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Line 16: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

12: */
13: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
14: |Procedure create_salesorder (
15: | p_api_version_number IN NUMBER, -- version number, 1.0
16: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
17: | p_segment1 IN NUMBER, -- the order number
18: | p_segment2 IN VARCHAR2, -- order type for non OOM, order
19: | header id for OOM
20: | p_segment3 IN VARCHAR2,-- order source

Line 29: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully

25: | x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, -- number of messages on stack
26: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
27: |
28: | x_return status could be:
29: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
30: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
31: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
32: | x_message_data
33: | The parameter p_validate_full is defualted to 1 which means that flex field APIs

Line 30: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data

26: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
27: |
28: | x_return status could be:
29: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
30: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
31: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
32: | x_message_data
33: | The parameter p_validate_full is defualted to 1 which means that flex field APIs
34: | are used to create sales orer flex field. When set to 0, we do the creation of the

Line 31: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine

27: |
28: | x_return status could be:
29: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
30: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
31: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
32: | x_message_data
33: | The parameter p_validate_full is defualted to 1 which means that flex field APIs
34: | are used to create sales orer flex field. When set to 0, we do the creation of the
35: | sales order flex field manually. This is faster, but does not do all the validation

Line 42: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not

39: /*#
40: * This procedure is used to create a single MTL Sales Order record
41: * @param p_api_version_number API Version of this procedure. Current version is 1.0
42: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not
43: * @param p_segment1 the order number
44: * @param p_segment2 the order type
45: * @param p_segment3 the order source
46: * @param p_validate_full is defualted to 1 which means that flex field APIs are used to create sales orer flex field. When set to 0 the creation of the sales order flex field done manually

Line 52: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing

48: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
49: * @param x_message_count Returns number of error message in the error message stack in case of failure
50: * @param x_message_data Returns the error message in case of failure
51: * @param x_salesorder_id Returned sales order id
52: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing
53: * @rep:scope public
54: * @rep:lifecycle active
55: * @rep:displayname Material Create MTL Sales Order
56: */

Line 59: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

55: * @rep:displayname Material Create MTL Sales Order
56: */
57: Procedure create_salesorder (
58: p_api_version_number IN NUMBER,
59: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
60: p_segment1 IN NUMBER,
61: p_segment2 IN VARCHAR2,
62: p_segment3 IN VARCHAR2,
63: p_validate_full IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,

Line 76: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully

72: | This procedure is used for getting the Oracle Order Management (OOM) order_header_id
73: | when a SO id is passed to it. It retruns a negative one (-1), if the SO id was created
74: | by another system (not OOM).
75: | x_return status could be:
76: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
77: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
78: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
79: | x_message_data
80: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 77: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data

73: | when a SO id is passed to it. It retruns a negative one (-1), if the SO id was created
74: | by another system (not OOM).
75: | x_return status could be:
76: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
77: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
78: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
79: | x_message_data
80: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
81: /*#

Line 78: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine

74: | by another system (not OOM).
75: | x_return status could be:
76: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
77: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
78: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
79: | x_message_data
80: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
81: /*#
82: * This Procedure is used to get Order Management Order Header ID using MTL sales order id

Line 86: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing

82: * This Procedure is used to get Order Management Order Header ID using MTL sales order id
83: * @param p_salesorder_id Returned sales order id
84: * @param x_oe_header_id Returned sales order id
85: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
86: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing
87: * @rep:scope public
88: * @rep:lifecycle active
89: * @rep:displayname Get Header ID For MTL Sales Order
90: */

Line 157: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

154: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
155: |Procedure create_mtl_sales_orders_bulk (
156: | p_api_version_number IN NUMBER, -- version number, 1.0
157: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
159: | x_message_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- error message data
160: | x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, -- number of messages on stack
161: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status

Line 164: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully

160: | x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, -- number of messages on stack
161: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
162: |
163: | x_return status could be:
164: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
165: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
166: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
167: | x_message_data
168: | This API directly inserts into mtl_sales_orders all the rows passed in using the table

Line 165: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data

161: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
162: |
163: | x_return status could be:
164: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
165: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
166: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
167: | x_message_data
168: | This API directly inserts into mtl_sales_orders all the rows passed in using the table
169: | p_header_rec.

