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2 /* $Header: glujetxb.pls 120.8 2011/12/01 05:49:29 dthakker ship $ */
4   ---
6   ---
8   --
9   -- Procedure
10   --   setup
11   -- Purpose
12   --   Validates the parameters and gets various information
13   -- History
14   --   10-DEC-96  D. J. Ogg    Created
15   -- Arguments
16   --   header_id                        The header id
17   --   tax_level                        'J'ournal or 'B'atch
18   --   lgr_id                           Ledger id of header or batch
19   --   org_id                           Org of batch
20   --   per_name                         Period of header or batch
21   --   calculation_level                Calculation level for ledger and org
22   --   base_currency                    Currency of ledger
23   --   tax_mau                          Tax mau for ledger and org
24   -- Notes
25   --
26   PROCEDURE setup(header_id             NUMBER,
27                   tax_level             VARCHAR2,
28                   lgr_id                IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
29                   org_id                IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
30                   per_name              IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
31                   calculation_level     IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
32                   base_currency         IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
33                   tax_mau               IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS
35     tax_status_code     VARCHAR2(1); -- Tax status of journal or batch
36     dummy2              NUMBER;  -- Dummy variable
37     dummy               VARCHAR2(100);  -- Dummy variable
38     le_id               NUMBER; -- legal entity id
39     x_return_status     VARCHAR2(30);
40     x_msg_out           VARCHAR2(2000);
41   BEGIN
43     -- Validate the header and get batch level information
44     BEGIN
45       -- Lock the header
46       SELECT je_batch_id
47       INTO   dummy2
48       FROM   gl_je_headers jeh
49       WHERE  jeh.je_header_id = header_id
50       FOR UPDATE;
52       -- Lock the batch
53       SELECT 'Good batch'
54       INTO   dummy
55       FROM   gl_je_batches jeb
56       WHERE  jeb.je_batch_id = dummy2
57       FOR UPDATE;
59       -- Get various information
60       SELECT jeh.tax_status_code, jeh.ledger_id, jeb.org_id,
61              jeb.default_period_name, lgr.currency_code
62       INTO   tax_status_code, lgr_id, org_id, per_name,
63              base_currency
64       FROM   gl_je_headers jeh, gl_je_batches jeb, gl_ledgers lgr
65       WHERE  jeh.je_header_id = header_id
66       AND    jeb.je_batch_id = jeh.je_batch_id
67       AND    lgr.ledger_id = jeh.ledger_id;
70         fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_BAD_HEADER');
71         fnd_message.set_token('HEADER_ID', to_char(header_id));
72         app_exception.raise_exception;
73     END;
75     IF (tax_status_code <> 'R') THEN
76       fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_HEADER_TAXED');
77       app_exception.raise_exception;
78     END IF;
80     -- Get various information about the tax setup
81     BEGIN
82       --SELECT calculation_level_code,
83       --       decode(tax_mau, NULL, power(10, -1*tax_precision), tax_mau)
84       --INTO   calculation_level, tax_mau
85       --FROM   gl_tax_options
86       --WHERE  ledger_id = lgr_id
87       --AND    org_id = current_org_id;
89       le_id := XLE_UTILITIES_GRP.Get_DefaultLegalContext_OU(
90                  org_id);
92       zx_gl_tax_options_pkg.get_ledger_controls(
93             1.0,
94             lgr_id,
95             org_id,
96             le_id,
97             calculation_level,
98             tax_mau,
99             x_return_status,
100             x_msg_out);
103         BEGIN
104           SELECT nvl(multi_org_flag, 'N')
105           INTO   dummy
106           FROM   fnd_product_groups;
107         EXCEPTION
109             dummy := 'Y';
110         END;
112         IF (dummy = 'N') THEN
113           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_NO_OPTIONS');
114         ELSIF (tax_level = 'J') THEN
115           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_NO_OPTIONS_JOURN_ORG');
116         ELSE
117           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_NO_OPTIONS_BATCH_ORG');
118         END IF;
119         app_exception.raise_exception;
120     END;
121   END setup;
123   --
124   -- Procedure
125   --   round_it
126   -- Purpose
127   --   Rounds a number to the appropriate precision
128   -- History
129   --   10-DEC-96  D. J. Ogg    Created
130   -- Arguments
131   --   amount                           The amount to be rounded
132   --   rounding_rule                    Rounding rule to be followed: Up, Down, or
133   --                                    Nearest
