, X_TYPE_NAME varchar2)
605  is
606   L_MODULE     varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_type';
607   L_REF_OWNER  varchar2(30);
608   L_REF_NAME   varchar2(30);
609   L_FOUND      boolean;
611   -- tables that reference the specified type
612   cursor C_TABLE_REFS(TYPE_OWNER varchar2, TYPE_NAME varchar2) is
613     select dep.owner, dep.name
614     from   dba_dependencies dep
615     where  dep.type            = 'TABLE'
616     and    dep.referenced_owner= type_owner
617     and    dep.referenced_name = type_name
618     and    dep.referenced_type = 'TYPE';
620   -- types that reference the specified type and have a replacement in APPS_NE
621   cursor C_TYPE_REFS(XX_TYPE_OWNER varchar2, XX_TYPE_NAME varchar2) is
622     select ot.owner, ot.name
623     from   dba_dependencies ot,
624            dba_types nt
625     where  ot.type            = 'TYPE'
626     and    ot.referenced_owner= xx_type_owner
627     and    ot.referenced_name = xx_type_name
628     and    ot.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
629     and    nt.owner     = g_apps_ne_schema
630     and    nt.type_name = ot.name;
632   -- tables that references the specific type or its dependent type
633   cursor C_TABLE_REFS2(TYPE_OWNER varchar2, TYPE_NAME varchar2) is
634     select dep.owner, dep.name
635     from  dba_dependencies dep
636     where dep.type  = 'TABLE'
637     and   dep.referenced_owner <> g_apps_ne_schema
638     start with
639           dep.referenced_owner = type_owner
640       and dep.referenced_name  = type_name
641       and dep.referenced_type  = 'TYPE'
642     connect by nocycle
643           prior dep.owner = dep.referenced_owner
644       and prior dep.name  = dep.referenced_name
645       and prior dep.type  = dep.referenced_type;
647  begin
649    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
651    -- check for table references to type
652    open c_table_refs(x_type_owner, x_type_name);
653    fetch c_table_refs into l_ref_owner, l_ref_name;
654    l_found := c_table_refs%found;
655    close c_table_refs;
657    -- fix table references if any
658    if l_found then
659      -- update column types to new owner
660      -- Note: "check_update" paremeter must be false for single type update
661      log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Fixing table references to '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
662      sys.dbms_objects_utils.update_types
663        ( schema1      => x_type_owner,
664          schema2      => 'APPS_NE',
665          typename     => x_type_name,
666          check_update => false ) ;
667      execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool';
668      commit;
670      -- re-check for table references to type
671      open c_table_refs(x_type_owner, x_type_name);
672      fetch c_table_refs into l_ref_owner, l_ref_name;
673      l_found := c_table_refs%found;
674      close c_table_refs;
676      -- if there are still references to the type, then we have failed
677      if l_found then
678        log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'Could not fix table references to '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
679        raise_application_error(-20978, 'Could not fix table references to '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
680      end if;
681    end if;
683    -- recursively drop any types that depend on this type and have NE replacements
684    for l_types in c_type_refs(x_type_owner, x_type_name) loop
685      log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Fixing type reference: ' || l_types.owner||'.'||l_types.name);
686      fix_type(l_types.owner, l_types.name);
687    end loop;
689    -- verify type still exists (could be missing now due to concurrent threads)
690    if is_type_exists(x_type_owner, x_type_name) then
692       -- Make sure no table references to type or its dependent types
693       open c_table_refs2(x_type_owner, x_type_name);
694       fetch c_table_refs2 into l_ref_owner, l_ref_name;
695       l_found := c_table_refs2%found;
696       close c_table_refs2;
698       -- if there are still references to the type or its dependent types, then we have failed
699       if l_found then
700         log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'Could not fix table references to '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
701         raise_application_error(-20978, 'Could not fix table references to '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
702       end if;
704      -- drop the type, replace with synonym
705      log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Converting Type to Synonym: '||x_type_owner||'.'||x_type_name);
707      exec('drop type "'||x_type_owner||'"."'||x_type_name||'" force', l_module, true);
708      exec('create or replace synonym "'||x_type_owner||'"."'||x_type_name||'" for '
709           ||'"APPS_NE"."'||x_type_name||'"', l_module, true);
710    end if;
712    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
713  end FIX_TYPE;
715  --
716  -- The procedure works as follows:
717  --  Gets the DDL by using dbms_metadata and creates in APPS_NE schema
718  --
719  --
720  procedure COPY_TYPE(X_OWNER       in varchar2,
721                      X_NAME        in varchar2,
722                      X_NEW_OWNER   in varchar2)
723  is
724    L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'copy_type';
725    DM_H          number;
726    DM_T          number;
727    L_DDL         clob;
728    L_EXIST       pls_integer;
729  begin
731    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_owner||'.'||x_name ||', '|| x_new_owner);
733    begin
734      select 1 into l_exist
735      from  dba_types
736      where owner     = x_owner
737      and   type_name = x_name;
738    exception
739      when no_data_found then
740        log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Type: '||x_owner||'.'||x_name || ' does not exist - noop');
741        return;
742    end;
744    dm_h := dbms_metadata.open('TYPE');
745    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'SCHEMA', X_OWNER);
746    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'NAME', X_NAME);
747    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'SPECIFICATION', true);
748    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'BODY', false);
749    dm_t  := dbms_metadata.add_transform(dm_h, 'MODIFY');
750    dbms_metadata.set_remap_param(dm_t, 'REMAP_SCHEMA', X_OWNER, X_NEW_OWNER);
751    dm_t  := dbms_metadata.add_transform(dm_h, 'DDL');
753    l_ddl := dbms_metadata.fetch_clob(dm_h);
754    dbms_metadata.close(dm_h);
756    if (l_ddl is not null ) then
757      l_ddl := remove_schema_qualifiers(l_ddl );
758      if(is_type_exists(x_new_owner, x_name) = false ) then
759        log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Creating TYPE: '||x_new_owner||'.'||x_name);
760        exec(x_sql => l_ddl, x_log_mod => l_module, x_ignore=>true);
761      end if;
762    else
763      log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'dbms_metadata returned null for User-Defined-Type Specification: '||x_owner||'.'||x_name );
764      -- Shall we raise an error from here?
