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2 /* $Header: GMDSTATB.pls 120.1 2005/07/20 23:41:23 kkillams noship $ */
4 /* Purpose: The package has code used in status management                 */
5 /*          The package will usually be called from the Change Status form */
6 /*                                                                         */
7 /*                                                                         */
8 /* Check_Dependent_Status  FUNCTION                                        */
9 /*                                                                         */
10 /* MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                    */
11 /* Person      Date      Comments                                          */
12 /* ---------   ------    ------------------------------------------        */
13 /* L.Jackson   15Mar2001  Start                                            */
16      ( P_Entity_Type    NUMBER,
17        P_Entity_id      NUMBER,
18        P_Current_Status VARCHAR2,
19        P_To_Status      VARCHAR2)       RETURN BOOLEAN IS
21   /* Before the status of a higher entity can be changed, the status of dependent
22    * entities must be checked.  Ex.  Before a routing can be changed from new to
23    * approved for lab, all of its operations must be at least approved for lab, and
24    * none of the operations can be on hold or obsoleted.
25    */
27   /* This check only applies if entity TO_STATUS is between 200 and 499 or
28    *    between 500 and 799.  It does not matter what dependent entities' status
29    *    are if higher entity is being changed to Frozen, On-Hold, Obsolete or New
30    * This check only applies to routings, recipes and validity rules.
31    *
32    * Set a local variable to the lowest approval allowed for dependent entities.
33    *   ie. if routing is requesting lab approval, all operations must be at least 400,
34    *       approved for lab.
35    *
36    * IF TO_STATUS between 200 and 799 THEN
37    *   Start the boolean Dependent_Status_Ok as TRUE.
38    *   IF the entity is Routings THEN
39    *     select operation_status from gmd_operations_vl where oprn_id is in
40    *            (select oprn_id from fm_rout_dtl where routing_id is current routing)
41    *     IF any operation_status returned by select is On-hold, Obsolete or less than
42    *        the TO_STATUS of the routing, set the boolean to FALSE.
43    *   IF the entity is Recipes THEN
44    *     select formula_status from fm_form_mst where formula_id is in
45    *            (select formula_id from gmd_recipes where recipe_id is current recipe)
46    *     select routing_status from fm_rout_hdr where routing_id is in
47    *            (select routing_id from gmd_recipes where recipe_id is current recipe)
48    *     IF either formula or routing status returned by select is on-hold, obsolete
49    *        or less than the TO_STATUS of the recipe, set the boolean to FALSE.
50    *   IF the entity is Validity Rules THEN
51    *     select recipe_status from gmd_recipes where recipe_id is in
52    *            (select recipe_id from gmd_recipe_validity_rules where
53    *                   recipe_validity_rule_id is current recipe_validity_rule_id)
54    *     IF recipe_status returned by select is on-hold, obsolete or
55    *        less than the TO_STATUS of the validity_rule, set the boolean to FALSE.