134   --   mau                              Mau of currency
135   -- Notes
136   --
137   FUNCTION round_it(amount              NUMBER,
138                     rounding_rule       VARCHAR2,
139                     mau                 NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
140   BEGIN
141     IF (amount IS NULL) THEN
142       RETURN(NULL);
143     ELSIF (rounding_rule = 'U') THEN
144       IF (sign(amount) >= 0) THEN
145         RETURN(ceil(amount / mau) * mau);
146       ELSE
147         RETURN(-1 * ceil(abs(amount) / mau) * mau);
148       END IF;
149     ELSIF (rounding_rule = 'D') THEN
150       IF (sign(amount) >= 0) THEN
151         RETURN(floor(amount / mau) * mau);
152       ELSE
153         RETURN(-1 * floor(abs(amount) / mau) * mau);
154       END IF;
155     ELSE
156       RETURN(round(amount / mau) * mau);
157     END IF;
158   END round_it;
161   ---
163   ---
165   PROCEDURE calculate(  tax_level                       VARCHAR2,
166                         batch_header_id                 NUMBER,
167                         disp_header_id                  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
168                         resp_appl_id                    NUMBER,
169                         resp_id                         NUMBER,
170                         user_id                         NUMBER,
171                         login_id                        NUMBER,
172                         coa_id                          NUMBER,
173                         header_total_dr         IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
174                         header_total_cr         IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
175                         header_total_acc_dr     IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
176                         header_total_acc_cr     IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
177                         batch_total_dr          IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
178                         batch_total_cr          IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
179                         batch_total_acc_dr      IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
180                         batch_total_acc_cr      IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
181                         has_bad_accounts        IN OUT NOCOPY   BOOLEAN
182                      ) IS
185     lgr_id              NUMBER;  -- Current ledger
186     org_id              NUMBER;  -- Current operating unit
187     per_name            VARCHAR2(15);  -- Current period name
188     calculation_level   VARCHAR2(1);  -- Calculation level: Journal or Line
189     tax_mau             NUMBER;  -- Minimum accountable unit for tax
190                                  -- calculations
191     base_currency       VARCHAR2(15);  -- Functional currency of set of books
192     tax_status_code     VARCHAR2(1);  -- Tax status code of batch
194     header_id           NUMBER;  -- Id of current header
195     next_line_num       NUMBER;  -- Next unused line number for current header
196     conv_rate           NUMBER;  -- Conversion rate for current header
197     header_eff_date     DATE; -- Effective date of header
198     currency            VARCHAR2(15);  -- Currency for header
199     curr_mau            NUMBER;  -- Minimum accountable unit for header
201     line_count          NUMBER;  -- Total number of lines processed
203     line_num            NUMBER;  -- Number of current line
204     eff_date            DATE;  -- effective date of line
205     ent_dr              NUMBER;  -- line debits
206     ent_cr              NUMBER;  -- line credits
207     description         VARCHAR2(250);  -- line description
208     rounding_rule       VARCHAR2(1);  -- line rounding rule
209     incl_tax            VARCHAR2(1);  -- line includes tax
210     tax_code            VARCHAR2(50);  -- line tax code
211     tax_rate            NUMBER;  -- line tax rate
212     tax_ccid            NUMBER;  -- tax ccid for line
213     tax_group           NUMBER;  -- tax group for line
215     no_more_records     BOOLEAN;  -- Indicates that all records have been
216                                   -- fetched
217     last_in_group       BOOLEAN;  -- Indicates this is the last record in
218                                   -- the group
219     first_in_group      BOOLEAN;  -- Indicates this is the first record
220                                   -- in the group
222     bad_acct            BOOLEAN;  -- Indicates that the current tax
223                                   -- account is bad
224     bad_csegs           VARCHAR2(750);  -- Gives the bad tax account
226     line_tax_dr         NUMBER;  -- Tax debits for current line
227     line_tax_cr         NUMBER;  -- Tax credits for next line
228     line_tax_acc_dr     NUMBER;  -- Tax accounted debits for current line
