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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

      SELECT budget_version_id
      FROM   gms_budget_versions
      WHERE project_id 		= p_project_id
      AND   award_id            = p_award_id
      AND   budget_type_code 	= p_budget_type_code
      AND   budget_status_code 	in ('S','W');
Line: 82

         SELECT SUM (p_burdenable_raw_cost * NVL(cm.compiled_multiplier,0))
           FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irsr,
	        pa_ind_cost_codes icc,
	        pa_cost_base_exp_types cbet,
	        pa_ind_compiled_sets ics,
  	        pa_compiled_multipliers cm
          WHERE irsr.cost_plus_structure = cbet.cost_plus_structure AND
                icc.ind_cost_code = cm.ind_cost_code AND
	        cbet.cost_base = cm.cost_base AND
	        ics.cost_base = cbet.cost_base AND
	        cbet.cost_base_type = 'INDIRECT COST' AND
		cbet.expenditure_type = p_expenditure_type AND
		ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = irsr.ind_rate_sch_revision_id AND
		ics.organization_id = p_organization_id AND
		ics.ind_compiled_set_id = p_ind_compiled_set_id AND
		cm.ind_compiled_set_id = p_ind_compiled_set_id ;
Line: 152

      (p_wf_type_code        	=> 'BUDGET'
      ,p_item_type           	=> l_item_type
      ,p_item_key           	=> l_item_key
      ,p_entity_key1         	=> to_char(p_draft_version_id)
      ,p_description         	=> NULL
      ,p_err_code            	=> p_err_code
      ,p_err_stage           	=> p_err_stage
      ,p_err_stack           	=> p_err_stack
Line: 257

      (p_wf_type_code        	=> 'BUDGET_NTFY_ONLY'
      ,p_item_type           	=> l_item_type
      ,p_item_key           	=> l_item_key
      ,p_entity_key1         	=> to_char(p_draft_version_id)
      ,p_description         	=> NULL
      ,p_err_code            	=> p_err_code
      ,p_err_stage           	=> p_err_stage
      ,p_err_stack           	=> p_err_stack
Line: 401

	FROM 	gms_budget_versions
	WHERE		project_id = p_project_id
	AND		award_id   = p_award_id
	AND		budget_type_code = p_budget_type_code
	AND		budget_status_code = 'S'
Line: 480

	UPDATE gms_budget_versions
	 SET budget_status_code = 'W', WF_status_code = 'REJECTED'
 	WHERE		project_id = l_project_id
 	AND		award_id =  l_award_id
	AND		budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
	AND		budget_status_code = 'S';
Line: 534

PROCEDURE Select_Budget_Approver
(itemtype			IN   	VARCHAR2
, itemkey  			IN   	VARCHAR2
, actid				IN	NUMBER
, funcmode			IN   	VARCHAR2
, resultout			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2

CURSOR 	l_baseliner_user_csr( p_baseliner_id NUMBER )
SELECT 	f.user_id
,       f.user_name
,       p.first_name||' '||p.last_name
FROM	fnd_user f, per_people_f  p /*Bug 5122724 */
WHERE  p.effective_start_date = (SELECT min(pp.effective_start_date)
                                 FROM per_all_people_f pp where pp.person_id = p.person_id
                                 AND  pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))
AND ((p.employee_number is not null) OR (p.npw_number is not null))
AND		f.employee_id = p_baseliner_id
AND		f.employee_id = p.person_id;
Line: 631

	(p_item_type			=> itemtype
	,p_item_key  			=> itemkey
	,p_project_id			=> l_project_id
	,p_award_id			=> l_award_id
        ,p_budget_type_code		=> l_budget_type_code
        ,p_workflow_started_by_id	=> l_workflow_started_by_id
	,p_budget_baseliner_id		=> l_baseliner_employee_id
Line: 692

	WF_CORE.CONTEXT('GMS_WF_PKG','SELECT_BUDGET_APPROVER', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 697

	WF_CORE.CONTEXT('GMS_WF_PKG','SELECT_BUDGET_APPROVER', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 702

	WF_CORE.CONTEXT('GMS_WF_PKG','SELECT_BUDGET_APPROVER', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 706

END Select_Budget_Approver;
Line: 745

    SELECT 	v.budget_version_id
		FROM   gms_budget_versions v
    WHERE  	v.project_id = p_project_id
    AND 	v.award_id = p_award_id
    AND		v.budget_type_code = p_budget_type_code
    AND		v.budget_status_code in ('S','W');
Line: 1060

