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Line 36: | Unique constraint on bom_operation_sequences will be violated

32: |
33: | ksarkar 19-JUL-01 Bugfix 1876999
34: | Remove semicolon from comment to improve performance .
35: | ksarkar 17-AUG-01 Bugfix 1906371
36: | Unique constraint on bom_operation_sequences will be violated
37: | when config item has selected options with same op seq number.
38: | Refer bug for details
39: |
40: | ksarkar 17-AUG-01 Bugfix 1935580

Line 41: | Unique constraint on bom_operation_sequences will be violated

37: | when config item has selected options with same op seq number.
38: | Refer bug for details
39: |
40: | ksarkar 17-AUG-01 Bugfix 1935580
41: | Unique constraint on bom_operation_sequences will be violated
42: | hen config item has selected models with same op seq number.
43: | Refer bug for details
44: | Add bom_bill_of_materials.organization_id = pOrgId condition
45: | to select routing from correct organisation.

Line 48: | bom_operation_sequences after model rows , check needs to be there

44: | Add bom_bill_of_materials.organization_id = pOrgId condition
45: | to select routing from correct organisation.
46: |
47: | Combining 1935580 and 1906371 ; since option rows are inserted into
48: | bom_operation_sequences after model rows , check needs to be there
49: | while inserting option rows to see whether combination of
50: | operation_seq_num - operation_type - routing_sequence_id - effectivity_date
51: | is already present in the table for the model rows .
52: |

Line 253: from bom_operation_sequences

249: +--------------------------------------------------------*/
251: cursor allops is
252: select operation_sequence_id, request_id
253: from bom_operation_sequences
254: where routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;
256: /* ------------------------------------------------------+
257: cursor added for bugfix 1906371 and 1935580 to select

Line 263: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292

259: +--------------------------------------------------------*/
261: cursor get_op_seq_num (pRtgId number) is
262: select distinct operation_seq_num,nvl(operation_type,1)
263: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292
264: where config_routing_id=pRtgId; -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
266: -- 5336292
267: cursor bos_temp (pRtgId number ) is

Line 270: from bom_operation_sequences_temp

266: -- 5336292
267: cursor bos_temp (pRtgId number ) is
268: select operation_sequence_id,routing_sequence_id,operation_seq_num,config_routing_id,
269: operation_type,to_char(effectivity_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
270: from bom_operation_sequences_temp
271: where config_routing_id=pRtgId;
273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;

Line 273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;

269: operation_type,to_char(effectivity_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
270: from bom_operation_sequences_temp
271: where config_routing_id=pRtgId;
273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;
275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;
276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;
277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;

Line 274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;

270: from bom_operation_sequences_temp
271: where config_routing_id=pRtgId;
273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;
275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;
276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;
277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;
278: d_op_effective_dt VARCHAR2(40);

Line 275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;

271: where config_routing_id=pRtgId;
273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;
275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;
276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;
277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;
278: d_op_effective_dt VARCHAR2(40);

Line 276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;

273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;
275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;
276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;
277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;
278: d_op_effective_dt VARCHAR2(40);

Line 277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;

273: d_op_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_sequence_id%TYPE;
274: d_rtg_seq_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.routing_sequence_id%TYPE;
275: d_op_seq_num bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_seq_num%TYPE;
276: d_cfg_rtg_id bom_operation_sequences_temp.config_routing_id%TYPE;
277: d_op_type bom_operation_sequences_temp.operation_type%TYPE;
278: d_op_effective_dt VARCHAR2(40);
281: v_program_id bom_cto_order_lines.program_id%type;

Line 696: -- Insert eligible rows into bom_operation_sequences_temp

692: /********************************************************************
693: NEW GFSI CODE 5336292
694: ********************************************************************/
696: -- Insert eligible rows into bom_operation_sequences_temp
697: -- Note : We are not selecting distinct of ( operation_seq_num,operation_type,routing_sequence_id )
698: -- since bom_operation_sequences has operation_seq_num,operation_type,routing_sequence_id,eff_date
699: -- as unique combination key and eff_date is used in the where clause of select

Line 698: -- since bom_operation_sequences has operation_seq_num,operation_type,routing_sequence_id,eff_date