229     line_tax_acc_cr     NUMBER;  -- Tax accounted credits for next line
231     total_ent_dr        NUMBER;  -- Total entered debits
232     total_ent_cr        NUMBER;  -- Total entered credits
234     total_jtax_dr       NUMBER;  -- Correct tax dr for current tax line
235     total_jtax_cr       NUMBER;  -- Correct tax cr for current tax line
236     total_jtax_acc_dr   NUMBER;  -- Correct tax accounted dr for current tax
237                                  -- line
238     total_jtax_acc_cr   NUMBER;  -- Correct tax accounted cr current tax line
240     total_ltax_dr       NUMBER;  -- Sum of individual lines tax dr (needed for
241                                  -- journal method)
242     total_ltax_cr       NUMBER;  -- Sum of individual lines tax cr (needed for
243                                  -- journal method)
244     total_ltax_acc_dr   NUMBER;  -- Correct tax accounted dr for current tax
245                                  -- line
246     total_ltax_acc_cr   NUMBER;  -- Correct tax accounted cr current tax line
248     tax_line_descr      VARCHAR2(240);  -- Description of tax line
249     line_curs_init      BOOLEAN;
250     /* Added for bug13350390 */
251     rec_next_line_num   NUMBER;  -- Next unused line number to insert recon lines
252     retval              NUMBER;
254     CURSOR j_journals IS
255         SELECT max(jeh.je_header_id), max(jel.je_line_num) + 1,
256                max(jeh.currency_conversion_rate),
257                max(jeh.default_effective_date),
258                max(jeh.currency_code),
259                max(decode(curr.minimum_accountable_unit,
260                           NULL, power(10, -1*curr.precision),
261                           curr.minimum_accountable_unit))
262         FROM   gl_je_headers jeh, fnd_currencies curr, gl_je_lines jel
263         WHERE  jeh.je_header_id = batch_header_id
264         AND    curr.currency_code = jeh.currency_code
265         AND    jel.je_header_id = jeh.je_header_id;
267     CURSOR b_journals IS
268         SELECT jeh.je_header_id, max(jel.je_line_num) + 1,
269                max(jeh.currency_conversion_rate),
270                max(jeh.default_effective_date),
271                max(jeh.currency_code),
272                max(decode(curr.minimum_accountable_unit,
273                           NULL, power(10, -1*curr.precision),
274                           curr.minimum_accountable_unit))
275         FROM   gl_je_headers jeh, fnd_currencies curr, gl_je_lines jel
276         WHERE  jeh.je_batch_id = batch_header_id
277         AND    jeh.tax_status_code = 'R'
278         AND    curr.currency_code = jeh.currency_code
279         AND    jel.je_header_id = jeh.je_header_id
280         GROUP BY jeh.je_header_id;
281   BEGIN
283     -- Initially, there are no bad accounts
284     has_bad_accounts := FALSE;
286     -- Build a cursor to loop through each journal
287     IF (tax_level = 'J') THEN
288       OPEN j_journals;
289     ELSE
291       BEGIN
292         SELECT max(decode(jeh.tax_status_code, 'R', '1', '0'))
293         INTO tax_status_code
294         FROM gl_je_headers jeh
295         WHERE jeh.je_batch_id = batch_header_id;
296       EXCEPTION
298           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_BAD_BATCH');
299           fnd_message.set_token('BATCH_ID', to_char(batch_header_id));
300           app_exception.raise_exception;
301       END;
303       IF (nvl(tax_status_code,'0') <> '1') THEN
304         fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_BATCH_TAXED');
305         app_exception.raise_exception;
306       END IF;
308       OPEN b_journals;
309     END IF;
311     line_curs_init := FALSE;
312     LOOP
313       -- Get a journal
314       IF (tax_level = 'J') THEN
315         FETCH j_journals INTO header_id, next_line_num, conv_rate,
316                               header_eff_date, currency, curr_mau;
317         EXIT WHEN j_journals%NOTFOUND;
318       ELSE
319         FETCH b_journals INTO header_id, next_line_num, conv_rate,
320                               header_eff_date, currency, curr_mau;
321         EXIT WHEN b_journals%NOTFOUND;
322       END IF;
324       /* Added for bug13350390 */
325       rec_next_line_num := next_line_num;
327       -- Initialize the journal information
328       setup(header_id           => header_id,
329             tax_level           => tax_level,
330             lgr_id              => lgr_id,
331             org_id              => org_id,
332             per_name            => per_name,
333             calculation_level   => calculation_level,
334             base_currency       => base_currency,
335             tax_mau             => tax_mau);
337       -- Setup the lines cursor.  Must be done
338       -- after setup call.  Close the cursor if it is already open
339       IF (line_curs_init) THEN
340         gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.close_cursor;