765      raise_application_error(-20996,
766         'dbms_metadata returned null for User-Defined-Type Specification: ' ||x_owner||'.'||x_name);
767    end if;
768    if(dbms_lob.istemporary(l_ddl) =1 ) then
769      dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_ddl);
770    end if;
772    -- STEP#2 Follow same steps for OBJECT Body
773    dm_h := dbms_metadata.open('TYPE');
774    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'SCHEMA', X_OWNER);
775    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'NAME', X_NAME);
776    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'SPECIFICATION', FALSE);
777    dbms_metadata.set_filter(dm_h, 'BODY', TRUE);
779    dm_t  := dbms_metadata.add_transform(dm_h, 'MODIFY');
780    dbms_metadata.set_remap_param(dm_t, 'REMAP_SCHEMA', X_OWNER, X_NEW_OWNER);
781    dm_t  := dbms_metadata.add_transform(dm_h, 'DDL');
783    l_ddl := dbms_metadata.fetch_clob(dm_h);
784    dbms_metadata.close(dm_h);
786    if (l_ddl is not null ) then
787      l_ddl := remove_schema_qualifiers(l_ddl);
788      if(is_type_body_exists(x_new_owner, x_name) = false ) then
789        log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Creating TYPE BODY: '||x_new_owner||'.'||x_name);
790        exec(x_sql => l_ddl, x_log_mod => l_module, x_ignore=>true);
791      end if;
792    else
793     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'dbms_metadata returned null for User-Defined-Type Body: '||x_owner||'.'||x_name );
794    end if;
796    if(dbms_lob.istemporary(l_ddl) =1 ) then
797      dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_ddl);
798    end if;
800    -- Grant execute priviledge to
801    exec(x_sql => 'GRANT EXECUTE ON "'||x_new_owner||'"."'||x_name||'" to PUBLIC', x_log_mod => l_module,  x_ignore=>true);
802    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
803  end COPY_TYPE;
805  --
806  -- Copy UDT columns of tables to APPS_NE
807  --
808  -- procedure to find all UDTs which are referenced by table columns and calling
809  -- procedure to copy them to APPSNE schema
810  --
811  procedure COPY_TYPES is
812    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'copy_types';
813    l_flag boolean := false;
815    cursor all_types is
816      with p(referenced_owner, referenced_name) as
817      (
818         select referenced_owner, referenced_name
819         from dba_dependencies d
820         where d.type = 'TABLE'
821         and   d.name = upper (name)
822         and   d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
823         and   d.referenced_name = upper(d.referenced_name)
824         and   (
825                -- either referenced owner is registred SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userids owner
826                d.referenced_owner in
827                ( select oracle_username
828                  from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
829                  where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
830                )
831               OR
832                exists
833                ( select 1
834                  from  dba_dependencies
835                  where owner = d.referenced_owner
836                  and   name = d.referenced_name
837                  and   type = d.referenced_type
838                  and   referenced_type = 'TYPE'
839                  and   referenced_owner in
840                        (
841                          select oracle_username
842                          from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
843                          where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
844                        )
845                )
846              )
847         -- /* filter out XDB types */
848         and not exists ( select null
849                          from  xdb.xdb$element e
850                          where e.xmldata.property.sqltype = d.referenced_name )
851         and not exists (select null
852                         from  xdb.xdb$element e
853                         where e.xmldata.property.sqlcolltype = d.referenced_name)
855      union all
856        select d.referenced_owner referenced_owner,
857               d.referenced_name referenced_name
858        from  dba_dependencies d,
859              p
860        where d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
861        and   d.referenced_name = upper (d.referenced_name )
862        and   d.name = p.referenced_name
863        and   d.owner = p.referenced_owner
864        and   d.referenced_owner in
865              ( select oracle_username
866                from system.fnd_oracle_userid
867                where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
868               )
869      )
870      cycle referenced_owner, referenced_name set cyclemarker to 'Y' default 'N'
871      select distinct referenced_owner, referenced_name
872      from p where cyclemarker = 'N';
874     l_evolved_idx pls_integer := 0;
876  begin
877    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
879    for t in all_types loop
880      if( is_type_evolved(t.referenced_owner, t.referenced_name) <> 'Y')  then
881        -- normal UDTs
882        load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_copy_type,
883             x_sql   => 'begin ad_zd_prep.copy_type('''
884                                       || t.referenced_owner || ''', '''
885                                       || t.referenced_name || ''','''
886                                       || g_apps_ne_schema || '''); end;');
888        -- BUG 12747238 :
889        -- Source TYPES will recompiled during DDL generation time
890        -- to make sure that they have 11g conforming hash-code
891        -- before DDL execution starts.
892        put_obj_to_recompile(t.referenced_owner, t.referenced_name);
894        -- FIX_TYPE will check dependency, if exist, will try to fix before
895        -- dropping a type.
896        load(x_phase  => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_type,
897             x_sql    => 'begin ad_zd_prep.fix_type('''
898                        || t.referenced_owner || ''', '''
899                        || t.referenced_name || '''); end; ');
901      end if;
902      l_flag := true;
903    end loop;
905    if(l_flag) then
906     -- Recompile source TYPES to make hash-code compatible if they were NOT before.
907     -- This API should be called during ddl-population time.
908     recompile_types;
910     -- STEP#3 : Adding it here also so, all UDT become VALID before EVOLVED type creation
911     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Populating compile_ne_schema(x_exec=>false) API.' );
912     compile_ne_schema(false);
913    end if;
915    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
916  end COPY_TYPES;
919  --
920  -- Loads the DDLs into AD_ZD_DDL_HANDLER from the global evolved_type or
921  -- from sorted global list.
922  --
924  as
925   l_idx number;
926   l_objid number;
927   l_flag boolean := true;
928   l_evolved_type_rec evolved_type_src_rec;
929   l_owner varchar2(30);
930   l_type_name varchar2(30);
931   l_source varchar(32676);  -- max will be 4000 but
932   l_evolve_type_list udt_obj_t ;
933   l_evolve_type_index pls_integer;
934   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'install_evolved_types';
935  begin
937    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
938    -- Generic algo.
939    -- Sorting based on [objid]
940    --
941    -- **********************************************************
942    while(l_flag) loop
943      l_flag  := false;
944      for i in 1..(g_evolved_types_src_list.count-1) loop
945       if (g_evolved_types_src_list(i).objid  > g_evolved_types_src_list(i+1).objid ) then
946         l_evolved_type_rec            := g_evolved_types_src_list(i+1);
947         g_evolved_types_src_list(i+1) := g_evolved_types_src_list(i);
948         g_evolved_types_src_list(i)   := l_evolved_type_rec;
949         l_flag        := true;
950       end if;
951      end loop;
952    end loop;
954    -- **************************************************************
956     l_idx := g_evolved_types_src_list.FIRST;
957     l_evolve_type_index := 0;
959     while ( l_idx is not null ) loop
960       l_evolved_type_rec :=  g_evolved_types_src_list(l_idx);
961       l_source := l_evolved_type_rec.source;
962       --  It is possible that TYPE has been evolved / exists in APPS_NE schema but table referecne might
963       --   not have changed?
964       if(is_type_evolved(l_evolved_type_rec.type_name, g_apps_ne_schema ) ='Y') then
965        continue;
966       end if;
967       exec(l_source, l_module, true);
969       if(is_type_exists_in_list(l_evolved_type_rec.owner,
970                                 l_evolved_type_rec.type_name  ,
971                                 l_evolve_type_list  ) = false ) then
973           l_evolve_type_index := l_evolve_type_index + 1;
974           l_evolve_type_list(l_evolve_type_index).owner :=  l_evolved_type_rec.owner;
975           l_evolve_type_list(l_evolve_type_index).type_name := l_evolved_type_rec.type_name;
976       end if;
978       l_idx := g_evolved_types_src_list.next(l_idx);
980     end loop;
982     -- not optimized but okay to re-iterate .
983     for i in 1..(l_evolve_type_list.count ) loop
984        l_owner := l_evolve_type_list(i).owner;
985        l_type_name := l_evolve_type_list(i).type_name;
987        exec('GRANT EXECUTE ON "'||g_apps_ne_schema||'"."' || l_type_name || '"  TO PUBLIC ', l_module, true);
989        load(x_phase=> ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_type,
990             x_sql  => 'begin ad_zd_prep.fix_type('
991                       || '''' || l_owner || ''', '''
992                       || l_type_name || '''); end; ');
994     end loop;
995     log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
998  --
999  -- Gets the DDL of a given Evolved-Types by using
1000  -- sys.dbms_objects_utils.split_source() and replaces
1001  -- source schemas with APPS_NE.