694: ********************************************************************/
696: -- Insert eligible rows into bom_operation_sequences_temp
697: -- Note : We are not selecting distinct of ( operation_seq_num,operation_type,routing_sequence_id )
698: -- since bom_operation_sequences has operation_seq_num,operation_type,routing_sequence_id,eff_date
699: -- as unique combination key and eff_date is used in the where clause of select
701: lStmtNum := 50;
702: l_batch_id := bom_import_pub.get_batchid;

Line 706: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

702: l_batch_id := bom_import_pub.get_batchid;
704: --1st insert
705: lStmtNum := 51;
706: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
707: (
708: operation_sequence_id,
709: routing_sequence_id,
710: config_routing_id, -- 5336292

Line 825: bom_operation_sequences os1

821: y_coordinate
822: FROM bom_cto_order_lines bcol1,
823: mtl_system_items si1,
824: bom_operational_routings or1,
825: bom_operation_sequences os1
826: WHERE bcol1.line_id = pLineId
827: AND bcol1.inventory_item_id = pModelId
828: AND si1.organization_id = pOrgId -- this is the mfg org from src_orgs
829: AND si1.inventory_item_id = bcol1.inventory_item_id

Line 861: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

857: End if;
859: --2nd insert
860: lStmtNum := 52;
861: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
862: (
863: operation_sequence_id,
864: routing_sequence_id,
865: config_routing_id, -- 5336292

Line 983: bom_operation_sequences os1

979: mtl_system_items msi,
980: bom_inventory_components ic1,
981: bom_bill_of_materials b1,
982: bom_operational_routings or1,
983: bom_operation_sequences os1
984: WHERE bcol1.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId /*AP*/
985: AND bcol1.item_type_code in ('CLASS','OPTION')
986: AND bcol1.line_id <> bcol2.line_id
987: -- bugfix 2382396 and bcol2.parent_ato_line_id = bcol1.parent_ato_line_id /*AP*/

Line 1064: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);

1060: --one-to-many BOM components to Rtg operations
1061: AND os1.option_dependent_flag = 1
1062: AND nvl(os1.operation_type,1) = 1
1063: and operation_sequence_id not in(select operation_sequence_id
1064: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);
1066: If PG_DEBUG <> 0 Then
1067: oe_debug_pub.add('Number of Model option dependent operations selected = '||sql%rowcount,1);
1068: End if;

Line 1072: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

1068: End if;
1070: --3rdnd insert
1071: lStmtNum := 53;
1072: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
1073: (
1074: operation_sequence_id,
1075: routing_sequence_id,
1076: config_routing_id, -- 5336292

Line 1190: FROM bom_operation_sequences os1,

1186: os1.implementation_date,
1187: x_coordinate,
1188: y_coordinate
1189: -- 5336292
1190: FROM bom_operation_sequences os1,
1191: bom_operational_routings or1,
1192: mtl_system_items si2,
1193: bom_inventory_components ic1,
1194: bom_bill_of_materials b1,

Line 1252: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);

1248: )
1249: /* one-to-many BOM components to Rtg operations */
1250: AND nvl(os1.operation_type,1) = 1
1251: and operation_sequence_id not in(select operation_sequence_id
1252: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);
1254: If PG_DEBUG <> 0 Then
1255: oe_debug_pub.add('Number of Model mandatory independent operations selected = '||sql%rowcount,1);
1256: End if;

Line 1298: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292

1294: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Esitmated release date lEstRelDate '|| to_char(lEstRelDate,'mm-dd-yy:hh:mi:ss'),2 );
1295: END IF;
1297: select max(routing_sequence_id) into lmodrtgseqid
1298: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292
1299: where operation_seq_num = lmodseqnum
1300: and nvl(operation_type,1)= lmodtyp
1301: and config_routing_id = lCfgRtgId -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
1302: and last_update_date = glast_update_date; -- 3180827

Line 1308: update bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292

1304: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
1305: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || ' Max. Routing Seq Id : ' || lmodrtgseqid,2);
1306: END IF;
1308: update bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292
1309: set config_routing_id = lmodnewCfgRtgId -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
1310: where operation_seq_num = lmodseqnum
1311: and nvl(operation_type,1)= lmodtyp
1312: and routing_sequence_id=lmodrtgseqid

