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Line 207: from pay_payroll_actions

203: '0', null,
205: to_char(add_months(sysdate,2),'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ) Expiration_date
206: into p_expiration_date
207: from pay_payroll_actions
208: where PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
209: --
210: RETURN p_expiration_date;
211: --

Line 226: from pay_payroll_actions

222: '0', null,
224: 'NOLABL') Submission_number
225: into p_submission_number
226: from pay_payroll_actions
227: where PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
228: --
229: hr_utility.set_location('bacsmgtp.get_submission_number',2);
230: RETURN p_submission_number;

Line 245: from pay_payroll_actions

241: BEGIN
242: select
243: to_char(OVERRIDING_DD_DATE ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') effdate
244: into p_process_date
245: from pay_payroll_actions
246: where PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
247: --
248: EXCEPTION when others then
249: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'Other error in get_process_date f');

Line 578: pay_payroll_actions ppa,

574: --
575: CURSOR csr_get_default_date IS
576: select default_dd_date
577: from pay_assignment_actions paa,
578: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
579: per_time_periods ptp
580: where paa.assignment_action_id =
581: p_assignment_action_id
582: and ppa.payroll_action_id =

Line 593: pay_payroll_actions ppa,

589: decode(tpr.basic_period_type,'CM',tpr.periods_per_period,0)
590: from per_time_period_rules tpr,
591: per_time_period_types tpt,
592: per_time_periods ptp,
593: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
594: pay_assignment_actions paa
595: where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
596: and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
597: and ptp.time_period_id = ppa.time_period_id

Line 650: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,

646: return date is
647: --
648: CURSOR csr_get_details is
649: select paa.assignment_id, ppa.effective_date
650: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
651: pay_assignment_actions paa
652: where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
653: and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
654: --

Line 773: From pay_payroll_actions

770: CURSOR c_get_bus_grp
771: IS
772: Select business_group_id
773: From pay_payroll_actions
774: Where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
776: CURSOR c_get_trx_date
777: IS

Line 779: From pay_payroll_actions

776: CURSOR c_get_trx_date
777: IS
778: Select overriding_dd_date
779: From pay_payroll_actions
780: Where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
782: CURSOR c_get_conc_ident
783: IS