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Line 4555: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B

4551: x_location_code,
4552: x_dflt_country
4553: FROM
4554: hr_organization_units hou,
4555: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B
4556: WHERE hl.location_id = hou.location_id
4557: AND hou.organization_id = p_organization_id;
4558: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Variable(
4559: p_module_name => g_module_name,

Line 4593: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B

4589: INTO
4590: x_location_id,
4591: x_dflt_country
4592: FROM
4593: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B
4594: WHERE
4595: hl.location_code = x_location_code;
4596: END IF;
4597: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Variable(

Line 4619: FROM hr_locations_all hl1 --Bug#11794483B

4615: hl.location_code,
4616: hl.location_id,
4617: hl.country,
4618: (SELECT COUNT(1)
4619: FROM hr_locations_all hl1 --Bug#11794483B
4620: WHERE hl1.location_id = hl.location_id
4621: AND hl1.inventory_organization_id = p_organization_id)
4622: INTO
4623: x_location_code,

Line 4628: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B

4624: x_location_id,
4625: x_dflt_country,
4626: l_count_loc_org
4627: FROM
4628: hr_locations_all hl --Bug#11794483B
4629: WHERE
4630: (x_location_id IS NOT NULL
4631: AND hl.location_id = x_location_id)
4632: OR hl.location_code = x_location_code