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Line 40: pa_project_types_all gpt /*Added for bug#12822370 */

36: into Sponsor_Flag
37: from pa_tasks t,
38: pa_projects_all p,
39: --gms_project_types gpt /*Commented for bug#12822370 */
40: pa_project_types_all gpt /*Added for bug#12822370 */
41: where t.task_id = P_Task_Id and
42: p.project_id = t.project_id and
43: gpt.project_type = p.project_type and
44: gpt.org_id = p.org_id;

Line 836: pa_project_types_all pt /*Added for bug#12822370 */

832: cursor C_spon_project is
833: select pt.sponsored_flag
834: from pa_projects_all b,
835: --gms_project_types pt /*Commented for bug#12822370 */
836: pa_project_types_all pt /*Added for bug#12822370 */
837: where b.project_id = X_project_id
838: and b.project_type = pt.project_type
839: and pt.sponsored_flag = 'Y' ;

Line 939: from pa_project_types_all a,

935: IF X_project_id is not NULL THEN
936: begin
937: select project_type_class_code
938: into l_project_type_class_code
939: from pa_project_types_all a,
940: pa_projects_all b
941: where a.project_type = b.project_type
942: and a.org_id = b.org_id /*For Bug 5414832*/
943: and b.project_id = X_project_id;