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1 PACKAGE ego_vs_bulkload_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: EGOVVSBS.pls 120.11 2011/07/08 10:25:50 yjain noship $ */
3 /*==========================================================================+
4 |   Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                          All rights reserved.                             |
6 +===========================================================================+
7 |                                                                           |
8 | File Name    : EGOVVSBS.pls                                               |
9 | DESCRIPTION  : This file is a packaged procedure for importing value set  |
10 |                and corresponding values using interface or concurrent     |
11 |                program route.                                             |
12 +==========================================================================*/
16 --  =================================================================================
17 --  Name        : Convert_Name_To_Id
18 --  Description : This procedure will be used to get a Id for a name for a given sub entity.
19 --
20 --
21 --  Parameters:
22 --        IN    :
23 --                Name                    IN          VARCHAR2
24 --                Sub entity name, for which Id has to be resolved.
25 --
26 --                Entity_Id               IN          Number
27 --
28 --
29 --                Parent_Id               IN          Number
30 --
31 --        OUT    :
32 --                Id                      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
33 --
34 --
35 --
36 --  ===============================================================================
37 Procedure Convert_Name_To_Id (
38           Name                IN              VARCHAR2,
39           Entity_Id           IN              NUMBER,
40           Parent_Id           IN              NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL, -- Here Parent Id will be Id of parent entity for a sub entity.
41           Id                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER);
46 Procedure Convert_Id_To_Name (
47           Id                  IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
48           Entity_Id           IN              NUMBER,
49           Parent_Id           IN              NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL, -- Here Parent Id will be Id of parent entity for a sub entity.
50           Name                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2 );
55 PROCEDURE Get_Effective_Version_Date (  p_value_set_id          IN         NUMBER,
56                                         p_version_seq_id        IN         NUMBER,
57                                         x_start_active_date     OUT NOCOPY DATE,
58                                         x_end_active_date       OUT NOCOPY DATE
59                                       );
63 --  =================================================================================
64 --  Name        : Resolve_Transaction_Type
65 --  Description : This procedure will be used to resolve transaction type 'SYNC' to either 'CREATE'
66 --                or 'UPDATE'.
67 --
68 --  Parameters:
69 --        IN    :
70 --
71 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
72 --                Batch Id to be processed
73 --
74 --
75 --  =================================================================================
77 PROCEDURE Resolve_Transaction_Type
78               ( p_set_process_id    IN          NUMBER,
79                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
80                 x_return_msg        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
81               );
85 --  ================================================================================
86 --  Name        : Validate_Transaction_Type
87 --  Description : This procedure will be used to validate valid transaction type for a given record
88 --
89 --  Parameters:
90 --        IN    :
91 --
92 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
93 --                Batch Id to be processed
94 --
95 --
96 --  =================================================================================
98 PROCEDURE Validate_Transaction_Type
99               ( p_set_process_id    IN          NUMBER,
100                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
101                 x_return_msg        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
102               );
106 PROCEDURE Release_Value_Set_Version(
107                   p_value_set_id       IN         NUMBER,
108                   p_description        IN         VARCHAR2,
109                   p_start_date         IN         TIMESTAMP,
110                   p_end_date           IN         TIMESTAMP,
111                   p_version_seq_id     IN         NUMBER,
112                   p_transaction_id     IN         NUMBER,
113                   x_out_vers_seq_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
114                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
115                   x_return_msg         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
118 PROCEDURE Get_Key_VS_Columns
119           ( p_value_set_id        IN                NUMBER,
120             p_transaction_id      IN                NUMBER,
121             x_maximum_size        IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
122             x_maximum_value       IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
123             x_minimum_value       IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
124             x_description         IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
125             x_longlist_flag       IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
126             x_format_code         IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
127             x_validation_code     IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
128             x_return_status       OUT     NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
129             x_return_msg          OUT     NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
130           );
134 --Bug 9702828
135 PROCEDURE Get_Key_Value_Columns
136           ( p_value_set_id        IN                NUMBER,
137             p_value_id            IN                NUMBER,
138             x_display_name        IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
139             x_disp_sequence       IN OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
140             x_start_date_active   IN OUT  NOCOPY    DATE, --Bug 12692653
141             x_end_date_active     IN OUT  NOCOPY    DATE, --Bug 12692653
142             x_description         IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
143             x_enabled_flag        IN OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
144             x_return_status       OUT     NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
145             x_return_msg          OUT     NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
146           );
150 --  =================================================================================
151 --  Name        : Populate_VS_Interface
152 --  Description : This procedure will be used to update pl/sql record back to interface table for a given value set
153 --
154 --
155 --  Parameters:
156 --        IN    :
157 --                p_value_set_tbl      IN      Value_Set_Tbl
158 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_set_intf
159 --
160 --        OUT    :
161 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
162 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
163 --                Successfully or not.