      SELECT  MAX(budget_version_id)
      FROM   gms_budget_versions
      WHERE project_id 		= p_project_id
      AND   award_id            = p_award_id
      AND   budget_type_code 	= p_budget_type_code
      AND   budget_status_code 	= 'B';
Line: 1311

	      (p_wf_type_code        	=> 'BUDGET'
	      ,p_item_type           	=> itemtype
	      ,p_item_key           	=> itemkey
	      ,p_entity_key1         	=> to_char(l_budget_version_id)
	      ,p_entity_key2		=> to_char(l_baselined_version_id)
	      ,p_description         	=> NULL
	      ,p_err_code            	=> l_err_code
	      ,p_err_stage           	=> l_err_stage
	      ,p_err_stack           	=> l_err_stack
Line: 1376

PROCEDURE select_wf_process (	itemtype        	in  varchar2,
				itemkey         	in  varchar2,
	                     	actid           	in number,
				funcmode        	in  varchar2,
				resultout          	out NOCOPY varchar2    )
	x_gms_wf_process	varchar2(25);
Line: 1413

    wf_core.context('GMS_BUDGET_WF', 'SELECT_WF_PROCESS', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 1415

end select_wf_process;
Line: 1490

	SELECT 	pbem.time_phased_type_code,
	FROM	gms_budget_versions gbv,
		pa_budget_entry_methods pbem
	WHERE	gbv.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
	AND	gbv.budget_entry_method_code = pbem.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 1501

	SELECT 	prl.group_resource_type_id,
	FROM	gms_budget_versions gbv,
		pa_resource_lists prl
	WHERE	gbv.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
	AND	gbv.resource_list_id = prl.resource_list_id;
Line: 1567

	      select	bv.budget_version_id,
	        into    l_prev_baselined_version_id,
	        from    gms_budget_versions bv,
		        pa_budget_entry_methods bem
		where 	bv.award_id = l_award_id
		and 	bv.project_id = l_project_id
		and	bv.budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	bv.budget_status_code = 'B'
		and 	bv.current_flag = 'R'
		and     bv.budget_entry_method_code = bem.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 1634

GMS_BUDGET_BALANCE.update_gms_balance(	x_project_id => l_project_id,
					x_award_id => l_award_id,
					x_mode => l_mode,
					errbuf => l_err_code,
					retcode => l_retcode);
Line: 1663

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set 	current_flag = 'N'
		where 	award_id = l_award_id
		and 	project_id = l_project_id
		and	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	budget_status_code = 'B'
		and 	current_flag = 'R';
Line: 1677

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set	current_flag = 'Y'
		where  	budget_version_id = (	select 	max(budget_version_id)
						from 	gms_budget_versions
						where 	award_id = l_award_id
						and 	project_id = l_project_id
						and 	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code);
Line: 1692

			select 	budget_version_id
			into 	l_baselined_version_id
			from 	gms_budget_versions
			where	award_id = l_award_id
			and	project_id = l_project_id
			and 	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
			and	budget_status_code = 'B'
			and	current_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1723

                      SELECT profile_option_value
                      INTO   l_user_profile_value1
                      FROM   fnd_profile_options       p,
                             fnd_profile_option_values v
                      WHERE  p.profile_option_name = 'PA_SUPER_PROJECT'
                      AND    v.profile_option_id = p.profile_option_id
                      AND    v.level_id = 10004
                      AND    v.level_value = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1760

                      SELECT profile_option_value
                      INTO   l_user_profile_value2
                      FROM   fnd_profile_options       p,
                             fnd_profile_option_values v
                      WHERE  p.profile_option_name = 'PA_SUPER_PROJECT_VIEW'
                      AND    v.profile_option_id = p.profile_option_id
                      AND    v.level_id = 10004
                      AND    v.level_value = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1811

			update 	gms_budget_versions
			set 	current_flag = 'Y'
			where 	budget_version_id = l_prev_baselined_version_id;
Line: 1815

			update 	gms_budget_versions
			set 	current_flag = 'N'
			where 	budget_version_id = l_baselined_version_id;
Line: 1825

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set	budget_status_code = 'W',
			wf_status_code = NULL
		where 	award_id = l_award_id
		and 	project_id = l_project_id
		and 	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	budget_status_code = 'S';
Line: 1844

		  select distinct packet_id
		    into l_packet_id
		    from gms_bc_packets
                   where budget_version_id = l_baselined_version_id;
Line: 1870

			   update gms_budget_versions
			      set current_flag = 'Y'
			    where budget_version_id = l_prev_baselined_version_id;
Line: 1874

			   update gms_budget_versions
			      set current_flag = 'N'
			    where budget_version_id = l_baselined_version_id;
Line: 1891