Line 166: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine

162: |
163: | x_return status could be:
164: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
165: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
166: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
167: | x_message_data
168: | This API directly inserts into mtl_sales_orders all the rows passed in using the table
169: | p_header_rec.
170: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 174: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not

170: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
171: /*#
172: * This procedure inserts the records passed into mtl_sales_orders directly
173: * @param p_api_version_number API Version of this procedure. Current version is 1.0
174: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not
175: * @param p_header_rec list of record to be inserted into mtl_sales_orders
176: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
177: * @param x_message_count Returns number of error message in the error message stack in case of failure
178: * @param x_message_data Returns the error message in case of failure

Line 179: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing

175: * @param p_header_rec list of record to be inserted into mtl_sales_orders
176: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
177: * @param x_message_count Returns number of error message in the error message stack in case of failure
178: * @param x_message_data Returns the error message in case of failure
179: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing
180: * @rep:scope public
181: * @rep:lifecycle active
182: * @rep:displayname Bulk Create MTL Sales Order
183: */

Line 186: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

182: * @rep:displayname Bulk Create MTL Sales Order
183: */
184: Procedure create_mtl_sales_orders_bulk (
185: p_api_version_number IN NUMBER,
186: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
188: x_message_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
189: x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
190: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);

Line 196: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

193: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
194: |Procedure delete_mtl_sales_orders_bulk (
195: | p_api_version_number IN NUMBER, -- version number, 1.0
196: | p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
198: | x_message_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- error message data
199: | x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, -- number of messages on stack
200: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status

Line 203: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully

199: | x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, -- number of messages on stack
200: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
201: |
202: | x_return status could be:
203: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
204: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
205: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
206: | x_message_data
207: | This API deletes from mtl_sales_orders for orders with errors. These orders are

Line 204: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data

200: | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) -- return status
201: |
202: | x_return status could be:
203: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
204: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
205: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
206: | x_message_data
207: | This API deletes from mtl_sales_orders for orders with errors. These orders are
208: | passed in via p_erro_rec.

Line 205: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine

201: |
202: | x_return status could be:
203: | (1)fnd_api.g_ret_success, when procedure completes successfully
204: | (2)fnd_api.g_exc_error, when procedure completes with error. Examine x_message_data
205: | (3)fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error, when an unexpected error occurs. Examine
206: | x_message_data
207: | This API deletes from mtl_sales_orders for orders with errors. These orders are
208: | passed in via p_erro_rec.
209: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 214: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not

210: /*#
211: * This procedure deletes the records passed from mtl_sales_orders directly
212: * @param p_api_version_number API Version of this procedure. Current version is 1.0
213: * @param p_error_rec list of sales orders to be deleted from mtl_sales_orders
214: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not
215: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
216: * @param x_message_count Returns number of error message in the error message stack in case of failure
217: * @param x_message_data Returns the error message in case of failure
218: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing

Line 218: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing

214: * @param p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true is passed as input to determine whether to Initialize message list or not
215: * @param x_return_status Returns the status to indicate success or failure of execution
216: * @param x_message_count Returns number of error message in the error message stack in case of failure
217: * @param x_message_data Returns the error message in case of failure
218: * @return Returns the status with value fnd_api.g_ret_success to indicate successful processing and value fnd_api.g_exc_error or fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error to indicate failure processing
219: * @rep:scope public
220: * @rep:lifecycle active
221: * @rep:displayname Bulk Delete MTL Sales Order
222: */

Line 225: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,

221: * @rep:displayname Bulk Delete MTL Sales Order
222: */
223: PROCEDURE delete_mtl_sales_orders_bulk(
224: p_api_version_number IN NUMBER,
225: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
227: x_message_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
228: x_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
229: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);