56    * END IF;
57    * Return the boolean Dependent_Status_Ok
58    */
60   TYPE Status_ref_cur IS REF CURSOR;
61   Oprn_Status_cur         Status_ref_cur;
62   Formula_Status_cur  Status_ref_cur;
63   Routing_Status_cur  Status_ref_cur;
64   Recipe_Status_cur       Status_ref_cur;
66   l_cur_dependent_status  GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
67   l_cur_routing_status    GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
68   l_lowest_allowed_status GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
69   l_routing_defined       FM_ROUT_HDR.ROUTING_ID%TYPE;
70   Dependent_Status_OK     BOOLEAN  := TRUE;
72   BEGIN
73   /*  entity_types: 3=recipe, 4=routing, 5=validity rule*/
74   IF  P_entity_type in (3, 4, 5)
75     AND  (P_TO_STATUS between 200 and 499
76          OR
77          P_TO_STATUS between 500 and 799) THEN
79     IF P_TO_STATUS between 200 and 499 THEN
80       l_lowest_allowed_status := 400;
81     ELSE
82        /*  P_TO_STATUS between 500 and 799) */
83       l_lowest_allowed_status := 700;
84     END IF;
86     /*  *************** ROUTING ***************** */
87     IF  P_entity_type = 4 THEN
88              /* if entity is routing, check operations */
89       OPEN  Oprn_Status_cur FOR
90           Select        o.operation_status
91             From        gmd_operations_vl o, fm_rout_dtl r
92            Where    o.oprn_id = r.oprn_id
93              and    r.routing_id = P_Entity_id;
95         /*  Fetch 1st record */
96       FETCH Oprn_Status_cur into l_cur_dependent_status;
98       WHILE Dependent_Status_OK and Oprn_Status_cur%FOUND LOOP
99         IF (l_cur_dependent_status between 800 and 899)
100            OR (l_cur_dependent_status between 1000 and 1099)
101            OR (l_cur_dependent_status < l_lowest_allowed_status)
102            THEN
103              Dependent_Status_OK := FALSE;
104         ELSE
105           FETCH Oprn_Status_cur into l_cur_dependent_status;
106         END IF;
107       END LOOP;
109       CLOSE Oprn_Status_cur;
111     /*  *************** RECIPE ***************** */
112     ELSIF  P_entity_type = 3 THEN
113              /* if entity is recipe, check formula and routing */
114       OPEN  Formula_Status_cur FOR
115           Select        f.formula_status, g.routing_id
116             From        fm_form_mst f, gmd_recipes g
117            Where    g.formula_id = f.formula_id
118              and    g.recipe_id = P_Entity_id;
119       FETCH Formula_Status_cur into l_cur_dependent_status, l_routing_defined;
120       IF (l_cur_dependent_status between 800 and 899)
121          OR (l_cur_dependent_status between 1000 and 1099)
122          OR (l_cur_dependent_status < l_lowest_allowed_status)
123          THEN
124            Dependent_Status_OK := FALSE;
125       END IF;
126       CLOSE Formula_Status_cur;
128              /* If a routing was defined for recipe, and the formula status is ok,
129               * get the routing status */
130       IF Dependent_Status_OK  AND l_routing_defined is not NULL THEN
131         OPEN  Routing_Status_cur FOR
132           Select        r.routing_status
133             From        fm_rout_hdr r
134            Where    r.routing_id = l_routing_defined;
136         FETCH Routing_Status_cur into l_cur_routing_status;
137         IF (l_cur_routing_status between 800 and 899)
138            OR (l_cur_routing_status between 1000 and 1099)
139            OR (l_cur_routing_status < l_lowest_allowed_status)
140            THEN
141              Dependent_Status_OK := FALSE;
142         END IF;
143         CLOSE Routing_Status_cur;
144       END IF;
145                /* end if routing is defined*/
147     /*  *************** VALIDITY RULE ***************** */
148     ELSIF  P_entity_type = 5 THEN
149              /* if entity is validity_rule, check recipe */
150       OPEN  Recipe_Status_cur FOR
151           Select        g.recipe_status
152             From        gmd_recipe_validity_rules vr, gmd_recipes g
153            Where    vr.recipe_id = g.recipe_id
154              and    vr.recipe_validity_rule_id = P_Entity_id;
155       FETCH Recipe_Status_cur into l_cur_dependent_status;
156       IF (l_cur_dependent_status between 800 and 899)
157          OR (l_cur_dependent_status between 1000 and 1099)
158          OR (l_cur_dependent_status < l_lowest_allowed_status)
159          THEN
160            Dependent_Status_OK := FALSE;
161       END IF;
162       CLOSE Recipe_Status_cur;
164     END IF; /* end if this is routing, recipe or validity rule */
165   END IF; /* end if this is a TO_status which needs to be checked */
167   /*  *************** VALIDITY RULE STATUS AGAINST RECIPE STATUS ***************** */
168   --KKILLAMS, Bug# 3283888: Validating the rule status aganist recipe status if recipe status is 'NEW'
169   --Set FALSE to "dependent_status_ok" variable if recipe status is NEW and validate rule status is FROZEN.
