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2 /* $Header: UMXUTILS.pls 120.5 2011/04/12 10:32:49 spakanat ship $ */
4 G_ITEM_TYPE constant VARCHAR2(8) := 'UMXREGWF';
5  --
6   -- Procedure
7   --      assign_wf_role
8   --
9   -- Description
10   -- populate the wf_local_roles table with information from workflow
11   -- IN
12   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
13   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
14   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
15   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
16   -- OUT
17   --   resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
20 procedure assign_wf_role (item_type    in  varchar2,
21                           item_key     in  varchar2,
22                           activity_id  in  number,
23                           command      in  varchar2,
24                           resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
27 -- temp work around remove after wf fixes the bug
29 procedure LaunchEvent (item_type    in  varchar2,
30                           item_key     in  varchar2,
31                           activity_id  in  number,
32                           command      in  varchar2,
33                           resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
36 -- temp work around remove after wf fixes the bug
38 procedure Start_Notification_Wf (item_type    in  varchar2,
39                           item_key     in  varchar2,
40                           activity_id  in  number,
41                           command      in  varchar2,
42                           resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
43 --
44   -- Procedure
45   -- check_approval_defined
46   -- Description
47   --    check if ame approval has been defined for this registration service.
48   -- IN
49   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
50   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
51   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
52   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
53   -- OUT
54   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
56 procedure check_approval_defined (item_type    in  varchar2,
57                                   item_key     in  varchar2,
58                                   activity_id  in  number,
59                                   command      in  varchar2,
60                                   resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
62  -- Procedure
63   -- check_approval_status
64   -- Description
65   --    check if request has been approved or not
66   -- IN
67   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
68   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
69   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
70   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
71   -- OUT
72   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
74 procedure Check_Approval_Status (item_type    in  varchar2,
75                                   item_key     in  varchar2,
76                                   activity_id  in  number,
77                                   command      in  varchar2,
78                                   resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
81 --
82   -- Procedure
83   -- Check if identity verification is required during this registration process
84   --
85   -- Description
86   -- Check if identity verification is required
87   -- IN
88   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
89   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
90   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
91   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
92   -- OUT
93   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
95 procedure check_idnty_vrfy_reqd (item_type    in  varchar2,
96                                             item_key     in  varchar2,
97                                             activity_id  in  number,
98                                             command      in  varchar2,
99                                             resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
101   --
102   -- Procedure
103   -- check_mandatory_attributes
104   -- Description
105   --      Check if all the mandatory attributes are available.
106   -- IN
107   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
108   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
109   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
110   --   command  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
111   -- OUT
112   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
113   procedure check_mandatory_attributes (item_type    in  varchar2,
114                                         item_key     in  varchar2,
115                                         activity_id  in  number,
116                                         command      in  varchar2,
117                                         resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
119 --
120   -- Procedure
121   -- Check_password_null
123   -- Description
124   --      Check if the password is null
125   -- IN
126   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
127   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
128   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
129   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
130   -- OUT
131   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
133 procedure check_password_null (item_type    in  varchar2,
134                                             item_key     in  varchar2,
135                                             activity_id  in  number,
136                                             command      in  varchar2,
137                                             resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
139   -- Procedure
140   --  create_reg_requests
141   -- Description
142   --  Wrapper around UMX_REG_REQUESTS_PVT.create_reg_srv_request
143   -- IN
144   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
145   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
146   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
147   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
148   -- OUT
149   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
151 procedure create_reg_request (   p_item_type    in  varchar2,
152                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
153                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
154                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
155                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
156   -- Procedure
157   --  update_reg_request
158   -- Description
159   --  Wrapper around UMX_REG_REQUESTS_PVT.update_reg
160   -- IN
161   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
162   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
163   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
164   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
165   -- OUT
166   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
168 procedure update_reg_request (   p_item_type    in  varchar2,
169                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
170                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
171                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
172                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
174   -- Procedure
175   --  Reserve UserName
176   -- Description
177   --  Wrapper around Fnd_user_pkg.create_username with status as pending
178   -- IN
179   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
180   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
181   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
182   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
183   -- OUT
184   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
186 procedure reserve_username (   p_item_type    in  varchar2,
187                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
188                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
189                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
190                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
192   -- Procedure
193   --  activate_userName
194   -- Description
195   --  Wrapper around Fnd_user_pkg.update_username with status as approved
196   -- IN
197   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
198   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
199   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
200   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
201   -- OUT
202   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
204 procedure activate_username (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
205                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
206                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
207                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
208                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
209 -- Procedure
210   --  release_userName
211   -- Description
212   --  Wrapper around Fnd_user_pkg.delete_username with status as rejected
213   -- IN
214   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
215   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
216   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
217   --   command  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
218   -- OUT
219   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
221 procedure release_username (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
222                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
223                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
224                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
225                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
226 -- Procedure
227   --  update_user_status
228   -- Description
229   --  Wrapper around Fnd_user_pkg.delete_username with status as rejected
230   -- IN
231   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
232   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
233   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
234   --   command  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
235   -- OUT
236   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
238 procedure update_user_status (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
239                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
240                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
241                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
242                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
243 -- Procedure
244   --  cancel_username
245   -- Description
246   --  Wrapper around Fnd_user_pkg.delete_username with status as cancelled
247   -- this is for failed identity verification
248   -- IN
249   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
250   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
251   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
252   --   command  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
253   -- OUT
254   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
256 procedure cancel_username (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
257                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
258                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
259                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
260                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
261 -- Procedure
262   --  reject_request
263   -- Description
264   --  Wrapper around UMX_REG_REQUESTS_PVT.reject_request with status as reject
265   -- IN
266   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
267   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
268   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
269   --   command  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
270   -- OUT
271   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
273 procedure reject_request (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
274                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
275                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
276                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
277                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
279  -- Procedure
280   --  increment_sequence
281   -- Description
282   -- Procedure which increments the sequence used for raising the events
283   -- IN
284   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
285   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
286   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
287   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
288   -- OUT
289   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
291 procedure increment_sequence(    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
292                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
293                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
294                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
295                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
297 --
298   --  Function
299   --  set_event_object
300   --
301   -- Description
302   -- This method sets back the changes made to parameters in subscribers back to
303   -- the the main workflow.