1002  --
1003  -- TODO: If an APPS.evolved type dependent on another E-biz schema
1004  --       e.g. ECX then we need to check how dbms_objects_utils.split_source()
1005  --       returns and may be we have to replace them.
1006  --
1007  procedure COPY_EVOLVED_TYPE (X_OWNER varchar2,
1008                               X_NAME  varchar2,
1009                               X_NEW_OWNER varchar2 )
1010  as
1011    e_source sys.dbms_objects_utils_tsource;
1012    l_source varchar2(4000);
1013    l_objid  number;
1014    sql_count number; /* number of DDLs returned in e_source for an EVOLVED type */
1015    l_index number;
1016    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'copy_evolved_type';
1017  begin
1019    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_owner||'.'||x_name || ', '|| x_new_owner);
1020    sql_count := sys.dbms_objects_utils.split_source(x_owner, x_name, e_source);
1022    -- For each evolved type
1023    for cntr in 1..sql_count  loop
1024       l_source :=  e_source(cntr).source;
1025       l_objid  :=  e_source(cntr).objid;
1026       l_index :=   REGEXP_INSTR(l_source,
1027                      '[[:space:]]*("?' || x_owner || '"?)[.]?"?'|| x_name ||'"?[[:space:]]',
1028                      1,1,0, 'i' ) ;
1030       if(l_index > 0 ) then
1031         l_source :=  REGEXP_REPLACE(l_source,
1032                        '[[:space:]]*("?' || x_owner || '"?)[.]?"?'|| x_name ||'"?[[:space:]]',
1033                        ' "' || x_new_owner || '"."' || x_name || '" ' ,
1034                        1,1,'i' ) ;
1035       else
1036         -- No <schema.type> exist, may be only TYPE name, replace with  "APPS_NE"."TYPE"
1037         --
1038         l_source :=  REGEXP_REPLACE(l_source,
1039                           '[[:space:]]*("?' || x_name ||'"?)[[:space:]]',
1040                          ' "' || x_new_owner || '"."' || x_name || '" ' ,
1041                          1,1,'i' ) ;
1043       end if;
1045       -- insert in GLOBAL LIST to be used by INSTALL_EVOLVED_TYPES
1046       g_evolved_type_index := g_evolved_type_index + 1;
1047       g_evolved_types_src_list(g_evolved_type_index).owner  := x_owner  ;
1048       g_evolved_types_src_list(g_evolved_type_index).type_name := x_name;
1049       g_evolved_types_src_list(g_evolved_type_index).objid := l_objid;
1050       g_evolved_types_src_list(g_evolved_type_index).source  := l_source ;
1051    end loop;
1052    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1055  --
1056  --
1057  -- Get all evolved type referenced by tables as column type
1058  -- NOTE: Evolved-type can be created properly only when ALL DEPENDENT
1059  --       TYPES have been created and are VALID. Otherwise ALTER DDL
1060  --       statement on evolved type will fail.
1061  --
1062  procedure COPY_EVOLVED_TYPES
1063  as
1064   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'copy_evolved_types';
1065   l_evolved_type_list     udt_obj_t;
1066   l_index pls_integer :=0;
1068   --    Since this SQL is very slow, so better to get the list of evolved types from
1069   --    COPY_TYPES API (owner, evolved_type_name) but this  API will have dependency on
1070   --    COPY_TYPES API i.e. COPY_TYPES should be run before this API.
1071   --
1072   cursor all_evolved_types is
1073      with p(referenced_owner, referenced_name) as
1074      (
1075        select referenced_owner, referenced_name
1076        from dba_dependencies d
1077        where type = 'TABLE'
1078        and   name = upper ( name )
1079        and   referenced_type = 'TYPE'
1080        and   referenced_name = upper (referenced_name)
1081        and   (
1082               -- either referenced owner is registred SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userids owner
1083               referenced_owner in
1084               ( select oracle_username
1085                 from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1086                 where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U','C')
1087               )
1088              or
1089              exists
1090              ( select 1
1091                from  dba_dependencies
1092                where owner = d.referenced_owner
1093                and   name = d.referenced_name
1094                and   type = d.referenced_type
1095                and   referenced_type = 'TYPE'
1096                and   referenced_owner in
1097                      (
1098                       select oracle_username
1099                       from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1100                       where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1101                      )
1102              )
1103             )
1104        -- Only take care  evolved types i.e. exclude normal UDT
1105        --
1106        and exists
1107                (  select 1
1108                   from sys.obj$ o
1109                   where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = referenced_owner)
1110                   and o.NAME = referenced_name
1111                   and o.type# = 13
1112                   and o.subname is not null
1113                  )
1114         /* filter out XDB types */
1115        and not exists ( select null
1116                         from  xdb.xdb$element e
1117                         where e.xmldata.property.sqltype = d.referenced_name )
1118        and not exists (select null
1119                         from  xdb.xdb$element e
1120                         where e.xmldata.property.sqlcolltype = d.referenced_name)
1122      union all
1123        select d.referenced_owner referenced_owner,
1124               d.referenced_name referenced_name
1125        from  dba_dependencies d,
1126              p
1127        where d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
1128        and   d.referenced_name = upper(d.referenced_name )
1129        and   d.name = p.referenced_name
1130        and   d.owner = p.referenced_owner
1131        and   d.referenced_owner in
1132              ( select oracle_username
1133                from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1134                where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1135               )
1136       and exists
1137             (  select 1
1138                from sys.obj$ o
1139                where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = d.referenced_owner)
1140                and o.name = d.referenced_name
1141                and o.type# = 13             --13 =  TYPE,
1142                and o.subname is not null    -- sstomar:
1143                                             -- This predicate is important becuase for evolved type more than
1144                                             -- one rows will be exist,
1145                                             -- one with "subname= null" and other one as "subname= <value>"
1146               )
1148      )
1149      cycle referenced_owner, referenced_name set cyclemarker to 'Y' default 'N'
1150      select distinct referenced_owner, referenced_name
1151      from p where cyclemarker = 'N';
1152  begin
1153    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1154    -- reset in each call of this API
1155    g_evolved_type_index := 0;
1156    for et in all_evolved_types loop
1158      -- we will get only DISTINCT Evoled-type and dependent evolved-type
1159      -- So for a case where
1160      --    T2 -> ( dependes on) T1
1161      --    T3 ->                T1
1162      --
1163      --    T1 will come thru above cursor and no need to find dependent evolved-type
1164      --    for each ( T2 and T3) type then.
1165      --
1166      --
1167      copy_evolved_type(et.referenced_owner, et.referenced_name, g_apps_ne_schema);
1168      -- bug 12747238
1169      put_obj_to_recompile(et.referenced_owner, et.referenced_name);
1170    end loop; -- For ALL EVOLVED-TYPES
1172    -- Install DDLs from global list to AD_ZD_DDL_HANDLER table
1173    install_evolved_types;
1174    recompile_types;
1175    compile_ne_schema(true);
1176    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1180  --
1181  -- Get all evolved type referenced by tables as column type
1182  -- TODO: Currently this API is being populated as single API, reason being
1183  --       evolved type should be created in a proper order otherwise
1184  --       ALTER DDL command will fail and we may NOT get required hash-code.
