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Line 56: -- using ap_lookup_codes table to get the hold reason

52: PROCEDURE Set_Hold(p_invoice_id IN NUMBER,
53: p_calling_sequence IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
54: IS
55: -- Bug No:2517124
56: -- using ap_lookup_codes table to get the hold reason
57: CURSOR c_get_hold_reason
58: IS
59: select displayed_field from ap_lookup_codes
60: where lookup_type = 'HOLD CODE'

Line 59: select displayed_field from ap_lookup_codes

55: -- Bug No:2517124
56: -- using ap_lookup_codes table to get the hold reason
57: CURSOR c_get_hold_reason
58: IS
59: select displayed_field from ap_lookup_codes
60: where lookup_type = 'HOLD CODE'
61: and lookup_code = 'AWAIT EXP APP';
63: l_debug_loc VARCHAR2(30);

Line 184: FROM ap_lookup_codes

180: -- displayed_field column instead of the description column.
181: UPDATE ap_holds_all
182: SET release_lookup_code = l_release_lookup_code,
183: release_reason = (SELECT displayed_field
184: FROM ap_lookup_codes
185: WHERE lookup_code = l_release_lookup_code
186: AND lookup_type = 'HOLD CODE'),
187: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
188: last_updated_by = 5,