Line 1370: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 1st insert ..',5);

1367: lStmtNum := 60;
1369: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
1370: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 1st insert ..',5);
1371: END IF;
1373: insert into bom_operation_sequences
1374: (

Line 1373: insert into bom_operation_sequences

1369: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
1370: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 1st insert ..',5);
1371: END IF;
1373: insert into bom_operation_sequences
1374: (
1375: operation_sequence_id,
1376: routing_sequence_id,
1377: operation_seq_num,

Line 1432: bom_operation_sequences_s.nextval, /* operation_sequence_id */

1428: x_coordinate, --bugfix 1765149
1429: y_coordinate --bugfix 1765149
1430: )
1431: select
1432: bom_operation_sequences_s.nextval, /* operation_sequence_id */
1433: lcfgrtgid, /* routing_sequence_id */
1434: os1.operation_seq_num,
1435: sysdate, /* last update date */
1436: gUserId, /* last updated by */

Line 1496: bom_operation_sequences_temp os1 -- 5336292

1492: sysdate,
1493: os1.x_coordinate, --bugfix 1765149
1494: os1.y_coordinate --bugfix 1765149
1495: from
1496: bom_operation_sequences_temp os1 -- 5336292
1497: where os1.config_routing_id = lmodnewcfgrtgid ; /*Bugfix 1935580 - change lCfgRtgId to lmodnewCfgRtgId */
1498: -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
1500: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN

Line 1511: delete from bom_operation_sequences_temp

1507: +---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1509: -- 5336292 : Instead of update we will delete rows
1510: lStmtNum := 70;
1511: delete from bom_operation_sequences_temp
1512: where config_routing_id in (lCfgRtgId, lmodnewcfgrtgid);
1514: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
1515: oe_debug_pub.add('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Deleted ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows from temp table',2);

Line 1546: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

1542: l_batch_id := bom_import_pub.get_batchid;
1544: --1st insert
1545: lStmtNum := 81;
1546: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
1547: ( operation_sequence_id,
1548: routing_sequence_id,
1549: config_routing_id, -- 5336292
1550: operation_seq_num,

Line 1663: bom_operation_sequences os1

1659: y_coordinate
1660: FROM mtl_system_items si1,
1661: bom_cto_order_lines bcol,
1662: bom_operational_routings or1,
1663: bom_operation_sequences os1
1664: WHERE bcol.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId
1665: AND si1.organization_id = pOrgId
1666: AND si1.inventory_item_id = bcol.inventory_item_id
1667: AND

Line 1710: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

1707: --2nd insert
1708: lStmtNum := 82;
1710: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
1711: ( operation_sequence_id,
1712: routing_sequence_id,
1713: config_routing_id, -- 5336292
1714: operation_seq_num,

Line 1830: bom_operation_sequences os1

1826: bom_cto_order_lines bcol2, /* parents model */
1827: bom_inventory_components ic1,
1828: bom_bill_of_materials b1,
1829: bom_operational_routings or1,
1830: bom_operation_sequences os1
1831: WHERE bcol1.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId
1832: AND bcol1.item_type_code in ('CLASS','OPTION')
1833: AND bcol2.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId
1834: AND bcol2.line_id <> pLineId /*AP*/

Line 1908: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);

1904: /* one-to-many BOM components to Rtg operations */
1905: AND os1.option_dependent_flag = 1
1906: AND nvl(os1.operation_type,1) = 1
1907: and operation_sequence_id not in(select operation_sequence_id
1908: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);
1911: If PG_DEBUG <> 0 Then
1912: oe_debug_pub.add('Number of option class option dependent operations selected = '||sql%rowcount,1);

Line 1918: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp

1915: --3rd insert
1916: lStmtNum := 83;
1918: insert into bom_operation_sequences_temp
1919: ( operation_sequence_id,
1920: routing_sequence_id,
1921: config_routing_id, -- 5336292
1922: operation_seq_num,

Line 2034: FROM bom_operation_sequences os1,

2030: os1.implementation_date,
2031: x_coordinate,
2032: y_coordinate
2034: FROM bom_operation_sequences os1,
2035: bom_operational_routings or1,
2036: mtl_system_items si2,
2037: bom_inventory_components ic1,
2038: bom_bill_of_materials b1,

