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Line 185: FROM ozf_threshold_rules_all r, ozf_thresholds_all_b t

182: CURSOR c_threshold_rules_cur IS
183: SELECT r.threshold_rule_id,
184: r.threshold_id
185: FROM ozf_threshold_rules_all r, ozf_thresholds_all_b t
186: WHERE r.threshold_id = t.threshold_id
187: AND t.threshold_type = 'QUOTA'
188: AND r.enabled_flag = 'Y'
189: AND r.start_date <= SYSDATE

Line 212: ozf_thresholds_all_b b,

208: c.repeat_frequency repeat_frequency,
209: c.comparison_type,
210: c.alert_type
211: FROM ozf_funds_all_b a,
212: ozf_thresholds_all_b b,
213: ozf_threshold_rules_all c
214: WHERE a.threshold_id = b.threshold_id
215: AND a.status_code = 'ACTIVE'
216: AND b.enable_flag = 'Y'

Line 226: ozf_thresholds_all_b b,

222: CURSOR c_all_resources
223: IS
224: SELECT DISTINCT a.owner owner
225: FROM ozf_funds_all_b a,
226: ozf_thresholds_all_b b,
227: ozf_threshold_rules_all c
228: WHERE a.threshold_id = b.threshold_id
229: AND a.status_code = 'ACTIVE'
230: AND b.enable_flag = 'Y'