1185  --
1187  as
1188   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'copy_evolved_types_wrapper';
1189   l_count number;
1190  begin
1191    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1193     select count(1) into l_count
1194     from  dba_dependencies d
1195     where d.type = 'TABLE'
1196     and   d.name = upper(name)
1197     and   d.referenced_type = 'TYPE'
1198     and   d.referenced_name = upper(d.referenced_name)
1199     and   (
1200           d.referenced_owner in
1201           ( select oracle_username
1202             from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1203             where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U','C')
1204           )
1205          OR
1206           exists
1207           ( select 1
1208             from  dba_dependencies
1209             where owner = d.referenced_owner
1210             and   name  = d.referenced_name
1211             and   type  = d.referenced_type
1212             and   referenced_type = 'TYPE'
1213             and   referenced_owner in
1214                   (
1215                    select oracle_username
1216                    from SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1217                    where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1218                   )
1219           )
1220          )
1221     and exists
1222             (  select 1
1223                from sys.obj$ o
1224                where owner# =(select user# from sys.user$ where name = referenced_owner)
1225                and o.NAME = referenced_name
1226                and o.type# = 13
1227                and o.subname is not null
1228               )
1229    and not exists ( select null
1230                     from  xdb.xdb$element e
1231                     where e.xmldata.property.sqltype = d.referenced_name )
1232    and not exists (select null
1233                    from  xdb.xdb$element e
1234                    where e.xmldata.property.sqlcolltype = d.referenced_name);
1236    if(l_count > 0 ) then
1237     -- Note: Evolved types should be created in a proper order and dependent TYPEs should be VALID.
1238     --       otherwise ALTER TYPE command will fail. So let it be run by a single worker.
1239     load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_copy_evolved_type,
1240          x_sql     => 'begin ad_zd_prep.copy_evolved_types; end; ');
1242    end if;
1243    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1247  --
1248  -- TODO: Rename or CLEANUP this API
1249  -- Populates column owner (of an UDT type column) of a table in a list,
1250  -- which will be used  by FIX_COL_SYS() API
1251  --
1252  -- Note: we assume that the equivalent non-editioned type has already been
1253  --       been created in the non-editioned schema via the copy_type procedure.
1255  procedure FIX_COLUMN(X_OWNER       in varchar2,
1256                       X_TABLE       in varchar2,
1257                       X_COLUMN      in varchar2)
1258  is
1259    l_type_owner   varchar2(30);
1260    l_type_name    varchar2(30);
1261    l_autofix      number :=0;
1262    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_column';
1263    l_comma  varchar2(2)  := ', ';
1264  begin
1265    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| x_owner || l_comma || x_table || l_comma
1266                                        || x_column);
1267    -- get old column type information
1268    select col.data_type_owner, col.data_type
1269    into   l_type_owner, l_type_name
1270    from   dba_tab_columns col
1271    where  col.owner = x_owner
1272    and    col.table_name = x_table
1273    and    col.column_name = x_column;
1274    --
1275    -- 02-jun-2011: sstomar:
1276    --   Currently, including: schema1 =>'SYSTEM', schema2 => 'APPS_NE', typename => 'CCT_QDE_RESPONSE'
1277    --
1278    -- Not exist in <owner, type> list then only insert it
1279     if (is_type_exists_in_list(l_type_owner, l_type_name, g_udt_obj_list)= false )then
1280       g_udt_obj_indx := g_udt_obj_indx + 1;
1281       g_udt_obj_list(g_udt_obj_indx).owner := l_type_owner;
1282       g_udt_obj_list(g_udt_obj_indx).type_name := l_type_name;
1283     end if;
1284     log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1285  end FIX_COLUMN;
1287  --
1288  -- PRIVATE
1289  --   Fix data dictionary to use non-editioned data type
1290  --
1291  --   FIX_COLUMNS
1292  --      |
1293  --       -->FIX_COLUMN
1294  --      |
1295  --       --> FIX_COL_SYS
1297  procedure FIX_COL_SYS as
1298    l_sql varchar2(4000);
1299    l_type_owner col_owners ;
1300    l_flag boolean := false;
1301    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_col_sys';
1302  begin
1304   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1306   for idx in 1..g_udt_obj_list.count loop
1307     begin
1308       if(l_type_owner.count > 0 ) then
1309         if(l_type_owner( g_udt_obj_list(idx).owner) = 1  ) then
1310          l_flag := false;
1311         end if;
1312       else
1313        l_flag := true; -- first time.
1314       end if;
1315     exception
1316       when no_data_found then
1317         l_flag := true;   -- not in already updated list
1318     end;
1319     -- ST ([email protected]): Suggested to use
1320     -- sys.dbms_objects_utils.update_types('APPS', APPS_NE', NULL, TRUE) , instead of
1321     -- calling for specific TYPE
1322     --
1323     if(l_flag) then
1324       l_sql := 'begin ad_zd_prep.fix_types(' ||
1325                   'x_source_schema =>''' || g_udt_obj_list(idx).owner || ''', ' ||
1326                   'x_target_schema => '''|| g_apps_ne_schema || ''') ; end;' ;
1328       load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_column,
1329            x_sql    => l_sql);
1331       l_type_owner(g_udt_obj_list(idx).owner) := 1;
1332     end if;
1333   end loop;
1335   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1336  end FIX_COL_SYS;
1338  --
1339  -- Fix AQ to use Non-Editioned payload type
1340  --
1341  -- Process works as follows:
1342  --   1) Stop queue
1343  --   2) Fix up payload column
1344  --   3) Start queue
1345  --
1346  -- Note: multiple queues can be attached to the same queue table, we need to
1347  -- deal with all of them at once.
1348  --
1349  --
1350  procedure FIX_QUEUE(x_owner in varchar2, x_table in varchar2, x_column in varchar2)
1351  is
1352    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_queue';
1353    l_queue      varchar2(80);
1354    l_queue_type varchar2(30);
1357      select '"'||aq.owner || '"."' || aq.name ||'"',
1358             aq.queue_type
1359      from   dba_queues aq
1360      where  aq.owner = x_owner
1361      and    aq.queue_table = x_table
1362      and    not ( aq.name like 'XLA_%_COMP_Q'
1363                   OR aq.name like 'XLA_%_DOC_Q' );
1365  begin
1366    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_owner || '.'|| x_table || ', ' || x_column);
1367    -- Stop related queues
1368    open c_queues(x_owner, x_table);
1369    fetch c_queues INTO l_queue, l_queue_type;
1370    --
1371    -- Merging with COPY_TYPE phase as both are independent.
1372    while (c_queues%found) loop
1373      load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_copy_type,
1374           x_sql   => 'begin ad_zd_prep.stop_queue(''' || l_queue ||'''); end;');
1376      fetch c_queues INTO l_queue, l_queue_type;
1377    end loop;
1378    -- close cursor
1379    CLOSE c_queues;
1380    -- Fix payload column
1381    fix_column(x_owner, x_table, x_column);
1383    -- This phase should be executed after DROP_OBJECT, so if still there is any UDT reference
1384    -- , can be fixed.
1385    load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_recreate_aq_object,
1386         x_sql   => 'begin ad_zd_prep.recreate_aq_object(''' || x_owner ||''', ''' || x_table ||'''); end;');
1388    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1389  end FIX_QUEUE;
1391  --
1392  --
1393  -- Recreates associated objects of an AQ after UDT reference fix.