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set 	budget_status_code = 'S'
		where 	award_id = l_award_id
		and 	project_id = l_project_id
		and	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	budget_status_code = 'W';
Line: 1913

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set 	current_flag = 'Y'
		where 	award_id = l_award_id
		and 	project_id = l_project_id
		and	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	budget_status_code = 'B'
		and 	current_flag = 'R';
Line: 2036

		update 	gms_budget_versions
		set 	budget_status_code = 'S'
		where 	award_id = l_award_id
		and 	project_id = l_project_id
		and	budget_type_code = l_budget_type_code
		and 	budget_status_code = 'W';
Line: 2079

	select p.first_name||' '||p.last_name /*Bug 5122724 */
        from fnd_user f, per_people_f p
        where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
                                        from per_all_people_f pp
                                        where pp.person_id = p.person_id
                                        and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))
        and ((p.employee_number is not null) OR (p.npw_number is not null))
        and user_id = FND_GLOBAL.User_Id
        and f.employee_id = p.person_id;
Line: 2094

	select gms_workflow_itemkey_s.nextval
	into ItemKey
	from dual;
Line: 2208

	select ga.award_id,
               grv.report_id  --bug 2282107
	from   gms_awards_v ga, gms_installments gi, gms_reports_v grv
	where grv.installment_id = gi.installment_id
	and gi.award_id = ga.award_id
	and grv.due_date = trunc(sysdate) + l_offset_days  -- Bug 1868293
	and ga.status <> 'CLOSED' --Changed from 'ACTIVE'  to fix bug 2200837
	and gi.active_flag = 'Y'
        and ga.award_template_flag ='DEFERRED'; */-- commentedout to fix bug 2660430
Line: 2226

       select  ga.award_id,
               substrb(party.party_name,1,50) funding_source_short_name,
               gr.report_id  --bug 2282107
       from    gms_awards  ga,
               gms_installments gi,
               gms_reports  gr,
               gms_report_templates grt,
               hz_parties party,
               hz_cust_accounts cust_acct
       where  ga.award_template_flag ='DEFERRED'
       and    ga.status <> 'CLOSED'  --Changed from 'ACTIVE'  to fix bug 2200837
       and    ga.award_id = gi.award_id
       and    gi.active_flag = 'Y'
       and    gr.installment_id = gi.installment_id
       and    gr.report_template_id  = grt.report_template_id
       and    gr.due_date = trunc(sysdate) + l_offset_days     -- Bug 1868293
       and    ga.funding_source_id =cust_acct.cust_account_id(+)
       and    cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id;
Line: 2254

	select user_id, user_name
	from gms_notifications_v
	where event_type like p_event_type
	and award_id = p_award_id;
Line: 2463

	select user_id, user_name
	from gms_notifications_v
	where event_type = 'INSTALLMENT_ACTIVE'
	and award_id = p_award_id;
Line: 2597

	select p.first_name||' '||p.last_name /*Bug 5122724 */
        from fnd_user f, per_people_f p
        where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
                                        from per_all_people_f pp
                                        where pp.person_id = p.person_id
                                        and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))
        and ((p.employee_number is not null) OR (p.npw_number is not null))
        and user_id = FND_GLOBAL.User_Id
        and f.employee_id = p.person_id;
Line: 2609

	select 	ga.award_number,
		(nvl(gi.direct_cost,0) + nvl(gi.indirect_cost,0)),
	from 	gms_awards  ga,
		gms_installments gi, hz_parties party,
               hz_cust_accounts cust_acct
	where 	gi.award_id = ga.award_id
	and	cust_acct.cust_account_id(+) = ga.funding_source_id
        and	cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id
	and	gi.installment_id = x_install_id
	and	ga.award_id = x_award_id;
Line: 2634

	select gms_workflow_itemkey_s.nextval
	into ItemKey
	from dual;
Line: 2797

  Following Logic selects Open commitments associated with the particular award,project and task combination and frames
  a  message which gets displayed as text in the notification.

