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Line 2173: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

2169: upper(order_type_lookup_code) <> upper('AMOUNT') and
2170: purchase_basis <> 'TEMP LABOR' and
2171: order_type_lookup_code <> 'FIXED PRICE' and
2172: not exists (SELECT '1'
2173: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2174: mtl_default_sets_view mdsv,
2175: mtl_item_categories mic,
2176: mtl_categories_kfv mck
2177: WHERE msi.concatenated_segments = p1.item_number and

Line 2213: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

2209: (purchase_basis = 'GOODS' AND
2210: (item_number = 'ITEM_NUMBER_NONE_ENTERED') OR
2211: (item_number <> 'ITEM_NUMBER_NONE_ENTERED' and
2212: not exists (select '1'
2213: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2214: mtl_default_sets_view mdsv,
2215: mtl_item_categories mic,
2216: mtl_categories_kfv mck
2217: where msi.concatenated_segments = p1.item_number and

Line 2242: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

2238: (select msi.inventory_item_id,
2239: decode(p1.item_description, 'ITEM_NONE_ENTERED', msitl.description, p1.item_description),
2240: msi.allow_item_desc_update_flag,
2241: decode(p1.unit_of_measure, 'UOM_NONE_ENTERED', uom.unit_of_measure_tl, p1.unit_of_measure)
2242: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2243: mtl_system_items_tl msitl,
2244: mtl_units_of_measure_tl uom
2245: where msi.concatenated_segments = p1.item_number and
2246: msi.organization_id = l_inventory_org_id and

Line 2304: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

2300: purchase_basis <> 'TEMP LABOR' and
2301: item_number is not null and
2302: allow_item_desc_update_flag = 'N' and
2303: item_description <> (select msitl.description
2304: from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2305: mtl_system_items_tl msitl
2306: where msi.inventory_item_id = p1.item_id and
2307: msi.organization_id = l_inventory_org_id and
2308: msi.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id and

Line 3130: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

3126: and ( (l_is_fed = 'Y' AND ip.clm_need_by_date IS null)
3127: OR (l_is_fed = 'N' AND (ip.need_by_date is null AND ip.need_by_start_date is NULL)))
3128: and ip.item_id is not null
3129: and exists ( SELECT 'x'
3130: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
3131: financials_system_params_all fsp
3132: WHERE nvl(fsp.org_id, -9999) = nvl(p_org_id,-9999)
3133: and msi.organization_id = fsp.inventory_organization_id
3134: and msi.inventory_item_id = ip.item_id