1394  --
1395  --
1396  procedure RECREATE_AQ_OBJECT(X_OWNER in varchar2, X_TABLE in varchar2)
1397  is
1398    l_module     varchar2(80) := c_package || 'recreate_aq_object';
1399    l_qt_flags   number;
1400    cursor c_queues is
1401      select aq.name,
1402             aq.queue_type
1403      from   dba_queues aq
1404      where  aq.owner = x_owner
1405      and    aq.queue_table = x_table;
1407  begin
1409    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_owner || '.' || x_table);
1410    -- Regenerate derived objects
1411    select flags into l_qt_flags
1412    from   system.aq$_queue_tables
1413    where  schema = x_owner
1414    and    name = x_table;
1416    begin
1417      -- RDBMS BUG 14206186: SHBOSE:
1418      -- Note that sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_base_view internally calls
1419      -- sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_deq_view. So you may not need to call another
1420      -- create_deq_view.
1421      --
1422      if (sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.mcq_8_1(l_qt_flags)) then
1423        -- For new multiconsumer queue (8.1 style and above)
1424        sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.create_buffer_view(x_owner, x_table, true);
1425        log(l_module, 'EVENT',
1426            'Call sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_base_view('|| x_owner||', '||x_table ||', '|| l_qt_flags||')');
1427        sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_base_view(x_owner, x_table, l_qt_flags);
1428      else
1429        --  only for 8.0 style queues
1430        log(l_module, 'EVENT',
1431            'Call sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.create_base_view('|| x_owner||', '||x_table||', '|| l_qt_flags||')');
1432        sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.create_base_view(x_owner, x_table, l_qt_flags);
1433      end if;
1434    exception
1435      when others then
1436       log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'Error: '|| x_owner ||'.'|| x_table || ' '|| substr(sqlerrm,1,2000));
1437    end;
1439    -- Start queue
1440    -- TODO: Start EXCEPTION AQ Also ?
1441    --
1442    for queue in c_queues loop
1443     if (queue.queue_type =  'NORMAL_QUEUE') then
1444      start_queue('"'|| x_owner ||'"."'|| queue.name || '"');
1445     end if;
1446    end loop;
1447    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1448  exception
1449    when no_data_found then
1450      null;
1454  --
1455  -- Fix all columns that depend on editioned types
1456  --
1457  -- Note: we assume that the equivalent non-editioned types have already
1458  -- been created in the non-editioned schema via the copy_type procedure.
1459  --
1460  procedure FIX_COLUMNS
1461  is
1462    L_OWNER        varchar2(30);
1463    L_TABLE        varchar2(30);
1464    L_COLUMN       varchar2(30);
1465    L_QUEUE_COUNT  number;
1466    l_orig_util_id number;
1468    -- problem column query
1469    cursor C_COLUMNS is
1470      select
1471          atab.owner            table_owner
1472        , atab.table_name       table_name
1473        , acol.column_name      column_name
1474      from
1475          dba_tables      atab
1476        , dba_tab_columns acol
1477      where atab.owner in
1478            ( select oracle_username
1479              from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1480              where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1481             )
1482      and   acol.owner      = atab.owner
1483      and   acol.table_name = atab.table_name
1484      and   acol.data_type_owner in   -- User defined data type (UDT)
1485            ( select oracle_username
1486              from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1487              where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1488            )
1489      order by 1, 2, 3;
1491      -- This cursor for columns of SYSTEM.<UDT> AND SYSTEM.<UDT> depends
1492      -- on <EBS schema>.UDT
1493      --
1494      cursor C_COLUMNS2 is
1495        select
1496            atab.owner            table_owner
1497          , atab.table_name       table_name
1498          , acol.column_name      column_name
1499        from
1500            dba_tables      atab
1501          , dba_tab_columns acol
1502        where acol.owner      = atab.owner
1503        and   acol.table_name = atab.table_name
1504        and   atab.owner IN   -- table owner
1505               ( select oracle_username
1506                 from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1507                 where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1508               )
1509        and   acol.data_type_owner='SYSTEM'
1510        and  exists
1511             (
1512               select    1
1513               from   dba_dependencies dep
1514               where   dep.type = 'TYPE'
1515               start with  dep.owner   = acol.data_type_owner
1516                  and  dep.name        = acol.DATA_TYPE
1517                  and dep.type          = 'TYPE'
1518                  and dep.referenced_type= 'TYPE'
1519                  and dep.referenced_owner <> 'SYSTEM'
1520               connect by
1521                     prior dep.referenced_name  = dep.name
1522                 and prior dep.referenced_type  = dep.type
1523                 and prior dep.referenced_type  = 'TYPE'
1524                 and   dep.referenced_owner in (
1525                         select oracle_username
1526                         from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1527                         where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1528                       )
1529             )
1530        order by 1,2,3;
1532    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_columns';
1534  begin
1535    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1536    -- convert each problem column to use Non-Editioned type definition
1537    open c_columns;
1538    fetch c_columns INTO l_owner, l_table, l_column;
1539    while (c_columns%found) loop
1541       select count(name) into l_queue_count
1542       from   dba_queues
1543       where  owner = l_owner
1544       and queue_table = l_table;
1546       -- If it is a queue table, then fix the overall queue,
1547       -- otherwise, just fix the column
1548       if l_queue_count > 0 then
1549         fix_queue(l_owner, l_table, l_column);
1550       else
1551         fix_column( l_owner, l_table, l_column);
1552       end if;
1553       fetch c_columns INTO l_owner, l_table, l_column;
1554    end loop;
1556    close c_columns;
1558    -- for SYSTEM.UDT columns
1559    -----------------------------------------------
1561    open c_columns2;
1562    fetch c_columns2 into l_owner, l_table, l_column;
1563    while (c_columns2%found) loop
1565       -- check if this is a queue table,
1566       select count(name) into l_queue_count
1567       from   dba_queues
1568       where  owner = l_owner
1569       and    queue_table = l_table;
1571       -- If it is a queue table, then fix the overall queue,
1572       -- otherwise, just fix the column
1573       if l_queue_count > 0 then
1574         fix_queue(l_owner, l_table, l_column);
1575       else
1576         fix_column( l_owner, l_table, l_column);
1577       end if;
1578       fetch c_columns2 INTO l_owner, l_table, l_column;
1580    end loop;
1582    close c_columns2;
1584    -----------------------------------------------
1585    -- Special query by to update SYS tables
1586    -- Reason: There would be other DATABASE objects like table which would be dependent
1587    --      on UTDs, now update their dependency to refer to APPS_NE UDT.
1588    --
1589    --
1590    fix_col_sys;
1591    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1592  end FIX_COLUMNS;
1594 --
1595 --  - PUBLIC Synonyms point to editioned EBS objects must be dropped,
1596 --  - PUBLIC Synonyms cannot be editioned so they should be replaced by
1597 --    an equivalent private synonyms.
1598 --
1599 procedure FIX_PUBLIC_SYNONYMS as
1600   L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_public_synonyms';
1602   cursor C_PUBLIC_SYNONYMS is
1603     select syn.synonym_name ,
1604            syn.table_owner  ,
1605            syn.table_name   ,
1606            syn.db_link
1607     from  dba_synonyms syn
1608     where syn.owner='PUBLIC'
1609     and   syn.table_owner in
1610             (select oracle_username
1611              from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1612              where read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'C', 'U'))
1613     and   (syn.table_owner, syn.table_name) in
1614             (select obj.owner, obj.object_name
1615              from   dba_objects obj
1616              where  obj.owner = syn.table_owner   -- To avoid GSCC error
1617              and    obj.object_type in ('TYPE',   'PACKAGE', 'VIEW' ,
1618                                         'SYNONYM','PROCEDURE',
1619                                         'TRIGGER','FUNCTION'));
1620 begin
1621   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1622   for rec in c_public_synonyms loop
1623     load(x_phase=> ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_public_synonym,
1624          x_sql  => 'begin ad_zd_prep.fix_public_synonym(''' || rec.synonym_name || ''', ''' ||
1625                    rec.table_owner || ''',''' || rec.table_name ||''','''|| rec.db_link || '''); end;');
1627   end loop;
1628   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1632  --
1633  -- Drops public synonym
1634  -- and recreate private synonym if not exist.
