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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

SELECT distinct contracts.po_header_id,
                contracts.amount_limit ,
                NVL(contracts.rate, 1), -- Bug# 4685260
                contracts.currency_code   --Bug# 4685260
                FROM   po_lines_gt pol,                                 -- 
       po_headers_all contracts                      --   -- 
WHERE  contracts.po_header_id = pol.contract_id
--AND    NVL(contracts.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'  -- 
AND    pol.po_header_id = X_po_header_id
AND    contracts.amount_limit IS NOT NULL;              -- bug3673292
Line: 46

   /*	Main loop to get all po_lines that you're trying to insert and then
	go get the total po amounts that you've created to see if it's okay to
  	insert this po
   X_progress := 10;
Line: 72

	 blank.  If it's null then the tally in the select 1 check will
	 always fail even though it should pass

/* Bug# 2362213: kagarwal
** Desc: When getting the amount on Std PO referencing the
** contract, consider the rate on the Std PO and not that in the Contract.

     --1) Need an NVL since sum can return NULL.
     --2) SELECT list cannot include both the group function SUM and
     --   an individual column expression.

     -- bug3673292
     -- Removed table poh from the FROM clause.

--Bug# 4685260 Start
    -- Checking if there are lines referring this contract PO
    -- with currency different to the Contract.  We will do the
    -- conversion to the base currency only if there is atleast one
    -- line which are referring this contract with a different currency
    -- that the Contract currency. If all line referring this contrat
    -- are in the same currecny as this contract we will compare the
    -- amount directly without considering the rate.

    ---    Bug8422577 Changed all the views to _all tables to target documents
 	  ---    in other operating units also

Line: 104

        SELECT 'Y'
        INTO x_diff_curr
        from dual
        where exists (
            SELECT  'Exists'
             FROM   po_lines_all pol,
                    po_line_locations_all pll,
                    po_headers_all poh2
            WHERE  pol.contract_id = X_contract_id      -- 
              AND    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
              AND    poh2.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
              AND    (( poh2.authorization_status = 'APPROVED')
                     or (poh2.authorization_status = 'IN PROCESS'))
              AND    pol.po_header_id <> X_po_header_id
              AND    poh2.currency_code <> x_currency_code
             UNION ALL
            SELECT  'Exists'
              FROM   po_lines_gt pol,                      -- 
                     po_line_locations_gt pll,             -- 
                     po_headers_gt potoapp                 -- 
              WHERE  pol.contract_id = X_contract_id       -- 
                AND  pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
                AND  pol.po_header_id = potoapp.po_header_id
                AND  potoapp.po_header_id = X_po_header_id
                AND  potoapp.currency_code <> x_currency_code
Line: 147

     SELECT ( nvl(                         --   -- 
                   sum ( decode ( PLL.quantity
                                , NULL , PLL.amount - nvl(PLL.amount_cancelled,0)
                                ,        (   ( PLL.quantity
                                             - nvl(PLL.quantity_cancelled,0) )
                                         * PLL.price_override )
                     * decode(nvl(x_diff_curr,'N'),
                                     'Y', nvl(POH2.rate, 1),1) --Bug4685260
     INTO   X_purchased_amount
     FROM   po_lines_all pol,
            po_line_locations_all pll,
            po_headers_all poh2
     WHERE  pol.contract_id = X_contract_id      -- 
     AND    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
     AND    poh2.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
     AND    (( poh2.authorization_status = 'APPROVED')
             or (poh2.authorization_status = 'IN PROCESS'))
     AND    pol.po_header_id <> X_po_header_id
     AND    pll.shipment_type = 'STANDARD'; --14795699
Line: 191

     SELECT (                                                 -- 
              sum ( decode ( PLL.quantity
                           , NULL , PLL.amount - nvl(PLL.amount_cancelled,0)
                           ,        (   ( PLL.quantity
                                        - nvl(PLL.quantity_cancelled,0) )
                                    * PLL.price_override )
                  * decode(nvl(x_diff_curr,'N'),
                               'Y', nvl(POTOAPP.rate, 1),1) --Bug4685260
     INTO   X_current_amount
     FROM   po_lines_gt pol,                      -- 
            po_line_locations_gt pll,             -- 
            po_headers_gt potoapp                 -- 
     WHERE  pol.contract_id = X_contract_id       -- 
     AND    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
     AND    pol.po_header_id = potoapp.po_header_id
     AND    potoapp.po_header_id = X_po_header_id
     AND    pll.shipment_type = 'STANDARD'; --14795699