164 --
165 --
166 --  =================================================================================
168 PROCEDURE Populate_VS_Interface ( p_valueset_tbl    IN          Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Tbl,
169                                   x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
170                                   x_return_msg      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
175 --  =================================================================================
176 --  Name        : Populate_VS_Val_Interface
177 --  Description : This procedure will be used to update pl/sql record back to interface table
178 --                for a value of a value set.
179 --
180 --
181 --  Parameters:
182 --        IN    :
183 --                p_valueset_val_tbl      IN      Value_Set_Value_Tbl
184 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_intf
185 --
186 --        OUT    :
187 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
188 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
189 --                Successfully or not.
190 --
191 --
192 --  =================================================================================
194 PROCEDURE Populate_VS_Val_Interface ( p_valueset_val_tbl    IN          Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tbl,
195                                       x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
196                                       x_return_msg          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
201 --  =================================================================================
202 --  Name        : Populate_VS_Val_Tl_Interface
203 --  Description : This procedure will be used to update pl/sql record back to interface table
204 --                for a translatable value of a value set.
205 --
206 --
207 --  Parameters:
208 --        IN    :
209 --                p_valueset_val_tl_tbl   IN      Value_Set_Value_Tl_Tbl
210 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_Tl_intf
211 --
212 --        OUT    :
213 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
214 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
215 --                Successfully or not.
216 --
217 --
218 --  =================================================================================
220 PROCEDURE Populate_VS_Val_Tl_Interface (p_valueset_val_tl_tbl     IN          Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tl_Tbl,
221                                         x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
222                                         x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
227 --  =================================================================================
228 --  Name        : Import_Value_Set_Intf
229 --  Description : This procedure will be used to import value set using a concurrent program.
230 --
231 --
232 --  Parameters:
233 --        IN    :
234 --                p_api_version           IN      NUMBER
235 --                Active API version number
236 --
237 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
238 --                Batch Id to be processed
239 --
240 --
241 --  =================================================================================
243 PROCEDURE Import_Value_Set_Intf (p_set_process_id   IN          NUMBER,
244                                  x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
245                                  x_return_msg       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
249 PROCEDURE Delete_Processed_Value_Sets(  p_set_process_id   IN          NUMBER,
250                                         x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
251                                         x_return_msg       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
255 -- Bug 9802900
256 --  =================================================================================
257 --  Name        : Validate_Telco_profile
258 --  Description : This procedure will be used to validate if Telco profile option is
259 --                enabled to process version related records.
260 --
261 --  Parameters:
262 --        IN    :
263 --
264 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
265 --                Batch Id to be processed
266 --
267 --
268 --        OUT    :
269 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
270 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
271 --                Successfully or not.
272 --
273 --
274 --                x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
275 --  =================================================================================
276 PROCEDURE Validate_Telco_profile(p_set_process_id   IN         NUMBER,
277                                  x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
278                                  x_return_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
282 -- Bug 9804379
283 --  =================================================================================
284 --  Name        : Sync_VS_With_Draft
285 --  Description : This procedure will be used to sync up draft version of a value set
286 --                with passed in version number.
