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APPS.ICX_UTIL dependencies on ICX_CALL

Line 175: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(c_where_clause);

171: /* remove the following commented line if the oa media stuff works fine*/
172: -- c_language := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_LANGUAGE_CODE);
174: getPrompts(601,'ICX_LOV',c_title,c_prompts);
175: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(c_where_clause);
176: temp := htf.anchor('javascript:LOV('''||c_attribute_app_id||''','''||c_attribute_code||''','''||c_region_app_id||''','''||c_region_code||''','''||c_form_name||''','''||c_frame_name||''','''||l_where_clause||''','''')',
177: htf.img('/OA_MEDIA/FNDILOV.gif',c_image_align,icx_util.replace_alt_quotes(c_title),'','BORDER=0 WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=21'),'','onMouseOver="window.status='''||icx_util.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(c_title)||''';return true"');
178: return temp;
179: end;

Line 285: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause)||' and '||replace(c_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '));

282: -- Combine two where clauses
283: if c_where_clause is not null then
284: if c_js_where_clause is not null then
285: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause)||' and '||replace(c_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '));
286: else
287: l_where_clause := c_where_clause;
288: end if;
289: else

Line 291: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(replace(c_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '));

287: l_where_clause := c_where_clause;
288: end if;
289: else
290: if c_js_where_clause is not null then
291: l_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(replace(c_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '));
292: end if;
293: end if;
295: l_user_id := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_USER_ID);

Line 492: l_where_clause := l_find_where_clause||' and '||icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause);

488: l_find_column||' like '''||UPPER(SUBSTR(p_find_criteria, 1, 2))||'%'')';
491: if p_where_clause is not null then
492: l_where_clause := l_find_where_clause||' and '||icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause);
493: else
494: l_where_clause := l_find_where_clause;
495: end if;
496: else

Line 498: l_where_clause := icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause);

494: l_where_clause := l_find_where_clause;
495: end if;
496: else
497: if p_where_clause is not null then
498: l_where_clause := icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause);
499: end if;
500: --htp.p(l_where_clause||'-'||l_sess_id);
501: end if;

Line 1398: l_where_temp:= icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause); --mputman added

1395: -- unpack where clause to use bind variables
1396: icx_on_utilities.unpack_whereSegment(where_clause,l_where_clause,l_query_binds);
1398: l_where_temp:= icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause); --mputman added
1400: IF substrb(l_where_temp,1,2)='@@'THEN
1401: c_where_bind_vals := substrb(l_where_temp,(instrb(l_where_temp,'@@',1,2)+2),length(l_where_temp));
1402: l_where_temp := substrb(l_where_temp,3,(instrb(l_where_temp,'@@',1,2)-3));

Line 1415: icx_call.encrypt2()). If c_where_bind_vals is null then we assume that c_where_clause

1411: end if; -- l_where_clause
1412: /*
1413: c_where_bind_vals is an encrypted '*' delimited string terminated by '**]' that
1414: contains the values associated to the binds in c_where_clause (encrypted using
1415: icx_call.encrypt2()). If c_where_bind_vals is null then we assume that c_where_clause
1416: does not contain any bind variables/values. If it is not null, we exepect the
1417: decrypted value to provide the bind values for the bind variables to be named
1418: ':ICXBIND_W(n)' starting with '0' and incrementing by one for each bind variable.
1419: */