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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

                               delete_validation to be in sync with the
                               latest version of FND_INSTALLATION package
                               for function GET. Bug #494239.
24-Feb-99 J. Moyano 115.1      MLS changes. Reference to per_person_types_tl
                               base table added to cursor c2.
procedure get_displayed_values(p_business_group_id NUMBER
                              ,p_title VARCHAR2
                              ,p_title_meaning IN OUT VARCHAR2
                              ,p_person_type_id NUMBER
                              ,p_user_person_type IN OUT VARCHAR2) is
cursor c1 is
  select meaning
  from   hr_lookups
  where  lookup_type = 'TITLE'
  and    lookup_code = p_title;
Line: 41

  select  type_tl.user_person_type
  from    per_person_types_tl TYPE_TL,
          per_person_types TYPE
  where   type_tl.person_type_id          = type.person_type_id
  and     type.business_group_id + 0      = p_business_group_id
  and     type.person_type_id             = p_person_type_id
  and     userenv('LANG')                 = type_tl.language;
Line: 62

procedure delete_validation(p_person_id NUMBER
                           ,p_session_date DATE) is
function product_installed(l_appl_id NUMBER) return BOOLEAN is
l_status varchar2(1);
Line: 86

Line: 115

end delete_validation;