341       END IF;
342       gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.define_cursor(
343         coa_id                  => coa_id,
344         calculation_level       => calculation_level);
345       line_curs_init := TRUE;
348       -- If this is a functional currency journal, then use the tax mau
349       IF (currency = base_currency) THEN
350         curr_mau := tax_mau;
351       END IF;
353       -- Prepare the lines cursor for fetch
354       gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.bind_cursor(header_id);
355       gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.execute_cursor;
357       -- Initialize everything
358       line_count := 0;
359       first_in_group := TRUE;
360       total_ent_dr := null;
361       total_ent_cr := null;
362       total_jtax_dr := null;
363       total_jtax_cr := null;
364       total_jtax_acc_dr := null;
365       total_jtax_acc_cr := null;
366       total_ltax_dr := null;
367       total_ltax_cr := null;
368       total_ltax_acc_dr := null;
369       total_ltax_acc_cr := null;
372       LOOP
374         gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.fetch_cursor(
375           coa_id                        => coa_id,
376           lgr_id                        => lgr_id,
377           org_id                        => org_id,
378           calculation_level             => calculation_level,
379           journal_effective_date        => header_eff_date,
380           resp_appl_id                  => resp_appl_id,
381           resp_id                       => resp_id,
382           user_id                       => user_id,
383           no_more_records               => no_more_records,
384           last_in_group                 => last_in_group,
385           bad_acct                      => bad_acct,
386           bad_csegs                     => bad_csegs,
387           line_num                      => line_num,
388           eff_date                      => eff_date,
389           ent_dr                        => ent_dr,
390           ent_cr                        => ent_cr,
391           rounding_rule                 => rounding_rule,
392           description                   => description,
393           incl_tax                      => incl_tax,
394           tax_code                      => tax_code,
395           tax_rate                      => tax_rate,
396           tax_ccid                      => tax_ccid,
397           tax_group                     => tax_group);
399         EXIT WHEN no_more_records;
401         line_count := line_count + 1;
403         -- Update the entered debits and credits totals
404         IF (first_in_group) THEN
405           total_ent_dr := ent_dr;
406           total_ent_cr := ent_cr;
407         ELSE
408           total_ent_dr := total_ent_dr + ent_dr;
409           total_ent_cr := total_ent_cr + ent_cr;
410         END IF;
412         -- If this is the last in the group, then finish the group
413         IF (last_in_group) THEN
415           -- Keep track of bad accounts
416           IF (bad_acct) THEN
417             has_bad_accounts := TRUE;
418           END IF;
420           IF (calculation_level <> 'L') THEN
421             -- Determine description for tax line
422             fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_LINE_DESCRIPTION');
423             fnd_message.set_token('TAX_CODE', tax_code);
424             fnd_message.set_token('PERCENTAGE', to_char(tax_rate*100));
425             IF (bad_acct) THEN
426               tax_line_descr := substrb(bad_csegs||': '||fnd_message.get,
427                                         1, 240);
428             ELSE
429               tax_line_descr := substrb(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
430             END IF;
432             -- Calculate tax amount for tax line
433             IF (incl_tax = 'Y') THEN
434               total_jtax_dr := round_it((total_ent_dr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
435                                         rounding_rule, curr_mau);
436               total_jtax_cr := round_it((total_ent_cr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
437                                         rounding_rule, curr_mau);
438             ELSE
439               total_jtax_dr := round_it(total_ent_dr * tax_rate,
440                                         rounding_rule, curr_mau);
441               total_jtax_cr := round_it(total_ent_cr * tax_rate,
442                                         rounding_rule, curr_mau);
443             END IF;
444             total_jtax_acc_dr := round_it(total_jtax_dr * conv_rate,
445                                           rounding_rule, tax_mau);
446             total_jtax_acc_cr := round_it(total_jtax_cr * conv_rate,
447                                           rounding_rule, tax_mau);
449             -- Calculate tax amount for last taxable line