PROCEDURE Get_Inst_Open_Commitments ( 	 document_id      IN      VARCHAR2
                    			,display_type     IN      VARCHAR2
                    			,document	  IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
                    			,document_type    IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS

  	l_item_type 			wf_items.item_type%TYPE;
Line: 2833

  		 SELECT  meaning
                 FROM  gms_lookups
                 WHERE  lookup_type='GMS_COMMT_TYPE'
                 AND lookup_code = type ;
Line: 2840

  		SELECT  meaning
                FROM gms_lookups
                WHERE lookup_type='GMS_DOC_NOTIF'
                AND lookup_code = header ;
Line: 2860

  	       SELECT  gscv.commitment_number
 	       FROM gms_status_commitments_v gscv ,gms_summary_project_fundings  gmpf
               WHERE gmpf.installment_id = p_installment_id
 	             AND gscv.award_id = p_award_id
  	             AND gscv.project_id  =  gmpf.project_id
  	             AND gscv.task_id =      nvl(gmpf.task_id,gscv.task_id)
  	             AND gscv.expenditure_item_date BETWEEN p_installment_start_date AND  p_installment_end_date
   	             AND gscv.document_type  IN  ('AP','PO','REQ')
  	       GROUP BY document_type , gscv.project_id , gscv.task_id , award_id , commitment_number ;    */
Line: 2880

              SELECT  cmt.cmt_number
           	      ,PA_CURRENCY.ROUND_CURRENCY_AMT(SUM (cmt.acct_raw_cost +
 	       FROM  gms_commitment_encumbered_v cmt
               WHERE cmt.award_id =  p_award_id
  	      AND (cmt.project_id,cmt.task_id) IN (SELECT  gmpf.project_id,nvl(gmpf.task_id,cmt.task_id)
						   FROM gms_summary_project_fundings  gmpf
						   WHERE gmpf.installment_id =p_installment_id )
  	       AND cmt.expenditure_item_date BETWEEN p_installment_start_date AND  p_installment_end_date
   	       AND cmt.document_type  IN  ('AP','PO','REQ')
  	       GROUP BY document_type , cmt.project_id , cmt.task_id , cmt.award_id , cmt.cmt_number ;
Line: 2946

      INTO   l_user_id
      WHERE  user_name = FND_GLOBAL.User_Name;
Line: 3143

		SELECT  award_number
		FROM   gms_awards
		WHERE award_id = x_award_id;
Line: 3148

		SELECT   installment_num
		FROM   gms_installments
		WHERE installment_id = x_installment_id;
Line: 3157

	SELECT gms_workflow_itemkey_s.NEXTVAL INTO ItemKey FROM DUAL;
Line: 3248

  Following Logic selects installments for which  notification are to be generated
  and then calls the procedure which kicks of the workflow process in loop for each installment selected.

PROCEDURE Notify_Installment_Closeout(
 				       ERRBUF        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
     				       ,RETCODE       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
				       ,p_offset_days IN  NUMBER ) IS

--Cursor to selects all the installments which are going to get closed  by the offset number of days
   	CURSOR award_install_cursor is
 		SELECT   	ga.award_id ,
 		FROM  	gms_awards        ga,
       			gms_installments  gi
		WHERE   gi.award_id = ga.award_id
 		AND 	trunc(gi.end_date_active )= trunc(SYSDATE) + p_offset_days
 		AND 	ga.status <> 'CLOSED'  -- Change from 'ACTIVE' to fix bug 2200585
        	AND	gi.active_flag = 'Y'
                AND     ga.award_template_flag ='DEFERRED'; --Added to fix bug 2200585
Line: 3272

		SELECT   gn.user_id ,
		FROM	gms_notifications gn, fnd_user fu
		WHERE	gn.user_id = fu.user_id
		AND     event_type = 'INSTALLMENT_CLOSEOUT'
		AND 	award_id = p_award_id;
Line: 3426

        select 1
          from gms_personnel gmsp
         where gmsp.award_id = p_award_id
           and gmsp.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 3432

               (select fndu.employee_id
                  from fnd_user fndu
                 where fndu.user_id = p_user_id) ;
Line: 3444

          select fndu.employee_id /*Bug 5122724 */
            from fnd_user fndu
                ,per_people_f p
            where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
                                        from per_all_people_f pp
                                        where pp.person_id = p.person_id
                                        and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))
            and ((p.employee_number is not null) OR (p.npw_number is not null))
            and p.person_id = fndu.employee_id
            and fndu.user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 3460

        select 1
          from gms_personnel
         where person_id = p_person_id
           and award_id = p_award_id
           and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active
                                  and nvl(end_date_active,to_date('12/31/4712','MM/DD/YYYY'));