Line 2100: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);

2096: )
2097: /* one-to-many BOM components to Rtg operations */
2098: AND nvl(os1.operation_type,1) = 1
2099: and operation_sequence_id not in(select operation_sequence_id
2100: from bom_operation_sequences_temp);
2102: If PG_DEBUG <> 0 Then
2103: oe_debug_pub.add('Number of option class mandatory comps dependent operations selected = '||sql%rowcount,1);
2104: End if;

Line 2148: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292

2144: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || ' Op Seq # : ' || lopseqnum || ' Op Type : ' || loptyp ,2);
2145: END IF;
2147: select max(routing_sequence_id) into lrtgseqid
2148: from bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292
2149: where operation_seq_num = lopseqnum
2150: and nvl(operation_type,1)= loptyp
2151: and config_routing_id=lCfgRtgId -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
2152: and last_update_date = glast_update_date; -- 3180827

Line 2159: update bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292

2155: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
2156: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || ' Max. Routing Seq Id : ' || lrtgseqid,2);
2157: END IF;
2159: update bom_operation_sequences_temp -- 5336292
2160: set config_routing_id = lnewCfgRtgId -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
2161: where operation_seq_num = lopseqnum
2162: and nvl(operation_type,1)= loptyp
2163: and routing_sequence_id=lrtgseqid

Line 2218: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 2nd insert ..',5);

2215: lStmtNum := 90;
2217: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
2218: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 2nd insert ..',5);
2219: END IF;
2221: insert into bom_operation_sequences
2222: (

Line 2221: insert into bom_operation_sequences

2217: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
2218: oe_debug_pub.add ('create_routing_ml: ' || 'Inserting into bom_operation_sequences - 2nd insert ..',5);
2219: END IF;
2221: insert into bom_operation_sequences
2222: (
2223: operation_sequence_id,
2224: routing_sequence_id,
2225: operation_seq_num,

Line 2280: bom_operation_sequences_s.nextval, /* operation_sequence_id */

2276: x_coordinate, --bugfix 1765149
2277: y_coordinate --bugfix 1765149
2278: )
2279: select
2280: bom_operation_sequences_s.nextval, /* operation_sequence_id */
2281: lcfgrtgid, /* routing_sequence_id */
2282: os1.operation_seq_num,
2283: sysdate, /* last update date */
2284: gUserId, /* last updated by */

Line 2344: bom_operation_sequences_temp os1

2340: sysdate,
2341: os1.x_coordinate, --bugfix 1765149
2342: os1.y_coordinate --bugfix 1765149
2343: from
2344: bom_operation_sequences_temp os1
2345: where os1.config_routing_id = lnewCfgRtgId /*Bugfix 1906371 - change lCfgRtgId to lnewCfgRtgId */
2346: -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
2347: and os1.operation_seq_num not in (
2348: select operation_seq_num

Line 2349: from bom_operation_sequences bos1

2345: where os1.config_routing_id = lnewCfgRtgId /*Bugfix 1906371 - change lCfgRtgId to lnewCfgRtgId */
2346: -- bugfix 3239267: replaced last_update_login
2347: and os1.operation_seq_num not in (
2348: select operation_seq_num
2349: from bom_operation_sequences bos1
2350: where bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2351: /* Bugfix 1983384 where bos1.last_update_login = lnewCfgRtgId */
2352: and nvl(bos1.operation_type,1) = nvl(os1.operation_type,1));

Line 2363: delete from bom_operation_sequences_temp

2360: -- New update of 3180827
2361: lStmtNum := 95;
2362: lStmtNum := 95;
2363: delete from bom_operation_sequences_temp
2364: where config_routing_id in (lCfgRtgId, lmodnewcfgrtgid);
2366: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
2367: Now update the process_op_seq_id and line_seq_id of

Line 2373: xTableName := 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES';

2369: Old operation_sequence_ids are available in request_id
2370: +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2372: lStmtNum := 100;
2373: xTableName := 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES';
2374: -- bug 6087687: Events from option class routing operations also need to
2375: -- be linked to operations on config routing.
2376: /***********************************************************************
2377: update bom_operation_sequences bos1