304   -- IN
305   -- the signature follows Workflow business events standards
306   --  p_subscription_guid  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
307   -- IN/OUT
308   -- p_event - WF_EVENT_T which holds the data that needs to passed from/to
309   --           subscriber of the event
310   --
313 function set_event_object( p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T,
314                            p_attr_name in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
315                            p_attr_value in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
316                          return varchar2;
318   -- Procedure
319   --      create_ad_hoc_role
320   --
321   -- Description
322   -- populate the wf_local_roles table with information from workflow
323   -- IN
324   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
325   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
326   --   actid     - The function activity (instance id).
327   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
328   -- OUT
329   --   resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
330   procedure create_ad_hoc_role (item_type   in  varchar2,
331                                 item_key    in  varchar2,
332                                 activity_id in  number,
333                                 command     in  varchar2,
334                                 resultout   out NOCOPY varchar2);
336   --
337   -- Procedure
338   --      release_ad_hoc_role
339   --
340   -- Description
341   -- remove the adhoc role
342   -- IN
343   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
344   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
345   --   actid     - The function activity (instance id).
346   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
350                                  item_key     in  varchar2,
347   -- OUT
348   --   resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
349   procedure release_ad_hoc_role (item_type    in  varchar2,
351                                  activity_id  in  number,
352                                  command      in  varchar2,
353                                  resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
355   --
356   -- Procedure
357   --      Launch_Custom_event
358   --
359   -- Description
360   -- Launches the Custom Event, if one is defined.
361   -- It also adds the context into event object
362   -- IN
363   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
364   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
365   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
366   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
367   -- OUT
368   --   resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
371 procedure Launch_Custom_Event (item_type    in  varchar2,
372                           item_key     in  varchar2,
373                           activity_id  in  number,
374                           command      in  varchar2,
375                           resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
378   -- bug#12324306   DEPRECATED procedure ICM_VIOLATION_CHECK
379   -- Procedure
381   --
382   -- Description
383   --   This API will call the ICM API to check if there are any violation
384   --   with the requested role(s).
385   -- IN
386   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
387   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
388   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
389   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
390   -- OUT
391   --   resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
392   procedure ICM_VIOLATION_CHECK (item_type    in  varchar2,
393                                  item_key     in  varchar2,
394                                  activity_id  in  number,
395                                  command      in  varchar2,
396                                  resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
398   -- procedure
399   -- Launch_username_policy
401   -- Description
402   -- procedure to launch username policy
403   -- IN
404   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
405   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
406   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
407   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
408   -- OUT
409   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
411 procedure launch_username_policy (          item_type    in  varchar2,
412                                             item_key     in  varchar2,
413                                             activity_id  in  number,
414                                             command      in  varchar2,
415                                             resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
417   --
418   -- Procedure
419   -- Check_userName_null
421   -- Description
422   --      Check if the username is null
423   -- IN
424   --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
425   --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
426   --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
427   --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel/Timeout
428   -- OUT
429   --  resultout - result of the process based on which the next step is followed
431 procedure check_username_null (item_type    in  varchar2,
432                                             item_key     in  varchar2,
433                                             activity_id  in  number,
434                                             command      in  varchar2,
435                                             resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);
438  -- procedure custom_code
440  -- This api should not have been invoked,
441  -- it will be done only if username policy failed
442  procedure custom_code (    p_item_type    in  varchar2,
443                                  p_item_key     in  varchar2,
444                                  p_activity_id  in  number,
445                                  p_command      in  varchar2,
446                                  p_resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2);