287 --
288 --  Parameters:
289 --        IN    :
290 --
291 --                p_value_set_id          IN      Number
292 --                Value Set Id for which draft version need to be in sync with
293 --                passed in version number
294 --
295 --                p_version_number        IN      Number
296 --                Version sequence id with which draft version need to be in sync.
297 --
298 --        OUT    :
299 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
300 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
301 --                Successfully or not.
302 --
303 --
304 --                x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
305 --  =================================================================================
306 PROCEDURE Sync_VS_With_Draft ( p_value_set_id      IN NUMBER
307                               ,p_version_number    IN NUMBER
308                               ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
309                               ,x_return_msg        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
311 --  =================================================================================
312 --  Name        : Initialize_VS_Interface
313 --  Description : This procedure will be used to do bulk validation while called through
314 --                concurent program.
315 --
316 --  Parameters:
317 --        IN    :
318 --                p_api_version           IN      NUMBER
319 --                Active API version number
320 --
321 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
322 --                Batch Id to be processed
323 --
324 --
325 --
326 --        OUT    :
327 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
328 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
329 --                Successfully or not.
330 --
331 --                x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
332 --
333 --                x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
334 --
335 --  =================================================================================
337 PROCEDURE Initialize_VS_Interface (
338            p_api_version      IN         NUMBER,
339            p_set_process_id   IN         NUMBER,
340            x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
341            x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
342            x_return_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
346 -- Bug 9702845
347 PROCEDURE Validate_value_Set (
348                 p_value_set_name      IN          VARCHAR2,
349                 p_validation_code     IN          VARCHAR2,
350                 p_longlist_flag       IN          VARCHAR2,
351                 p_format_code         IN          VARCHAR2,
352                 p_maximum_size        IN          NUMBER,
353                 p_maximum_value       IN          VARCHAR2,
354                 p_minimum_value       IN          VARCHAR2,
355                 p_version_seq_id      IN          NUMBER,
356                 p_transaction_id      IN          NUMBER,
357                 p_transaction_type    IN          VARCHAR2,
358                 x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
359                 x_return_msg          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
363 -- Pocedure to convert value to DB Date
364 -- Bug 9701510
365 PROCEDURE Convert_Value_To_DbDate ( p_value    IN  OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2);
368 -- Procedure to validate if input date is in user preferred date format.
369 -- Bug 9701510
370 PROCEDURE Validate_User_Preferred_Date (p_value             IN OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
371                                         p_format_code       IN                VARCHAR2,
372                                         p_transaction_id    IN                VARCHAR2,
373                                         x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
374                                         x_return_msg        OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2);
379 PROCEDURE Validate_Child_Value_Set (
380                                     p_value_set_name      IN          VARCHAR2,
381                                     p_value_set_id        IN          NUMBER,
382                                     p_validation_code     IN          VARCHAR2,
383                                     p_longlist_flag       IN          VARCHAR2,
384                                     p_format_code         IN          VARCHAR2,
385                                     p_version_seq_id      IN          NUMBER,
386                                     p_transaction_id      IN          NUMBER,
387                                     x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
388                                     x_return_msg          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
392 PROCEDURE Validate_Table_Value_Set (
393                                     p_value_set_name            IN          VARCHAR2,
394                                     p_value_set_id              IN          NUMBER,
395                                     p_format_code               IN          VARCHAR2,
396                                     p_application_table_name    IN          VARCHAR2,
397                                     p_additional_where_clause   IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
398                                     p_value_column_name         IN          VARCHAR2,
399                                     p_value_column_type         IN          VARCHAR2,
400                                     p_value_column_size         IN          NUMBER,
402                                     p_id_column_name            IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL ,
403                                     p_id_column_type            IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL ,
404                                     p_id_column_size            IN          NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL ,
406                                     p_meaning_column_name       IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL ,
407                                     p_meaning_column_type       IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL ,
408                                     p_meaning_column_size       IN          NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL ,
411                                     p_transaction_id            IN          NUMBER,
412                                     x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
413                                     x_return_msg                OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
416 --  =================================================================================
417 --  Name        : Process_Value_Sets
418 --  Description : This procedure will be used to create value set. It will process
419 --                record Row by Row.