1635  --
1636  procedure FIX_PUBLIC_SYNONYM(
1637    X_SYNONYM_NAME  in varchar2,
1638    X_TABLE_OWNER   in varchar2,
1639    X_TABLE_NAME    in varchar2,
1640    X_DB_LINK       in VARCHAR2 )
1641  is
1642    L_MODULE      varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_public_synonym';
1643    L_EXIST       pls_integer;
1644    L_OBJECT_TYPE varchar2(30);
1646    cursor C_DEPNDENT_USERS is
1647      select distinct owner
1648      from  dba_dependencies
1649      where referenced_owner = 'PUBLIC'
1650      and   referenced_type  = 'SYNONYM'
1651      and   referenced_name  = x_synonym_name
1652      and   owner in ( select oracle_username
1653                       from  system.fnd_oracle_userid
1654                       where read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'C', 'U'));
1657  begin
1658    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' || x_synonym_name||', ' || x_table_owner||', '
1659                                         || x_table_name || ', '|| x_db_link);
1661    for l_users in c_depndent_users loop
1662      begin
1663        -- Check if private synonym exists?
1664        select 1 into l_exist
1665        from  dba_synonyms
1666        where owner        = l_users.owner
1667        and   synonym_name = x_synonym_name
1668        and   table_owner  = x_table_owner
1669        and   table_name   = x_table_name
1670        and   ((db_link is null
1671                  and x_db_link is null
1672                  )
1673                 OR
1674                 (db_link is not null
1675                  and x_db_link is not null
1676                  and db_link =  x_db_link
1677                 )
1678                ) ;
1680        log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Synonym with same name: ' ||
1681                                   l_users.owner  ||'.' || x_synonym_name ||' already exists.');
1682      exception
1683        when no_data_found then
1684          -- check if another object with same <owner, name, object-namespace > exists?
1685          begin
1686            select object_type into l_object_type
1687            from  dba_objects
1688            where owner       = l_users.owner
1689            and   object_name = x_synonym_name
1690            and   namespace in   /* not hard-coding namespace=1 */
1691                   ( select namespace
1692                     from   dba_objects
1693                     where  object_type = 'SYNONYM'
1694                     and    owner       = 'PUBLIC'
1695                     and    object_name = x_synonym_name
1696                    );
1697            log(l_module, 'ERROR',
1698                          'Object name conflict: There is an object with same name as '
1699                          ||l_users.owner||'.'||x_synonym_name||' of type ' || l_object_type ||
1700                          ' in the same object namespace.');
1701          exception
1702            when no_data_found then
1703               log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Creating private synonym: ' || l_users.owner  ||'.' || x_synonym_name);
1704               exec('create or replace synonym "'||
1705                     l_users.owner  ||'"."' || x_synonym_name || '" for "'||
1706                     x_table_owner || '"."' || x_table_name ||'"', l_module);
1707          end;
1708      end;
1709    end loop;
1711    log(l_module, 'EVENT', 'Dropping PUBLIC synonym: ' || x_synonym_name);
1712    exec('drop public synonym "'|| x_synonym_name ||'"' ,  l_module, true);
1713    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1717  --
1719  --
1720  procedure DROP_CTXSYS_SYNONYM(X_SYNONYM_NAME varchar2) is
1721    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'drop_ctxsys_synonym';
1722  begin
1723   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: CTXSTS.' || X_SYNONYM_NAME);
1724   exec(X_SQL =>'drop synonym CTXSYS."'||X_SYNONYM_NAME ||'"' , X_LOG_MOD=>l_module, X_IGNORE=> true);
1725   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1728  --
1729  -- Drop CTXSYS package
1730  --
1731  procedure DROP_CTXSYS_PKG(X_PACKAGE_NAME varchar2) is
1732   l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'drop_ctxsys_pkg';
1733  begin
1734   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: CTXSYS.'|| X_PACKAGE_NAME);
1735   exec(X_SQL =>'drop package CTXSYS."'||X_PACKAGE_NAME ||'"', X_LOG_MOD=> l_module, X_IGNORE=> true);
1736   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1737  end DROP_CTXSYS_PKG;
1739  --
1740  -- Fix PLSQL packages installed in CTXSYS (context indexing)
1741  --
1742  -- TODO: migrate packages to APPS and repair CTXSYS definition.
1743  -- HACK: For now we just drop them.
1744  --
1745  -- NOTE: BUGS has already been filed against product teams to fix their objects.
1746  --       Here, we are just droping them from CTXSYS
1747  --
1748  procedure FIX_CTXSYS
1749  is
1750    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_ctxsys';
1751    cursor ctxpkg is
1752       select distinct name
1753       from  dba_dependencies
1754       where owner='CTXSYS'
1755       and   TYPE='PACKAGE BODY'
1756       and   referenced_owner in
1757             ( select oracle_username
1758               from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1759               where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1760             )
1761      and referenced_type in
1762                 ( 'TYPE',
1763                   'PACKAGE',
1764                   'VIEW' ,
1765                   'SYNONYM',
1766                   'PROCEDURE',
1767                   'TRIGGER',
1768                   'FUNCTION'
1769                  );
1770    --
1771    -- Synonyms in CTXSYS for EBS objects.
1772    cursor C_SYNONYMS is
1773      select aps.synonym_name
1774      from   dba_synonyms aps
1775      where  aps.owner       = 'CTXSYS'
1776      and    aps.table_owner in
1777             ( select oracle_username
1778               from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1779               where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U','C')
1780              )
1781      order by 1;
1783  begin
1784    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
1785    for rec in ctxpkg loop
1786      load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_drop_object,
1787           x_sql  => 'begin ad_zd_prep.drop_ctxsys_pkg(''' || rec.name || '''); end;');
1789    end loop;
1791    -- drop problematic synonyms
1792    for rec in c_synonyms loop
1793      load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_drop_object,
1794           x_sql   => 'begin ad_zd_prep.drop_ctxsys_synonym(''' || rec.synonym_name || '''); end;');
1795    end loop;
1796    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1797  end FIX_CTXSYS;
1800 --
1801 -- This is used to fix EBR violations for custom users
1802 --
1803 procedure FIX_CUSTOM_OBJECTS(x_user varchar2)
1804 is
1805   L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'fix_custom_objects';
1807   -- Objects which would become INVALID when specified user is enabled for
1808   -- editions.
