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Line 169: from pqh_template_attributes a

165: l_dummy2 varchar2(1);
166: --
167: cursor c1 is
168: select null
169: from pqh_template_attributes a
170: where a.template_id = p_template_id;
171: --
172: cursor c2 is
173: select null

Line 336: from pqh_template_attributes tat, pqh_attributes att

332: where a.territory_code = p_legislation_code;
333: --
334: cursor c2(p_template_id number) is
335: select legislation_code
336: from pqh_template_attributes tat, pqh_attributes att
337: where tat.template_id = p_template_id
338: and tat.attribute_id= att.attribute_id
339: and att.legislation_code is not null;
340: --

Line 1128: tat_attribute_id pqh_template_attributes.attribute_id%type,

1124: type master_child is record
1125: (master_attribute_id pqh_attributes.master_attribute_id%type,
1126: attribute_id pqh_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1127: attribute_name pqh_attributes.attribute_name%type,
1128: tat_attribute_id pqh_template_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1129: view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type,
1130: edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type);
1131: --
1132: attr_rec master_child;

Line 1129: view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type,

1125: (master_attribute_id pqh_attributes.master_attribute_id%type,
1126: attribute_id pqh_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1127: attribute_name pqh_attributes.attribute_name%type,
1128: tat_attribute_id pqh_template_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1129: view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type,
1130: edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type);
1131: --
1132: attr_rec master_child;
1133: --

Line 1130: edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type);

1126: attribute_id pqh_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1127: attribute_name pqh_attributes.attribute_name%type,
1128: tat_attribute_id pqh_template_attributes.attribute_id%type,
1129: view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type,
1130: edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type);
1131: --
1132: attr_rec master_child;
1133: --
1134: Cursor c1 is

Line 1139: pqh_template_attributes tat

1135: Select nvl(att.master_attribute_id,att.attribute_id),
1136: tca.attribute_id,rtrim(att.attribute_name),nvl(tat.attribute_id,-1),
1137: nvl(tat.view_flag,'N') , nvl(tat.edit_flag,'N')
1138: From pqh_txn_category_attributes tca,pqh_attributes_vl att,
1139: pqh_template_attributes tat
1140: Where tca.transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id
1141: AND tca.attribute_id = att.attribute_id
1142: AND att.attribute_id = tat.attribute_id(+)
1143: AND tat.template_id(+) = p_template_id

Line 1165: master_view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type := 'N';

1161: master_attached varchar2(1) := 'Y';
1162: --
1163: master_id pqh_attributes.attribute_id%type := -1;
1164: l_master_attribute_name pqh_attributes.attribute_name%type := NULL;
1165: master_view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type := 'N';
1166: master_edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type := 'N';
1167: --
1168: check_reqd_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
1169: --

Line 1166: master_edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type := 'N';

1162: --
1163: master_id pqh_attributes.attribute_id%type := -1;
1164: l_master_attribute_name pqh_attributes.attribute_name%type := NULL;
1165: master_view_flag pqh_template_attributes.view_flag%type := 'N';
1166: master_edit_flag pqh_template_attributes.edit_flag%type := 'N';
1167: --
1168: check_reqd_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
1169: --
1170: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_master_child_attributes';

Line 1458: Select null from pqh_template_attributes

1454: Procedure chk_attr_or_reference_exists(p_template_id in number,
1455: p_reference_mode in varchar2) is
1456: --
1457: Cursor csr_attr_exist is
1458: Select null from pqh_template_attributes
1459: Where template_id = p_template_id;
1460: --
1461: --
1462: Cursor csr_attr_with_req is

Line 1463: Select null from pqh_template_attributes

1459: Where template_id = p_template_id;
1460: --
1461: --
1462: Cursor csr_attr_with_req is
1463: Select null from pqh_template_attributes
1464: Where template_id = p_template_id
1465: AND (view_flag is NOT NULL OR
1466: edit_flag IS NOT NULL OR
1467: required_flag IS NOT NULL);