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Line 1061: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1057: and ( (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB and
1058: wjsi.firm_planned_flag = WIP_CONSTANTS.YES)
1059: or (wjsi.firm_planned_flag = WIP_CONSTANTS.YES and
1060: wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1061: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1062: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1063: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1064: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id))
1065: or (wjsi.firm_planned_flag not in (WIP_CONSTANTS.YES, WIP_CONSTANTS.NO)))

Line 1382: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type

1378: wip_constants.resched_job)
1379: or (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job and
1380: wjsi.routing_reference_id is not null) )
1381: and wjsi.routing_reference_segments is not null
1382: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type
1383: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1384: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1385: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)
1386: returning wjsi.interface_id bulk collect into l_interfaceTbl;

Line 1404: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type

1400: and wjsi.load_type in (wip_constants.create_job,
1401: wip_constants.create_sched,
1402: wip_constants.resched_job)
1403: and wjsi.routing_reference_id is not null
1404: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type
1405: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1406: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1407: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)
1408: returning wjsi.interface_id bulk collect into l_interfaceTbl;

Line 1426: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1422: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1423: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1424: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1425: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB
1426: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1427: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1428: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1429: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1430: and wjsi.routing_reference_segments is not null

Line 1460: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1456: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1457: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1458: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1459: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1460: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1461: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1462: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1463: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1464: --and wjsi.routing_reference_segments is not null

Line 1477: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1473: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1474: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1475: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1476: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1477: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1478: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1479: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1480: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1481: and wjsi.routing_reference_id is not null

Line 1502: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1498: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1499: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1500: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1501: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1502: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1503: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1504: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1505: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1506: and wjsi.routing_reference_id is not null

Line 1723: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type

1719: wip_constants.resched_job)
1720: or (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job and
1721: wjsi.bom_reference_id is not null) )
1722: and wjsi.bom_reference_segments is not null
1723: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type
1724: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1725: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1726: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)
1727: returning wjsi.interface_id bulk collect into l_interfaceTbl;

Line 1745: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type

1741: and wjsi.load_type in (wip_constants.create_job,
1742: wip_constants.create_sched,
1743: wip_constants.resched_job)
1744: and wjsi.bom_reference_id is not null
1745: and WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD <> (select wdj.job_type
1746: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1747: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1748: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)
1749: returning wjsi.interface_id bulk collect into l_interfaceTbl;

Line 1768: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1764: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1765: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1766: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1767: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1768: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1769: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1770: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1771: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1772: and wjsi.bom_reference_segments is not null

Line 1802: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1798: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1799: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1800: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1801: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1802: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1803: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1804: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1805: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1806: --and wjsi.bom_reference_segments is not null

Line 1819: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1815: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1816: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1817: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1818: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1819: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1820: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1821: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1822: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1823: and wjsi.bom_reference_id is not null

Line 1844: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type

1840: and wjsi.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
1841: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
1842: and (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_NS_JOB
1843: OR (wjsi.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RESCHED_JOB and
1844: WIP_CONSTANTS.NONSTANDARD = (select wdj.job_type
1845: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1846: where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id
1847: and wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id)))
1848: and wjsi.bom_reference_id is not null

Line 2159: wip_constants.standard = (select wdj.job_type

2155: or (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.create_job and
2156: wjsi.start_quantity = 0)
2157: or (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
2158: wjsi.start_quantity = 0 and
2159: wip_constants.standard = (select wdj.job_type
2160: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
2161: where wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
2162: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id)))
2163: returning wjsi.interface_id bulk collect into l_interfaceTbl;

Line 2267: wip_constants.nonstandard = (select wdj.job_type

2263: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) /*Fix for Bug 6522139*/
2264: or ( wjsi.net_quantity <> 0
2265: and ((wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job and wjsi.primary_item_id is null) or
2266: (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
2267: wip_constants.nonstandard = (select wdj.job_type
2268: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
2269: where wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
2270: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) and
2271: (select wdj.primary_item_id

Line 2788: /*bug 7568044: setting scheduling_method to be manual for a non-standard discrete job in case when no routing reference is provided*/

2784: fnd_message.set_token('COLUMN', 'SCHEDULING_METHOD', false);
2785: loadInterfaceError(l_interfaceTbl, fnd_message.get, validationWarning);
2786: end if;
2788: /*bug 7568044: setting scheduling_method to be manual for a non-standard discrete job in case when no routing reference is provided*/
2789: update wip_job_schedule_interface wjsi
2790: set wjsi.scheduling_method = wip_constants.ml_manual,
2791: wjsi.last_update_date = sysdate
2792: where wjsi.group_id = p_groupID

Line 2850: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) = wip_constants.nonstandard and

2846: (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
2847: (select wdj.job_type
2848: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
2849: where wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
2850: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) = wip_constants.nonstandard and
2851: (select wdj.routing_reference_id
2852: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
2853: where wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
2854: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) is null)))

Line 2959: wip_constants.nonstandard = (select wdj.job_type

2955: wjsi.routing_reference_id is null and
2956: (wjsi.first_unit_start_date is null or wjsi.last_unit_completion_date is null))
2957: or (wjsi.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
2958: --when rescheduling a ns job and providing one date, it must have a routing
2959: wip_constants.nonstandard = (select wdj.job_type
2960: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
2961: where wdj.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
2962: and wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi.wip_entity_id) and
2963: /* (select wdj.routing_reference_id

Line 3760: from wip_non_standard_classes_val_v

3756: elsif ( wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job ) then
3757: select 1 into l_dummy
3758: from dual
3759: where exists(select 1
3760: from wip_non_standard_classes_val_v
3761: where class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
3762: and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id);
3763: end if;
3764: exception