1809   cursor C_INVALIDATED_OBJECTS(P_USER varchar2) is
1810    select dep.d_obj# d_obj, do.name d_name, do.type# d_type,
1811           dep.p_obj# p_obj, po.name p_name, po.type# p_type
1812     from  sys.dependency$ dep,
1813           sys.obj$ do,
1814           sys.obj$ po
1815     where do.obj# = dep.d_obj#
1816       and po.obj# = dep.p_obj#
1817       -- Only Non-Editionable objects
1818       and do.type# not in (4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,22,55,87)
1819     start with dep.p_obj# in (select  o.obj#
1820                               from sys.obj$ o,
1821                                    sys.user$ u
1822                               where u.name  = P_USER
1823                                 and u.user# = o.owner#
1824                                 and o.type# in (4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,22,55,87) )
1825     connect by nocycle prior dep.d_obj# = dep.p_obj#;
1827   cursor C_COLUMNS is
1828     select
1829         tab.owner            table_owner
1830       , tab.table_name       table_name
1831       , col.column_name      column_name
1832       , col.data_type        type_name
1833       , col.data_type_owner  type_owner
1834     from
1835         dba_tables      tab
1836       , dba_tab_columns col
1837     where tab.owner = x_user
1838       and col.owner = tab.owner
1839       and col.table_name = tab.table_name
1840       and col.data_type_owner in   -- User defined data type (UDT)
1841           ( select oracle_username
1842             from   SYSTEM.fnd_oracle_userid
1843             where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
1844           )
1845     order by 1, 2, 3;
1847   -- Fix public synonyms
1848   cursor C_PUBLIC_SYNONYMS is
1849     select syn.synonym_name ,
1850            syn.table_owner  ,
1851            syn.table_name   ,
1852            syn.db_link
1853     from  dba_synonyms syn
1854     where syn.owner='PUBLIC'
1855     and   syn.table_owner = x_user
1856     and   (syn.table_owner, syn.table_name) in
1857             (select obj.owner, obj.object_name
1858              from   dba_objects obj
1859              where  obj.owner = syn.table_owner   -- To avoid GSCC error
1860              and    obj.object_type in ('TYPE',   'PACKAGE', 'VIEW' ,
1861                                         'SYNONYM','PROCEDURE',
1862                                         'TRIGGER','FUNCTION'));
1865   -- XML schema owned by custom user
1866   cursor C_XML_SCHEMAS is
1867     select owner, schema_url
1868     from  dba_xml_schemas
1869     where owner =x_user;
1871   -- MVs
1872   cursor C_MVS is
1873     select m.owner owner,
1874            m.mview_name name
1875     from   dba_mviews m
1876     where m.owner =x_user
1877       and not exists
1878             ( select 'X'
1879               from dba_views v
1880               where v.owner = m.owner
1881               and   v.view_name = ad_zd_mview.get_mvq_name(m.mview_name) )
1882     union
1883     select v.owner owner,
1884            ad_zd_mview.get_mv_name(v.view_name) name
1885     from   dba_views v
1886     where v.view_name like '%'||'#'
1887       and v.editioning_view = 'N'
1888       and v.owner =x_user
1889       and not exists
1890             ( select 'X' from dba_objects m
1891               where m.owner      = v.owner
1892                 and m.object_name = ad_zd_mview.get_mv_name(v.view_name)
1893                 and m.object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
1894                 and m.status      = 'VALID' );
1897 begin
1898   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| x_user );
1900   for l_invalidated_object in c_invalidated_objects(x_user) loop
1901     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Non-Editionable Object ('|| l_invalidated_object.d_name ||
1902                                ',' || l_invalidated_object.d_type || '), dependent on (' ||
1903                                l_invalidated_object.p_name || ',' || l_invalidated_object.p_type || ')');
1904     case
1905       --CASE#1: Table is dependent on TYPE
1906       --        This condition is also true when table is dependet on a TYPE descended
1907       --        from an XML schema
1908       when (l_invalidated_object.d_type = 2 and
1909             l_invalidated_object.p_type = 13) then
1911         -- Fix each UDT column
1912         for l_tab_column in c_columns loop
1913           log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Fix Table: which is dependent on ' ||
1914                                      l_tab_column.type_owner || '.' ||
1915                                      l_tab_column.type_name );
1917           copy_type(l_tab_column.type_owner, l_tab_column.type_name, 'APPS_NE');
1918           fix_type(l_tab_column.type_owner, l_tab_column.type_name);
1919         end loop;
1921         --(SSTOMAR)
1922         -- TODO: Fix the tables created directly by using a UDT.
1923         --       such tables will not show up in dba_tab_columns
1924         --       e.g. > create table sh_table of sh_type;
1926       --CASE#2: Table dependent on an XML schema
1927       --       (and TYPES descended from XML schema will also be covered)
1928       when (l_invalidated_object.d_type = 2 and
1929             l_invalidated_object.p_type = 55) then
1931         log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Fix XML schema: ');
1933         -- This is fine to run XML schema mover for all users as it will pick-up those
1934         -- users which are registered in fnd_oracle_userid (Only cost here is performance)
1935         -- TODO: Wait for DB fix 16286729, otherwise locking issue might occur.
1936         ad_zd_prep.move_xml_schemas;
1938       -- CASE#3: MV is dependent on function, throw error as this can be fixed automatically.
1939       when (l_invalidated_object.d_type = 42 and
1940             l_invalidated_object.p_type = 8) then
1941         -- throw error
1942         log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'MV:' || l_invalidated_object.d_name ||
1943                                ',  dependent on: ' || l_invalidated_object.p_name);
1944         raise_application_error(-20005, 'Materialized view(s) which is/are dependent on a function, ' ||
1945                                         'can not be fixed automatically. Run Readiness Report from Note 1531121.1 ' ||
1946                                         'and fix them manually.');
1948       -- CASE#4: MV is dependent any other type of object i.e. other than a function.
1949       when (l_invalidated_object.d_type = 42 and
1950             l_invalidated_object.p_type <> 8 ) then
1952         -- Expand MVs
1953         -- TODO: This ideally should be done after upgrading Tables of this user
1954         for l_mv in C_MVS loop
1955           log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Fix MV: ' || l_mv.owner || '.' || l_mv.name);
1956           ad_zd_mview.upgrade(l_mv.owner, l_mv.name);
1957         end loop;
1958     end case;
1959   end loop;
1961   -- Fix public synonyms.
1962   -- NOTE: Public synonyms will NOT have any record in sys.dependencies$ table
1963   for l_rec in c_public_synonyms loop
1964     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Fix PUBLIC synonym: ' || l_rec.synonym_name);
1965     ad_zd_prep.fix_public_synonym(l_rec.synonym_name, l_rec.table_owner, l_rec.table_name, l_rec.db_link);
1966   end loop;
1968   -- If still have noneditioned objects dependent on editioned objects?
1969   for l_invalidated_object in c_invalidated_objects(x_user) loop
1970      log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'ORA-20005: One or more noneditioned objects dependent on objects whose type is editionable.' ||
1971                             'Run and review Readiness Report: Note 1531121.1 and then fix noneditioned objects' );
1972      raise_application_error(-20005, 'One or more noneditioned objects dependent on objects whose type is editionable.' ||
1973                                      'Run and review Readiness Report: Note 1531121.1 and then fix noneditioned objects' );
1974   end loop;
1976   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1980 --
1981 -- Registers a schema with fnd_oracle_userid with READ_ONLY_FLAG='B'
1982 --
1983 procedure REGISTER_CUSTOM_USER(X_USER varchar2) is
1984   L_STMT          varchar2(1000);
1985 begin
1986   -- use execute immediate so that AD won't have any hard dependency on FND
1987   l_stmt := 'begin fnd_oracle_user_pkg.load_row (:1, ''CUSTOM'', ''INVALID'', NULL, ''N'', ''B''); end;';
1988   execute immediate l_stmt using X_USER;
1989   commit;
1992 --
1993 -- Enables the user for EDITIONS.
