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Line 302: from ben_person_actions pac

298: and ptp.person_type_id = per.person_type_id
299: and ptp.system_person_type in ( 'EMP' , 'EX_EMP' , 'EX_EMP_APL' , 'EMP_APL' , 'PRTN' )
300: and (p_person_id is null or pen.person_id = p_person_id)
301: and (p_per_sel_rule is null or pen.person_id in (select person_id
302: from ben_person_actions pac
303: where pac.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id) )
304: and (p_ntl_identifier is null or per.national_identifier = p_ntl_identifier)
305: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = prm.prtt_enrt_rslt_id (+)
306: and mpr.prtt_prem_id(+) = prm.prtt_prem_id

Line 406: from ben_person_actions pac

402: and ptp.person_type_id = per.person_type_id
403: and ptp.system_person_type in ( 'EMP', 'EX_EMP' , 'EX_EMP_APL' , 'EMP_APL' , 'PRTN' )
404: and (p_person_id is null or pen.person_id = p_person_id)
405: and (p_per_sel_rule is null or pen.person_id in (select person_id
406: from ben_person_actions pac
407: where pac.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id) )
408: and (p_ntl_identifier is null or per.national_identifier = p_ntl_identifier)
409: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = prm.prtt_enrt_rslt_id (+)
410: and mpr.prtt_prem_id(+) = prm.prtt_prem_id

Line 495: from ben_person_actions pac

491: and p_run_date between pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt and enrt_cvg_thru_dt
492: and pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
493: and (p_person_id is null or pen.person_id = p_person_id)
494: and (p_per_sel_rule is null or pen.person_id in (select person_id
495: from ben_person_actions pac
496: where pac.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id) )
497: and pil.per_in_ler_id = pen.per_in_ler_id
498: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ( 'VOIDD' , 'BCKDT')
499: and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ( select max(pil2.LF_EVT_OCRD_DT)

Line 575: from ben_person_actions pac

571: or (p_report_start_date <= pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt and p_report_end_date >= pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt))
572: and pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
573: and (p_person_id is null or pen.person_id = p_person_id)
574: and (p_per_sel_rule is null or pen.person_id in (select person_id
575: from ben_person_actions pac
576: where pac.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id) )
577: and pil.per_in_ler_id = pen.per_in_ler_id
578: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ( 'VOIDD' , 'BCKDT')
579: and per.person_id = pil.person_id

Line 1399: ben_person_actions_api.create_person_actions(

1395: --
1397: if l_rl_ret = 'Y' then
1398: -- person has passed the rule, so create a person action
1399: ben_person_actions_api.create_person_actions(
1400: p_validate => false
1401: ,p_person_action_id => l_person_action_id
1402: ,p_person_id => l_person.person_id
1403: ,p_ler_id => l_person.ler_id