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Line 192: ota_offerings off, ota_category_usages ocu

189: Cursor course_eff_date is
190: select oev.course_end_date
191: from ota_events oev,
192: ota_offerings off, ota_category_usages ocu
193: where oev.event_id=p_id
194: and (oev.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id or oev.offering_id = off.offering_id)
195: and off.delivery_mode_id = ocu.category_usage_id
196: and ocu.synchronous_flag = 'Y';

Line 198: from per_competence_elements pce , ota_offerings off,ota_events oev

194: and (oev.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id or oev.offering_id = off.offering_id)
195: and off.delivery_mode_id = ocu.category_usage_id
196: and ocu.synchronous_flag = 'Y';
197: /*select pce.effective_date_from
198: from per_competence_elements pce , ota_offerings off,ota_events oev
199: where oev.parent_offering_id=off.offering_id
200: and off.activity_version_id=pce.activity_version_id
201: and oev.event_id= p_id
202: and pce.competence_id =p_comp_id

Line 721: from ota_activity_versions oav,ota_offerings off,ota_events oev

717: where learning_path_id = l_id;
719: cursor get_course_off_setting(l_id number) is
720: select oav.competency_update_level,off.competency_update_level
721: from ota_activity_versions oav,ota_offerings off,ota_events oev
722: where oav.activity_version_id = off.activity_version_id
723: and off.offering_id = oev.parent_offering_id
724: and
725: oev.event_id = l_id;

Line 1528: --,ota_offerings off

1525: Cursor csr_name is
1526: select oev.title,oav.version_name
1527: from ota_Events_vl oev ,ota_activity_versions_tl oav
1528: --,ota_offerings off
1529: where
1530: --oev.parent_offering_id=off.offering_id and
1531: oev.activity_version_id= oav.activity_version_id
1532: and oev.event_id= p_eventid

Line 1968: , ota_offerings OFF

1964: CURSOR csr_get_crs_comps IS
1965: SELECT pce.competence_id CompetenceId
1966: ,nvl(pce.proficiency_level_id,-1) LevelId
1967: FROM per_competence_elements pce
1968: , ota_offerings OFF
1969: , ota_events EVT
1970: , per_competences pc
1971: WHERE off.activity_version_id = pce.activity_version_id
1972: AND evt.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id