1994 -- NOTE: This procedure uses "force" mode to enable users for editions.
1995 procedure ENABLE_USER_4EDITION(X_USERNAME varchar2) as
1996  L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'enable_user_4edition';
1997 begin
1998   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| x_username || ' enabling for editions');
1999   exec('alter user "'||x_username||'" enable editions force', l_module);
2000   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2004 --
2005 -- Enables a custom schema for editions.
2006 --  - If schema is not registered with E-biz, it will register it.
2007 --  - Fixes custom objects owned by custom schema
2008 --  - Upgrade tables for EV, owned by custom schema
2009 --
2010 procedure ENABLE_CUSTOM_USER(X_USER varchar2)
2011 is
2012   L_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'enable_custom_user';
2014   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(l_enable_editions_error, -38819);
2015   L_STMT varchar2(250);
2017   cursor C_TABLES is
2018     select
2019         tab.owner        table_owner
2020       , tab.table_name   table_name
2021     from  dba_tables tab
2022     where tab.owner = x_user
2023       and tab.temporary = 'N'
2024       and tab.secondary = 'N'
2025       and not exists /* not a queue table */
2026             ( select qt.owner, qt.queue_table
2027               from   dba_queue_tables qt
2028               where  qt.owner       = tab.owner
2029               and    qt.queue_table = tab.table_name )
2030       and not exists /* not an MV container table */
2031                   ( select mv.owner, mv.container_name
2032                     from   dba_mviews mv
2033                     where  mv.owner          = tab.owner
2034                     and    mv.container_name = tab.table_name )
2035       order by tab.owner, tab.table_name;
2037 begin
2039   log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| x_user || ' user enabling for editions');
2041   -- As the password is being set as INVALID not calling
2042   -- Register (Bug 16492268).
2043   -- register_custom_user(x_user);
2045   begin
2046     l_stmt := 'alter user "'||x_user||'" enable editions';
2047     log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Enable '|| x_user || ' user for editions');
2048     execute immediate l_stmt;
2049   exception
2050     when l_enable_editions_error then
2051       log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'User '|| x_user || 'has objects which violate Edition-Based-Redefinition rules');
2052       /*
2053       ORA-38819: user SH_USER owns one or more objects whose type is editionable and
2054       that have noneditioned dependent objects
2055       */
2056       fix_custom_objects(x_user);
2058       -- retrye without force mode
2059       begin
2060         log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Retry: Enable '|| x_user || ' user for editions');
2061         execute immediate l_stmt;
2062         log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'User '|| x_user || ' has been enabled for editions');
2063       exception
2064         when l_enable_editions_error then
2065           log(l_module, 'ERROR', 'User '|| x_user || 'Can not enable user for editions. ' || sqlerrm);
2066           raise_application_error(-20006, 'Can not enable user for editions. ' || sqlerrm);
2067       end;
2068   end;
2070   log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Upgrade custom tables owned by: '|| x_user || ' user');
2071   for l_rec in c_tables loop
2072     ad_zd_table.upgrade(l_rec.table_owner, l_rec.table_name);
2073   end loop;
2075   commit;
2076   log(l_module, 'STATEMENT', 'end');
2080  --
2081  --
2082  -- NOTE: This should be run after completing all the DDLs i.e.
2083  --       EBR violations has been removed from target database.
2084  --
2085  -- This API should be (SYS or SYSTEM) as SYSDBA
2086  --
2087  -- Enable Editions for ALL users
2088  --
2089  procedure ENABLE_EDITIONS as
2090    l_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'enable_editions';
2091    cursor c_users is
2092      select fou.oracle_username username
2093      from  system.fnd_oracle_userid fou
2094           , dba_users du
2095      where fou.read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C')
2096      and   du.editions_enabled = 'N'
2097      and   du.username = fou.oracle_username
2098      and   not exists
2099             (select u.name
2100              from sys.registry$ r,
2101                   sys.user$ u
2102              where r.status in (1,3,5)
2103              and   r.namespace = 'SERVER'
2104              and   r.schema#   = u.user#
2105              and   u.name      = du.username
2106             union
2107             select u.name
2108             from  sys.registry$ r,
2109                   sys.registry$schemas s,
2110                   sys.user$ u
2111             where r.status in (1,3,5)
2112             and   r.namespace = 'SERVER'
2113             and   r.cid       = s.cid
2114             and   s.schema#   = u.user#
2115             and   u.name      = du.username
2116            );
2117  begin
2118    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin');
2120    for rec in c_users loop
2121      load(x_phase => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_enable_editioning,
2122           x_sql  => 'begin ad_zd_prep.enable_user_4edition('''||rec.username||'''); end;');
2124    end loop;
2125    log(l_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2129  --
2130  -- This API generates DDLs or PL/SQL blocks for EBR violations as well
2131  -- as TABLE, MV upgrades.
2132  --
2133  --
2134  procedure DO_PREP
2135  as
2136   c_module varchar2(80) := c_package || 'DO_PREP';
2138  begin
2140    log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin' );
2141    dbms_application_info.set_module('AD_ZD_PREP', 'DDL GENERATION');
2143    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Cleaning up AD_ZD_DDL_HANDLER table' );
2145    -- **** Clean ONLY DB PREP data, as SEED-UPGRADE data
2146    --      has already been populated *****.
2147    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_drop_unused_object);
2148    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_copy_type);
2149    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_compile_type);
2150    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_copy_evolved_type);
2151    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_column);
2152    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_type);
2153    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_fix_public_synonym);
2154    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_recreate_aq_object);
2155    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_drop_object);
2156    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_enable_editioning);
2157    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_upgrade_table);
2158    ad_zd_parallel_exec.cleanup(ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_upgrade_mview);
2160    -- STEP#1)
2161    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking drop_temp_queues ' );
2162    drop_temp_queues;
2163    commit;
2165    --STEP#2 : copy_types also populates compile_ne_schema API.
2166    copy_types;
2167    commit;
2169    --step#3
2170    copy_evolved_types_wrapper;
2171    --step#5
2172    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT','Invoking fix_columns API.' );
2173    fix_columns;
2174    commit;
2176    -- STEP#6) Objects from CTXSYS as CTXSYS is Non-Editioned
2177    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking fix_ctxsys API.' );
2178    fix_ctxsys;
2179    commit;
2181    -- STEP#7) : fix_synonyms;
2182    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking fix_public_synonyms API.' );
2183    fix_public_synonyms;
2184    commit;
2185    --step#8
2186    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking enable_editions API.' );
2187    enable_editions;
2188    commit;
2190    -- STEP#2) Materialized Views
2191    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking ad_zd_mview.upgrade_db API.' );
2192    ad_zd_mview.upgrade_db(0);
2193    commit;    --
2195    log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Invoking ad_zd_table.upgrade_db API.' );
2196    ad_zd_table.upgrade_db;
2197    commit;
2198    log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE','end' );
2199  exception
2200   when others then
2201     log(c_module, 'ERROR','E-Business Suite Database Preparation for Editions:'
2202              || sqlcode || ' ' || substr(sqlerrm, 1, 64) );
2203     raise_application_error(-20997,
2204              'E-Business Suite Database Preparation for Editions: '
2205              || sqlcode || ' ' || substr(sqlerrm, 1, 64));
2206  end do_prep;
2208 end AD_ZD_PREP;