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Line 2009: and t.transaction_ref_table <> 'PER_APPRAISALS'

2005: nvl(item_key,hr_workflow_service.getItemKey(t.transaction_id)) item_key
2006: from hr_api_transactions t
2007: where t.last_update_date <= sysdate - c_transaction_age
2008: and t.status not in ('Y', 'YS')
2009: and t.transaction_ref_table <> 'PER_APPRAISALS'
2010: ) a, -- bug 3635925 , bug 5357274, bug 5990955
2011: wf_item_attribute_values s
2012: where a.item_type = itemtype
2013: and a.item_type = s.item_type

Line 2031: and t.transaction_ref_table <> 'PER_APPRAISALS'

2027: nvl(item_key,hr_workflow_service.getItemKey(t.transaction_id)) item_key
2028: from hr_api_transactions t
2029: where t.last_update_date <= sysdate - c_transaction_age
2030: and t.status not in ('Y', 'YS')
2031: and t.transaction_ref_table <> 'PER_APPRAISALS'
2032: and t.item_key is null
2033: ) a
2034: where a.item_type = itemtype)
2035: where status = nvl(c_status,status);

Line 2043: -- PER_APPRAISALS) as "COMPLETED" or "DELETED", irrespective of status in

2040: -- start bug 5990955
2042: --Only the appraisals with a System status (appraisal_system_status in
2043: -- PER_APPRAISALS) as "COMPLETED" or "DELETED", irrespective of status in
2044: -- HR_API_TRANSACTIONS table will be deleted. So looking for the
2045: -- APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS in the cursor
2047: CURSOR csr_wfdfctitmsapprs (c_transaction_age in number) is

Line 2049: FROM hr_api_transactions t, per_appraisals a

2045: -- APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS in the cursor
2047: CURSOR csr_wfdfctitmsapprs (c_transaction_age in number) is
2048: SELECT t.item_type, t.item_key, t.transaction_id
2049: FROM hr_api_transactions t, per_appraisals a
2050: WHERE t.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
2051: AND t.last_update_date <= sysdate - c_transaction_age
2052: AND t.transaction_ref_id = a.appraisal_id
2053: AND a.appraisal_system_status IN ('DELETED','COMPLETED');

Line 2050: WHERE t.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'

2047: CURSOR csr_wfdfctitmsapprs (c_transaction_age in number) is
2048: SELECT t.item_type, t.item_key, t.transaction_id
2049: FROM hr_api_transactions t, per_appraisals a
2050: WHERE t.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
2051: AND t.last_update_date <= sysdate - c_transaction_age
2052: AND t.transaction_ref_id = a.appraisal_id
2053: AND a.appraisal_system_status IN ('DELETED','COMPLETED');