Line 2377: update bom_operation_sequences bos1

2373: xTableName := 'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES';
2374: -- bug 6087687: Events from option class routing operations also need to
2375: -- be linked to operations on config routing.
2376: /***********************************************************************
2377: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2378: set process_op_seq_id = (
2379: select operation_sequence_id
2380: from bom_operation_sequences bos2
2381: where bos1.process_op_seq_id = bos2.request_id

Line 2380: from bom_operation_sequences bos2

2376: /***********************************************************************
2377: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2378: set process_op_seq_id = (
2379: select operation_sequence_id
2380: from bom_operation_sequences bos2
2381: where bos1.process_op_seq_id = bos2.request_id
2382: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId)
2383: where bos1.operation_type = 1
2384: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;

Line 2387: update bom_operation_sequences bos1

2383: where bos1.operation_type = 1
2384: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;
2386: lStmtNum := 110;
2387: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2388: set line_op_seq_id = (
2389: select operation_sequence_id
2390: from bom_operation_sequences bos2
2391: where bos1.line_op_seq_id = bos2.request_id

Line 2390: from bom_operation_sequences bos2

2386: lStmtNum := 110;
2387: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2388: set line_op_seq_id = (
2389: select operation_sequence_id
2390: from bom_operation_sequences bos2
2391: where bos1.line_op_seq_id = bos2.request_id
2392: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId)
2393: where bos1.operation_type = 1
2394: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;

Line 2397: update bom_operation_sequences bos1

2393: where bos1.operation_type = 1
2394: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;
2395: ***************************************************************************/
2397: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2398: set line_op_seq_id = (
2399: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2400: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2401: bom_operation_sequences bos3

Line 2400: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,

2397: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2398: set line_op_seq_id = (
2399: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2400: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2401: bom_operation_sequences bos3
2402: where bos3.operation_sequence_id = bos1.line_op_seq_id
2403: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2404: and bos3.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num

Line 2401: bom_operation_sequences bos3

2397: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2398: set line_op_seq_id = (
2399: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2400: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2401: bom_operation_sequences bos3
2402: where bos3.operation_sequence_id = bos1.line_op_seq_id
2403: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2404: and bos3.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
2405: and bos2.operation_type = 3)

Line 2410: update bom_operation_sequences bos1

2406: where bos1.operation_type = 1
2407: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;
2409: lStmtNum := 110;
2410: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2411: set process_op_seq_id = (
2412: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2413: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2414: bom_operation_sequences bos3

Line 2413: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,

2409: lStmtNum := 110;
2410: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2411: set process_op_seq_id = (
2412: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2413: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2414: bom_operation_sequences bos3
2415: where bos3.operation_sequence_id = bos1.process_op_seq_id
2416: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2417: and bos3.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num

Line 2414: bom_operation_sequences bos3

2410: update bom_operation_sequences bos1
2411: set process_op_seq_id = (
2412: select bos2.operation_sequence_id
2413: from bom_operation_sequences bos2,
2414: bom_operation_sequences bos3
2415: where bos3.operation_sequence_id = bos1.process_op_seq_id
2416: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2417: and bos3.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
2418: and bos2.operation_type = 2)

Line 2435: from bom_operation_sequences )

2432: delete from BOM_OPERATIONAL_ROUTINGS b1
2433: where b1.routing_sequence_id not in
2434: (select routing_sequence_id
2435: from bom_operation_sequences )
2436: and b1.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId;
2438: if sql%rowcount > 0 then
2439: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN

Line 2460: bom_operation_sequences bos,

2456: set ci.operation_seq_num = 1
2457: where not exists
2458: (select 'op seq exists in config routing'
2459: from
2460: bom_operation_sequences bos,
2461: bom_operational_routings bor
2462: where bos.operation_seq_num = ci.operation_seq_num
2463: and bos.routing_sequence_id = bor.routing_sequence_id
2464: and bor.assembly_item_id = pConfigId

Line 2646: bom_operation_sequences osi,

2642: bor.substitute_group_num,
2643: bor.setup_id, /* Bugfix2950774 */
2644: bor.principle_flag
2645: from
2646: bom_operation_sequences osi,
2647: bom_operation_resources bor
2648: where osi.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2649: and osi.request_id = bor.operation_sequence_id;
2650: /* request_id contains model op seq_id now */

