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Line 73: shipped_serial_num wsh_serial_numbers.fm_serial_number%type,

69: );
72: (
73: shipped_serial_num wsh_serial_numbers.fm_serial_number%type,
74: lot_number wsh_delivery_details.lot_number%type ,
75: revision wsh_delivery_details.revision%type ,
76: subinv wsh_delivery_details.subinventory%type ,
77: requested_quantity wsh_delivery_details.requested_quantity%type,

Line 114: del_line_serial_num wsh_serial_numbers.fm_serial_number%type ,

110: inventory_item_id oe_order_lines_all.inventory_item_id%type,
111: shipment_date oe_order_lines_all.actual_shipment_date%type ,
112: delivery_detail_id wsh_delivery_details.delivery_detail_id%type,
113: shipped_quantity wsh_delivery_details.shipped_quantity%type,
114: del_line_serial_num wsh_serial_numbers.fm_serial_number%type ,
115: lot_number wsh_delivery_details .lot_number%type,
116: subinventory wsh_delivery_details .subinventory%type,
117: locator_id wsh_delivery_details .locator_id%type,
118: organization_id wsh_delivery_details .organization_id%type,

Line 6386: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614

6382: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6383: cs_estimate_details ced,
6384: csd_repairs cra,
6385: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6386: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6387: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6388: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
6389: wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
6390: oe_order_lines_all oel,

Line 6463: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614

6459: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6460: cs_estimate_details ced,
6461: csd_repairs cra,
6462: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6463: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6464: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6465: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
6466: wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
6467: oe_order_lines_all oel,

Line 6548: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614

6544: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6545: cs_estimate_details ced,
6546: csd_repairs cra,
6547: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6548: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6549: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6550: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
6551: wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
6552: oe_order_lines_all oel,

Line 7330: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614

7326: hao1.name destination_org_name,
7327: trl.txn_source_id
7328: from oe_order_lines_all oel,
7329: wsh_delivery_details dd,
7330: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
7331: po_requisition_lines_all prl,
7332: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
7333: mtl_system_items mtl,
7334: hr_all_organization_units hao,

Line 7387: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614

7383: hao1.name destination_org_name,
7384: trl.txn_source_id
7385: from oe_order_lines_all oel,
7386: wsh_delivery_details dd,
7387: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
7388: po_requisition_lines_all prl,
7389: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
7390: mtl_system_items mtl,
7391: hr_all_organization_units hao,