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APPS.PY_ZA_TX_01011001 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 100

      Calculates the arrear excess figure to 'effectively' update the
      Asg_Itd dimension of the arrear excess pension and retirement
      annuity balances.  Will only fire on siteperiod.

      Calculates the taxable travel allowance over a period of
      time based on the effective global values at the time.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      Calculates the taxable travel allowance over a period of
      time based on the effective global values at the time.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      Validates the calculated category liabilities.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      Calculates the site paye split of tax liabilities.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      Traces the tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      Clears any set package globals.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.

      A main tax calculation.
      For a complete description see the tax module design document.


     Person      Date(DD-MM-YYYY)   Version   Comments
     ---------   ----------------   -------   -----------------------------------
     J.N. Louw   06-03-2000         110.5     SitePayeSplit for 'G'
                                                Added balance:
                                                Total Seasonal Workers Days
                                              Updated Exception Handling:
                                                to level of 01032000 pkg
                                              Error when no number of days
                                                worked for Tax Status 'G'
                                              New Tax Directive default:
                                                0000 instead of 0
     J.N. Louw   09-02-2000         110.4     Fixed 65 Rebate and Threshold
                                              Altered Threshold Validation:
                                                NorCalc, SitCalc
                                                Tax on ... Refund
                                              Altered Ytd Income Validation:
                                                DirCalc, NorCalc, SitCalc
                                                Tax on ... Refund
                                              Altered ZaTx_01011001:
                                                Tax Status Validation
                                              Altered NpVal:
                                                Override of Liability
     J.N. Louw   02-02-2000         110.3     Added PreErnPeriod Function
                                              Addded Balance Feed Functionality
                                                for the Total Taxable Income
                                              Added bal_PAYE_PTD,bal_SITE_PTD
                                              Fixed BasCalc
                                              Added LstPeriod,EmpTermInPeriod,
                                                EmpTermPrePeriod Functions
                                              Removed TxbIncYtd check in
                                              Fixed De-annualisation of Public
                                                Office Allowance - SitCalc,
     J.N. Louw   20-01-2000         110.2     Fixed bug on NpVal when Net Pay
                                                is zero
     J.N. Louw   09-12-1999         110.1     Arrear Excess Processing
     J.N. Louw   13-09-1999         110.0     First Created


-- Contexts
Line: 1500

    /* this selects the effective date for the payroll_run*/
    SELECT ppa.effective_date
      INTO l_effective_date
      FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
     WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = con_PRL_ACT_ID;
Line: 1507

    /* Selects to get the relevant id's */
      SELECT user_table_id
        INTO l_user_table_id
        FROM pay_user_tables
       WHERE user_table_name = 'ZA_TAX_TABLE';
Line: 1513

      select user_column_id
        into l_fixed_column_id
        from pay_user_columns
        where user_table_id = l_user_table_id
        and user_column_name = 'Fixed';
Line: 1519

      select user_column_id
        into l_limit_column_id
        from pay_user_columns
        where user_table_id = l_user_table_id
        and user_column_name = 'Limit';
Line: 1525

      select user_column_id
        into l_percentage_column_id
        from pay_user_columns
        where user_table_id = l_user_table_id
        and user_column_name = 'Percentage';
Line: 1531

      select purf.user_row_id
        into l_bracket_row
        from pay_user_rows_f purf
        where purf.user_table_id = l_user_table_id
        and (l_effective_date >= purf.effective_start_date
        and l_effective_date <= purf.effective_end_date)
        and (l_TxbAmt >= purf.row_low_range_or_name
        and l_TxbAmt <= purf.row_high_range);
Line: 1540

    /* Selects to get the actual values */
      select pucif.value
        into l_fixed
        from pay_user_column_instances_f pucif
        where pucif.user_row_id = l_bracket_row
        and (l_effective_date >= pucif.effective_start_date
        and l_effective_date <= pucif.effective_end_date)
        and pucif.user_column_id = l_fixed_column_id;
Line: 1549

      select pucif.value
        into l_limit
        from pay_user_column_instances_f pucif
        where pucif.user_row_id = l_bracket_row
        and (l_effective_date >= pucif.effective_start_date
        and l_effective_date <= pucif.effective_end_date)
        and pucif.user_column_id = l_limit_column_id;
Line: 1557

      select pucif.value
        into l_percentage
        from pay_user_column_instances_f pucif
        where pucif.user_row_id = l_bracket_row
        and (l_effective_date >= pucif.effective_start_date
        and l_effective_date <= pucif.effective_end_date)
        and pucif.user_column_id = l_percentage_column_id;
Line: 1615

  SELECT effective_end_date,
         to_number(global_value) global_value
    FROM ff_globals_f
    WHERE effective_end_date < p_ty_ed
      AND effective_end_date > p_ty_sd
      AND effective_end_date < dbi_ZA_CUR_PRD_END_DTE
      AND global_name = 'ZA_CAR_ALLOW_TAX_PERC';
Line: 1642

  SELECT balance_type_id
    INTO l_NrfiBalID
    FROM pay_balance_types
    WHERE legislation_code = 'ZA'
      AND balance_name = 'Travel Allowance NRFI';
Line: 1648

  SELECT balance_type_id
    INTO l_RfiBalID
    FROM pay_balance_types
    WHERE legislation_code = 'ZA'
      AND balance_name = 'Travel Allowance RFI';
Line: 1765

  SELECT effective_end_date,
    FROM ff_globals_f
    WHERE effective_end_date > p_StrtDte
      AND effective_end_date < p_EndDte
      AND global_name = 'ZA_CAR_ALLOW_TAX_PERC';
Line: 1791

  SELECT balance_type_id
    INTO l_NrfiBalID
    FROM pay_balance_types
    WHERE legislation_code = 'ZA'
      AND balance_name = 'Travel Allowance NRFI';
Line: 1797

  SELECT balance_type_id
    INTO l_RfiBalID
    FROM pay_balance_types
    WHERE legislation_code = 'ZA'
      AND balance_name = 'Travel Allowance RFI';
Line: 1870

  SELECT TO_NUMBER(global_value)
    INTO l_GlbVal
    FROM ff_globals_f
   WHERE l_EndDate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
     AND global_name = 'ZA_CAR_ALLOW_TAX_PERC';
Line: 2263

/*DELETE FROM pay_za_tax_traces pztt
   WHERE pztt.prl_act_id not in (
   SELECT payroll_action_id
     from pay_payroll_actions)
INSERT INTO pay_za_tax_traces(