450             IF (first_in_group) THEN
451               line_tax_dr := total_jtax_dr;
452               line_tax_cr := total_jtax_cr;
453               line_tax_acc_dr := total_jtax_acc_dr;
454               line_tax_acc_cr := total_jtax_acc_cr;
455             ELSE
456               line_tax_dr := total_jtax_dr - total_ltax_dr;
457               line_tax_cr := total_jtax_cr - total_ltax_cr;
458               line_tax_acc_dr := total_jtax_acc_dr - total_ltax_acc_dr;
459               line_tax_acc_cr := total_jtax_acc_cr - total_ltax_acc_cr;
460             END IF;
461           ELSE
462             -- Determine description for tax line
466             fnd_message.set_token('LINE_NUM', to_char(line_num));
463             fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_JOURNAL_DESCRIPTION');
464             fnd_message.set_token('TAX_CODE', tax_code);
465             fnd_message.set_token('PERCENTAGE', to_char(tax_rate*100));
467             fnd_message.set_token('LINE_DESCRIPTION', description);
468             IF (bad_acct) THEN
469               tax_line_descr := substrb(bad_csegs||': '||fnd_message.get,
470                                         1, 240);
471             ELSE
472               tax_line_descr := substrb(fnd_message.get,1,240);
473             END IF;
475             -- Calculate tax amount for line
476             IF (incl_tax = 'Y') THEN
477               line_tax_dr := round_it((ent_dr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
478                                       rounding_rule, curr_mau);
479               line_tax_cr := round_it((ent_cr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
480                                       rounding_rule, curr_mau);
481             ELSE
482               line_tax_dr := round_it(ent_dr * tax_rate,
483                                       rounding_rule, curr_mau);
484               line_tax_cr := round_it(ent_cr * tax_rate,
485                                       rounding_rule, curr_mau);
486             END IF;
487             line_tax_acc_dr := round_it(line_tax_dr * conv_rate,
488                                         rounding_rule, tax_mau);
489             line_tax_acc_cr := round_it(line_tax_cr * conv_rate,
490                                         rounding_rule, tax_mau);
492             total_jtax_dr := line_tax_dr;
493             total_jtax_cr := line_tax_cr;
494             total_jtax_acc_dr := line_tax_acc_dr;
495             total_jtax_acc_cr := line_tax_acc_cr;
496           END IF;
498           INSERT INTO gl_je_lines
499             (ledger_id, je_header_id, je_line_num,
500              code_combination_id, status,
501              period_name, effective_date,
502              entered_dr, entered_cr,
503              accounted_dr, accounted_cr,
504              taxable_line_flag, tax_line_flag, tax_group_id,
505              description,
506              creation_date, created_by,
507              last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
508           VALUES
509             (lgr_id, header_id, next_line_num,
510              tax_ccid, 'U',
511              per_name, eff_date,
512              total_jtax_dr, total_jtax_cr,
513              total_jtax_acc_dr, total_jtax_acc_cr,
514              'N', 'Y', tax_group,
515              ltrim(rtrim(tax_line_descr)),
516              sysdate, user_id,
517              sysdate, user_id, login_id);
519           -- Clear everything out
520           total_ent_dr := null;
521           total_ent_cr := null;
522           total_jtax_dr := null;
523           total_jtax_cr := null;
524           total_jtax_acc_dr := null;
525           total_jtax_acc_cr := null;
526           total_ltax_dr := null;
527           total_ltax_cr := null;
528           total_ltax_acc_dr := null;
529           total_ltax_acc_cr := null;
531           -- Get the next line number
532           next_line_num := next_line_num + 1;
533         ELSE
534           -- Calculate tax amount for line
535           IF (incl_tax = 'Y') THEN
536             line_tax_dr := round_it((ent_dr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
537                                     rounding_rule, curr_mau);
538             line_tax_cr := round_it((ent_cr*tax_rate)/(1+tax_rate),
539                                     rounding_rule, curr_mau);
540           ELSE
541             line_tax_dr := round_it(ent_dr * tax_rate,
542                                     rounding_rule, curr_mau);
543             line_tax_cr := round_it(ent_cr * tax_rate,
544                                     rounding_rule, curr_mau);
545           END IF;
546           line_tax_acc_dr := round_it(line_tax_dr * conv_rate,
547                                       rounding_rule, tax_mau);
548           line_tax_acc_cr := round_it(line_tax_cr * conv_rate,
549                                       rounding_rule, tax_mau);
