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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

    SELECT increased_index
      FROM pqh_fr_global_indices_f
     WHERE gross_index    = p_gross_index
       AND type_of_record = 'IND' -- for indices
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 50

    SELECT TO_NUMBER(pgi_information3)
      FROM ben_pgm_extra_info
     WHERE information_type = 'PQH_FR_CORP_INFO'
       AND pgm_id           = p_ben_pgm_id;
Line: 113

    SELECT pgi_information2
      FROM ben_pgm_extra_info
     WHERE information_type = 'PQH_FR_CORP_INFO'
       AND pgm_id           = p_ben_pgm_id;
Line: 120

    SELECT appraisal_id
      FROM per_appraisals
     WHERE appraisee_person_id     = p_person_id
       AND type                    = p_appraisal_type
       AND appraisal_system_status = p_appraisal_status
       AND appraisal_date         >= NVL(p_appraisal_start_date,HR_GENERAL.start_of_time)
       AND appraisal_date         <= NVL(p_appraisal_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)
       AND appraisal_date         <= p_effective_date
     ORDER BY appraisal_date DESC;
Line: 175

    SELECT assessment_id
      FROM per_assessments
     WHERE appraisal_id = p_appraisal_id;
Line: 221

    SELECT COUNT(asg.person_id)
      FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
          ,per_all_people_f      ppl
     WHERE asg.grade_ladder_pgm_id = p_ben_pgm_id
       AND asg.grade_id            = p_grade_id
       AND asg.primary_flag        = 'Y'
       AND ppl.person_id           = asg.person_id
       AND ppl.per_information15   = '01' --Fonctionaires only
       AND asg.assignment_status_type_id IN (SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                                               FROM per_assignment_status_types
                                              WHERE per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN'))
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppl.effective_start_date AND ppl.effective_end_date;
Line: 237

    SELECT COUNT(placement_id)
      FROM per_spinal_point_placements_f
     WHERE assignment_id IN (SELECT asg.assignment_id
                               FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
                                   ,per_all_people_f      ppl
                              WHERE asg.grade_ladder_pgm_id = p_ben_pgm_id
                                AND asg.grade_id            = p_grade_id
                                AND asg.primary_flag        = 'Y'
                                AND ppl.person_id           = asg.person_id
                                AND ppl.per_information15   = '01' --Fonctionaires only
                                AND asg.assignment_status_type_id IN (SELECT assignment_status_type_id
                                                                        FROM per_assignment_status_types
                                                                       WHERE per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN'))
                                AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
                                AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppl.effective_start_date AND ppl.effective_end_date)
       AND information3   = p_speed
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 257

    SELECT NVL(cei.information6,-1)  --MAX Speed Quota
          ,NVL(cei.information7,-1)  --AVG Speed Quota
      FROM pqh_corps_definitions corps
          ,pqh_corps_extra_info  cei
     WHERE corps.ben_pgm_id        = p_ben_pgm_id
       AND cei.corps_definition_id = corps.corps_definition_id
       AND cei.information3        = TO_CHAR(p_grade_id)
       AND cei.information_type    = 'GRADE';
Line: 346

  PROCEDURE update_speed(p_place_id   IN            NUMBER
                        ,p_speed      IN            VARCHAR2
                        ,p_eff_dt     IN            DATE
                        ,p_ovn        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                        ,p_eff_st_dt     OUT NOCOPY DATE
                        ,p_eff_end_dt    OUT NOCOPY DATE) IS
  --Variable Declarations.
    l_ovn            NUMBER;
Line: 356

    l_proc           VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'update_speed';
Line: 364

    HR_UTILITY.set_location('OVN before update: '||l_ovn,20);
Line: 373

    HR_SP_PLACEMENT_API.update_spp(p_effective_date        => p_eff_dt
                                  ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
                                  ,p_placement_id          => p_place_id
                                  ,p_information3          => p_speed
                                  ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
                                  ,p_effective_start_date  => p_eff_st_dt
                                  ,p_effective_end_date    => p_eff_end_dt);
Line: 381

    HR_UTILITY.set_location('OVN after update: '||l_ovn,40);
Line: 385

  END update_speed;
Line: 412

    SELECT PQH_WORKFLOW_ITEM_KEY_S.nextval INTO l_itemKey FROM dual;
Line: 497

    SELECT asg.grade_id
      FROM per_all_assignments_f         asg
          ,per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
     WHERE asg.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
       AND spp.assignment_id(+)     = asg.assignment_id
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date    AND asg.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN spp.effective_start_date(+) AND spp.effective_end_date(+);
Line: 514

    SELECT DECODE(p_speed_cd
                 ,-1)                 speed_len
          ,NVL(pps.information2,'CM') speed_unit
      FROM per_grade_spines_f       gsp
          ,per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
          ,per_spinal_points        psp
          ,per_parent_spines        pps
     WHERE gsp.grade_id             = p_grade_id
       AND sps.step_id              = p_step_id
       AND sps.grade_spine_id       = gsp.grade_spine_id
       AND sps.business_group_id    = gsp.business_group_id
       AND psp.parent_spine_id      = gsp.parent_spine_id
       AND psp.spinal_point_id      = sps.spinal_point_id
       AND psp.business_group_id    = gsp.business_group_id
       AND psp.information_category = 'FR_PQH'
       AND pps.information_category = psp.information_category
       AND pps.business_group_id    = psp.business_group_id
       AND pps.parent_spine_id      = psp.parent_spine_id
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN gsp.effective_start_date AND gsp.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN sps.effective_start_date AND sps.effective_end_date;
Line: 659

    SELECT user_name
      FROM fnd_user
     WHERE employee_id = p_mgr_id
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN NVL(start_date,HR_GENERAL.start_of_time) AND NVL(end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time);