170   IF (p_entity_type =5) THEN
171          OPEN  Recipe_Status_cur FOR
172               SELECT    g.recipe_status FROM  gmd_recipe_validity_rules vr, gmd_recipes_b g
173                                         WHERE vr.recipe_id               = g.recipe_id
174                                         AND   vr.recipe_validity_rule_id = p_Entity_id;
175          FETCH recipe_status_cur INTO l_cur_dependent_status;
176          CLOSE recipe_status_cur;
177          IF (l_cur_dependent_status BETWEEN 100 AND 199) AND
178             (p_to_status BETWEEN 900 AND 999) THEN
179              Dependent_Status_OK := FALSE;
180          END IF;
181   END IF;
183   RETURN Dependent_Status_OK;
184   END Check_Dependent_status;
188    /* Before the status of a lower entity can be changed, the status of parent
189    * entities must be checked.  Ex.  Before a routing can be obsoleted, a check should be
190    * made if the parent ie recipe is approved for general use or frozen or approved for lab use.
191    * if it is, the system should not allow the change of status to obsolete unless parent is
192      obsoleted. Returns FALSE if one exist otherwise returns TRUE */
196   FUNCTION Check_parent_status (pentity_name VARCHAR2,pentity_id NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
198     CURSOR Cur_Check_Sts(l_recipe_id NUMBER) IS
199       SELECT COUNT(*)
200       FROM   gmd_recipes r,gmd_recipe_validity_rules v
201       WHERE  r.recipe_id = l_recipe_id
202          AND r.recipe_id = v.recipe_id
203          AND (r.recipe_status BETWEEN 700 AND 799
204               OR r.recipe_Status BETWEEN 400 AND 499
205               OR r.recipe_Status BETWEEN 900 AND 999)
206          AND EXISTS (select 1
207                      from   gme_batch_header
208                      Where  batch_status IN (1,2,3,-3)
209                      AND    recipe_validity_rule_id = v.recipe_validity_rule_id);
211    CURSOR Cur_Check_routing_recipe(l_routing_id NUMBER) IS
212      SELECT Count(*)
213      FROM  gmd_recipes
214      WHERE routing_id = l_routing_id
215         AND (recipe_status between 700 and 799
216            OR recipe_status between 400 and 499
217            OR recipe_status between 900 and 999) ;
220    CURSOR Cur_Check_oprn_recp(l_oprn_id NUMBER) IS
221      SELECT count(*)
222      FROM  fm_rout_hdr h,fm_rout_dtl d
223       WHERE h.routing_id = d.routing_id
224            AND d.oprn_id = l_oprn_id
225            AND (h.routing_status between 700 and 799
226                 OR h.routing_Status between 400 and 499
227                 OR h.routing_Status between 900 and 999);
229    CURSOR Cur_Check_oprn_batch_steps(l_oprn_id NUMBER) IS
230      SELECT count(*)
231      FROM   gmd_operations_vl o,gme_batch_steps s
232       WHERE o.oprn_id = l_oprn_id
233             AND o.oprn_id = s.oprn_id
234             AND  (o.operation_status  BETWEEN 400 and 499
235                   OR o.operation_status BETWEEN 700 AND 799
236                   OR o.operation_status BETWEEN 900 AND 999);
239    CURSOR Cur_check_form_recipe(l_formula_id NUMBER) IS
240      SELECT count(*)
241      FROM  gmd_recipes
242      WHERE formula_id = l_formula_id
243        AND (recipe_status between 700 and 799
244             OR recipe_status between 400 and 499
245             OR recipe_status between 900 and 999);
247    CURSOR Cur_check_valrle_batch(l_validity_rule_id   NUMBER) IS
248      SELECT count(*)
249      FROM   gme_batch_header
250      WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = l_validity_rule_id
251      AND   batch_status IN (1,2,3,-3);
253     l_count NUMBER;