420 --
421 --  Parameters:
422 --        IN    :
423 --                p_api_version        IN      NUMBER
424 --                Active API version number
425 --
426 --                p_value_set_tbl      IN      Value_Set_Tbl
427 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_set_intf
428 --
429 --                p_set_process_id     IN      Number
430 --                Batch Id to be processed
431 --
432 --
433 --
434 --        OUT    :
435 --                x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
436 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
437 --                Successfully or not.
438 --
439 --                x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
440 --
441 --                x_return_msg           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
442 --
443 --  =================================================================================
445 PROCEDURE Process_Value_Set (
446            p_api_version      IN              NUMBER,
447            p_value_set_tbl    IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Tbl,
448            p_set_process_id   IN              NUMBER,
449            p_commit           IN              BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
450            x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
451            x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
452            x_return_msg         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2) ;
455 --  =================================================================================
456 --  Name        : Process_Value_Set_Value
457 --  Description : This procedure will be used to create values associated to a value set.
458 --                It will process record Row by Row.
459 --
460 --  Parameters:
461 --        IN    :
462 --                p_api_version           IN      NUMBER
463 --                Active API version number
464 --
465 --                p_value_set_val_tbl     IN      Value_Set_Value_Tbl
466 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_intf
467 --
468 --                p_value_set_val_tl_tbl  IN      Value_Set_Value_Tl_Tbl
469 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_tl_intf
470 --
471 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
472 --                Batch Id to be processed
473 --
474 --
475 --
476 --        OUT    :
477 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
478 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
479 --                Successfully or not.
480 --
481 --                x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
482 --
483 --                x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
484 --
485 --  =================================================================================
486 PROCEDURE Process_Value_Set_Value (
487            p_api_version          IN              NUMBER,
488            p_value_set_val_tbl    IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tbl,
489            p_value_set_val_tl_tbl IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tl_Tbl,
490            p_set_process_id       IN              NUMBER,
491            p_commit               IN              BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
492            x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
493            x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
494            x_return_msg           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2) ;
500 PROCEDURE Process_Isolate_Value (
501            p_api_version            IN              NUMBER,
502            p_value_set_val_tbl      IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tbl,
503            p_value_set_val_tl_tbl   IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tl_Tbl,
504            p_set_process_id         IN              NUMBER,
505            p_commit                 IN              BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
506            x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
507            x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
508            x_return_msg             OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
511 --  =================================================================================
512 --  Name        : Process_Child_Value_Set
513 --  Description : This procedure will be used to create child value set and corresponding
514 --                values. It will process record Row by Row.
515 --
516 --  Parameters:
517 --        IN    :
518 --                p_api_version           IN      NUMBER
519 --                Active API version number
520 --
521 --                p_value_set_tbl         IN      Value_Set_Tbl
522 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_set_intf
523 --
524 --                p_valueset_val_tab      IN      Value_Set_Value_Tbl
525 --                Table instance having record of the type of ego_flex_value_intf
526 --
527 --                p_set_process_id        IN      Number
528 --                Batch Id to be processed
529 --
530 --
531 --
532 --        OUT    :
533 --                x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
534 --                Used to get status of a procedure, whether it executed
535 --                Successfully or not.
536 --
537 --                x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
538 --
539 --                x_return_msg              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
540 --
541 --  =================================================================================
543 PROCEDURE Process_Child_Value_Set (
544            p_api_version        IN              NUMBER,
545            p_value_set_tbl      IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Tbl,
546            p_valueset_val_tab   IN  OUT NOCOPY  Ego_Metadata_Pub.Value_Set_Value_Tbl,
547            p_set_process_id     IN              NUMBER,
548            p_commit             IN              BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
549            x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
550            x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
551            x_return_msg         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2) ;
553 END ego_vs_bulkload_pvt ;