Line 2753: bom_operation_sequences osi,

2749: NULL, /*program_application_id*/
2750: NULL, /*program_id*/
2751: NULL /*program_update_date*/
2752: from
2753: bom_operation_sequences osi,
2754: bom_sub_operation_resources bsor
2755: where osi.routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
2756: and osi.request_id = bsor.operation_sequence_id;
2757: /* request_id contains model op seq_id now */

Line 2828: bom_operation_sequences bos1, /* 'from' Ops of model */

2824: bon.ATTRIBUTE13,
2825: bon.ATTRIBUTE14,
2826: bon.ATTRIBUTE15
2827: FROM bom_operation_networks bon,
2828: bom_operation_sequences bos1, /* 'from' Ops of model */
2829: bom_operation_sequences bos2, /* 'to' Ops of model */
2830: bom_operation_sequences bos3, /* 'from' Ops of config */
2831: bom_operation_sequences bos4, /* 'to' Ops of config */
2832: bom_operational_routings brif

Line 2829: bom_operation_sequences bos2, /* 'to' Ops of model */

2825: bon.ATTRIBUTE14,
2826: bon.ATTRIBUTE15
2827: FROM bom_operation_networks bon,
2828: bom_operation_sequences bos1, /* 'from' Ops of model */
2829: bom_operation_sequences bos2, /* 'to' Ops of model */
2830: bom_operation_sequences bos3, /* 'from' Ops of config */
2831: bom_operation_sequences bos4, /* 'to' Ops of config */
2832: bom_operational_routings brif
2833: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id

Line 2830: bom_operation_sequences bos3, /* 'from' Ops of config */

2826: bon.ATTRIBUTE15
2827: FROM bom_operation_networks bon,
2828: bom_operation_sequences bos1, /* 'from' Ops of model */
2829: bom_operation_sequences bos2, /* 'to' Ops of model */
2830: bom_operation_sequences bos3, /* 'from' Ops of config */
2831: bom_operation_sequences bos4, /* 'to' Ops of config */
2832: bom_operational_routings brif
2833: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
2834: AND bon.to_op_seq_id = bos2.operation_sequence_id

Line 2831: bom_operation_sequences bos4, /* 'to' Ops of config */

2827: FROM bom_operation_networks bon,
2828: bom_operation_sequences bos1, /* 'from' Ops of model */
2829: bom_operation_sequences bos2, /* 'to' Ops of model */
2830: bom_operation_sequences bos3, /* 'from' Ops of config */
2831: bom_operation_sequences bos4, /* 'to' Ops of config */
2832: bom_operational_routings brif
2833: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
2834: AND bon.to_op_seq_id = bos2.operation_sequence_id
2835: AND bos1.routing_sequence_id = bos2.routing_sequence_id

Line 2909: X_from_entity_name =>'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',

2906: lstmtNum := 400;
2908: FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS2_PKG.copy_attachments(
2909: X_from_entity_name =>'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',
2910: X_from_pk1_value =>nextop.request_id,
2911: X_from_pk2_value =>'',
2912: X_from_pk3_value =>'',
2913: X_from_pk4_value =>'',

Line 2915: X_to_entity_name =>'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',

2911: X_from_pk2_value =>'',
2912: X_from_pk3_value =>'',
2913: X_from_pk4_value =>'',
2914: X_from_pk5_value =>'',
2915: X_to_entity_name =>'BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',
2916: X_to_pk1_value =>nextop.operation_sequence_id,
2917: X_to_pk2_value =>'',
2918: X_to_pk3_value =>'',
2919: X_to_pk4_value =>'',

Line 3015: from bom_operation_sequences

3011: and alternate_routing_designator is null
3012: and organization_id = pOrgId
3013: and serialization_start_op in
3015: from bom_operation_sequences
3016: where routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
3017: );
3019: WHEN no_data_found THEN

Line 3049: from bom_operation_sequences

3045: and bill_sequence_id = pCfgBillId
3046: )
3047: and serialization_start_op in
3049: from bom_operation_sequences
3050: where routing_sequence_id = lCfgRtgId
3051: )--serial start op exists as a operation in routing(ie effective oper)
3052: )
3053: where assembly_item_id = pConfigId