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Line 2605: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b

2601: FOR i in 1..context_t.count
2602: LOOP
2603: select b.segment_id
2604: into segment_id_t(i)
2605: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b
2606: where b.prc_context_id = a.prc_context_id
2607: and a.PRC_CONTEXT_CODE = context_t(i)
2608: and b.SEGMENT_MAPPING_COLUMN = attribute_t(i);
2609: END LOOP;

Line 2711: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b

2707: FOR i in 1..context_t.count
2708: LOOP
2709: select b.segment_id
2710: into segment_id_t(i)
2711: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b
2712: where b.prc_context_id = a.prc_context_id
2713: and a.PRC_CONTEXT_CODE = context_t(i)
2714: and b.SEGMENT_MAPPING_COLUMN = attribute_t(i);
2715: END LOOP;

Line 2756: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b

2752: FOR i in 1..context_t.count
2753: LOOP
2754: select b.segment_id
2755: into segment_id_t(i)
2756: from qp_prc_contexts_b a, qp_segments_b b
2757: where b.prc_context_id = a.prc_context_id
2758: and a.PRC_CONTEXT_CODE = context_t(i)
2759: and b.SEGMENT_MAPPING_COLUMN = attribute_t(i);
2760: END LOOP;