255   BEGIN
256     IF (pentity_name = 'RECIPE') THEN
257       OPEN Cur_Check_sts(pentity_id);
258       FETCH Cur_Check_sts INTO l_count;
259       CLOSE Cur_Check_sts;
260       IF (l_count > 0) THEN
261         RETURN(FALSE);
262       ELSE
263         RETURN(TRUE);
264       END IF;
265     ELSIF(pentity_name = 'ROUTING') THEN
267       OPEN Cur_Check_routing_recipe(pentity_id);
268       FETCH Cur_Check_routing_recipe INTO l_count;
269       CLOSE Cur_Check_routing_recipe;
271       IF (l_count > 0) THEN  -- This routing is used in recipes which are approved for general use.
272         RETURN(FALSE);
273       ELSE
274         RETURN(TRUE);
275       END IF;
277     ELSIF(pentity_name = 'OPERATION') THEN
279       OPEN Cur_Check_oprn_recp(pentity_id);
280       FETCH Cur_Check_oprn_recp INTO l_count;
281       CLOSE Cur_Check_oprn_recp;
282       IF (l_count > 0) THEN
283         RETURN(FALSE);
284       ELSE
285         RETURN(TRUE);
286       END IF;
288       OPEN Cur_Check_oprn_batch_steps(pentity_id);
289       FETCH Cur_check_oprn_batch_steps INTO l_count;
290       CLOSE Cur_check_oprn_batch_steps;
292       IF (l_count > 0) THEN
293         RETURN(FALSE);
294       ELSE
295         RETURN(TRUE);
296       END IF;
297     ELSIF(pentity_name = 'FORMULA') THEN
298       OPEN Cur_check_form_recipe(pentity_id);
299       FETCH Cur_check_form_recipe INTO l_count;
300       CLOSE Cur_check_form_recipe;
301       IF (l_count > 0) THEN
302         RETURN(FALSE);
303       ELSE
304         RETURN(TRUE);
305       END IF;
306     ELSIF(pentity_name like 'VALIDITY%') THEN
307       OPEN Cur_check_valrle_batch(pentity_id);
308       FETCH Cur_check_valrle_batch INTO l_count;
309       CLOSE Cur_check_valrle_batch;
310       IF (l_count > 0) THEN
311         RETURN(FALSE);
312       ELSE
313         RETURN(TRUE);
314       END IF;
315     ELSE --bug 4479101
316       RETURN(TRUE);
317     END IF;
318   END check_parent_status;
321                              p_to_status VARCHAR2)
322                                RETURN VARCHAR2
323   IS
324     CURSOR Cur_get_rework IS
325       SELECT rework_status
327       WHERE current_status = p_from_status
328       AND target_status  = p_to_status
329       AND pending_status IS NOT NULL;
331     l_rework_status  VARCHAR2(30);
332   BEGIN
333     OPEN Cur_get_rework;
334     FETCH Cur_get_rework INTO l_rework_status;
335     CLOSE Cur_get_rework;
336     RETURN (l_rework_status);
338   END get_rework_status;
342                               p_to_status VARCHAR2)
343                                RETURN VARCHAR2
344   IS
345     CURSOR Cur_get_pending IS
346       SELECT pending_status
348       WHERE current_status = p_from_status
349       AND target_status  = p_to_status;
351     l_pending_status  VARCHAR2(30);
352   BEGIN
353     OPEN Cur_get_pending;
354     FETCH Cur_get_pending INTO l_pending_status;
355     CLOSE Cur_get_pending;
356     RETURN (l_pending_status);
358   END get_pending_status;
360 END; -- Package Body GMD_STATUS_CODE