551           -- Update the totals
552           IF (first_in_group) THEN
553             total_ltax_dr := line_tax_dr;
554             total_ltax_cr := line_tax_cr;
555             total_ltax_acc_dr := line_tax_acc_dr;
556             total_ltax_acc_cr := line_tax_acc_cr;
557           ELSE
558             total_ltax_dr := total_ltax_dr + line_tax_dr;
559             total_ltax_cr := total_ltax_cr + line_tax_cr;
560             total_ltax_acc_dr := total_ltax_acc_dr + line_tax_acc_dr;
561             total_ltax_acc_cr := total_ltax_acc_cr + line_tax_acc_cr;
562           END IF;
563         END IF;
565         UPDATE gl_je_lines jel
566         SET    entered_dr = decode(incl_tax,
567                                    'Y', jel.entered_dr - line_tax_dr,
568                                    jel.entered_dr),
569                entered_cr = decode(incl_tax,
570                                    'Y', jel.entered_cr - line_tax_cr,
571                                    jel.entered_cr),
572                accounted_dr = decode(incl_tax,
573                                      'Y', jel.accounted_dr - line_tax_acc_dr,
574                                      jel.accounted_dr),
575                accounted_cr = decode(incl_tax,
576                                      'Y', jel.accounted_cr - line_tax_acc_cr,
577                                      jel.accounted_cr),
578                tax_group_id = tax_group,
579                last_update_date = sysdate,
580                last_updated_by = user_id,
581                last_update_login = login_id
582         WHERE jel.je_header_id = header_id
583         AND   jel.je_line_num = line_num;
585         first_in_group := last_in_group;
586       END LOOP;
590         IF (tax_level = 'B') THEN
588       -- Raise an error
589       IF (line_count = 0) THEN
591           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_BATCH_NO_TAX_LINES');
592           app_exception.raise_exception;
593         ELSE
594           fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_CTAX_JOURNAL_NO_TAX_LINES');
595           app_exception.raise_exception;
596         END IF;
597       END IF;
599       -- Update the running totals
600       IF (    (tax_level = 'B')
601           AND (nvl(disp_header_id, -1) <> header_id)
602          ) THEN
603         UPDATE gl_je_headers
604         SET tax_status_code = 'T',
605             last_updated_by = user_id,
606             last_update_date = sysdate,
607             last_update_login = login_id,
608             (running_total_dr, running_total_cr,
609              running_total_accounted_dr, running_total_accounted_cr)
610                = (SELECT sum(entered_dr), sum(entered_cr),
611                          sum(accounted_dr), sum(accounted_cr)
612                   FROM   gl_je_lines
613                   WHERE  je_header_id = header_id)
614         WHERE je_header_id = header_id
615         AND   tax_status_code = 'R';
616       ELSE
617         SELECT sum(entered_dr), sum(entered_cr),
618                sum(accounted_dr), sum(accounted_cr)
619         INTO   header_total_dr, header_total_cr,
620                header_total_acc_dr, header_total_acc_cr
621         FROM   gl_je_lines
622         WHERE  je_header_id = header_id;
623       END IF;
625       /* Added for bug13350390 */
626       retval := gl_je_lines_recon_pkg.insert_gen_line_recon_lines
627                 (
628                   X_Je_Header_Id       => header_id,
629                   X_From_Je_Line_Num   => rec_next_line_num,
630                   X_Last_Updated_By    => user_id,
631                   X_Last_Update_Login  => login_id
632                 );
634     END LOOP;
636     -- Get the updated batch running totals, if necessary.
637     IF (tax_level = 'B') THEN
638       SELECT sum(running_total_dr), sum(running_total_cr),
639              sum(running_total_accounted_dr),
640              sum(running_total_accounted_cr)
641       INTO   batch_total_dr, batch_total_cr,
642              batch_total_acc_dr, batch_total_acc_cr
643       FROM   gl_je_headers
644       WHERE  je_batch_id = batch_header_id
645       AND    je_header_id <> nvl(disp_header_id, -1);
647       IF (disp_header_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
648         batch_total_dr := nvl(batch_total_dr, 0) + nvl(header_total_dr, 0);
649         batch_total_cr := nvl(batch_total_cr, 0) + nvl(header_total_cr, 0);
650         batch_total_acc_dr := nvl(batch_total_acc_dr, 0)
651                                 + nvl(header_total_acc_dr, 0);
652         batch_total_acc_cr := nvl(batch_total_acc_cr, 0)
653                                 + nvl(header_total_acc_cr, 0);
654       END IF;
655     END IF;
657     -- Close the cursors
658     IF (tax_level = 'J') THEN
659       CLOSE j_journals;
660     ELSE
661       CLOSE b_journals;
662     END IF;
663     gl_calculate_tax2_pkg.close_cursor;
664   END calculate;